Stranded with Her Bullies

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Stranded with Her Bullies Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “I can feel your pussy, Daphne. I know you’re loving this just as much as me, but I’ve got to hear the words.”

  All three men. All of her men, at once. It seemed a little too good to be true, but as Eric slowly worked her anus, slicking it up with the gel, she closed her eyes.

  “Fuck me,” she said.

  “Gladly,” Dean said.


  Eric worked his cock, getting it nice and ready as Dean held Daphne open. He watched his friend’s cock in and out of her cunt. She was so wet that her arousal spilled down the exposed shaft and onto Dean’s balls.

  He didn’t think Dean’s plan was going to work, but the fact she was here and ready spoke a great deal.

  With his cock already prepared, he watched as Dean moved Daphne so she’d be able to take Micah’s cock between her lips without him rubbing his balls over Dean’s face. She moaned around the man’s length.

  Stroking her asshole, he pressed his finger against her anus. She pulled off Micah’s cock, turning back toward him.

  Dean slapped her ass. “I don’t think I gave you permission to stop. Micah wants his cock sucked.”

  He expected her to slap him, but Dean had a way with words, and he seemed to know exactly what he was doing when it came to Daphne, what buttons to press to provoke her.

  She worked on his length and Micah wrapped her hair around his fist, working his hips, only giving her what she could take.

  “That’s a good girl. Yeah, take it.” Dean nodded toward Eric. “Be careful.”

  “I will.” He had no interest in hurting her. With his cock in hand, he placed the tip at her slick anus. She tensed up as he started to push against her, almost fighting him as he got the tip in.

  She moaned but didn’t stop sucking on Micah’s cock.

  Reaching between them, he began to finger her clit and her ass squeezed him even tighter and Dean hissed.

  “She’s so close to coming, but you can’t come, Daphne. You’re not allowed to.” He grunted, and Eric slowly slid into her ass, working her clit to help her through the pressure. She had one man in her pussy and the other in her asshole. He also didn’t want to cause her further frustration of being so close to coming and being denied.

  With his cock seated in her ass, Dean let go of her cheeks, pushing her hair back from her face, and removing Micah’s cock. He protested.

  “You’ve got all three of us now. All of us are inside your body.”

  “I’m not.” Daphne wrapped her fingers around Micah’s length, offering him a smile as if to tame the child within him.

  Eric stroked her back, feeling how tight she was.

  “Now, the real fun can begin,” Dean said.

  She went back to Micah’s dick, working it in her mouth.

  Eric pulled out, and Dean groaned. When Dean started to pull out, Eric, pushed in. They built up a pace where she could take them, one then the other. Not once leaving her body.

  With Dean’s grasp on her hips, he reached down and began to play with her pussy, stroking her.

  “I want you to come, Daphne. Come all over our cocks.”

  Eric stroked her swollen clit and after just a few touches, she came hard, crying out. Micah growled, holding her head tightly and pumping his cock deep into her mouth. Eric gritted his teeth as he fucked her. The pace between him and Dean stumbled as the tightness of her heat took them all by surprise. Her orgasm was an intense one.

  Eric didn’t stop, keeping up his thrusts as he brought her to a second orgasm. At the hit of her second release, Micah came with a cry and a warning.

  Daphne took his cum, swallowing it down.

  Eric was the second one to come, filling her ass, holding himself still as his release flooded her asshole, and finally, Dean filled her pussy.

  They held themselves steady, spent, but he wasn’t going to collapse over her.

  Eric was the first to move, easing out of her tight ass. “I’ll go and run us a bath.”

  He was on the way to the en-suite when Dean called his name. He held Daphne over his cock.

  “She’s our woman now.”

  Cum from her pussy and ass flowed out of her, and Eric moaned, an answering twitch between his thighs. Even though he’d just come, he was more than ready to go again.

  First, though, he needed to make a bath ready.

  The tub was large. Dean had gotten the largest room in the house, the manipulative fucker. After adding some salts, he returned to find Dean helping an exhausted Daphne into the bathroom. He carried her, but he could see his friend struggling. Climbing into the tub, Dean rested her between his thighs.

  “I am going to wake up tomorrow and none of this is going to have happened, is it?” Daphne asked.

  “I hate to disappoint you, doll, but this did happen. You are ours, and well, I can safely say we’ve had a fucking blast already,” Dean said.

  Micah looked at the tub. “That’s not going to fit all four of us.”

  “We’ll have to take a shower,” Dean said.

  “And we’re going to have to look at installing a hot tub or a bath suitable enough for all four of us.”

  “You’re all making plans like you’re going to want to stay here,” Daphne said. She sounded so sleepy.

  Dean leaned over the tub. Eric wrapped his arm around her waist, pressing his nose against her neck.

  “One day soon, you’re going to realize we mean business and when that time comes, you’re never getting away from us.” Dean dropped a kiss to her nose. “I’m jumping in the shower and then I’ll help you with her.”

  He didn’t complain. Holding her against him, he pressed his face against her neck. She smelled so good.

  “Eric,” she said.


  “Thank you for coming back.”

  They weren’t words of love, but at least it was something.

