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The Siege

Page 17

by Leigh Walker

  I know I’m being clear as mud. Sorry about that—I’m telling you as much as I can. I also want you to know that I’m going to be on television later this week. They are filming my segment this afternoon.

  Prince Austin is going to propose to me, I expect. I intend to accept his proposal.

  I wanted you to hear it from me first.

  If I look different on the show, do not worry. Please know that I am happy, and that I am well, and that everything that’s happened to me since coming to the palace those few months ago has brought me great joy. Yes, there have been changes in my life. But nothing I could ever regret. The only thing I’m sorry about is that I can’t see you and Father sooner.

  You are both always in my thoughts and prayers. I can’t wait to send for you.

  All my Love,


  My maids peered at me as I wiped my eyes, then sealed the envelope. “Are you all right, miss?”

  “Yes, of course.” But I sniffled.

  “There, there. You’ll smudge your mascara.” One maid blotted me.

  “Perhaps this will cheer you?” The other handed me a scented purple envelope.

  “Ha!” I turned the letter over in my hands and then sniffed it. “I expect it will.” I opened it and a mixture of purple and pink confetti puffed into the air.

  “Goodness, miss! We must keep that out of your hair!”

  Dear Blake,

  I can’t believe you snuck off like that! I didn’t even have time to inspect your complexion after you’d been turned. I appreciated your letter and all, but really, that was a bit weak. Leaving the North just because the prince was being a prat? Whatever happened to sisters before misters?

  In any event, enough about you. It’s been terribly boring here. All everyone is doing is cleaning up after the battle and waiting for news from the prince. Beast is fine, but he was mooning about an awful lot. It was driving me mad. So I asked this very handsome sentinel to go and fetch me another gnome. I thought if perhaps Beast had a friend, it might cheer him. And as usual, I was correct!

  Sergeant Lance caught me the most lovely girl gnome! I’ve named her Elsa and she has already adapted to wearing a pink bow on her head and traveling in my tote. We’re working on table manners next. