Book Read Free


Page 16

by Roger A Price

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Cornel Babik had collected some spare clothes he had from the boarded-up riverside address. He had an emergency holdall in one of the front rooms. He told the man on the back door that he would be away for a couple of days and to let him know if there were any problems. There shouldn’t be, now.

  He’d also put a quick call in to his associate, who so far had taken everything Babik told him at face value. Babik knew the man had to trust him. Apart from trust being in his Roma DNA, the man never liked to show himself, and if he ever felt he needed to, then Babik knew he could be difficult. Babik considered himself an equal business associate to the man, really, but never forgot his associate’s legend. The last man to make such a mistake had been lucky to receive merely a fierce beating. Had he not also been Roma, Babik was sure he would now be dead. Babik had his heritage going for him; but didn’t fancy putting it to the test anytime soon.

  He waited a minute in the driver’s seat of his blue Vauxhall while he collected his thoughts, and his phone rang. It was Susan. ‘All ready?’ he asked.

  ‘Yep, all sorted,’ she replied.

  ‘How did you get on?’

  ‘Good and bad.’

  ‘Go on.’

  ‘Well, it seems that it was Palmer and Delany themselves who spoke to Sadiq, but he told them to fuck off.’

  ‘That’s good, but how can you be so sure?’

  ‘Because Palmer told me, and he also said that they have charged him with extra offences for not co-operating.’

  ‘Excellent. So, what’s the bad?’

  ‘Because I won’t tell them where Amal is, or set you up, they think I’m bent.’

  ‘But you are.’

  ‘Not funny.’

  ‘Look, once Sadiq is sentenced, I won’t release her but I will let you tell them where she is. That should re-establish their faith in you,’ Babik said.

  ‘That’s what I was hoping you’d say. It fits in with what I’ve told them. Then, I can come up with another reason why I suddenly don’t know where you are.’

  ‘All good then. Look, I’ll be with you in 10.’

  ‘Good, but I’ll meet you at the end of the street, just in case I’ve got company,’ she said.

  Babik agreed, though he would have suggested as much himself. As long as he stayed away from her address there should be no problems. After all, he was in a clean car.


  The CID car Vinnie was driving was just an enquiry vehicle, so only had a 1000 CC engine, which Vinnie was wringing to death as he careered around the local streets. These were mainly home to the increasing number of university buildings in this part of the city. They were in the Adelphi quarter, and as he manoeuvred right, into a narrow side street, he slowed to a crawl. He could see Grady’s rented address about 50 metres ahead on the right. There was a short garden front to the property, which had a red painted front door. He was about to pull up, but changed his mind. ‘I reckon we can risk one drive past without being obvious. I’ll park at the other end of the street near the bottom, if you can glimpse the property, Harry. It’ll look less suspicious than if I — the driver — look.’

  A minute later, Vinnie pulled over at the kerbside and turned to face Harry.

  ‘Downstairs curtains open, upstairs ones closed, no sign of life,’ Harry said. Closely followed by, ‘Vinnie, look!’

  Vinnie looked ahead and saw what Harry had. The back of someone resembling Grady, just turning the corner at the bottom of the road. ‘Sneaky bugger,’ Vinnie said, as he put the CID car into gear. Within seconds they were at the T-junction at the end of Grady’s street, and Vinnie pulled up and looked right. A hundred metres up ahead he could see the woman whom he took to be Grady, getting into the passenger seat of a waiting blue car. She was less clear from this distance, but it could only be her… Then the blue car set off.

  ‘Grady?’ Vinnie asked.

  ‘As sure as I can be, from behind.’

  Vinnie didn’t answer but set off after the blue car. Not in a pursuit, but following at a discreet distance. Harry was on the radio and told the ARV to follow, but from far behind and to remain out of their view. If they couldn’t see the ARV then Babik wouldn’t be able to, either. It would only take seconds for the armed car to join them when they needed it.

  ‘Decision time?’ Vinnie said.

