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Stranded with Her Bullies

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “Whoa, slow down. What I will warn you about is turning this place into some luxury spa you can get in the city. People come here to get away from all of that.”

  “Believe me, no spa. You could say it’s more like my own desires,” he said, dropping a kiss to her lips. “I want to fuck you in a swimming pool and I also want to go swimming naked with you.”

  “You say the sweetest things.”

  Dean picked her up and carried her to his bed. Placing her down, he followed her, settling between her spread thighs.

  “I get your fear. You think none of us have felt it?” he asked. “We all love you and what we’re all asking for is unconventional, but it’s what we want.” He dropped a kiss to her neck, feeling her gasp.

  Smiling against her flesh, he opened up the robe she wore, finding nothing beneath.

  “Well, well, well, I think you want to play,” he said. Gliding his tongue down across her nipple, he took one bud into his mouth before moving down. Capturing her foot in his hand, he held her to the side, spreading her legs even wider.

  He stared down at her soaking wet pussy and slid his tongue across her swollen clit. Sucking it into his mouth, he used his teeth. She jerked within his grasp but his hold on her kept her to the bed.

  Flicking his tongue back and forth across her pussy, he felt her release start to build. Every single time she was with him, he wanted her to come screaming his name. She was so wet, her cunt calling to his dick.

  He released her clit, pushed down his pants, and gripped his stiff prick. Putting the tip to her entrance, he stared into her eyes as he thrust inside her. The tight heat wrapped around his length. One hand still held her foot, and with the other, he put his thumb to her clit and began to stroke her.

  Back and forth across her clit, he stared into her eyes as he made love to her. Taking his time, drawing out her pleasure.

  She moaned, arching up to take more of him.

  “Come all over my dick.”

  She whimpered, but he didn’t speed up his thrusts. He made sure she knew who was in control. There was nothing she could do to make him go faster. He waited, stroking her until she came. His name echoing off the walls from her pleasured screams, which was exactly what he wanted.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he took possession of her mouth. This time, he wasn’t going to fuck her, but make love to her. To let her know with his actions as well as his words that what he meant was the truth. He loved her so fucking much. Not a day went by when he didn’t think of her.

  Being here, this was home to him. It was more of a home to him than the one in his childhood and the apartment he owned in the city. This was the life he wanted. The only change he’d make was that he, Eric, and Micah would live with her in her part of the house. That was all he wanted.

  When he came, he did so staring into her eyes. It was sweet, perfect, and Daphne was the first and only person he had ever made love to. She owned his heart, his mind, his body, and his soul. He was one hundred percent devoted to her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Daphne had found the test in Dean’s bathroom.

  She’d gone back to her own room and taken it.


  She was pregnant with the baby of one of three men.

  She put a hand to her stomach. In the past couple of days, she had come to a realization. All three of her men had gone through a lot growing up. They didn’t have it easy, which was what she and so many people would assume. None of them did. They all had one life. They had all taken a chance to be with her. To fall in love with her.

  Staring up at the home her grandma had given her, she smiled. This was the life she had always wanted. She hoped wherever her grandma was, she knew that and how happy she’d been living here, working, loving life.

  Eric, Micah, and Dean all had something missing in their lives. She didn’t. Her parents had died, but they had loved her so deeply. Her grandma had passed away, but not without showing her every single day how much she was loved. Everywhere she turned, there was grief in her life, but there was also love. So much of it.

  She wasn’t cursed. She wasn’t destined to be hurt.

  What she truly believed, and it sounded corny in her head, was that she was destined to love these three men in ways they had never even imagined. They were all broken in their own way.

  Nibbling on her lip, she took a deep breath and started toward the house. They’d all eaten breakfast. She’d been enjoying her dry toast as usual. She’d taken the test that morning but she hadn’t told them.

  The time to tell them was now.

  After entering her home, she closed the door and made her way toward one of the conference rooms. They were rarely used, and she often put smaller tables into the room for more dinner space. The three men had made that kind of change and turned it into a conference room.

  As she entered, all three were clicking away.

  She was tempted to leave them, but they needed to see that life with her was going to have to be a little unpredictable. If they wanted to be loved by her, then they were just going to have to accept it.

  Stripping off her clothes, she still hadn’t caught their attention. Eric was the closest. She walked right up to him, slamming the lid of the computer down and moving between him to climb and straddle his waist.

  “Whoa, what the … Daphne,” he said.

  She didn’t know if she’d distracted the other two.

  “I’ve got something to tell you.” She pressed a kiss to his neck, sucking on his pulse. She used her teeth, biting down.

  His hands went to her ass. “I’m listening.”

  She shook her head. “The only way I get to tell you is if I can tell each of you, and I can’t do that while they’re busy working.”

  Daphne heard the unmistakable sound of the computers slamming closed and their chairs pushing back.

  She tugged Eric’s shirt up over his head, tracing her fingers across his body. “I want you inside me,” she said.

  She stood, and in a matter of seconds, Eric released his zipper, easing out his cock. She moved into position and slid down onto his length. Inch by inch, she was filled to the brim.

