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Crow Call (Part 1): An Ash Academy Serial (Crow Call Serial)

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by Rosa Rojo

  Crow Call

  Part 1

  Rosa Rojo

  Crow Call © 2020 by Rosa Rojo. All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by Rosa Rojo

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  To my past Self, it gets better baby girl just have faith!

  Crow Call








  A Word from Rosa




  The rhythmic sound echoed in my head, endless and hollow.

  I was at rest and aware, but not dreaming.

  No, this was no dream; I was trapped in a jail of my own making.

  Cursed with the need to rest but unable to reach the state of unconsciousness any human would be able to in sleep.

  No, I wasn’t asleep in the conventional sense of the word, I guess you could call it stasis, even though that word lacks accuracy in this instance as well.

  My kind was other, we were the myths and legends of the human world, the beings their colourful imaginations had shaped into myths and monsters.

  The truth of our existence, however, was as simple as evolution itself, if that concept can be called such.

  We were simply from a different branch of the same tree that birthed humanity. All the made-up names they had for us were just imaginative descriptions of what nature had decided to shape us into.

  Vampire, Shifter, Witch, these were some of the description’s humanity created to define those of us who were of a different kind.

  It helped them sleep at night, to think that people with powers beyond their own did not exist.

  I was jealous really;

  If only I was as oblivious and powerless as the humans, I could live not knowing this day was ahead of me.

  I could wake up from a dream of sunshine and rainbows and start my day as a human girl, one who’s biggest worries were whether she would pass an exam or if she might be pregnant.


  The sound became more insistent; louder and louder, and I knew procrastination as an option was no longer available.

  With the same amount of mental skill, it took me to enter my rest state, I exited.

  I rose from my black silk sheets and moved to the window where the leader of my Murder sat perched.

  I slid open the window, its surface now marred with scratches made by an insistent beak.

  “Happy now?”

  I asked, looking at the large bird.

  It was, a Crow…

  Or at least that is what humanity would see it as.

  This creature I knew was no common crow.

  This was no bird, but a man who had the ability to clothe himself with wings instead of skin, and he had come for me.

  With one eye he locked me in his gaze before his beak began tapping on an entirely different spot.

  I followed the direction with my gaze, and there as I had expected was a white envelope Sealed with black wax embossed with a stylized A. I picked up the expensive stationery and moved to my desk where I kept my laptop and all the other trappings of this modern technological era.

  I left the window open knowing that he would follow.

  Even if I had not, he would have still.

  His tapping before was a courtesy, there was no doubt.

  When the Night Flock sought entry there was no way to keep them out.

  I opened the envelope already knowing what lay inside.

  I pulled out the ordinary-looking letter.

  My hand shaking without consent.

  Angelica of the house of Ash, this letter summons you to your place at Ash Academy to commence your edification…

  I sighed heavily setting the paper aside, I didn’t need to read anything else.

  There was no point, I was well acquainted with the contents of this letter.

  I was you see, of an evolutionary branch of sentient beings that had the ability to weave energy. The humans called us magicians, witches, wizards and all kinds of things some wonderous, others wicked.

  What we called ourselves was simple; we were the Able, those with the ability to do what humanity was unable to.

  This missive was one sent to the daughters and sons of families with the ability to weave.

  Well, those able to weave, and who’s bloodlines were pure and undiluted.

  Families, like mine.

  In fact, my family was the standard to which every other House held themselves.

  I was Angelica of the house of Ash, youngest Grand-Daughter of Helena Prime of Ash.

  I knew this day was coming.

  And I dreaded it.

  The 18th year of life is something girls of all kinds look forward to.

  But for me, it had always been something I faced with trepidation.

  It marked the beginning of my burden,

  I had to live up to the expectation of not only my Grandmother, but my sisters who’d gone before me, who were all now more powerful than I could ever hope to be.

  That day, when my Crow Call came it was the beginning of my life as an Ash and the end of my life as Angie.

  “I will get my things,” I said to the crow,

  No need, they have already been sent ahead, all you must do is step out the window.

  The voice was crisp smooth and without any tinge of emotion though at the same time it was not emotionless. The impossibility of it spoke to the other nature of my Crow.

  That he was mine there was no doubt.

  Only a member of a weavers bonded Flock could escort her to the other realm where the Academy was located.

  He hopped somehow gracefully off my desk and flew straight to the window.

