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Alien Mate: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance

Page 11

by Penelope Woods

  A voice comes from behind me. “Calm yourself. She is safe. For now, at least.”

  I turn to see a halfling doctor kneeling behind a counter. Slowly, he rises. A tranquil look graces his face, but I can’t understand how.

  He holds a needle. “Sedatives. You look like you could use one.”

  I growl and wind my arm back to sock him in the face. “You stick me with that, and I’ll be forced to shove it up your ass. Where is she?”

  The doctor puts his hand out in defense. He drops the syringe and clenches his eyes tightly. “Did you hear me? She is safe. You should be thanking me for my efforts,” he says.

  My mind is racing so fast, it’s nearly impossible to listen to him. “Where is she?” I ask again.

  The doctor opens a door, revealing an underground shaft that leads to God knows where. He takes a deep breath and points. I have a feeling I’m not going to like what he’s about to tell me.

  He says, “Back to Elysa.”

  I have to hold back from screaming and destroying everything in sight. “Elysa? But she’ll be tried for treason. I’ll never see her again,” I say.

  “It was the only option she had. She made a choice between life or death. She chose life,” he says.

  I twist my head and brace my heels against the ground. The world feels like it’s spinning. It feels like my heart is about to implode. “She can’t fend for herself. She needs me,” I say.

  Panic turns my blood cold. I stumble back and brace against the small metal surgical table, but the pressure causes it to collapse underneath me. I fall and slump against the ground, reeling from the news.

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing, but it shouldn’t shock me. She has grown so much. I should have known this would happen. Once she made the call to Clara, our life together was over.

  The doctor’s medicated eyes look unnaturally tranquil. “I know how difficult this must be to hear, but she is strong and intelligent. She will survive,” he assures me.

  I wish I could be as calm as him, right now, but I can’t. I just fucking can’t. Anna is a diamond in the rough, the only human I could ever love. Now, she’s gone.

  “Gone forever,” I whisper.

  The little halfling physician lends me his hand and helps me get onto my feet. “Do you really love her that much?” he asks. “I have always assumed Syndicate alphas cannot love.”

  I lower my head and try to hold back the tears. Alphas don’t usually cry for their women, but if a bond is broken, the pain is excruciating. “You assume wrong.”

  “Then you must find her before she gets to Base Elysa,” he says. “If you don’t, they will attempt to reintegrate her. If she does not pass the test, she will be executed.”

  My sadness burns my throat, but he is wrong. “She will not return to Elysa.”

  The man raises a brow. “Where else can she possibly go?” he asks.

  Anna wouldn’t just give up. That’s not in her nature. She is much stronger now. If she was caught, she would go down fighting. “The Syndicate facilities. There’s a port that rests along the river. Fuck, of course... She’s going to free the women,” I say.

  The enslaved aliens. The ones she left behind. She didn’t talk about them much. Is it possible she is going back to face the Syndicate?

  I hope not. But it seems logical.

  The physician’s body turns rigid as I hug him. “This probably wasn’t your intention, but you just made my day,” I say. “Now, get to safety. The Gerkis will be after me soon.”

  Before he can reply, the sound of soldier’s boots echo throughout the hall. A group of soldiers run in, and I quickly pull out my rifle and blast them. “Now!” I scream.

  The physician runs into the underground tunnel, as more soldiers suffer the fate of my bullets. One of the soldiers outside shouts, “He is in the ward. Send in more soldiers.”

  I take one more look at the underground path and sigh. I really didn’t want to have to kill a million Gerkis, but they’re forcing my hand.

  I mill through the crowd of disgusting aliens, and force my way through the front of the building. When I’m outside, an entire front line of soldiers unload on me, but there’s a reason why they lost the red sand wars. They’re over-excitable, and their aim is terrible.

  It takes me all of five minutes to take out the bastards, and when I do, I’m fully satisfied. They tried to kill my unborn child. They forced my mate into danger. This is not what I want to be doing with my time, but I will fight for Anna and our child.