  ‘We only have the word of a corrupt undercover officer that Babik will release Amal unharmed once her husband is sentenced,’ Harry said.


  ‘But if we strike too soon, he may not tell us where she is,’ Harry said.

  ‘Also true, but Grady will have to; irrespective of her corrupt relationship she’s not going to leave the woman to fate, surely?’

  ‘Agreed. And Babik is a murderer, wanted for two murders at least,’ Harry added.

  ‘Then we strike. And we do so while we are on this long straight road, before they turn off.’

  ‘Agreed,’ Harry said, and then reached for his radio.

  Vinnie maintained a discreet distance of about 20 metres at a constant speed of just under 30. There appeared just to be the driver and passenger in the blue car, and the driver’s behaviour suggested that he was oblivious to their presence; no looking behind or overuse of the vehicle’s mirrors. Traffic was light in the opposite direction, and there were no vehicles in front of the blue car or immediately behind theirs. No pedestrians, either. Conditions were as good as they were likely to get.

  Seconds later, the liveried police ARV, in the form of a large SUV, flew past Vinnie and Harry with its blue lights flashing but no sirens.

  The force incident manager had taken control over the airwaves and had authorised a covert armed approach by the ARV’s crew. Vinnie knew that this meant the ARV would conduct an apparently routine stop, such as a traffic stop, but that both officers would be armed with their firearms hidden. They would react to whatever they saw, and could pull out their weapons and conduct an armed challenge within seconds if needed.

  Vinnie had no intel nor reason to suspect that Babik would be carrying a weapon at this time, which justified the lower-key approach. But if he was, he would be in for a surprise. Vinnie just wanted to see the man in handcuffs.

  Seconds later, the ARV was behind the blue car and blipped its air horns. Vinnie could see the blue car’s brake lights come on. The car came to a halt with the ARV behind it and Vinnie pulled his CID car in behind the ARV.

  The two armed officers were quickly out with one going to each side. Vinnie could see that each officer had one hand under his high viz jacket, by his hip.

  The male driver was out and had his hands on top of the car’s roof. The female passenger, a moment later, assumed the same position from the other side of the car. Each was searched, and Vinnie heard each officer shout ‘clear’ as he and Harry approached.

  Vinnie rounded the large SUV, which had partially obstructed their view, closely followed by Harry. They reached the rear of the blue car and Vinnie found himself staring into the faces of the driver, and then the passenger; neither of whom were Babik or Grady.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Babik picked Susan up near the T-junction and turned right into Adelphi Street, but two minutes later saw blue lights up ahead and put his right-hand side indicator on and turned off. It looked like a normal traffic pull, but there was no point in taking chances, even in a clean car.

  ‘Where are we going?’ Susan asked.

  ‘Away for a day or two, until the heat drops and Sadiq gets sentenced.’

  ‘I might be missed,’ she said.

  ‘I thought that now they think you are an undercover pig, you won’t need to keep up the pretence of being a normal detective.’

  ‘True, I don’t need to appear to be normal CID, but I still need to keep in touch, both verbally and in person. I need them to think I’m doing my job.’

  ‘OK, we’ll sort that, but I need to get away today for a few hours, and then keep my head down… out of town.’
  ‘I thought you’d be leaving Preston for good after all that has gone on, to set up new somewhere else.’ Babik looked at her. ‘What? You told me as much,’ she added.

  He remembered that he had, and relaxed. ‘Sorry, yeah we will need to do that at some stage in the future, but we still have business in Preston.’

  Susan was the one to look at him now, and he thought before he added, ‘We have another building which thankfully they know nothing about, and I need to trust you.’

  ‘What the fuck do I have to do, Cornel? I told you about the other raid, warned you about Watson who was about to blow you out the water, even though I didn’t expect you to kill her, warned you about Bonehead’s handling of the ammo, oh, and helped you escape the ambush in Avenham Park.’

  He thought for a minute, and then realised he was being paranoid. She was right, of course. ‘Sorry,’ he said, adding, ‘it’s been crazy, and without you I’d be in a cell now, I know. I won’t question your loyalty again.’

