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Christmas With the Biker

Page 4

by Neya Fang

  I opened my mouth to try speaking again, but no words came. I didn’t know why I couldn’t say what was on my mind. I was struggling to express my fear, fear of the unknown, but the sincere unabashed honesty in his eyes gave me the courage to take the leap and say yes to ride on his bike.

  “I promise I will ride slow, even when people honk or curse me. Okay?”

  I nodded my head, but realized a beat later what he said, so I shook my head.

  He laughed, then showered me with his megawatt smile. “Come on, cutie.” He winked and wrapped his arm over my shoulders. “Let’s take you on a joyride.”

  Chapter 4


  I had tried to ride my bike as slow as I could—still following the city speed limit—and cruised through the open road. The roads were surprisedly empty as it was Black Friday.

  I looked over my shoulder and saw his face through the helmet glass. He had squeezed his eyes shut, holding the back of the bitch seat behind him instead of wrapping his arms around my waist.

  I should have known he’d never ridden a bike before. The way he’d freaked out when he realized we were not going to drive, I thought he might have a heart attack then and there in the parking lot.

  I wondered why he was so afraid of it, but no worries, I was going to help him overcome it.

  Motorcycle riding was a huge part of me. Huge. I couldn’t imagine my life without it, or the clubs—both clubs, ‘Saints of Bay’ and ‘Abditory’. Those clubs molded me into the person I was today. I hoped he would accept them too when he accepted me as his daddy.

  I desperately wanted to be his daddy. That’s why I was taking him to my club Saint’s of Bay. After meeting a few of the club members who would be there—a few doms and their subs, a few daddies and their boys—seeing them would help him understand what I was talking about. It’d also help him to know where I came from, my family, my roots.

  I could have given him the invitation card I carried in my bike storage compartment. However, this gave me a chance to spend more time with him, but not like this. I wanted him to sit closer to me, holding me in his arms while I rode the bike.

  I wanted to ride something else too.

  I shook my head to erase the idea out of my head. He was not ready for that. Not yet.


  I turned the bike on the next exit and stopped it, switching off the engine, then turned, angling my upper body so I could see him.

  His eyes were still tightly shut, his clenched jaw moving side to side. He was trembling.

  I knocked on his helmet to get his attention. Auden immediately opened his eyes. I lifted my helmet’s glass and gave him a small smile, then did the same with his helmet so he could hear me.

  “Will you do something for me?” I asked him.

  “Hmm?” He looked around us, noticing we were not on the freeway.

  “Keep your eyes open. Experience the ride. And maybe sit closer to me?”

  Finally, his upper lip twitched, coaxing a small tug upward.

  “I will t-try.”

  “That’s all I ask. Now don’t be afraid and sit tight. Not literally.” I winked and forced my body to swing away from him.

  He shuffled, and I could finally feel the heat of his body slowly warming mine.

  I watched through the bike’s rear-view mirror. Auden frowned, looking at his hands as if he didn’t know what to do with them, where to place them, what to hold onto. I solved his dilemma by grabbing them and wrapping them around my chest.

  He immediately clutched my jacket, pushing his body to move closer to mine. I felt his warm breath tickling my neck, sending an excited thrill down my spine, straight to my cock.

  How long had it been since I had a boy if the mere caress of his breath against my skin was arousing me?

  By gods, too long. Too, too long.

  I started the bike and revved it, feeling the thunder of the engine against my ass and groin. A tremor ruffled through Auden’s body, bleeding into mine.


  I didn’t waste any more time thinking about my arousal and his body’s reactions. It was time to take him where I knew he belonged.

  After riding for another few minutes, we reached the club. It was nothing fancy. It was an old two-story building, that looked like it had seen better days. It was a look—a vintage-y type look that wasn’t preserved—we liked to give the public because the building was as sturdy as the Great Wall of China.

  I parked my bike at my assigned spot behind the building. It was only for the employees and owners of the club.

  After removing my helmet, I looked over my shoulder and smiled at him. “Wait here.” I got off the bike and placed my helmet on his lap. “Hold this.” I unlatched his helmet buckle and slowly pulled it off his head, holding it under my left arm. I ran my fingers through his sweaty hair, feeling its softness.

  “Did you enjoy the ride?”

  “Yes.” He smiled and nodded. “It was amazing. I never rode a bike before. They always scared me. And all the horror stories I've read online made me even more wary of them. But this was fun. I enjoyed it a lot.”

  “See, I told you. Now come on, and be careful of the silencer. It’ll be hot.”

  He nodded and got off carefully and came around the motorbike to me. I held my hand out for him to take it, but the indecision on his face was just as clear as the sky in summer.

  It was like we took one step forward and three steps back.

  I knew he was scared of me, of our sudden budding attraction to each other, but I didn’t know how to ease that out of him. I wasn’t going to harm him. I would never.

  He needed time and wooing, and I was going to spend every second of my time going forward for the next two weeks showing him what kind of a man I was, and that he could me trust me with his body, soul and mind, and maybe even his heart.

  I was going to own him, and him me.

  It was just a matter of time, but it was going to happen. My gut had never failed me before, and it wouldn’t now. I trusted it more than my heart’s desire and mind’s sharpness.

