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Sin City Vows

Page 8

by Zuri Day

  “More than a rumor,” said one of the board members. “My husband shared pictures with me last week. He’d gone online and found the model. Very nice.”

  “Thank you, Ally. It was an incredible gift and you’re all invited to join me on a trip I’m taking next week. It’s not Paris, though.”

  “Where?” Ally asked. “Italy? I’ve never been but always wanted to. I hear it’s so romantic, and with my divorce almost final...”

  She let the sentence fade as imaginations took over and the titters increased.

  “Not sure that where I’m going next week you’ll find romantic,” Christian said, pausing for dramatic effect. “I’m going to Djibouti.”

  “Da-booty?” Faye repeated, and the table laughed.

  “Ja-booty, Mom,” Lauren corrected with an indulgent smile. “It’s a small country in the Horn of Africa, strategically positioned to be a commercial, military and shipping hub.”

  Christian wasn’t the only one looking at her with amazement. Lauren wasn’t used to being the center of attention but when in her wheelhouse of business, PR and marketing, her confidence soared.

  “Last year I worked for a client doing business there,” she explained. “I was hired largely because I could create his marketing materials in French, one of the country’s three official languages.”

  “Have you been there?”

  Lauren shook her head. “No, Christian. Just lots of research online.”

  “Did you hear that, Christian?” Victoria interjected. “Lauren speaks fluent French and is an expert on the country that you’re scheduled to visit.”

  “Yes, Mom. I heard. And yes, that is impressive.”

  “I wouldn’t exactly call myself an expert,” Lauren demurred.

  “Perception is reality,” Victoria countered. “And from where I’m sitting, you have assets that could greatly benefit not only the CANN Foundation, but the corporation as well.”

  The servers returned with the evening’s second course, and the conversation went in another direction as London and Ace regaled the table with untold tales of the fashion world.

  While all eyes were on them, Christian leaned over and whispered, “You can run, but you can’t hide.”

  “Who’s running?”

  “Earlier, it appeared that you were.”

  “I didn’t run. I was called away. Why would I want to run from you?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to find out.”

  “I’m not running,” she repeated, more forcefully this time.

  His chuckle, soft and deep, made her core quiver.

  “I’m beginning to think that you’re a tease, Lauren Hart.”

  “I am not.”

  “Prove it.”

  The very words she’d used the day he returned the bracelet came back to haunt her. London saved Lauren. She asked a question about DC. Later, Lauren would have been hard-pressed to remember anything else talked about at the table, her body in sensory overload at Christian’s nearness. His scent, that deep, husky voice, the way his leg casually brushed against hers when he shifted, the manner in which his eyes floated over her body with a subtle intensity. How did he do that? How did he manage to at times look totally uninterested and in the next moment fix her with a quick, ardent gaze that got her wildly aroused?

  She sighed. The only thing more delectable than him at the table was her third-course choice of a grilled cedar plank swordfish. The roasted zucchini and cherry tomatoes that accompanied the dish caused a gustatory orgasm, and the black-and-white truffle creamy wild rice on which the fish rested was so decadent she could have licked the plate. Still, when her mother begged off dessert citing fatigue, Lauren was grateful. It had been a long day, and trying to maintain a casual indifference toward the hottie beside her was like another job. Besides, her mother was leaving soon. She needed mommy time.

  Christian reached for his phone and passed it to her beneath the table. “Type in your number,” he commanded in a low tone meant for her ears only. When she hesitated, he continued. “For the video link,” he explained. “Unless you’re afraid of how much you want me, knowing that one night together might not be enough.”

  Lauren snatched the phone, hurriedly typed in her number, hugged Victoria and said goodbye to the table. Christian’s parting words played on mental repeat. She was chagrined at how accurate his arrogant assessment was. Yes, she wanted him. Yes, she was afraid. But Lauren ran from wannabe fiancés and desperate fathers, not from his type of danger. Christian had asked her to prove that she wasn’t a tease. Soon, he’d get just what he asked for.