  ‘And you’ve not paid me any money for ages,’ Susan reminded him.

  ‘I know, I’ll put that right too. Look, I’m going to need you to get back in, so you can monitor what they turn up. As far as I can tell, the second business premises are safe, and after the raid and the previous arrest of Sadiq, they should think that they have cleaned us out in Preston. I need you to help them to continue to think that way.’

  ‘No probs, where is it?’

  ‘Better than telling you, I’ll show you. That’s where I need to check in, this afternoon.’

  Susan just nodded and didn’t seem to show undue interest, turning to gaze out of her passenger window. Then his mobile started ringing. He pulled it from his pocket, assuming it was his associate. Babik looked at the screen and saw that it was Fletcher — no doubt he was after a bung too, and seriously more that he was paying Susan. He’d have to choose his words carefully in front of her. He accepted the call and spoke. ‘If it’s about you-know-what, I haven’t had a chance yet.’

  ‘It wasn’t, actually,’ Fletcher said, before continuing, ‘but now you mention it…’

  ‘Well, what then?’

  ‘Just to let you know that my office has just informed me that Sadiq’s case has been listed for mention tomorrow.’

  ‘Speak normal,’ Babik said.

  ‘Thought I was.’

  Babik had to stop himself; Fletcher was proving very useful, if not a little expensive, but could be a jumped-up snob at times. ‘Spit it out, I’m in a hurry,’ Babik said, glancing at Susan, who still appeared to be content with watching the world go by.

  ‘It means that Sadiq will be sentenced tomorrow and then it’ll be over.’

  ‘I knew as much already.’

  ‘Oh?’ Fletcher replied.

  Babik enjoyed the inflection in Fletcher’s voice, it would do him no harm to realise that Babik had other sources of information in the legal system, sources separate from him. Apart from taking Fletcher down a step from the pedestal he had put himself on, he wouldn’t know that Babik didn’t have eyes on him, as well.

  Fletcher continued, ‘Well, if you don’t need me—’

  Babik cut across him. ‘Don’t get your expensive braces in a twist, I only knew it was due, but what I want to know from you is whether Sadiq is behaving.’

  ‘It seems so,’ Fletcher started. Babik noted the arrogance returning to his voice. Fletcher continued. ‘Counsel are saying nothing, which I assume means that there is nothing to say. I’ve asked if he has been called before the judge for an in-chambers in-camera appearance—’

  ‘You’re doing it again,’ Babik interrupted.

  ‘Sorry, it means that if the judge had anything of a sensitive nature to discuss with either counsel he would have done it in his office, or in a closed court.’

  ‘And that hasn’t happened?’ Babik asked.

  ‘Counsel says not.’

  ‘Which means he’s kept his mouth shut?’ Babik pushed for more detail.

  ‘Absolutely. I told you how he reacted when I passed on your, er, advice re his good lady. I thought he was going to hit me.’

  Babik couldn’t blame Sadiq for that; he’d have loved to give Fletcher a slap himself, just for being Fletcher, if he hadn’t needed to keep him onside. ‘So as long as his sentence is good, we are all good?’

  ‘He should get between three and five, and I know that seems inconclusive by way of knowing for sure, but as there has been no secret meeting between counsel and judge, I have no worries. Plus there is more,’ Fletcher said.

  ‘Go on.’

  ‘As Sadiq refused to help the police in any way, they have charged him with a section 20.’

  This jargon, Babik understood. ‘Who’s he GBH-ed?’

  ‘Wouldn’t say when I asked him, but he did show me his copy of the charge sheet.’

  ‘Why wouldn’t he say? Doesn’t he want you to represent him on that?’ Babik asked.

  ‘Said there would be no need. Said that he felt sure that in the fullness of time the aggrieved would realise that he has made a terrible mistake and would therefore withdraw his complaint,’ Fletcher finished.

  ‘Excellent, just bell me once he’s been sent down and then I’ll arrange your fee transfer as agreed,’ Babik said, and then ended the call before Fletcher could reply.

