Stranded with Her Bullies

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Stranded with Her Bullies Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  Standing up, she flushed the toilet and walked to her sink. She poured herself some water, swilling out her mouth before brushing her teeth. All the while avoiding her reflection.

  You know what’s wrong.

  You’re putting off the inevitable.

  After she finished her teeth, she splashed water onto her face and made her way back into her bedroom to get dressed. She settled for a red summer dress. This one had little daisies on the base, which she loved. Binding her hair at the back of her nape, she left her bedroom. The scent of coffee had her pausing.

  Another wave of sickness rushed toward her, but rather than succumb to the need, she made her way outside.

  Pulling out her cell phone, she quickly dialed her best friend.

  “This is way too early. Please tell me lockdown is over and I can actually come to work.”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  This had Bethany sitting up in bed. Her hair was a mess and it looked like there was drool across her cheek. “Back up. I thought you only suspected. You said yourself you’re not regular.”

  “I know I’m not regular, but guess what, no period two months in a row, and now vomiting in the morning.”

  “Did you eat something bad last night?” Bethany asked.

  “Please, do you think I’d call you if I had something bad?”

  “What did you have to eat?”


  “A dressing?”


  “Oh,” Bethany said.

  “Yeah, oh. What the hell am I going to do?” She stopped when she got to the gate of her property. It had been left open because of Micah leaving.

  She was tempted to leave, to go for a walk, but she didn’t want to worry them.

  “So, you’re pregnant and it’s one of theirs. Whose do you think it is?”

  Daphne groaned. “Your questions are making me sound like a slut.”

  “I’m not judging, and from what you’ve told me, your guys are totally into all of this. You shouldn’t worry.”

  She hadn’t told Bethany everything yet. After the past month and still on lockdown, she wasn’t entirely sure they were going to want to stay. They hadn’t shown any signs of not wanting to be with her.

  One or all three were always around her, which she loved. Moments like now were so rare. She didn’t miss being alone. She actually liked having the company.

  “You’re thinking,” Bethany said. “It’s never good when you think.”

  “It is good.” She sighed. “I’m going to have to take a test and then face the facts. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

  “Babe, you’ve got three sexy guys who want you. I think there is only one clear path. Keep them all.”

  Daphne snorted. “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because … it’s not right.”

  “Do you love them?” Bethany asked.

  She hadn’t told her friend how she felt because she wasn’t sure how she felt about all three men. Love and relationships were two things she hadn’t delved into.

  “Don’t, Beth, please,” she said.

  “Okay, fine. Let’s break this down. If you love them, and by that, I mean you can’t imagine waking up without all three of them, that they make you laugh and they’re great in bed, and you enjoy being around them, I say keep them. If you can’t stand them, then it’s only great sex, I’d say keep them.”

  Daphne burst out laughing.

  “I mean it, it’s a win-win.”

  “You’re no help at all, Beth, but I love you.”

  “I love you too, and if it makes you feel any better, I do think you’ve got feelings for them. If anything, you’re just scared. You’ve been hurt by them in the past, and you’re afraid to get hurt again. Also, your parents died, your grandma died, you’re scared of being left again, so if you don’t connect with anyone, the risk isn’t there.”

  “Are you my shrink now?”

  “Nope, just what I’m learning from the internet. I swear I need to change professions and be a guru. That sounds awesome. Do you think you could hire me to give classes and shit like that? Tell people about the power of positivity?” she asked.

  “I’ve got to go. I’m getting hungry, and no, not unless you’re qualified.”

  “You’re no fun.”

  She laughed, said her goodbyes, and hung up.


  It was such an easy four-letter word and yet, it had so much meaning. Everyone used it in everyday life. They loved takeout. They loved to read. They loved music and movies. An endless list of loves that were, to a certain extent, just words.

  Staring back up at the bed-and-breakfast, she stilled. Everyone she’d ever loved deeply had gone. Each death had taken a little piece of her.

  Eric, Micah, and Dean were taking pieces of her. They didn’t even know it, and it scared her. She didn’t know if she could allow herself to let go long enough to trust them.

  The pain of losing them, if she finally let herself fall, would be too much. Yet, not telling them seemed almost cruel.

  Daphne didn’t have a clue about what she was going to do.

  Chapter Twelve

  Eric came to a stop outside Daphne’s bathroom. Each night, after they had sex, she’d escape to her room, making the excuse that she needed some time to think. He sat on the edge of the bed, listening to her throw up.

  She’d been like this for a couple of weeks. Dean had the pregnancy test, but so far, he hadn’t even given it to her.

  He ran his hands down his thighs, waiting for her to finish.

  Once he heard the shower run, he made his way into the bathroom, leaving the door open.

  “Who is that?”

  He removed all his clothes and proceeded to climb into the shower. Completely naked, he stared up and down her body. So far, he couldn’t see any indication that she was pregnant.

  The facts were in, though. There was no denying it.

  She couldn’t drink coffee anymore. Certain food smells set her off, and she was throwing up in the mornings.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, reaching out to grab the soap, lathering up his hands.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “You can lie to me all you want, but it’s not going to change the fact that we both know what’s going on. You just need to tell us.”

  “It’s not very polite to speak like that,” she said.

  He spun her around so she faced the tiled wall. Putting his hands on her stomach, he rubbed in the soap, slowly moving up to capture her breasts, soaping them up. Pinching her nipples, he heard her gasp, followed by a deep, guttural moan.

  “You think we don’t know what is happening, Daphne? We do. We all do.” He licked her neck before sinking his teeth into the flesh.

  Gliding one hand down between her thighs, he began to stroke her clit.

  She gasped as he used two fingers, massaging her nub, rubbing two fingers on either side before moving down to plunge into her cunt. “You’d think with three men fucking you, you wouldn’t be so tight.”

  “Please, Eric,” she said.

  “Do you want my cock?”


  “Then tell me,” he said.

  She cried out as he pinched her nipple. “Please.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I…” She stopped and he continued to torture her clit and nipples. “I’m pregnant. I think I’m pregnant.”

  “And why won’t you tell us?”

  She tilted her head to the side and he saw the tears in her eyes. “Because I’m afraid.”

  “What are you afraid of?” he asked.

  “Of you all leaving me. Everyone I’ve ever loved has left me, and it hurts, Eric. It hurts so bad. I don’t want to love you. None of you. Not you, not Micah, not Dean. But…”

  “But what?”

  “I think it’s too late.”

  He brought her to orgasm and heard her desperate cries turn to moans
as her release rocked her world.

  Placing her hands on the wall, he tilted her ass so he could get the right angle. As he plunged in deep, they both moaned together. The sounds they made echoed around the room.

  He pulled out and slammed inside. With his grip on her hips, he looked down, watching her cunt open up around his cock. He moved his hands to her ass cheeks, spreading them wide, looking at her puckered hole. He hadn’t fucked her there for a few days.

  Eric worked his thumb to her hole and began to massage her right there, pushing just deep enough to drive her wild.

  Daphne thrust back to meet him. “Please,” she said.

  “I know what you want.”

  With his other hand, he held her tight against his cock as he stroked her clit. His greedy woman wanted a second orgasm. It just so happened that he wanted to give her a second and to feel her explode all over his cock.

  Pushing his thumb into her ass, he fingered her clit and felt her pussy tighten around him.

  “There’s no way any of us are ever leaving you, Daphne. From the moment we stepped into this place, you’ve belonged to us. We want you. I can only speak for myself, but this place is my future and I want to spend all of it with you, and any children we might have.”

  “But … there’s three of you. I’m being greedy asking you all to stay.”

  “No, baby, you’re giving us everything we’ve ever dreamed about. We’re more than just friends. We’re brothers, and we’re all devoted to you. Our lives are connected with yours. The only way you’d be greedy is if you only wanted one of us. We come as a package deal. Now come for me, Daphne.”

  She cried out as her pussy tightened around him, giving way to the orgasm that hit her hard. Even before she’d finished coming, he began to thrust in and out of her, fucking her harder than ever before.

  She was pregnant. If Daphne suspected it, then he had a feeling that he knew it was true. It had to be. There was no way she couldn’t be.

  At the thought of finally claiming Daphne as theirs, his own release flowed from his body, filling up her cunt. His cum had already done its job.

  He didn’t care which one of them had gotten her pregnant, just that they had. They were all a family, and Eric was more determined than ever that he was going to make this work.

  “I don’t know what to do,” she said.

  “Let yourself love us the way that we love you. We all love you, and we promise you we’re not going anywhere. You’re ours. Just as we all belong to you.”


  Eric had alerted him and Dean to Daphne’s awareness of her pregnancy.

  He’d been all for her taking a test and committing to the next fifty-plus years of his life. Micah sat on the log where he’d confessed his own troubled past to Daphne. Just past his view, he saw a rabbit chewing on some of the weeds.

  He stayed perfectly still, admiring the beautiful sight. Eric had told them about Daphne’s fears and what he assumed was holding her back.

  When the rabbit took off, he got to his feet and made his way back toward the house.

  He came to a stop when he saw Daphne in a pair of shorts and a crop top. She lay on a lounge chair, reading and soaking up the sun.

  At first, he was tempted to leave her, to just enjoy the summer rays, then he had another idea. Rather than leave her, he closed the distance and took the book out of her hands, sitting down beside her.

  “I was enjoying that book,” she said.

  He turned the cover over and smiled. Two men and one woman were on the cover.

  “Looks smutty.”

  “That’s the way I seem to be rolling these days.” She grinned back at him.

  “Well, baby, you don’t need to have the book to get what you want.” He put his fingers on her knee, sliding up to cup her pussy. She moaned and he winked at her. The shorts she wore stretched, and he easily moved his hand beneath and found her without any panties on. “Look at that, you’re all wet. Do you get turned on by reading dirty books?”

  He pushed two fingers into her cunt and used his thumb to press against her clit. Her eyes closed and she moaned, sinking her teeth into her top lip.


  “Do you?”


  “I can tell.” He pushed in and out. “This is what I want to do to you,” he said. “I want to fuck your beautiful pussy.”

  “Then why don’t you?”

  “I will. First, you’ve got to come.”

  She spread her thighs wide and he stroked her, watching her get off on his ministrations. His cock was already hard as fucking rock. He wanted to take her there and then, but she wasn’t ready.

  She was so close.

  The moment she tightened and screamed his name, he watched her come, feeling her pussy tighten on his fingers, squeezing him as she would his cock very soon.

  When she couldn’t take his touches anymore, he stood and licked the cream off his fingers. One by one. “So fucking tasty.”

  He straddled the chair where she was seated. Opening the button of his shorts, he pulled down the zipper, being careful not to hurt his cock.

  Watching her, he eased out his length, working from the tip down to the base, then back up again. He worked his cock and said, “Open up.”

  She opened her lips and he fed her his cock. He didn’t go deep, watching those lips close around his length. Thrusting into her mouth, he went back and forth, going deeper and holding back, then forward.

  This time, as he thrust his cock into her mouth, he went deep, going to the back of her throat.

  When she gagged, he pulled all the way back up. Holding his cock, he got her to lick all over it. She slid her sweet tongue up and down the length, getting him nice and wet before plunging back into her mouth.

  She grabbed his hips and started to take some control.

  He wrapped her hair around his fist, guiding her over his length.

  “Fuck, baby. Do you have any idea what you do to me?” He gritted his teeth for control. When it came to Daphne, it was like he lost his mind around her.

  She used her teeth to score up and down his shaft and he gasped. The mixture of pain and pleasure was almost too much.

  Daphne went back to using her lips, bobbing her head and taking him in deep. This time, as he hit the back of her throat, she didn’t pull away. She took her time, gagging around him, but finally, he was in her throat.

  Micah cried out.

  She did this repeatedly, pulling off his cock long enough to take a breath.

  When she did it a fifth time, he called out a warning to her, and she didn’t let up. He filled her throat, feeling her swallow every drop as it seemed to pour inside.

  The moment she’d milked him of every drop, he cupped her face, kissing her lips. “I love you. I love you so fucking much,” he said.

  Daphne giggled. “You love a blowjob.”

  He sat back down, keeping her face between his hands. “No, this is more than that, and you know it. I love you.” He ran his thumb across her bottom lip. “You know I love this place.”


  “Listen to me. I love this place more than anything. It’s beautiful, serene. I want to stay here and raise babies with you.”

  “You’ve talked to Eric,” she said.

  “Daphne, we always tell each other everything. No matter what. When it comes to you, you’re the most precious thing in the world to us. Well, not thing, but you know what I mean.”

  “I get the idea,” she said, laughing.

  “We all love you. We’re not going to let you down. We’ll piss you off. I can guarantee it. It’s what we do, but none of us are going anywhere, and if this lockdown has proven anything, it’s that.”

  “You’re trapped here,” she said. “That doesn’t prove anything.”

  Micah sighed. “If you believe that, then I don’t know how you’ve been able to keep this place so successful. We could have left at any time. We all knew what our endgame was, and it was you. T
his and you.”


  “Are you saving the best ’til last?” Dean asked, watching as Daphne entered his bedroom after she’d knocked to gain his attention.

  “What do you mean?”

  He gave her a look.

  “Right, Micah said you guys talk about everything. I didn’t visit all of you. Eric came to me in the shower, Micah while I was reading.”

  “Yeah, a dirty book as well.” Dean closed his laptop and got to his feet. “What’s going on in that crazy head of yours?”

  “I think I’m pregnant.”

  “And how does that make you feel?”

  She put a hand on her stomach. “I’m not angry. I’m not upset. I’m kind of excited when I think about it.”


  “But…” She released a breath. “This is a big change for all of you. How can I believe this is what you want?”

  “You have a hard time trusting people.”

  “I have a hard time believing you’re all going to be happy here,” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  “I grew up with the perfect family. Two loving, workaholic parents, but they noticed me. They didn’t have a whole lot of time for me. There were holidays and vacations, but most of the year, it was work. It’s why I know to get what I want, I have to work hard. They got everything, and you know, they died in a car accident because of a drunk driver. They’d worked eighteen-hour shifts. Even when our company had started to earn millions, they refused to quit.”

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know your parents had passed away.”

  “It wasn’t big news. There was an investigation and the other driver was thrown in prison,” he said.

  She closed the distance between them and cupped his cheek. “I know that kind of pain. Why didn’t you say anything before?”

  “Daphne, I know how you lost your parents.”

  “You think I’d think you were lying?”

  “To get into your pants, yeah,” he said.

  “I don’t think that.” She pressed a kiss to his lips.

  “All I ever wanted was a family, Daphne. I grew up alone, and from the time I was little, I knew if I got the chance, I was going to have a big family. You, Eric, and Micah, you’re the start of the family I always wanted.” He pressed a hand to her stomach. “And this guy or girl, they’re building that family. I’m not ever going to get bored, and believe me, you’re going to get sick and tired of me being around. I’ve already got a few ideas for this place that I’ve drawn up.”


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