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Agenda for a New Economy

Page 28

by David C Korten

  BusinessWeek, 39, 95, 116, 117


  buccaneers as, 80

  democracy and, 184

  end of, 60–61

  governing system, 57

  market alternative to, 43–44, 48–54

  seven sins of, 119–122

  See also markets; monopoly

  Carson, Rachel, 255

  Cavoukian, Raffi, 267–268

  Center for Responsive Politics, 72

  Chicago School, 237

  children, 13, 14, 109, 126, 130, 131, 132, 134, 168, 202, 265, 277, 279, 282

  child deaths, 23

  Chomsky, Noam, 127

  Citigroup (Citibank), 71–72, 117, 234

  Citizens United v. Federal Election Committee, 241, 243

  civil rights movement, 253–254. See also social movements

  Cleveland, Bill, 268–269

  climate change, 16–17, 122, 138–139, 160, 235, 276

  Clinton administration, 70–71, 80

  Clinton, Bill, 43, 71

  Club of Rome, 151

  Coffee Party, 241–242

  colonialism. Seeempire

  Columbus, Christopher, 82

  Common Security Club, 271

  Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet (Sachs), 56

  communications, 110–111, 231–232, 251, 278


  art and, 268–269

  banks, 171–172, 197, 214–217, 239, 270, 280–281

  culture and, 248

  Earth Community, 132, 135–136, 263

  education, 265

  enterprises, 145, 156, 177, 212

  growth and, 57

  health and, 147

  interest, 53, 127, 144, 156–158, 172, 246

  instinct for, 130, 256

  insurance, 198

  life satisfaction and, 99

  markets and, 47, 51

  media, 264

  protecting, 156–158

  confidence games, 186–191. See also fraud; speculation

  The Conscience of a Liberal (Krugman), 67

  conservatives, 80

  and liberals, 109, 241

  Consumer Price Index, 94

  consumption, 38–41, 57–59, 89, 141, 151–152

  Coop America, 270


  democracy and, 155

  environment and, 138–139, 147–150

  human nature and, 129–132, 136–137

  markets and, 51, 56, 152

  New Economy and, 163

  See also human nature

  cooperatives, 44, 171–172, 177, 212, 214, 239, 281. See also enterprises

  Cornered (Lynn), 2

  corporations, 44–48, 51, 82, 91, 121, 135, 142, 157–159, 167, 178–781, 183–185, 234, 241, 246–247, 252, 264, 277

  chartered, 84–86

  charters, 45–46, 60–61, 181, 213–214

  limited liability, 9, 86–87

  publicly traded, 9, 203–204

  Cortes, Hernan, 82

  Costa Rica, 170

  counterfeiting, 188


  consumer, 194–196, 205, 280, 281

  predatory lending, 189, 194

  system failure, 26–29, 64, 90–92

  See also mortgages

  culture, 245–254

  cultural consciousness, 249–252

  See also stories

  de Soto, Hernando, 82


  consumer, 194–197

  consumption and, 38–41

  empire and, 106–107

  money and, 215–216

  owed by banks, 93

  slavery, 36, 40–41, 191–194

  See also investing; mortgages

  Debt Spiral (Lowy), 2

  Declaration of Colonial Rights, 105

  Declaration of Independence, 84, 104–105, 218, 230–231

  Deep Economy (McKibben), 11

  deficit spending, 40, 172–173, 193

  Deiner, Ed, 98


  American, 104–108

  capitalism and, 51, 78, 121, 183–184

  economic, 108, 111–112, 155, 219–220.See also wealth

  living, 155, 163, 167, 257

  markets and real, 169, 178–181

  social movements and, 62, 105, 225–232 passim

  See also colonies; empire

  Democratic Party, 72

  dependence, 143–144, 154, 186, 249


  complexity of, 36, 189

  credit default swaps and, 91

  risk, 39, 95, 238

  regulation of, 70, 191

  value of, 91, 118

  See also speculation

  Diamond, Jared, 22

  Dominican Republic, 82

  Dow Jones Industrial Average, 114

  Earth Charter, 132

  Earth Community, 132, 135–136

  Earth in the Balance (Gore), 235

  Earth Summit, 131–132

  ecology. See environment

  economic growth, 9, 37, 42, 57, 59–62, 93, 96–97, 133–135, 206, 210, 238. See also gross domestic product