  His wings spread wide and pulsing with power.

  Soon the view of the quiet Canadian suburb where I lived was replaced with that of a dark forest.

  Now come, we are late.

  My Crow’s voice injected the words into my head as though there were my own thoughts.

  If I were a human, they would be indistinguishable, but I was not.

  I took one look back at my mundane room, one last look.

  I wouldn’t be coming back here.

  This was my last time.

  I wanted to feel sad to leave this life behind, but it was not this life I would be mourning.

  I would simply mourn for my ability to have a choice, and that was a luxury my birth had taken from me.

  Without a second look, I stepped up onto my window seat and into my future.


  I walked among rows and rows of girls and boys.

  On their knees, heads bowed and in the case of those with longer locks, hair draped over the polished ivory floor.

  There was no sound to my footsteps but there might as well have been, for all that my entrance was noted either way.

  There was tension in the air.

  It poured off every person in the room … save one.

  She stood at the front of the larger
room; pale hands clasped elegantly over her black lace bodice.

  Her eyes fixed on me as I made my way to her.

  Alisa Ash, current Principal of Ash Academy, most powerful Water Weaver of her generation and my eldest sister.

  Her dress like mine was black, though hers was much more regal than my own.

  From the boning of her corset that pushed her pale breasts up, to the graceful draping of her full skirts to the floor; it was clear the dress was made to be worn by someone powerful.

  The crest of Ash embroidered subtly all over the gown, was also a nod to my sister’s rank and power.

  The fact that I could barely see it was a clear indication of my lack of the same.

  My crow flew ahead as I walked in the wake of his wings.

  He was the only member of The Flock to be in flight.

  As one bonded to an Ash; only he had this right.

  I sighed inwardly, all this pomp and ceremony was not for me.

  My sisters thrived in it, it was what they were born to do… but for me, I felt out of place and awkward as I reached the foot of the raised platform where my sister held court. I allowed my knees to lower, however unlike my classmates I did not bow.

  My sister looked down at me her blond hair shining in the low light.

  There were words of disapproval and scolding in her eyes, but she uttered none of them.

  That would come later.

  When we were not in the middle of a hall of people who either worshipped of loathed our family name.

  Instead, she unclasped her hands and spread them wide, thin strings of perfectly controlled water leaving her fingertips and spreading to the four corners of the room where heavy black drapes were pushed back.

  The light that flooded the chamber was not bright.

  However, its presence in a room that had lacked all but the smallest glow of light only moments before caused it to seem blinding.

  “Students, please rise.”

  My sister intoned in a voice that sounded natural and authoritative, only I knew how practiced and calculated it was to output exactly that effect.

  “Millennia have passed since we became Able since we were set apart from our mundane human counterparts to become something more…”

  The cadence, tone, and structure of the speech Alisa went into were all designed to cultivate feelings of awe and pride, trust and loyalty and above all respect for the founding houses of the System that ruled our world and kept the balances of power and order.

  Ash, Oak, and Fir the houses that ruled our world were often interpreted by humans as Fae courts. Their explanation of the structure of our government even fictitiously was too scarily accurate for them not to have been somehow informed of it at some point.

  “You gathered here on the day of your Induction are blessed and favoured to count yourselves among the few to have the prestigious honour of being instructed with a member of the House of Ash as your classmate!”

  My sister said interrupting my thoughts with the less than welcomed announcement.

  If I were human, I would have gasped or flushed.

  If I were human, I wouldn’t be here…

  As if Acknowledging my presence were permission, I felt hundreds of eyes land on me that were not previously looking in my direction.

  I didn’t return any gazes, instead of keeping my eyes trained on the back of the room where a large wall held the crests of the three great houses.

  The small hushed applause that followed my sister’s announcement was expected.

  What was not was the hands she rested on my skinny shoulders as she pulled me in for what others would perceive as a sisterly hug.

  “You will see me in the antechamber immediately after dismissal,” She grumbled in my ear, then pulled away affecting the air of a sister happy to greet another.

  I nodded slightly so as to convey my understanding of her order, as that was what it clearly was;

  an order.

  “Today, alongside my dear sister, you will take your first steps to become the leaders, protectors, and stars of your generation! Welcome, all to Ash Academy!”

  The applause that followed this announcement was packed with excitement and anticipation.

  I did not join in on either sentiment.

