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Twisted games: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Wexley Exclusive Prep Book 1)

Page 2

by Slash, Ana


  That is the moment the same handsome familiar looking older man walked up to Susan. He leaned in, placed a hand on her arm and whispered words into her ears.

  She giggled like a love struck girlfriend. The man walked off and out the exit.

  “Who was that?” I asked.

  “Who? Hmm no one… so where were you again?”

  I cocked an eyebrow, since when did Susan keep secrets from me? This is new. But I left it alone. She must have her reasons for not wanting to talk about him.

  I sighed. She averted my gaze for a minute and then she ran her hands through her hair.

  “I was at the beach.”

  I said answering her question even though she refused to answer mine.

  Her eyes widened as though she had seen a ghost!

  She blurted out:

  “What! You stepped out on the beach after I warned you about it?”

  I shrugged and said, “What's the big deal? It was perfect.”

  She swallowed and cocked an eyebrow.

  She said, “Listen there is something, I must tell you. I transferred to that elite school up the hill. Don't tell anyone at Madison, OK?”

  I gasped.

  “Of course not, no one would know. I can't imagine going over there, Susan why the hell would anyone want to go to that school?"

  She sighed. Then she slid her hair behind her ears and remarked:

  “Wexley is not that bad, plus it is great for future opportunities.”

  “How could you afford it?” I asked.

  She nervously scanned the room and blurted out:

  “A scholarship.”

  I giggled. Then I said to her, “Oh from what I heard, it's not a great place to be. Why would you want to go there?”

  She folded her arms and said, "And what exactly did you hear about it? Bella, Wexley guarantees my getting into an Ivy League Universities.”

  I sighed.

  Then I said to her, “And so does Madison Public School. You don't have any idea what it takes right?”

  She shrugged and said, “ You know will be really funny if you end up joining me at Wexley Academy.”

  I scoffed and said, "That would never happen. I will not be caught dead in a place like that. It's just not for me. Besides I am so looking forward to my senior year at Madison High, yes it's a public school in case you forgot. Especially now that you will attend that uppity school. I'm so glad mom agreed I can stay Madison, even though she is now married to a man of serious means.”

  My friend Susan folded her arms.

  She said, "I won't be so sure about that if I were you."

  I cocked an eyebrow. What did she hear?

  She chuckled and said, “Rumor has it, you will attend that uppity school with me.”

  I said, “Never! I will never go to an institution like that, hell no not me”

  Susan shook her head and laughed.

  She said, “Everybody says that until they end up at the historic Wexley Academy’s halls. Don't worry it's going to be great. If you transfer, we can have our crew back.”

  “ Our crew?”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  She said “Well you could be part of my crew there. We could do great things together. We could fight off the bad guys and deal with the spoilt kids. Plus, your being there will make my adjustment easier.”

  I said, “What part of I will not be there don’t you understand? The only great thing I see happening is staying at Madison. Thats my hood okay. Plus, don’t forget I am top of the class. I'm will not attend some mumbo-jumbo elitist school. Just because Mom’s hanging with a billionaire doesn't mean he will pay for it. That will never happen.”

  I looked ahead and saw mom kissing my new stepdad.

  I scoffed and said, “Just what does he see in her? I love my mom and everything. But sometimes I wonder how she scored him. He's not the first and won't be her last.”

  I sighed and thought, "I don't want to be like her, just getting hitched for money. I plan on having a perfect future. I want to do something with my life.”

  “No I don’t want to be like her,” I blurted out.

  Susan said, “That's why you need to help her."

  I raise an eyebrow and asked, “What do you mean help her?” She leaned in and whispered into my ears:

  "You need to tell her to get as much as she can as soon as possible. Listen, I got a scholarship to transfer to the school and word on the street is your new stepfather is not all he is cracked out to be. I hear he invests in sugar…”

  She paused. Then she hesitated.

  I scoffed and said, “I doubt that.”

  She shook her head.

  Then I added, “Its none of my business, but what did you hear?”

  She looked around the room hesitantly.

  Then she looked back at me and said, "I heard he's a player, seriously, he changes wives every few months. So, if your mom sticks it out through your final year, she will get paid you know? And then she could send you to one of those elitist colleges which we both planned on attending in the first place.”

  I smiled and said to her, "Listen whatever my mom does with her life is her prerogative. It's not for me to judge. Besides I look forward to attending college. I want to become a scientist or doctor or…”

  “Or a techie?” She interjected.

  I nodded and said to her, “Maybe that too. What's wrong with it?”

  She shrugged and said, “Nothing, if that's what you want. But if you ask me, I don't think you will achieve much at Madison High.”

  I scoffed.

  Then I said, " I'm one of the highest scoring students in school right now. Think about it, I have an advantage.I’m not going to transfer to some other school and lose that advantage. And would you please stop talking about transferring? My mom agreed I could stay put where I am. We talked about it over and over again. So it's a no brainer.”

  She swallowed and said, “I’m glad you think that way and I really hope its turns out exactly as you hope because I would hate to see you upset.”