  He smiled, he’d heard all he needed to hear, and he was pleased Sadiq was back in line. He’d forgive him his wobble; it was obviously just a momentary lapse as he considered his options. He was a good worker and Babik knew he could use him again, even if it would have to be in a few years’ time. Though if Sadiq kept himself to himself inside he would probably only serve half his sentence. He could be out in 18 months.

  All sorted, or as near as, though he wouldn’t allow Sadiq a second wobble. Loyalty was everything.


  Vinnie was obviously disappointed, but couldn’t blame Harry; the woman did look similar to Grady from behind. He was just glad that the force incident manager had only authorised a covert armed approach. As shocked as the couple were to be pulled over and told to put their hands on the roof of their car, it would have been a bit more tricky to talk down afterwards had they had a couple of handguns shoved in their faces. As it was, Harry and Vinnie simply apologised and explained that there had been a mistaken identity issue, and he was relieved that they seemed reassured and were happy enough to carry on their way. Vinnie also thanked the firearms officers, and as he walked back to the CID car Harry was just finishing a phone call.

  ‘The chief?’ Vinnie asked.

  ‘No, I’ll have the pleasure of that one later. It was the CPS lawyer in Sadiq’s case. The case is listed for sentence tomorrow but the judge wants to see us first, he’s listed it as a PII hearing to be held in his chambers.’

  Vinnie knew that public interest immunity hearings were nearly always held in private; the least sensitive would involve an open hearing with both counsel present — very rare. Usually only the prosecuting counsel was present, but defence counsel was made aware it was taking place. In these cases, the defence would be told the category of the sensitive material being discussed, but not the content. The defence would have to rely on the judge’s impartiality in deciding whether the material being discussed was too sensitive, and it was not in the public interest for it to be revealed to the defence. The judge could only order disclosure if he or she was convinced that the material either undermined the prosecution case, or would be helpful to the defence. In such an instance, when a judge did order disclosure to the defence, the prosecution would have a big decision to make: proceed, or drop the case. Vinnie had only known the latter happen once, and in the post mortem that followed, the shit hit the proverbial so hard he reckoned some of it was still flying.

  ‘And before you ask, the judge has not yet informed defence counsel of the planned PII hearing, which he doesn’t actually have to do, although he is doing so in this case. But when he does, he apparently will not even tell them the category of the
sensitivity, which as you know is extremely rare. And according to the CPS he will also order the defence counsel not to inform their instructing solicitor, Grant Fletcher.’

  ‘Brilliant,’ Vinnie said.

  ‘That depends.’

  ‘On what?’

  ‘On our performance.’

  ‘How do you mean, Harry?’

  ‘He’s clearly troubled at instructing the defence counsel not to tell his own solicitor, so he’s put a caveat on that decision.’

  ‘Meaning what?’ Vinnie asked.

  ‘Meaning that unless we convince him that his original decision was sound, he’ll tell defence counsel to, at the very least, inform the defence solicitor that a PII hearing has occurred.’

  ‘That would put Sadiq and especially his wife in mortal danger!’ Vinnie gasped.

  ‘And we only have intelligence of this threat, no actual evidence.’

  Vinnie knew it would be more difficult without the latter. ‘How long do we have to prepare?’

  ‘He’s waiting now.’

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Christine hadn’t had much luck researching the name Boldo online. It was a male name used by Romani gypsies and was believed to come from the Croatian name, Baldo. But nothing highlighted a known person using that name in the north west of England, nor anywhere else in the UK for that matter. She mused about where to try next. Christine had always favoured the ‘on the doorstep’ style of journalism. Too many of her peers, young and old, spent too much time talking to computers rather than speaking to people: the young, because it was the digital age and they knew little else, and the old when they couldn’t be bothered. It was the same with telephone interviews, sometimes a necessity when time was an issue, or if all you really wanted was a soundbite to anchor a breaking news story, but there would never be any substitute for speaking face to face. It was the only way of properly reading someone. That was something she prided herself in.


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