  economic stimulus package, 18, 122, 219, 233, 238–239. See also banks, bailouts

  The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth (Boulding), 141

  Edmunds fallacy, 29–32, 33, 188

  Edmunds, John, 29, 30, 32

  education, 264–266, 278. See also social learning

  Eisler, Riane, 11, 101

  election campaign contributions, 72, 87, 234, 242

  Elgin, Duane, 255


  American colonies and, 81–82, 104–107, 219, 226–231

  rise of, 101–106

  human nature and, 127–129, 135

  resistance to, 109–110, 129, 225–226, 251–252, 259

  See also democracy

  employee stock ownership plans, 180. See also enterprises


  climate and, 122

  cost of, 16, 134, 143, 276

  efficiency, 11, 161–162, 182, 211, 277

  in nature, 148–149, 155–156

  oil, 276

  renewable, 11, 147, 211

  resources and, 56–59

  systemic, 149

  taxing, 122


  debt and, 38, 39, 171, 203, 215

  living, 169, 176–178, 181–183

  local economy and, 143–150, 212

  Main Street and, 44–45, 145, 214

  ownership of, 180, 212

  privateers, 83

  speculation and, 26

  Wall Street and, 54, 178, 204

  worker owned, 180, 212, 213

  See also banks, cooperative environment

  agriculture and, 211

  crisis, 17

  Earth Charter, 132

  ecological balance, 23, 154, 163, 257

  ecological footprint, 170

  free market and, 5, 46–47, 56–61

  Gore, Al and, 235

  institutions and, 9–10, 15–18, 42, 57, 79, 111–112

  living buildings and, 162

  microenvironment, 147–148, 156

  movement, 109, 224–228, 253, 255

  resource allocation and, 24, 40, 152, 160, 168

  wealth and, 154, 174–175

  See also biosphere; climate change; living system

  Egypt, 103

  equitable distribution, 111, 154–155. See also shared prosperity

  executive compensation, 75–76, 204

  Falcon, Ted, 267

  Federal Reserve

  Federalize the Fed, 173, 217, 239

  M3 reporting, 94

  money supply management 172–173, 217

  mortgage bubble and, 33

  phantom wealth and, 31

  regulation of, 217–218, 239

  role in bank bailout, 74–75, 92, 94, 116, 193

  role in deregulation, 73, 117–118

  speculation and, 74–75

  The Feminine Mystique(Friedan), 254r />
  financial bubble, 22, 29–39, 41, 153, 188

  Financial Markets Center, 74

  Fletcher, Andrew, 245

  food. See agriculture

  Forbes list of richest people, 26, 66, 78, 99

  Ford Foundation, 9

  Foreign Policy journal, 29, 30, 32

  fractals, 146

  Frank, Robert, 100


  climate change and, 122

  free market and, 47

  insurance, 188

  mortgage, 32

  regulation of, 190, 193

  securities, 188

  speculation and, 173

  Wall Street as, 54

  See also credit; confidence games; speculation

  free market. Seemarkets

  free trade. Seetrade agreements

  Friedan, Betty, 254

  Friedman, Milton, 237

  Gaia hypothesis, 139

  Galbraith, John Kenneth, vii

  Geithner, Timothy, 235

  General Motors, 142

  Glass–Steagall Act, 71

  Global Peace index, 134

  global rules, 78, 167, 183–184, 211, 246

  Goldman Sachs, 70–72, 116, 188–189, 234

  Gore, Al, 235

  Gramm, Phil, 70

  The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community(Korten), 10, 136