  Glancing at Micah and Dean, she smiled. “I want you both naked.”

  They rid their clothes and stood close. She reached out, wrapping her fingers around their hard lengths.

  “I want you all to fuck me, today, in this room,” she said. “No work. We’re not doing anything else but eating and fucking.”

  Dean captured her neck, tilting her head back. “And why would we do that?”

  “Because … I love you. I love all three of you, and I’m pregnant, and it’s what I want,” she said. “You work hard enough. Now you get to play with me.”

  Dean kissed her hard, biting into her bottom lip. Once he was done, Eric captured her face, drawing her close, and kissing her hard. Next, Micah kissed her hard as well.

  She moaned their names, not wanting to let go.

  Clutching Eric’s shoulders, she started to move up and down his shaft. He gripped her hips and guided her over his length.

  “You really love us?” Eric asked.

  “Yes, with my whole heart. I’m not lying to you. I want this. I want you. I want all of you.” She cried out as Micah settled behind her back. He slid a hand between her thighs and started to stroke her clit. “And I want to give you all the life you truly deserve.”

  Micah pinched her clit and she moaned, not holding anything back as she fucked Eric’s cock.

  “How about you take two of us?” Micah said.

  She opened her eyes and looked at Dean. “I can take all three of you.”

  They all groaned.

  Eric’s hands moved from her hips to her ass, spreading her open for Micah. “I’ll be right back,” Dean said, leaving the conference room.

  “He’s going to get some lube.” Eric kissed her. “Is this what you want?”

  “This is everything I want.” She nibbled on his lip and then l
eaned back, feeling Micah as he continued to stroke her clit. “I want to feel you all inside me.”

  She felt heady from her own revelations.

  This was so important to her, to all of them. She had to have them again. Dean returned seconds later, carrying the lubrication, and he tossed the tube to Micah.

  “Make sure you’re ready to have her. I intend to be in her mouth, ass, and pussy.” Dean also threw Micah a condom. “In case you want that as well.”

  She noticed he brought down a lot of condoms.

  “You think you can take us all?”

  “I’m counting on it.”


  Eric held himself perfectly still within his woman’s tight cunt.

  Micah teased over her anus, getting her nice and slick. Each time he did, her pussy pulsed around his cock. He didn’t want to come prematurely, but if Micah didn’t hurry up, he wasn’t going to be able to hold back.

  Staring at Daphne, he saw her eyes were closed. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip as she tried to contain her pleasured cries.

  He couldn’t take his gaze off her. She was so fucking beautiful.

  “Please,” she said, moaning.

  Micah had gotten his condom-covered cock coated in the lubrication.

  “Hold her open,” Micah said.

  Eric held her ass, keeping her spread. She gasped as Micah started to press forward.

  The moment he entered her, Eric felt how tight she got, and it was fucking incredible.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Dean stood close, hand on his cock, working from the base up to the tip, then back down again as he watched them.

  “Like what you see?”

  “She looks beautiful with two dicks inside her. You should really see this.”

  He wanted to.

  Eric didn’t know how Dean did it, but each time he looked at his friend, he seemed to know what to do to make him envious.

  Micah grunted. “I’m in.”

  He knew he was in. With how tight her cunt had gotten, there was no mistaking the cock inside her ass. He let go of her ass and slid his hands up toward her face, holding her steady.

  “Tell me again,” he said.

  There was a twinkle in her eye as she smiled at him. “I love you.”


  “I love you.”

  He couldn’t believe it. He never for a second believed that she could love him, and yet, here she was, telling him exactly that. He was so fucking happy. In fact, happiness didn’t even begin to cover the way she made him feel.

  “I will always love you, Eric. Don’t hurt me.”

  “I never would.” He was never going to hurt her again. All he wanted to do was make her life happy.

  “Fuck, she’s so tight,” Micah said.

  Dean came in closer, and Daphne leaned forward, taking his cock into her mouth. She moaned around the length, swallowing him deep.

  Eric closed his eyes as her tight heat surrounded him.

  Micah started to rock in and out of her, and all Eric could do was hold her, feeling her tighten. Eric took over from Micah in playing with her pussy. Dean gripped her neck, stuffing her mouth with cock so he couldn’t hear her pleasured cries.

  Eric listened to her body.

  The tightness of her pussy around his cock. The flush of her cheeks.

  Micah grunted and as he came, and Eric felt Daphne’s release flood her entire body. He stroked her body until she couldn’t stand it anymore. Micah pulled out of her and Dean groaned. Eric watched as she swallowed every last drop of Dean’s release.

  With his two friends finished with their pleasure, he captured her hips and started to fuck her, taking his sweet time, wanting her all to himself but also loving that his best friends were having her, too.

  Up and down, he wasn’t getting deep enough.

  Lifting Daphne, he moved them to the conference table and spread her legs. Keeping her in place, he fucked her harder. The table kept on moving and he growled his frustration, finally taking her to the floor and pounding into her.