  Once out of the private dining room, Lauren finally acquiesced to the use of a wheelchair, which Faye insisted on pushing. They reached the suite and while she’d been in it earlier, Lauren was newly impressed. Earlier her focus had been on a quick change and food. Now she had a chance to take in and appreciate the room’s simple grandeur, if there could be such a thing. While being wheeled to the suite where her mother was staying, Lauren’s phone dinged. Christian.

  Let’s link up. Starting with the video...

  She smiled, sent the promotional video from the fund-raiser and set her phone to silent. The next several hours were for her and her mother alone.

  “This suite is truly beautiful,” Lauren said from the living room. She rose from the wheelchair, tossed one crutch down and used the other to walk over and take in the view.

  “I told Victoria not to make a fuss over my visit, but she insisted I stay here.”

  “Next time you should plan to stay longer, and at my place.”

  “Your place?”

  “Well, technically the home belongs to the Breedloves, but it’s mine for now.”

  “Yes, Victoria told me. You’re under contract until mid-July.”

  Faye joined Lauren and peered out floor-to-ceiling windows that showcased the length of the neon-lit Strip. Then she turned to her daughter.

  “You look good, dear. Las Vegas seems to agree with you.”

  “Getting away from the stress of Ed and Dad’s demands sure does.”

  “Is that it? The miles between here and Maryland?”

  Lauren ignored her mother’s knowing smile. Since the women were best friends, she was sure Victoria had told Faye all she thought she knew about what was happening between Lauren and Christian. She peeked into one of two spacious bedrooms before hobbling over to a low-slung tan couch and plopping down. She reached for the remote and turned on the television. Several local stations had covered the fund-raiser. She was curious how it would be shown on the news.

  Faye followed her over. She sat in a matching chair, ran her hand over the deluxe silk velvet and lovingly eyed her daughter.

  “You must be exhausted.”

  “I am, and happy my first event as Victoria’s personal assistant is in my rearview mirror.”

  “It was fantastic, darling. Victoria went on and on about how well you did. You should be very proud.”

  “I never could have done it without my assistant, Frankie.”

  “Perhaps he can take over when you leave.”

  “Or perhaps this temporary move will become permanent.”

  “You can’t really mean that.”

  “Yes, Mom, I do. For the first time in months I’m not being badgered. I can’t tell you how good that feels.”

  “That’s largely because your dad believes you’ll be back home soon.”

  “What has he told you about this sudden friendship with Ed, encouraging us to get married? His explanation about Ed coming from such a good family and me getting older...he’s never been interested in my personal life. It just doesn’t add up.”

  “The Millers are a good family,” Faye offered.

  Lauren was incredulous. “Are you taking his side?”

  “No. It’s
ver mind.”

  “Mom, what is it?”

  “Let’s talk about it tomorrow, Lauren. It’s been such a wonderful day.”

  Lauren reached for the remote and muted the TV. Suddenly the segment airing about the fashion show didn’t matter as much as she’d thought. “Mom...”

  “You can’t breathe a word of this to your father. He’s such a proud man. But given how this could impact your future, you have a right to know.”

  Taking in the seriousness mixed with sadness that was her mother’s expression, Lauren’s stomach dropped. She may have the right to know, but did she want to?

  “I know how hard your father worked to keep his business going, how much he struggled.”

  “I think we were all aware of it,” Lauren said softly. “At one point he was working seven days a week.”

  Faye nodded. “What I didn’t know is that he took out a few loans during that time.”

  “From Ed?”

  “Not initially. Lauren, he mortgaged the house.”

  “Oh, no!”


  Lauren covered her mouth to stifle a gasp. Furnishing and decorating the five-bedroom, three-bath home in Maryland’s upscale Brandywine neighborhood had filled up those early months and eased Faye’s dismay about leaving friends and family on the West Coast behind. Being forced to leave the home would be devastating. The sadness she saw in her mother’s eyes took on new meaning.

  “I still don’t understand Ed’s connection.”