  I fire the last of my clip and exhale sharply as the final body drops. “Please tell me that was all of them,” I mutter under my breath.

  I fire my last round and take a breath as the soldier falls to the sand. "Finally," I whisper and turn around.

  But a massive starship soars into view, a giant disc obstructing the sun. Suddenly, the wind feels very cold. "Earth Federation," I whisper.

  I drop my gun. Without bullets, I've got nothing against their starship. I book it back toward the physician's ward, but a laser beam shoots near my foot with great accuracy.

  A robotic voice comes down from the starship. "Alien. Stand down. Do you comply?”

  I raise my hands above my head and step back. "I… I… I comply."

  Is this it? Is this the day my sins finally catch up to me?

  A rope extends from the center of the large starship. An alien dressed in black connects to it and drops down. He is wearing a Syndicate badge. Soon, two Earth Federation generals come into view. They drop down with him.

  I can’t believe my eyes. “What the fuck? They’re working together?”

  Earth Federation and Syndicate, together. I never thought I’d see the day.

  The alien is taller than me. He's bigger, but he is not slow like an oaf. He walks with great determination, and when I think he might stop, he doesn't. Without warning, he slams a shock prod against my neck, stunning me to the ground.

  "We've come to collect our debt," he grunts.

  "I’m right here," I say.

  “The woman,” he growls.

  Sand cakes my lips. I struggle to stand, but I’m pretty sure my ribs are broken. “She fled,” I say.

  He shocks me again. It's not so funny when you're on the other end of the prod. My face is flat in the dirt and the pain flows through my muscles like a current.

  His voice is as thick as mud. "You have lost her?”

  “Yes,” I mutter. “She’s gone.”

  “Then we will find her ourselves. Come with us. You are being detained both by the Syndicate, as well as the Earth Federation,” he says.

  “But… how is that possible?” I ask.

  “If you fight us, we will bury you," he says. The two generals step forward, silent but their eyes are dark and devoid of emotion.

  Coughing and seizing up with pain, I put my hands where he can see them. "I'm coming," I say

  As I’m lifted into the starship, I see guards waiting with batons and shock prods. My instincts kick into overdrive. I try to fight them, but it's like fighting eight better versions of myself.

  Something is wrong here. These aren’t normal aliens.

  They easily subdue me, and the pain crosses into a new threshold.

  "Get off of me," I growl.

  They bind me with leather bands that constrict tighter and tighter until it's impossible to move at all. When I'm nice and snug, they roll me over and force a black, leather mask over my head. There are no eye holes. No holes for my nostrils. There is a small tube that fits into the mouth. That's it.

  I bite down and breathe, but I hyperventilate. My vision wanes, and I lose all bodily sensation.

  "Help," I try to say. It comes out as a pathetic muffled cry. I twist and shake from a lack of oxygen. Choking, my lungs feel like they’re turning inward.

  The craft takes off, and even though I'm at my lowest point, I somehow laugh.

  I've always tried to control things, but the more I hold on, the harder it gets. Caught for the se
cond time, I'm torn away from my mission of love.

  I close my eyes and let the fire of my anger and resentment burn into my heart. I let the past go, but Anna remains. she is the one constant, the one person on my side. She is the only one that can see any good in me.

  I laugh again, but not because anything is funny. The tears are building behind my mask of leather. It may have started out as good pussy, the best I’d ever had. But Anna was so much more. We were so much more.

  There's nothing I wouldn't do to get her back, but I am trapped. Maybe it's naïve to think I'll ever see her again. If these bastards kill me, I hope she finds a way off this planet.

  She deserves freedom.


  “Anna, what on earth do you think you’re doing?”

  Clara’s voice is sharp, and her face pale and full of fear. For someone who wanted to free these women, she sure is adamant about getting me to stop short of the entrance.

  Pausing at the edge of the bank, I watch as the alphas lead the women into the facility. Finally, Clara catches up to me and pinches my arm. “Slow the hell down. We can’t just charge the place. We need to figure out a plan,” she says.