  The Green Collar Economy(Jones), 11

  Greenspan, Alan, 70

  gross domestic product (GDP)

  bank bailouts and, 115

  debt and, 74

  environment and, 60–61, 146, 151

  as financial indicator, 57, 62, 133–135, 210, 238, 261

  maximizing, 141

  as measure of cost, 135, 170, 210

  well-being and, 57, 133–135, 146, 162, 170, 209–210

  Haiti, 82

  Hamilton, Alexander, 111–112

  Hancock, John, 84

  Happy Planet Index, 169–170

  Hawaii, 135–136

  Hayes, Shannon, 196


  of children, 109

  cooperation and, 129–132, 152

  costs of, 40, 73, 89, 114, 160, 199–200, 216

  economic, 23–24, 109, 152–156, 165, 174–179, 204, 210

  as economic indicator, 168–170, 209–210, 261

  gross domestic product and, 133–134

  happiness and, 61–62, 98–100, 154, 160

  inequality and, 17, 174, 211–212

  insurance, 122, 177, 198–200, 233

  of systems, 54, 57, 125, 147–49, 153–154

  trade agreements and, 183

  hedge funds, 33, 73, 76–77, 81, 173, 191

  human nature, 127–133, 138, 164, 247–248, 255, 265–266, 272–273. See also cooperation

  human security, 123, 144, 149, 160–162, 273

  Hutton, James, 139

  indentured servants, 191–194. See also debt


  class war, 68, 76–79, 174, 247

  growing, 16, 78, 96

  health and happiness and, 98–9, 174–175

  money creation and, 37, 41–42

  See also equitable distribution; shared prosperity

  infrastructure, 161–162, 182, 211

  Inuit, 99

  Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations(Smith), 48


  banks and, 33–34, 73, 90–92, 190, 205

  health, 122, 177, 198–200, 233

  reverse fraud, 188

  Social Security as, 202–203

  interfaith amigos, 267

  International Forum on Globalization, 10, 250

  International Labour Organization, 78

  International Monetary Fund, 77

  Internet, 110–111

  Investing in Communities, 270


  agreements, 183–184, 246

  colonies as, 229

  in communities, 270, 273, 281

  consumption and, 280

  corporate charters, 45–46, 213

  fraud and, 187–191

  institutional, 48

  investment banks, 33–34, 71–72, 75, 78, 115, 174

  markets and, 49–52

  phantom wealth and, 27, 90, 140, 187–188, 208

  productive, 38–40, 50, 58, 156–157, 173, 204

  privateering as, 83–85

  retirement and, 200–205, 279

  speculation and, 17, 30, 41, 191, 215–216

  Wall Street view, 68

  wealth and, 29, 180

  See also Social Security

  Jefferson, Thomas, 111–112

  Jesus, 113

  jobs and economic growth, 93, 163–164

  Jones, Van, 11

  JPMorgan Chase, 114–115

  Kelly, Marjorie, 203

  Keynes, John Maynard, 26

  Keynesianism, 5, 237–238. See also markets, fundamentalists

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 254

  Krugman, Paul, vii, 67–69, 88

  Kyoto summit, 235

  labor movement, 177–178


  agricultural, 143–144, 161, 175, 211

  control of, 192

  use policies, 161–162, 175, 181–182, 200, 260

  language of self-deception, 41

  Lees, R. Martin, 151

  Lehman Brothers, 75

  lending. Seecredit; debt

  lending, predatory, 118, 194 See also credit; consumer

  Lerner, Michael, xi, 132

  leverage, 33, 35, 74–5,

  Lewis, Michael, 2

  liberals, 109, 241

  life as teacher, 145–150

  life satisfaction, 98–99, 168–170. See also health

  living economy. Seewealth, living

  living enterprises, 6, 176–178, 181–182

  living systems, 10, 57, 125, 147–149, 156, 208. See also biosphere; environment

  living wealth, 167–174

  indicators, 167–170, 182, 251, 261–262

  money system, 170–174

  See also wealth

  local living economy, 143–150, 167, 181–183, 212, 260. See also enterprises, cooperative