  “I’m getting to that. Paul had known his banker for years and was assured that they’d work with him until he’d paid back the money. But a little more than six months ago Liam, the loan officer who was also Paul’s friend, got promoted. The new officer was not as lenient as Liam had been and demanded the long-overdue loan be immediately repaid in full.”

  “And Ed lent Dad the money.” The sickening scenario became crystal clear. It was about that time that Ed had called and tried to get back together. He’d obviously used the loan as leverage to get her father on his side. Except her mother’s tortured expression suggested there was more to the story.

  “Oh my gosh, Mom. You look so worried. How much did he borrow?” Lauren asked this despite the fact that she doubted the five-figure amount in her savings account would cover what her dad owed.

  “I don’t know exactly, but given that our home is now worth half a million I’d say it’s a sizable amount. And like the new banker, Ed wants all of it now unless you two get married.”

  Several minutes passed as Lauren digested the news. “There’s got to be another solution. I mean, I know how much you love your home and I’d hate for you to lose it, but... I can’t be with Ed. He’s not a nice guy.”

  Faye’s eyes narrowed as she studied her daughter. “Did he hurt you, Lauren?”

  “No, not in the way you’re thinking. Ed was never physically violent. But sometimes it’s the verbal and emotional abuse that leaves the bigger scars.”

  Faye reached over and placed a comforting hand on Lauren’s arm. “Nothing is worth your unhappiness, sweetheart, and nothing is worse than being in a loveless marriage.”

  “But that home means everything to you. What if you lose it?”

  Faye sat back, her lips a thin line of determined strength. “I’ll regret it, but I’ll live.”

  The conversation didn’t last much longer. Totally drained, Lauren stumbled into the bedroom, stripped naked and fell into bed. In the dark quiet came the drone of a vibrating cell phone, the one that she’d earlier silenced. Fumbling for her purse on the nightstand, she pulled out the phone and checked the messages. Three of them were from Christian, the last one a question that for Lauren was a total surprise.

  Will you come with me to Djibouti? Your fluent French will be an asset and not only was Mom’s suggestion right on, she’s already approved your time away from the foundation.

  With Faye’s latest revelation fresh in her mind, Lauren knew what her answer would be. She needed money, and a plan, to help dig her parents out of their financial troubles. Perhaps this trip would give her time to think one up. She replied without hesitation.


  It would be morning when she’d see Christian’s simple response. A smiley face and a thumbs-up.


  When off work, the average worker rushed to get away from their job. But when employed by the best hotel in the world, with the finest accommodations and entertainment in the city, there was often no hurry to leave. At 9:00 p.m. on a Wednesday night, Christian was still at CANN, entertaining a high-rolling client and prince from Brunei, along with his brother Noah, who worked in international sales, and Greg Chapman, the department’s VP. They’d dined at Chefs, the über-exclusive restaurant that catered to their high rollers and other 1-percenters. It held only twenty tables and boasted menus without prices. The unspoken rule was, if you had to ask, you couldn’t afford it.

  Now that the meal was complete, the group relaxed in the members-only club near Chefs, where corporate executives took businessmen wanting to be away from the commoners’ prying eyes, drink vintage liquor and enjoy stellar entertainment. They sipped pricey cognac from crystal snifters and listened to a band playing a folksy kind of neo soul, fronted by a woman whose voice reminded Christian of the singer Sade. He checked his watch and signaled the bartender to put the table’s bill on the company tab.

  Standing, he stifled a yawn and leaned toward the prince. “Gentlemen, it is a pleasure doing business with you, but I have an early-morning international flight, so I will take my leave.” He addressed the other men at the table. “Noah, Greg, good night.”

  It wasn’t until he neared the door that he realized someone else he knew had been enjoying the room’s heady ambiance. Chloe stood with the look of someone well aware of her beauty, but for Christian, she wore a dress too revealing, boobs too surgically enhanced and a smile too seductive, especially in this room. When she’d asked for a card key to the private lair, he’d given her one without a second thought. Now he wondered whether or not that had been a good idea.