  When he didn’t take my offered hand for some time, I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me, then walked toward the back door.

  As soon as I opened it, I was greeted by the warm blast of air and the smell of various food being cooked inside.

  Our club didn’t just serve greasy food, but also made sure it provided healthy food for those who were on a strict diet due to health reasons, allergies, and things like that.

  I was met with a few ‘hello’s’ and several ‘what’s up’ from the kitchen staff, who all lived and were a part of the lifestyle.

  Most of the staff had been with us since the early days. Some of them were new, like they’d joined us just a few months back.

  I nodded and smiled, but didn’t stop to introduce Auden.

  I looked over my shoulder as I walked ahead of him. Auden had lowered his head, but he was surreptitiously checking the surroundings from his lowered eyelids, soaking in everything.

  A smirk was threatening to tug my lips up. Oh boy, this was nothing compared to what he was going to see in a few seconds.

  I look away and opened the door to the main club floor, where the temperature was cool, but bearable.

  “Welcome to the Saints of Bay,” I said and pulled him under my arms. I didn’t want other single daddies to think he was game and they could flirt with him.

  I was not going to share. Nu-uh.

  I didn’t stand to meet others, I walked directly toward the bar where I knew Da would be. A big, bright smile lit his eyes when he saw me walking toward him, but then they immediately narrowed when his eyes fell on the man walking beside me, under my arm.

  He cocked his head to the side, question after question swimming in his eyes.

  Who was the man?

  Where did I find him?

  Was he my boy?

  Did I finally find him?

  Has he agreed to be mine?

  I smiled a
nd went closer to Da. “Hey, Da.” I leaned over the bar counter and gave him a one-arm hug. My Da was as tall as me, but he was leaner than me. He had lots of silver hair on his head and beard. And he always applied Kohl to contour and darken his eyelids.

  He looked young for a seventy-year-old man.

  He looked just like me—more like I looked like him—but Da had long hair and he always tied it behind. Never saw him leaving it loose. Not once since I came to live with him.

  “Ahh, my boy. It’s good to see you. It’s been too long since I saw you.”

  “It has only been a few hours since you saw me, Da.” I rolled my eyes, then laughed.

  “A few hours is too long in my opinion. Don’t you agree, sir?” Da looked to Auden, who shrunk under my arm, trying to move behind me to hide when he saw the question was directed at him.

  I pulled him in front of me and introduced them, keeping a firm arm on Auden’s shoulders.

  “Hey, Auden, this is my grandad, Conláed McCarthy. Da, this is Auden Hennessy.”

  “H-h-hello,” Auden whisper, his head bowed, hands fidgeting with the chain of his jacket zipper.

  “Hello, Auden. It’s nice to meet you, young man. You can call me Da because you are Crane’s friend and guest.” He smiled and held his hand out to shake Auden’s.

  My heart warmed, knowing he would accept Auden without questioning.

  Auden looked up at me, unsure of what to do. I squeezed his shoulders and gave a small nod. He took Da’s outstretched hand cautiously and shook it. “Thank you for having me here, D-da.”

  “You are always welcome here, my boy. You can come here anytime you want to. No one will stop you. Okay.”

  Auden gave a hesitant nod, still not meeting Da’s gaze.

  “So, what do you do, Auden?”

  “I’m a painter, and I own a small gallery in San Jose.”

  “That’s wonderful. What’s the name of the gallery, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Not at all. It’s called, ‘Brazen Love’.”

  “A fitting name for it.”

  Finally, a bright smile stretched his lips up, alighting his eyes with so much joy. “I thought so too. It’s a small place, but works for me.” He shrugged his shoulders, then removed his wallet from the pants pocket and handed a card to Da. “I’m always looking for new and budding artists in the area. If you know anyone, please tell them to visit the gallery and meet Mariska, my store manager.”

  “I will.” Da stored the card in his jacket pocket.

  “You will what?” A voice called from behind me. I angled my body to the side and smiled at the short man who was just as important to me as my Da.

  “Hey, Pop.”

  Pop and Da met just before I came to live with him at the age of fourteen. Da had met him when he visited us in Boston during our summer vacations. They hit it off immediately, becoming fast friends, and were the talk of the club when they started dating. Pop was the one who introduced Da to this life. They got married and displayed their relationship openly for my sake when I was struggling to make sense of my sexuality and attraction toward boys.

  “Hey, pipsqueak.” Pop kissed my cheek before moving to stand next to Da. “What were you going to do, Daddy?”

  “Hand in Auden’s card to any up and coming, or struggling artists. He’s always looking for fresh and new artists to showcase their work in his gallery.”

  Pop squeaked, his eyes widening. “Oh, hello there. Sorry, I didn’t see you. I’m Declan McCarthy. This old man’s husband and boy.”

  Da scowled, folding his arms over his chest. “Who are you calling old, boy?”

  Pop mimicked Da’s move and spoke with a straight face. “You.”

  “Someone’s itching for a spanking.” Da’s lips twitched.

  “Pfff.” Pop waved his hand, dismissing Da’s comment. “Promises, promises.”

