Stranded with Her Bullies

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Stranded with Her Bullies Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Micah held his hands up. “Don’t do this to me right now. You’ve just revealed to me that we could have knocked Daphne up, that you plan to stay here forever, and that you see us all sharing her, for the rest of our lives.”

  “Playing games will only get us so far. You can act like you enjoy the playboy life, Micah, but we all know that’s not who you really are,” Dean said. “Now, I’m going to give you time to think about what I’ve said. I know it’s … hard, but either way, you guys can go back to the city when this lockdown is lifted. I’ve already made up my mind. I’m staying.”

  Eric watched Dean open the door and leave.

  “Can you believe him?” Micah asked.

  “Dean has always played by his own rules. We know that. We’ve known it for years,” Eric said.

  “I … I’ve got to think.”

  Micah left, but he didn’t go toward the house. Eric stood in the shed. Grabbing the flashlight, he turned it off. There was enough glow from the full moon to light his path.

  Dean was in love with her. Micah kept his feelings close to his chest. Even though he played the fun-loving guy, he was anything but. He hid behind that wall to protect himself and to keep everyone else at arm’s length. He got it and even understood it, but one day, it wouldn’t help him. Not if he wanted to be happy.

  Eric went straight to his bedroom. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he thought about life here.

  The memories he had were all filled with his dad. Being here and with Daphne, she was … everything. All he could have ever dreamed about. When he thought of her, of a life with her, he’d imagined it being just the two of them. However, and this was the big part, thinking about a life with her and his two best friends wasn’t scary. It didn’t anger him.

  He actually smiled.

  He loved his best friends, and he loved Daphne. Sharing his life with her and with them was the right part of it. Nothing else would ever do.

  With that, he knew he was all in, no matter what.


  Micah sat on a fallen tree trunk all night, staring up at the moon. There were no answers it could provide.

  Dean and Eric were happy to give in to their feelings, but Micah, he was fucking terrified.

  “Hey,” Daphne said.

  He turned to see her. She was a vision in blue. Her hair fell around her and she wore a blue dress that went to her ankles, along with a matching cardigan. The dress molded to her full curves. She held a thermos in one hand and a blanket in the other.

  “You must be cold.”

  “It’s fine,” he said.

  Daphne moved to sit close to him. “You’re not fine. I saw you all disappear into the shed last night.” She put the blanket around him. After opening the thermos of coffee, she poured him a cup. “Here you go.”

  He took the coffee. He’d been walking for most of the night.

  “Thanks.” He sipped at the coffee. His hands were a little stiff. He’d only been sitting for the last few minutes.

  There were times he didn’t sleep at night and would often call a woman to fuck to help tire him out, or he’d hit his gym, or do laps in the pool. Walking around with his crazy thoughts had been a problem.

  “You know, I didn’t really see you until Eric started to bully you,” Micah said. “I knew who you were, but it was that day in the corridor when he tripped you. He called you … names, and it was the first time in my life I wanted to beat the living crap out of him.”

  “I remember. He purposefully pushed me over. It didn’t seem to matter what I did, I was always in his way.”

  “Now I know,” Micah said. “He was hiding his true feelings. He was my best friend, and after that, I should have done something, but instead, I followed his lead.” Micah took a deep breath.

  “Micah, why did you guys come here?”

  “To see you. That part is true. We all challenged each other to see who could win you.”

  “I was a challenge?”

  “Yeah and no. You know how Dean and Eric feel about you.” Micah didn’t know if he should tell her the full details of what the guys hoped to gain with her. “Don’t be angry at them. We challenge each other all the time. You were our prize. You still are, but it wasn’t for the weekend or anything like that, okay. You were the prize for life.”

  She tucked some of her hair behind her ears. “It’s what every girl wants to hear.”

  “It’s actually really sweet, if you think about it.”

  Daphne chuckled. “I’ll take your word for it.” She sighed. “If Eric and Dean know what they want, what about you? What do you want?”

  “I didn’t have a messed-up family life like Eric. Dean, he had a great home. He still keeps in touch with his parents.”

  “I didn’t ask about them. I asked about you.”

  Micah took a deep breath. He opened his mouth, closed it. “To my parents, I was … invisible.” He’d never said those words out aloud before.

  “Invisible, how?”

  “They only cared about each other. They didn’t have time for a son. For any kid. I was an inconvenience to them.” He drank down the hot coffee, relishing the scald as it traveled down his throat. He held out the cup for some more and she filled it. “My parents didn’t come to parent-teacher nights, or any of my sporting events. I worked my ass off to win competitions, to be smart, and still, they didn’t care. I’d sit at that table, and I could be talking to one or both of them, and they’d talk right over me, as if they couldn’t even hear me. They fed me, clothed me. Gave me whatever I wanted.”

  “But you wanted love,” she said.

  “So fucking lame when you say it like that. Yes, I wanted love. I never got it, no matter what I did.” He laughed. Turning to look at her, he said, “I guess what I’m saying to you is that I know what Dean and Eric want. But I don’t want to be invisible to you. I don’t want to fade in the background. I need to know there’s a chance that you could love me too. That you could look at me and see me.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes. “You’re going to leave soon.”