  I laughed and said, “You know what, let's just enjoy the day.”

  My eyes scanned the room.

  Holy fuck—

  I turned and gasped. There he was, the same handsome hot guy from the beach standing there. He cleaned up nicely.

  I swallowed and bit my lower lip.

  Susan noticed. Her eyes widened.

  She gasped and said, “What? You met him?”

  I threw my hands up and said “who?”

  “Maxim, Maxim knight? fuck!”

  I gasped.

  Holy Fuck, that is the beautiful guy’s name?

  The guy who smelled like fresh roses and gardena that’s his name. The guy rocking the beautiful sleeve tattoo? The guy with the hot sexy lips. The man who drove me wild. The guy who made me reach my ultimate peak? The guy who almost had sex with me?

  Then I smiled at the memory and thought:

  Oh yes the guy who pleasured me on the beach. Oh my God I couldn't believe Susan knew him.

  Susan frowned and said in a firm voice, "If I were you I would stay away from him."

  I shrugged and said to her “What's it to you?”

  She shook her head and said, “He's freaking bad news and that is the truth.”


  “No way.”

  I gasped.

  I refused to believe what she said.

  There is no way this incredibly handsome guy could be bad news.

  Besides, if he was that bad, why didn’t he do terrible things to me when we met?

  I turned to Susan and said, “I doubt, it’s the same guy.”

  She gasped and said, “You were very lucky but naive. Bella, Just stay away from him, please?”

  I looked up, and he narrowed his eyes on us. Then he smirked mischievously.

  Honestly, I wanted to talk to him, but then something stopped me.

  I couldn’t do it.

  I slid my hair
behind my ears and averted his gaze.

  He chuckled amused by my reaction.

  He whispered, “l want you. I loved tasting you.”

  I swallowed.

  I thought should I tell Susan the truth?

  Should I tell her he went down on me at the beach?

  Oh no, I couldn’t say that.

  I just couldn’t. It will not happen.

  I glanced back up.

  He narrowed his eyes on me.

  I cocked an eyebrow and stared at him.

  I thought, “What is his problem? Or better still, what is my problem? God this whole wedding thing is insane.”

  That is the moment mom walked towards us.

  She said, “Hey Susan, I heard. Wow! Great, Wexley prep? That is amazing.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  My mom turned and looked my way.

  I averted her gaze.

  She said, “You should learn from your friend. She’s going to an exclusive school. Come to think of it, you will attend Wexley too.”

  My eyes widened.

  I leaned in and whispered into mom’s ears,“No mom, seriously? You cannot send me to that school. I thought we agreed on this earlier?”

  I lowered my voice and pleaded with her.

  I hoped Susan did not hear a word.

  Oh, but she did.

  Mom ignored me and walked away to meet with other guests. I frowned.

  Susan chuckled.

  “Well it looks like we’re all going to be at Wexley Academy hmm?”

  I frowned and said, “I don’t really think this is a great idea. I don’t know what my mother’s thinking.”

  Susan giggled.

  “Come on, it’ll be perfect for you. Besides, we will see each other there.”

  I hoped mom would change her mind.

  * * *

  Later on, that evening I walked up to my mother.

  I said, “I really don’t want to change schools.”

  She folded her arms and said, “I’m sorry dear. We decided, it’s not up for negotiation.”

  We who is we? I could not believe Brian my new stepdad was now involved in deciding my future?

  Tears welled up in my eyes. I did not want to leave my friends.

  Yes, Susan will be there, but I don’t know anyone else.

  Its my senior year.

  Plus, I was the top of my class.

  If I changed schools who knows how challenging the new school would be?

  I protested.

  But mom insisted.

  She said, “I’m sorry, but you have no choice. Now, why don’t you go have fun? It’s my wedding day, please don’t mess it up.”

  I sighed.

  Then I said, “Mom I know it’s your wedding day, but you’re making a big mistake sending me to a new school. Could you please reconsider?”

  She frowned.

  “I did not raise you to be so ungrateful. Do you know how lucky you are? Your new stepfather is filthy rich, just in case you did not notice? Do you want to stay in the hood? No. You are my daughter and now you have a new dad.”

  I swallowed.

  I never knew my father, mom never mentioned him.

  I wondered was he rich too?

  I imagined he was a fighter jet pilot, rich, handsome and crazy successful.

  But I doubt he was any of these things. Back to my reality,

  Mom said, “Your new dad will pay for the first semester. A scholarship will pay for the second term. It’s one of those merit scholarships. I trust you will get it.”

  I gasped and folded my arms.

  “Great, so he’s not paying for the whole thing?”

  Angered by my reaction, Mom scoffed and blurted out loud:

  “You should be delighted. Do you realize they accept only ten students a year.”

  The guests gasped and looked at us.

  I shook my head and turned. There he was staring at me.

  Mom looked at me and then she turned to face him.

  She said, “Ah, I see you met Maxim Knight.”

  She added, “if you play your cards right, he could be yours.”

  I cocked an eyebrow and thought, oh my God mom I’m just 18.

  I asked, “Mom, Are you trying to have me married off hmm?"