  “Hey, handsome.”

  He allowed a light hug. “You know that coming in here alone isn’t wise. Women who do so usually have an agenda. The men might get the wrong impression.”

  Chloe wriggled her eyebrows. “Or the right one.”

  “All right, then. Good night.”

  “Wait up. I’m leaving, too.”

  Lucky me. Christian headed toward the elevator, the private one that would take him directly to the executive lot and his car. Chloe stayed beside him.

  “Where are you going?”

  “What, no time to drive a friend to her car?” she purred.

  “You’re not valeted?”

  “Yes, but that shouldn’t matter.”

  “Not tonight, Chloe.” Christian pushed the button. “It’s been a long day. Once in my car I only want to stop for traffic lights or an opening gate.”

  The elevator arrived. Christian stepped in, standing near the door to block Chloe’s entrance.

  “In that much of a hurry to get home to your latest toy? It’s been a couple weeks. I’d have thought you would have tossed her away already.”

  Christian knew what she wanted. Info. Details. From the time he’d met her when they were ten, it was her world and those around her were blessed to be in it. But just like she knew he could see through her fakery, had gotten that lesson in the very worst way, she should have known that like all of the other Breedloves, Christian kept it real. And private. Behind the bedroom door.

  “Good night, Chloe.”

  He stepped back so the door would close, then thought about her comment regarding Lauren. Discarded? Hardly. That precious plaything hadn’t even been unwrapped. But soon.

  * * *

  Back at the Breedlove estate, Lauren walked into the gue
sthouse’s master suite closet and tried to act as though it were every other day that she flew to the other side of the world on a private plane with the handsomest man in the Western US. Aside from meeting with Victoria for most of the day, this was the first time her thoughts went to anything other than what she’d learned from Faye’s visit. Her father, cornered. Her mother, quietly distraught. Her nemesis, determined. Her life, upended.

  Oh, how she wished she had a million bucks lying around, or whatever amount was needed for repayment. She’d have the money converted to pennies, placed in a dump truck and delivered to Ed so that he could be buried in them. Lauren had never been a gambler but more than once since she’d left home she’d had flights of fancy involving slot machines with million-dollar payoffs or driving to purchase a lottery ticket just beyond the state line. If Lady Luck was going to strike, it had better happen quickly. Faye had tried to make the truth less foreboding, but Lauren had known Ed for a decade. He was ruthless and selfish. Dad was in over his head.

  She had no doubt that Ed was ramping up the pressure, turning the screws, forcing a decision to be made quickly. No matter how her mother tried to paint a rosier picture, the truth of the matter was that only a wedding ring stood between her dad and mom losing their forever home, maybe more. Lauren wouldn’t put it past Ed to threaten her dad’s livelihood. A man she detested held the ring, and the finger he wanted to place it on was hers.

  Faye had assured Lauren that a house wasn’t worth her unhappiness, but could she live with knowing her decision resulted in her mom losing that dream home, and her dad maybe losing his job?

  Trying to force back the thoughts that had led to pounding headaches two days in a row, she pulled several items from their hangers and reached for the handle of her luggage. After tossing the items she’d chosen on the bed, she walked to the beautifully crafted armoire that anchored the wall opposite her bed and gathered her sexiest lingerie.

  Instead of her usual attempts to push away thoughts of Christian, tonight she welcomed a flood of them into her mind and allowed herself to imagine ignoring good sense and being with him. Tomorrow, they were boarding his private jet and flying to Africa! While not sure of what phase they were in with the project, she doubted they’d be traveling alone. Most likely there’d be a few other executives, maybe an assistant or two, other investors...who knew? Maybe one roll in the hay with the guy and Christian would be out of her system. With that in mind, she picked out her naughtiest undies in case a spontaneous seduction occurred. After returning back to the States would be soon enough to contemplate her nightmare. But for the next several days, while traveling with Christian, she’d allow herself to dream.


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