  “No, we’re not. That’s what you’re not seeing. It’s what you don’t know. We’re all in love with you in our way. We’re not going anywhere. When this lockdown is over, we’re not leaving. We’re going to be staying.”

  Daphne stared at him and he waited.

  She nibbled on her lip and looked out over the views. After several seconds, she turned back toward him and took his hands in her own. “I see you, Micah. I see all of you, and I love what I see.” She leaned forward and kissed his lips. “But I can’t be the reason you guys stay here.” She got to her feet.

  “Wait, what?”

  “This life isn’t for everyone. You all run a big company. I researched it. I can’t walk away from this life. I know who I am, but none of you can give up what you love for me. I won’t allow it. You ask me if there is a chance with you, of course. I see you, Micah. You make me laugh and smile, and I love being with you. You’re an amazing guy. Your parents are assholes for not seeing it, but I can’t commit to any of you. This is all temporary. You’ve all got to realize that.” With her final words hanging between them, he watched her leave.

  Well, fuck. With one hand, she’d given him what he asked, and with the other, she’d taken it away.

  Chapter Ten

  Dean finished up his work and closed down his laptop for the evening. He was so fucking tired and hungry. Daphne had brought him a sandwich, but she hadn’t lingered to talk like she had the other times she brought him food. Picking it up, he took a bite. The bread had gone slightly stale but that was his own fault for not eating earlier.

  This was one of the many problems he had with work. More often than not, he tended to forget to take care of himself. He finished off the entire sandwich in a few short bites.

  Not satisfied, he made his way into the kitchen. After cleaning his plate, he made his way to the freezer.

  He found a large tub of chocolate ice cream. Grabbing the tub, a s
poon, and some bottled fudge sauce, he sat down at the table where just the other night, he’d brought Daphne to orgasm. He smiled at the memory, wondering if she’d be partial to more playtime with food. He could imagine her moan as he spread ice cream on her warm skin before licking it right off.

  With his mouth full of the frozen dessert, on which he’d drizzled a generous helping of fudge sauce, he watched as Micah walked into the room. He looked a little frantic.

  “You okay?” he asked, swallowing the lump.

  “We need to talk.”

  “You were out there all day and night.” Micah wore the same clothes from the previous night.

  “Yeah. Have you seen Daphne?”

  “Earlier. I think she’s in her room now. Why?”

  Micah ran fingers through his hair. “She doesn’t believe in a future with us.”

  “What?” Dean stopped eating.

  “I told her how I feel, and I’m all in.”

  “You’re all in now.”

  “Try and stay on track, okay? Yes, I’m all in. I love Daphne. I want to be with her and I can’t wait to have little Deans, Erics, or little Micahs, and even little Daphnes running around this place. I’m here, totally in with this completely.”

  “Good, because we weren’t going to do it without you.”

  “Even if I didn’t love her?”

  “Please, Micah, I know you all better than you know yourselves. You and Eric give the game away when you look at her.” Dean rolled his eyes. Sometimes he did have to question how they were able to work together or even be successful. The odds were not in their favor right now with how they reacted.

  “Fine. Fine. Look, Daphne doesn’t believe we’re going to stay. She doesn’t want us to stay. Our life is back in the city, and she doesn’t want us to give all of that up for her.”

  “How do you know this?” Dean asked.

  “I may have let it slip that … you know, we’re all in this together, that we all want her.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Micah.”

  “What? I was only doing what was right.”

  “You don’t go telling a woman what we want like that. Especially all three of us. Until we arrived, she was a fucking virgin. There is a certain level of finesse that needs to be applied and you … ugh!” Dean got to his feet. The ice cream was going to have to wait.

  “I fucked up.”

  “Yes. We have to approach Daphne gently.”

  Micah held open his hands. “We’re all fucking her. We’re all here.”

  “Yes, because we chose to be, but she just sees us as being here because of the lockdown.”

  “Speaking of which, did you organize this lockdown?” Micah pointed at him.

  “I can work wonders, but even I have my limits. This lockdown isn’t a fake. It is very real. The virus is serious.” He ran fingers through his hair.

  “Is this really a problem?”

  “We’ve got to talk to Eric.” He walked out of the kitchen and Micah followed behind him. They found Eric in his room, doing some kind of yoga pose. “I thought you gave that up?”

  “I did, but seeing as I went to Daphne’s room, and she asked for some privacy, I’d try and deal with my … problem.”

  Eric’s cock was hard as fucking rock.

  “We’ve got a serious problem,” Dean said.

  He brought Eric up to speed with everything Micah had told him. By the time he was finished explaining all, Eric paced.

  “We’ll have to go to the city from time to time for meetings.”

  “Yes, but everything else can be done here.” Dean watched his friend.

  “What’s the problem then?” Eric asked. “We just give Daphne time and she’ll see we mean business.”

  “I’ve got a better idea. I was going to give her time, allow her to get used to belonging to the three of us, but I don’t want to wait anymore. If she’s wanting privacy tonight, she’ll find reasons to avoid us. I don’t want that. We’ve got to agree to work as a team. To not let her get away.”

  “I’m in,” Micah said.