  I gasped.

  I said, “I don’t think I’m ready to get married.”

  She laughed.

  “Who said anything about getting hitched?”

  She paused.

  Then she added, “All I am saying is, he’s very wealthy. His parents own the vast private beach. A good catch if you ask me”

  I stared at my mom with widened eyes. She smile and said, “Think about it Bella. Okay? noI have other guests to attend to.”

  I nodded. And with that she walked away.

  I glanced back up and my handsome match was gone.

  Oh well.

  I thought, “Oh wow, did Susan speak with Mom about Wexley? If not how did she know about mom’s decision.”

  I stared at a distance and noticed

  Susan was off mingling with the other guests. Then that strange handsome older man walked up to her and they walked away together.

  I wondered what is the deal with him?

  But I decided not to ask. When the time is right, Susan will tell me all about the handsome older man.

  Maybe mom’s right? I must enjoy life and not worry about things I cannot control.

  Once summer ended, I got into Wexley Elite Academy, a five hundred year old institution.

  I couldn’t believe it.

  Clearly, my stepdad pulled some strings.

  I was livid, yet nervous at the prospect of attending this highly selective institution. I agreed to go, but at the back of my mind, I had no plans to remain in the school through senior year.

  I promised myself, I will find my way out of this Academy, if it is the last thing I do!


  I had no expectations once we arrived at Wexley Elite Academy.

  I immediately noticed the gorgeous old century architecture. The school was over 100 years old. I gasped at the stoned walls and the perfect lush lawns.

  I thought, the school likely housed an ancient monastery somewhere on its grounds.

  I stepped out my mothers’ chauffeur-driven Bentley and glanced around.

  I took in a deep breath and exhaled.

  This will be a great adventure. I am certain it will.

  It felt strange driving in her new car. Mom had acting filthy rich down to a science. She even had a new accent. But I digress.

  Back to my reality, I glanced around and noticed several students also arrived in similar vehicles.

  I sighed.

  I realized, I was just like the other students. Arriving in a Bentley was the new normal here.

  I took in a deep breath and exhaled. I guess I expected my mother to at least walk into the building with me. But she declined.

  She said, “You will do fine. You come from a school of hard knocks. This should be a piece of cake for you, darling.”

  I nodded and stood still.

  I felt so empty staring at the building unsure of where to go. What’s worse, mom mentioned, I would end up in the dorm next semester. I did understand it at all. Why should I go into the dorm for just a few months? Who does that?

  I guess she did not want me around her new husband long term. I swallowed and glanced around hoping someone would talk to me.

  “Well, see ya!” Mom said. I gasped. She wouldn’t even walk me in.

  Mom waved goodbye like royalty and holy fuck; in a flash she left!

  I gasped and looked around. I clutched my backpack. Did I have enough supplies for this school in the first place?

  I sighed and walked towards what I assumed was the welcome area.

  “Ah, Ms. Myers you will be in the senior elite class. You can leave your things in the locker over there. You don’t want to be late to class.”

  I nodded at th
e kind lady speaking. But freaking hell, I was nervous. I already prepared myself for whatever might happen with the other students. I thought about my old friends back home. I wondered if Susan had arrived yet.

  I nodded, placed my things in the locker and made a beeline to my first class.

  That is the moment three girls pushed past me knocking me to the ground.

  I gasped.

  “What the fuck?” I blurted out not caring who heard.

  The girls gasped and turned to see who just said those crazy words. They burst out laughing. I frowned. I am glad they found it funny.

  I picked up my books and stood up.

  “You have a potty mouth,” The redhead said, eyes flashing in anger. “Don’t they teach you manners in your hood?”

  She pushed aside her friends and stood in my space.

  Hell, I will be lying if I said I didn’t have the urge to physically respond. But instead, I clenched and unclenched my fist. I decided it was not worth it. Besides, she knew nothing about me. I growled.

  “Get out of my way.”

  The two other girls beside her heckled.

  They looked like the stepped out of a social media plastic surgery reality show.

  I raised an eyebrow.

  I figured they were trying their best to look like their social media filter. But honestly, it did not work. They looked crazy. The girl pushed my shoulders. It took a lot within me not to retaliate.

  “You don’t tell me what to do. I fucking own this school, trash.”

  She waved her finger in my face taunting me, wanting me to respond in anger.

  For a moment there, I got tempted.

  But then I realized it’s not worth it. Besides, I would love to return to my old school with even better grades. I don’t want to get kicked out on the first day. I sighed and ignored their spoiled behinds.

  I said to her, “No, I don to want to know who you are.”

  The first girl scoffed.

  “We don’t want you here.”

  I glanced at the third girl she seemed reserved. I snickered and thought, a follower. I guess, she really doesn’t want to be here, but cannot help it.

  She shook her head and tugged on the leader chick.

  “Let’s just go Helen.”

  Helen, I said to myself so that’s her name?

  My first day here and bullying already begun, just great. Helen turned to me and said, “You’re really lucky, I could get you kicked out today. But I think it will be so much fun watching the whole thing play out.”


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