  She wrapped her legs around him, and he stared into her eyes. Daphne wasn’t closed off to him anymore. She looked right at him and saw him, the man. Not the bully. Not the asshole he’d been, but the man he’d always truly wanted to be. She was the only woman he ever really cared about. The one he thought he’d lost forever.

  “I love you, Daphne. I’m not ever letting you get away again.”

  “I was never lost,” she said.

  He fucked her hard, kissing her lips, and when he came, he plundered to the hilt within her, holding her steady as he filled her tight pussy. Once she’d milked the last of his release, he collapsed against her, pressing his face against her neck. He flicked over her neck and tried to catch his breath.

  Suddenly remembering that she was pregnant, he pulled away. “Shit, are we supposed to have sex?”

  She chuckled. “Yes, we can have sex.”

  He pulled out of her and placed a hand to her stomach. “How do you feel?”

  “Other than the sickness and my sensitive breasts, no different.” She put a hand to her stomach, covering his with hers. “I … I don’t know whose this is.”

  Micah and Dean came toward her, each of them putting a hand on her stomach.

  “We don’t care about that,” Micah said.

  “The baby you carry is all of ours. There’s no room for you to worry about anything else.”

  She smiled and Eric saw tears in her eyes. “You know when I saw your reservation, I was so angry. I didn’t want you in my bed-and-breakfast. I was so tempted to cancel. I tried to find any excuse, but I couldn’t find a single one.”

  “And now?” Eric asked.

  “I’m so pleased I didn’t. I never expected to fall in love with you all. I know this is so fast, but I can’t think of my life without any of you.”

  Dean chuckled. “Nothing is ever too fast, baby. All that matters is how we feel.”

  Eric agreed with his friend. They all had each other. That was all that mattered.

  “I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m up for round two,” Micah said.

  “Seriously, we’re having a heart-to-heart here, and you want more sex?”

  Daphne lifted up. “Actually, I’m more than ready for round two.”

  Eric looked down at her.

  She smiled. “What? I haven’t had sex in thirty years. I’ve got a lot to make up for, and besides, I’ve got to get used to satisfying three men. I don’t intend to let you guys out of my sight.”


  Micah sat on the steps outside of the bed-and-breakfast, waiting for Eric to arrive. Dean and he had lost the bet to take Daphne to the doctor. He wasn’t happy about losing, but they’d agreed. If they couldn’t come to an agreement, then they had to rock, paper, scissors for the pleasure.

  He’d lost to Dean, then Dean had lost to Eric. To satisfy his own needs, Eric had also competed with him, and he’d lost.

  Tapping his fingers together, he watched as Dean did some work on his cell phone.

  “Are you not nervous?”

  “She’s in good hands.”

  “I don’t mean about Daphne. The baby. What if Eric decides to take her away? Kidnap her?”

  Dean frowned and turned toward him. “You’ve watched way too many movies. Eric wouldn’t do that.”

  “Wouldn’t you?”

  Dean smirked. “I would do it if I thought Daphne would be happier. She wouldn’t.”

  “You’re right. I’m being stupid.”

  “What you’re being is nervous about the outcome of the baby. It’s understandable.”

  “I don’t feel like anything I’m doing right now is understandable. Did you know I ironed the same shirt three times?”

  Daphne had each of them on different chores to prove that they could take on the role of helping her run this bed-and-breakfast. The news looked hopeful that they might be able to open with tighter restrictions.

  She mis
sed having this place full with customers. They’d even sat down and talked about ways of improving some of the features. Of course, Dean had proven to put the most thought into his ideas, while he and Eric were looking at more a city spa than a country getaway. Daphne had agreed to a pool, providing they could get the planning permission to build it.

  His steam room, she hadn’t agreed to.

  Eric’s massage room had also been a room she’d said no to.

  All of them had been part of a city spa. She’d explained to them in detail what made her country retreat different. The relaxation was getting away from all the outside crap.

  Still, he could iron the shit out of a style of shirt. At least he had that to offer and of course, there was his unending charm.

  “You need to learn to relax. With a baby on the way, you don’t want Daphne thinking you’re freaking out at the smallest thing.”

  Micah agreed. He tapped his thigh, waiting. The moment he saw the car, he tensed up.

  Eric and Daphne had arrived.

  Dean put his cell phone away and Micah got to his feet.

  The car seemed to take forever to park.

  She climbed out of the car and came toward them. “I’m pregnant.”

  “We know,” Micah said, frowning.

  “It has been confirmed, ass,” Eric said. “The doctor likes to confirm everything.”

  Daphne held up a black and white picture. “Here is our baby.”

  Micah frowned, looking at the fuzzy picture. “I don’t see it.”

  Eric pointed at a blob.

  “Our baby is going to struggle getting laid. Is it a boy or a girl? We can have an ugly daughter. We won’t have to fend off all the guys. I know what a guy with a dick is like.”

  “Shut up,” Dean and Eric said in unison.

  Micah held his hands up. “Come prom night, you’re going to wish we had an ugly kid.”

  “Stop worrying,” she said. “We don’t know what sex our baby is.”

  “We’re going to have a baby,” Micah said. He stared at the blob, not seeing anything, but it was there for him to see.


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