  “You’ve got no choice but to be in,” Dean said. “This is your problem we’re fixing. What was your problem last night?”

  Micah shook his head. “Daphne knows and that’s all fine. I don’t want to talk about it. I’m in.”

  “Once you’re in, you can’t back out.”

  “I’m in. I’m so fucking in, you’re going to get fucking fed up with me. That is how in I am.”

  Dean looked at his friend.

  “You have a plan?” Eric asked. “I’m guessing that’s what this is all leading to.”

  Dean smiled. “Actually, it just so happens that I do. However, it’s going to require all of you following my lead and not pissing me off.”

  “I can’t guarantee that. It seems to be in my nature to upset you,” Micah said.

  Dean glared at Micah.

  “See, already doing it and barely doing anything at all.”

  He was going to beat the crap out of his best friend. “Listen, this is what I’m thinking.”


  Out of all the jobs Daphne had to do, laundry was the one she hated more than anything. The washing and drying were simple enough. She even liked to put everything out on the line when it wasn’t raining. Everything always smelled so good and fresh, exactly how it was supposed to. What she couldn’t stand was what she was doing now, the endless amounts of ironing. Thankfully, it was just hers, Eric’s, Dean’s, and Micah’s bedsheets that needed it. She normally paid a service to iron all the bedsheets and take care of the washing of them. With the rooms currently closed up, she had only four beds to deal with.

  Running the iron back and forth, she hummed to herself, wiping the sweat from her brow. It had warmed up even more. She’d had no choice but to put more ice in the freezer to keep them cool.

  She hadn’t even attempted to cook, but prepared a large salad with cold cuts and cheese. The grill was certainly out of bounds. Thankfully, the rest of the house had air conditioning, but the laundry room, she didn’t see a point with how hot it got.

  Once she finished, she delivered all the bedding to the appropriate rooms. The guys were nowhere to be seen.

  Making her way to her own room, she made her bed and opted to take a quick shower. Just as she got out and wrapped a robe around her, her cell phone rang.

  She picked it up, not recognizing the number.

  Thinking Bethany had perhaps gotten another cell phone, she answered the call.

  “Hello, beautiful. Will you come to my room?” Dean asked.

  “How did you get my number?”

  “You should know I have my ways of getting everything I could ever want. I’ll be waiting for you.” He hung up.

  She was tempted to not go just to piss him off. If he thought he could call and she’d come running, she wanted to prove to him that she didn’t work that way. Of course, she was also curious, which was why she left her room and made the trip to his.

  Stepping into his bedroom, she found Dean sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing nothing more than a towel.

  Her heart sped up and an answering pulse spread between her thighs.

  She licked her lips, and then as she closed the door, she rested back against it.

  “Come here,” he said.

  “You called me for sex?” She took a step toward him.

  He captured her hand, pulling her close until she stumbled against him. Then he grabbed the tie of the robe and tugged it, opening it up.

  In quick movements, Dean had her completely naked, his face pressing against her stomach. She let out a moan, tilting her head back as he leaned up and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. He moved his hand down, going between her thighs. “Is this pretty pussy ready for me?” he asked.


  She gasped as he thrust two fingers inside her. Pushing down against him, she sank her teeth into her lip, trying to contain some control, but it was next to impossible. He set her
body on fire with need.

  Dean removed his hands from her pussy and got her into position where her legs were on either side of his, her pussy poised over his cock, and he filled her. Inch by glorious inch.

  “You have no idea how fucking good you look dancing on my cock.” He lifted her up and pulled her back down. “Love the way your tits bounce for me.” He moved to her ass, squeezing the flesh. “You belong to us.”

  She stared at him. “Us?”

  “Yes, us. You always have, Daphne, and you always will.”

  The door opened and Daphne glanced behind her to see Eric and Micah entering the room. They were both naked, both hard.

  Dean groaned. “Boys, she is so happy to see you both. Her pussy is tightening around me.”

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Micah and Eric moved closer. Eric wrapped her hair around his fist and tugged her close, slamming his lips down on hers. At the same time, Micah cupped one of her tits, pinching the tight nipple. She cried out and Eric swallowed her cries.

  “You seem to think that you don’t belong to all of us, or for some reason, this isn’t going to work,” Dean said as Eric let go of her hair but continued to stroke her. “I think it’s time you realize there’s no getting away from us. No chance at all.”

  “You’re going to fuck me one at a time?” Daphne asked.

  They all chuckled.

  “No, princess, we’re going to fuck you all at the same time.”

  She frowned. “How is that going to work?” she asked.

  Dean scooted back on the bed, holding her close as he moved them a little more. Micah got close to her head, but she couldn’t see Eric.

  “While I fuck your pussy, Micah’s going to take this pretty throat, and then, Eric here, is going to fuck this virgin ass,” Dean said, grabbing her ass cheeks and spreading them. “All that remains is if you want us to stop or if you are willing to take that same risk with us.”

  She closed her eyes as Eric stroked across her anus. “She’s going to be so tight.”

  “There’s plenty of lube in my drawer. You can prepare her with it,” he said.

  Eric chuckled and she glanced behind her to see him getting the tube of lubricant.


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