  Da threw the dishrag that was resting on his shoulder on the bar counter and lifted pop off the floor and threw him on his shoulder like he weighed nothing. Which he really didn’t.

  “I’ll show you how I keep my promises, boy.” Da slapped pop’s ass, then pinched it and headed toward his office.

  I laughed and waved my fingers. “Someones in trouble!”

  “I’ll get you—”

  Pop’s voice was cut off when Da’s office door closed behind them.

  Many patrons laughed and snickered.

  A moment later the office door opened again and Da’s head popped out. “Man the bar, Crane. I’m going to teach my boy some important lessons today.”

  “We can all guess!” I hollered back just before the door shut again.

  I laughed again when we all heard the whining and squeaks coming from Pop.

  I turned away from the door and looked down at Auden, who was blinking and his jaw was laying down on the floor.

  I smiled, then winked. “Told you.”

  He nodded, still blinking and looking toward the door, like he couldn’t believe what he just saw.

  Well, Auden, you are in for a treat.

  “Now come on, help me man the bar for a few minutes, or maybe hours. It depends on how important and tedious the lesson is.”

  I smirked and moved away, but not before watching the heat kiss his cheeks.

  Aah, that blush. It looked good on him.


  Chapter 5


  To say I was speechless was an understatement. I’d never seen people who lived the lifestyle for twenty four hours and seven days a week. Because I didn’t venture out much. Because I didn’t allow myself to hope and dream and think it was a possibility.

  I was jealous of the old couple. Jealous that it wasn’t me in such a relationship. Jealous that at my age I didn’t have daddy, or even someone to call my partner.

  What must it be like to live so freely? To submit without worrying about what anyone thought. To openly call your partner daddy.

  Butterflies fluttered through my veins, sending a delicious shiver down my spine when Crane squeezed my shoulder to get my attention.

  “You blush so prettily.”

  And on cue, my ears, and neck—the whole face were stung by heat. I was bathing in red.

  Sheesh, way to put a guy on the spot.

  “Whatever,” I muttered under my breath and turned away from him.

  “Come on, sugarplum, help me man the bar until Da comes out.”

  Help him man the bar? Moi? But I didn’t know shit about serving people. Never did, but I followed him gingerly, keeping my head down.

  As soon as we got behind the bar, Crane handed me a new dish rag he removed from a small drawer next to the cash register and pointed to the various glasses under the bar counter.

  “Wipe them, then if someone says they want a beer on tap, use the spray down there and fill the beer mug. Charge only if it’s not a club member.”

  “Um, h-how... how will I know who’s a club member?”

  “Good question.” He points to a patch with a specific design on the breast pocket of his leather jacket. “You look for the club logo. If they have a logo on their jacket, or are wearing the logo medal around their necks, then they are a club member. If you don’t see the logo patch or the medal, then you charge them.”

  “I... okay. Yeah, fine.” I nodded to myself, then looked at all the glasses and mugs waiting to be dried apprehensively.

  I had never worked in my life. I mean I’d never assisted in such tasks. Not even after my father passed away and my stepmother abused me. We always had servants to take care of such functions. Before and after father’s death.

  Even now I had a maid come in to do all the work, and since I never invited anyone to my place, I never had to learn the how’s and what’s of serving someone a drink.

  My hands were shaking. Shaking like a leaf during a storm. I didn’t know why?

  Okay, so I knew why. I was scared of disappointing Crane.

  What if I dropped the glass?

t if I didn’t wipe it properly, then one of the club members or a customer complained about being handed a wet glass?

  I hadn’t realized I was hyperventilating until Crane touched my back and whispered in my ear. “Breathe, boy. Just breath. Nice and easy. Take a long pull and hold it, then exhale and repeat the process.”

  I followed his words and did exactly as he said. “That’s it.

  Once I was calm and could breathe without having a coronary attack, embarrassment filled my being.

  What must he think of me if I was getting that worked up for such a simple task?

  “You’ve got this. You can do it. Start with one. Take one glass and wipe it dry. Once that is over then worry about the next one.”

  I nodded and took a glass tentatively in my hand, and with great caution wiped it with the dishrag. Once I was satisfied, then took the next, then the next, and so on I finished wiping all the glasses and the mugs. I even wiped the counter and the under counter. Collected the empty bottled and mugs and place them near the window for the busboy to take it.

  The feeling of being taller and stronger grew exponentially faster inside me. My lungs expanded to their fullest through deep, satisfied breath when my gaze connected with Crane’s intense one, and he gave me a satisfied smile, his chin rising up.

  A customer came into my section of the bar and ordered a beer. I remembered to ask him which one he wanted.

  “Whatever’s on tap.” He mumbled under his breath and slumped his upper body over the counter. The man looked ready to crash.

  I filled the beer mug with the spray, then placed the mug in front of him. “Here you go, mister.”


  I checked for the logo patch on his jacket or the club medal around his neck.

  When I found none, I told him the price I saw marked on the spray handle. He handed twenty dollars and took a big gulp of his beer.

  And soon customers and club members were ordering drinks left and right at the bar. It got busy within minutes.


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