  Not 5 minutes later, the students began to leave the great hall orderly and as if there was an announcement made for them to do so.

  In a way, there was, each student’s bonded Flock mate had in some way communicated to them the instruction that the induction was over and that they were to head directly to the grand dining hall for their first breakfast as students of the Academy.

  My Crow however did not communicate to me any such message, instead he stood perched on a golden construction made just for that purpose and waited for instructions.

  Instructions from my sister, who without preamble spun perfectly on her heel and moved to the antechamber.

  I did not need my Flock mate to tell me to follow, but of course, the cold voice was all too ready to communicate to me that I was to do just that.

  “Two fucking hours Angelica!” My sister began as soon as both doors of the small passageway were sealed.

  I flinched; her words harsher than any other time I’d heard them.

  “No one! Not Alexa not Aria, not Anna none of them has ever embarrassed me the way you just did!”

  I opened my mouth to interject on the sharp tirade, but I was silenced by a sharp look that told me to seal my lips.

  “You selfishly took your time to arrive here and left your classmates prostrate on the floor for TWO HOURS Angelica! Do you understand.” She repeated pacing the floor with such force I looked down at it to discern whether or not there were pointy grooves made by her heels.

  She stopped abruptly and looked down at me, an incredible feat since she and I were the same height.

  “I don’t want your excuses; I don’t want explanations in fact; I don’t want to deal with you at all Angelica!

  At her the crescendo of her words the sound of wings entered the room and soon we were joined by Ice her Raven and the leader of her Conspiracy.

  His size in bird form was majestic and caused my crow companion to appear almost pigeon-like in comparison.

  “Ice inform Grandmother of Angelica’s actions today, I have far too much on my hands to deal with whatever form of drama she’s going through”

  Without another word she walked out the exit door Ice in her wake.

  Your grandmother will see you in her quarters

  My crow; dutiful as ever communicated to me.

  It occurred to me then, that amid all of this I had rudely not asked him his name.

  In fact, for this entire ordeal, I had been referring to him in my head as “My Crow”

  I sighed.

  Just when I thought I didn’t fit in with my family here I was acting like an entitled Ash.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name,” I said in my most polite of voices. For a moment I was certain my crow had not heard me.

  But Just as I opened my mouth to repeat one word filled my mind.


  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” I said as my Crow… Ash flew off in the direction of my Grandmother’s rooms, could this day get any stranger?


  “No, I will not wait! This is the second time Nigel either show me the way to the gardens or I petition for another Flock Mate!”

  As I passed the irate girl forcefully scolding what looked to be a chubby sparrow I sighed.

  Could one even do that

  I wondered idly as I walked towards the familiar building looming in the depth of a cusp of Ash trees.

  My Crow flew ahead as what was now becoming a normal thing.

  It seemed that my Crow…. Ash was very efficient when it came to the business of the house of Ash.

  I rolled my eyes.

  Of all the names my Flock mate could have, it was the one I hated most, and the one that would now
define me for the rest of my life.

  It was ironic really because I knew he was not the chooser of his name, just as I had not chosen mine and still both of us were stuck.

  His parents, whoever they were had to have thought that naming their son after the most prestigious house would garner some favour with grandmother.

  Well, they were wrong.

  Instead of their precious Ash being paired with a useful member of the House of Ash, he’d been paired with me; the misfit, the useless one, the worthless one; Angelica the last born.

  Maybe there was some merit in the overheard conversation of moments before.

  I decided that I might investigate seeing if it was possible to petition for a new Flock Mate.

  It was I already know improbable, but it gave me something else to do with my thoughts other than contemplating how I would face the disapproval and disdain I had seen far too many times in the eyes of the only parent I had known.

  There are stories and songs written about my parents.

  Some call them the “Stars of Ash”.

  My father was from the lesser “House of Birch” one of the many that swore loyalty to Ash. Though almost everyone forgot where he came from the moment he married into the family.

  The story goes, that he found my mother one day in the meadows of our lands picking wildflowers and fell for her immediately vowing that day that he would Wed the “Angel of Ash” as my mother was referred to; because of her control over light and her white-blonde hair.

  Her name was Angelique, and mine being the closest to hers of all my sisters was an extra burden I never wanted.

  That’s why I went by Angie.

  Angie was normal easy mundane and did not hold the promise of amazing things I could never accomplish

  I was Angie for a very long time.


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