  Chapter Eleven

  “And how is everything going?” Bethany asked.

  Micah stayed near the shadows. It had been a few days since their first all-group sexathon, and they’d brought her back to Dean’s room every evening since then. They hadn’t all had sex with her at the same time. They were all being considerate to her healing. Personally, he wanted to fuck her again, all the time. Not a moment went by when he didn’t think about being inside her.

  However, they had all agreed to follow Dean’s explicit instructions and that meant taking their sweet time with her.

  “It’s going great. Even better than great.”

  “Even better than great. Do I get to know more details?” Bethany asked.

  “What is it with you and all the details?”

  “I can’t have sex. It’s a big deal to me. I’m on this stupid fucking lockdown, and so far, there’s nothing worse, I tell you.” Bethany blew out a breath. “Please, tell me you’re getting a lot of action.”

  Daphne giggled. “I guess you can say I am.”

  “You are?”


  Silence fell.

  “What’s wrong?” Bethany asked.

  “Nothing is wrong. Everything is going so well. I can’t complain at all. It is like, really, really well.” Daphne sighed and all it did was make Micah want to go to her.


  “I … I don’t know. Maybe I’m being stupid.”

  “No, there’s no such thing as being stupid. Just talk to me.”

  Micah wanted her to talk to Bethany. She was the one woman who seemed to bring out the truth in Daphne.

  “I’m worried that if I allow myself to see this as anything more than sex, then I’m going to get my heart broken.”

  “But I thought you said that they were interested in the long term with you,” Bethany asked.

  “They are, but … you know them, Beth. I’m not a city girl. I could never be a city girl. I love it here. It’s my home.”

  “They know this?”


  “And they’re willing to stay?” Bethany asked. />

  “Then I honestly don’t see the problem. They want what’s best for you. This is a good thing.”

  Daphne rolled over onto her back with her cell phone looking down at her.

  “I know, but what if in a few years they realize I’m just me, then they start to regret it. That they come to hate me and then they all break my heart. They were destined for something bigger than this.”

  “Oh, honey, they don’t have to give up every aspect of their life for you. They’re still going to work. You’ve even called me to tell me that they are working. I don’t see the problem.”

  Daphne suddenly started to cry. “I think I’m falling for them and … I didn’t start my period, Bethany. I was so stupid. I was on this like sexual high, and I forgot about the condoms and you know how I tried birth control and it made me feel sick. I don’t take anything. I think I might be pregnant.”

  “I really wish I could hug you.”

  “I know.” Daphne began to sob.

  “You’ve got to talk to them.”

  Micah made his escape, finding Dean on his way back from a walk with Eric.

  “She’s pregnant,” Micah said.

  They all stopped.

  “What?” Eric asked.

  “I just heard her talking with Bethany. She thinks she’s falling for us and she’s terrified of allowing herself the chance to fall for us and she hasn’t started her period. She’s scared,” Micah said.

  Dean nodded.

  Walking back toward where he’d left Daphne, he found her with her face in her hands, sobbing. The cell phone was dark, so she must have disconnected the call.

  Dean did no more than go to her, picking her up in his arms.

  “Dean? What the hell are you doing?” Daphne asked.

  He carried her through to one of the sitting rooms, putting her down gently. Micah stood as Dean cupped her face. “We’re not going anywhere.”

  “You heard?”

  Micah cleared his throat. “Actually, that was me. I heard and I went to tell him.”

  She looked up at him with tears filling her eyes. “That was a private conversation. You can’t keep … listening in on them. They’re not yours.” She glared at them and Dean smiled.

  “Whenever it concerns you, we’re going to be here. We’re going to want to keep an eye on you. You’re our woman, Daphne.”

  She covered his hands on her face. “This kind of stuff happens in fairy tales. Not here. We can’t make this work. When you came here, you were in expensive suits with your briefcases. Your life is not at a bed-and-breakfast.”

  “I knew your grandma,” Dean said, cutting her off. “I didn’t know her well, but when she came to town, she’d always stop off in the diner where I was eating. She made it a habit of sitting with the quiet boy eating a burger and reading a book. I went there every Saturday without fail. She’d call it our date.”

  “I had no idea,” she said.

  “She was an amazing, insightful woman, and I wish I’d spent more time getting to know her. The first few months, I felt she was a pain in the ass, but as the weeks wore on, I found her company to the most enjoyable. She would tell me about life. The purpose of it. The meaning of it. She’d look at my books and say some authors knew what they were talking about, so long as they took the time to learn what was good for them.”

  Daphne laughed. “She always had an opinion about everything.”

  “She certainly did.” Dean laughed along with her. “She used to talk about this bed-and-breakfast and her granddaughter. There was a time she thought you didn’t enjoy this place. She felt she was being selfish making you live here.”

  Micah hadn’t known her grandma all that well, but for her to take the time to talk to Dean, it had to mean something.


  “She wasn’t being selfish,” Daphne said. “I loved living here. I still do. This is my home. Even when my parents used to drop me off here for her to babysit me, I loved it.”

  Dean smiled. “I know. It’s what I told her.” He dropped a kiss on her lips. “She would make me talk to her. She made it her personal mission to make me hold a full conversation with her while I didn’t give a fuck about anyone else. Your grandma was relentless.”

  “I don’t think I can imagine you and her getting along.”

  “You’d be surprised. We did. I looked forward to our weekly chats, but I loved it when she’d talk about you. This has always been my end goal. The city life was a means to an end. Nothing more. You’re the person who matters.”

  “I can’t believe I’m crying. This is all so fast.”

  “Really?” Eric asked. “We’ve been here nearly a month. That’s not too fast.”

  She chuckled. “A lot can happen in a month.”

  “Yeah, a lot can.” Dean pulled back and he glanced over at Micah, who nodded his head at Daphne.

  He shook his head.

  “I’m going to go and freshen up,” Daphne said.

  They all stepped back to give her room to get past. He watched her go.

  “Dude, what the fuck? I know you’ve been the one playing the boss right now, but come on. You’ve got to talk to her about the pregnancy. We need to know the answer,” Micah said.

  “I agree with Micah on this. If she’s pregnant, we need to find a doctor, a midwife, all the best care possible,” Eric said.

  Dean put his hands on his waist. “Right now, don’t you think we need to focus on us?”

  “We are,” Eric said.

  “No, we’re throwing another problem into the mix. I’ll go and get a test for her, but we’re not going to confront her about it. We’re going to take this nice and slow, and I want you boys to repeat that with me.”

  Eric and Micah shook their heads. “You’re not our dads.” They spoke at the same time.

  “It’s a good thing I’m not. I’d have whipped you long ago.”

  “Holy shit, is that a smile on that fucker’s face?” Micah asked.

  Dean rolled his eyes and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket to check the time. “I’m going into town. You think you can handle shit here without causing too much trouble?”

  Micah saluted him, and Eric was already out the door, probably about to fire up the grill.

  He left the house and went to his car. The past few weeks, he’d rarely driven. Turning over the ignition, he wrinkled his nose at the smell.

  Country life sure agreed with him. Pulling out of the driveway, he got onto the main road, heading into town. There weren’t many cars on the road. He drove into town, thinking about Daphne’s grandma.

  What none of the guys knew was that his internet search and trying to find Daphne had all been a lie. When the old woman knew she was sick and didn’t have long to live, she’d come to him.

  While he was able to lie and manipulate others, Daphne’s grandma had seen right through him.

  “When I’m gone, you need to go back there. You need to make sure she lives a life full of love and happiness. I got that chance with her grandfather. I didn’t stick to that place and wither and die. I lived my life and I fear I’ve made work all part of Daphne’s life. There are no men. Nothing. She gets up and works. There are just the guests. She goes on no dates.”

  “Why have you come to me?” he asked.

  “You think I didn’t notice the way you looked at her all those years ago, especially when you assumed no one was looking? I saw.”

  “My life is in the city.”

  “Oh, please, look around you. I’ve been following you, Dean Lighthouse, and you’re fucking miserable.”

  Dean smiled, recalling her cussing. She’d waved her arm in the air as if it was a pointless conversation, and in a way, it was.

  She got what she wanted.

  From the background, he’d been making sure Daphne was safe. She didn’t need money, as she was an adept businesswoman when it came to the bed-and-breakfast. She didn’t have any large purchases, and she kept people coming back for mo
re of what her place had to offer. The real chance of getting away from the city with a friendly atmosphere.

  “It has been twelve years.”

  “So, the heart doesn’t forget what it wants. I guess what you’ve got to ask yourself, Dean, what is it you really want? An empty city apartment, or a woman with kids running around, making you happy?”

  He wanted the latter. Daphne was his goal. He’d gotten off track for many years, but her grandma had come back and put him right back on it. What his friends didn’t know was that there wasn’t a six months’ booking in advance. He’d already booked the room. There was no call on the other end. He’d arranged for three rooms at the time. This trip was originally going to be his leaving present. He intended to back out of the company and live with Daphne full-time, helping her run this place.

  After that night where Micah and Eric revealed their true feelings, he saw another plan start to form. One that included all of them. He loved Daphne and he loved his friends. They’d done everything together, and he couldn’t imagine a life without all of them in it. It wouldn’t be easy, but he’d make it work. He was determined to make it all work.

  And he always, always, got what he wanted.


  Daphne rolled over and came to a stop with a smile. It had been a month since her conversation with Dean. Life with all three of the men was just surreal. She talked to Bethany on a regular basis.

  Reaching out, she picked up the folded letter with a single rose. The thorns had been removed. She inhaled the sweet scent before opening the card. She knew instantly it was from Micah. He’d taken to leaving her little tokens of affection.

  She couldn’t help but feel his love.

  Morning, beautiful. Gone into town for some supplies. We were out of your favorite syrup. Here’s a flower to remember me by. Wear something beautiful. Love, Micah.

  She closed the card and slowly climbed out of bed. Putting a hand to her stomach, she started to feel sick. This time, she ran to the bathroom and threw up everything she’d eaten the night before. Holding on to the edge of the toilet, she continued to hurl, gasping for breath in between.

  When it was over, she stayed leaned over, to make sure no more would come.


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