  A plan? She hasn’t seen the new me. Not really. Before I met Ax, I was scared of taking charge, but now I’ve seen and experienced enough to prepare for this place. And now that I’m back, I’m ready. I can do this.

  “I’m one step ahead of you,” I say. “Put on that mask and activate the voice changer. I need you to get me inside.”

  She holds the clay mask, trembling. We’re yards away from the Syndicate slavers, and all of this has suddenly turned very real to her.

  When Clara speaks, she stutters. “I can’t do it, Anna. I know this was my idea, but it is too much. I mean, whatever happened to us little girls playing tag around the barracks?”

  It’s a charming memory, but nothing will bring me as much joy as lighting this place up. “We aren’t little girls anymore. And our happiness was possible off the backs of these women and their suffering. For once in our lives, we have to do something real,” I say. “It’s time to be heroes.”

  She sucks in three breaths and punches the air to pump herself up. “You’re right.”

  When Clara agrees to infiltrate the premises, I feel a great burden lift from my shoulders. She is with me on this. We’re friends again.

  I grab the mask and tighten it around her face. I turn on the voice changer and kiss her forehead. She’s going to do great. “Okay, so here’s the plan. You’re a bounty hunter who caught me fleeing the Red Sands. You’re here to collect a debt, but do not let them take me out of sight, okay? Just stick to the character, and lead me in with the rest of the women.”

  She asks, voice low and gruff, “What if they detain us both?”

  “Then we will finally meet the leaders of the Syndicate,” I say.

  It’s not the answer she probably wants to hear, but I think back to when Ax shut me in that water reservoir. Those weeks were brutal, but they made me think about my place in the universe. There wasn’t a night that passed where I didn’t think about killing every last one of those alpha fucks.

  These women never got the same chance I did. They never got to move forward with their lives. I need to save them.

  Clara and I are nothing like those little girls playing tag throughout the military base. We are soldiers. Heroes. For real, this time.

  She pushes me forward, and I bow my head, remembering how it felt to first arrive here. The chaos. The scent of punishment. Guards surrounding us. It was horrible.

  “Move, whore,” she commands.

  As we walk through the port, the alphas take notice, and stop her in her tracks. “A lone shipment? This is most unusual,” one guard grunts.

  Another alien sniffs the air and twists his neck. “Delectable scent,” he says. “Pungent. Smells like she’s carrying.”

  The guard’s eyes roll to my belly. “Pregnant?”

  Wild smiles form on both of their faces, and other guards of the Syndicate arrive to see the commotion. Before I know it, a crowd has formed to scent me out. Luckily, Clara is a good actress.

  She holds me by my leash, yanking on it when she’s got their attention. I fake a shiver. “Slut’s womb is coated with seed. She is pregnant with Kurrek kin,” she says.

  A big alien with tumors protruding out of the holes in his armor blinks rapidly. Saliva and mucus hangs from his meaty lips. “A human,” he growls, rolling a finger underneath my chin. “Pretty, pretty porcelain skin...”

  Clara shakes her head. “Not just any human. An Earth Federation defect.”

  Upon hearing this critical detail, the alphas go insane. They holler loudly and push closer until Clara draws a gun.

  “Back away,” she shouts. “I have come to collect the bounty of my prisoner.”

  One alien hisses, “You are no Syndicate. We do not take orders from your kind,” he says. “Why shouldn’t we take her for ourselves?”

  She pulls me into her chest and drives the barrel of her gun against my temple. “She is much too valuable for me to part with, friends. I will gladly kill her myself if that is what you wish. Of course, then you’ll have to explain to your leaders how it was your fault a prisoner as valuable as mine died.”

  Sensing that she’s not full of shit, the aliens back away. One guard points to my notched ear and says, “She is not without ownership. Let her pass. Surely, the leaders will want to see her first. Ignore the rest of these brutes, bounty hunter. Follow me to claim your reward.”