  Lovelock, James, 139

  Lynn, Barry, 2

  Mackenzie, Don, 267

  Main Street, 145, 217, 239

  versus Wall Street, 43–46, 48–54, 76, 96, 208, 165, 170–174, 214, 226–228

  Malaysia, 32

  markets, vii

  capitalism and, 9, 14, 43–54, 61, 88

  corporations and, 9, 86, 144, 158

  democracy and, 119, 167, 169, 178–180

  distorted, 121, 190

  Edmunds, John, 30

  free, 47–54, 56, 237–238, 247

  fundamentalists, 5, 49–50, 158–159, 174–177, 234, 237–240

  global, 142–144, 151

  growth and, 57, 61

  Keynesianism, 5, 237–238

  living economy and, 155, 165, 176–177

  living systems and, 10

  real, 43–54, 178–781

  Sachs, Jeffrey, 56

  Smith, Adam, 48–49, 125

  Speth, James Gustave, 61

  unregulated, 79, 142, 174, 211, 247

  wealth and, 18, 21, 28

  Marxism, 240

  Masai, 99

  Matanovic, Milenko, 268

  McKibben, Bill, 11

  media, 162–163, 263–264

  Melzer, Allan H., 116

  mergers and acquisitions, 69–71, 214

  Merrill Lynch, 115

  Mesopotamia, 101–102

  middle class, 16, 68–69, 108


  resistance movements and, 161, 224

  resource allocation and, 103, 152, 159–161, 168

  as source of power, 46, 60, 81, 104, 106, 245, 252

  spending on, 40, 69

  Mitchell, Stacy, 11

  Mondragon Cooperatives, 177


  illusion, 3, 13–14, 27–28, 39, 187, 272

  system, 38–42, 96–97, 170–174, 214–218, 280–282

  as phantom wealth, 13, 14, 26–32, 215, 282

  supply, 13, 94–97, 172, 217

  See also banks; speculation; wealth


  free market and, 47, 53

  money and, 66

  colonial trade, 83, 85, 226

  of land and water, 121

  democracy and, 179

  of intellectual property, 227

  Morgan, Henry, 84

  Morris, Charles, 2


  crisis, 31–38 passim, 91, 114–115

  debt and, 77, 193, 216

  monopoly in, 114–115

  purpose, 196–197

  securitization, 32–35

  subprime, 31, 33–35, 73, 91

  movements. Seesocial movements

  Myers, David, 62

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 254

  national security. Seemilitary

  Native Americans, 106, 107

  New Deal, 67–74, 226

  New Economics Foundation, 169, 240

  New Economy

  banks in, 194–196

  education in, 264–266

  institutional systems of, 152–164

  insurance in, 197–200

  living wealth and, 167, 181

  market fundamentalists and, 237–240

  moral awakening and, 266

  New Economy, continued

  mortgages in, 196–197

  movement for, 225, 255, 270–271

  priorities, 24, 137

  resource allocation in, 159–163

  retirement in, 200–203

  seven virtues of, 120

  stories, 259–260

  trade and, 182

  New Economy Network, 229. 240

  New Economy Working Group, xiii, 6, 12, 229, 240, 271

  New Rules Project, 171, 183

  No Wall Too Tall, 268

  North American Free Trade Agreement, 235. See also trade agreements

  Obama, Barack

  failed system and, 5, 15–18, 206–207, 219–220

  Goldman Sachs and, 72

  politics and, 122, 233–239, 243–244

  Odwalla, 46

  open frontier,

  illusion, 140–142, 256

  Ostrom, Elinor, 138

  Parker, Thornton, 89, 204

  people power, 184, 224–226, 247

  Perlas, Nicanor, 245

  Phillips, Kevin, 2, 32, 73, 74

  Pialug, Mau, 135–136

  Pizarro, Francisco, 82

  Plunder and Blunder (Baker), 2

  Portugal, 82

  The Post–Corporate World: Life After Capitalism (Korten), 9

  privateers, 80–84, 87

  prosperity. Seewealth

  Radical Homemakers, 196

  Rahman, Jamal, 267

  Rand Corporation, 160

  Reagan administration, 69, 80

  real estate. See mortgages

  The Real Wealth of Nations (Eisler), 11

  religion, 266–267

  resilience, 7, 144, 148–149, 153–154, 181, 200

  resource allocation, 141, 159–161

  retirement, 200–205, 279. See also investing; Social Security

  Richistan, 100


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