  Clara nudges me forward as the rest of the alphas back away, huffing with anger. Instead of walking through the main hall that I originally found myself in, we circumvent the property by going through a side gate.

  Outside, I can see three tall silos, near to where the pregnant women were imprisoned. We do not travel in that direction. Instead, we are led through another gate that opens to a large plantation home, lit up by rows of elegant lights. Soft music can be heard coming from inside; the sound of trumpets lightly crying through the closed doorway. Finally, we reach the front entrance.

  We stop.

  “Wait,” the alien guard says. The alpha knock on the door three times.

  As we stand in silence, a small hatch slides open, revealing a set of green eyes. A short and portly blue alien peers out at us. “The party is at capacity,” he says.

  The party? I know I’ve only been here once, but I never saw this area. This feels different from the auction. Very different.

  I hold my breath as a guard waves me forward. “Look at the bitch. Earth Federation defect. The leaders will want to see her when they learn who she is,” he says.

  The blue alien behind the door twitches, nostrils widening. His wrinkles shift, and he becomes noticeably angry. “Who has brought her? I said we are at capacity.”

  Clara steps forward and says, “I am the bounty hunter who has brought the defect. She is a high commodity, but I will gladly sell her to someone else if that is what you wish.”

  The guard behind the door sniffs one more time. His face shifts. His nostrils stay open. Suddenly, he looks all too pleased to see me. This doesn’t feel right. I think we should back out.

  With a calm smile, the blue alien says, “I have never smelled a bounty hunter as fragrant as yourself. If you wish to come inside, you will take off your mask.”

  The tension is palpable, and I brace even harder as the guard’s grin widens. A noticeable silence nearly brings tears to my eyes. This was a bad idea based on good intentions, but all I can wonder is if I will see Ax again.

  The guard who brought us here growls with intensity. He drives his hand through the hatch, grabbing the blue alien’s throat. Choking him, he barks, “You are wasting all of our time with this nonsense! Who cares about a bounty hunter’s face?”

  Other guards run over to gawk as soon as they notice the commotion. The alien crushes the blue guard’s throat, killing him in an instant. The blue alien slumps forward. Suddenly, a gro
up of guards form around him. Judging by the looks in their eyes, they want blood.

  A fight ensues between the Syndicate brutes. One guard takes a blade to another alien’s eyes. Another grabs a limb and twists until a very audible snap rings out. They take to biting, ripping, and dismembering.

  In their bloodlust, they forget about us.

  I close my eyes and back against the door, heartbeat causing my vision to bump and blur. Clara is right beside me, lost in a state of total panic.

  “Inside. Let’s go,” I mutter.

  With haste, we slip through the plantation, quietly closing the door behind us. Inside, a slow and languid jazz tune takes me to the center of the room. A statue stands within four marble pillars.

  The statue forms an elegant fountain adorned with beautiful women of all planetary origin. Humans and aliens. They are bound together, knees firmly rooted to the floor. A faceless Earth Federation general holds their leashes in his right hand. In his left is a thick whip, ready to scourge and tear into their flesh.

  It is an icon to dominance. We’ve walked into some place very bad.

  Throat closing, I place my hand against my mouth in horror. As soft, elegant music plays, my eyes focus on our surroundings. I turn and see Clara start to weep. “They’re… everywhere,” she whispers.

  There are generals in nearly every section of the mansion; on the second floor, the third, and in the red velvet hallways where doors lead to mystery rooms of the cruelest pleasures.

  But that’s not all of it. Far fucking from it.

  The generals are naked and rutting alien women. Their legs are bound, thighs spread open to the fullest degree. One general clings to the balcony and moans. Cock bulging and balls rising, he contracts and spills his cum into the woman. He spanks her ass and grins as another general waits for his turn.

  All I can really look at is the woman’s eyes. The dropping eyelids as her breasts swing forward. The drugged satisfaction. The trembling, wet lips, dripping with other men’s seed. They’ve trained these women to behave, and behave they do.


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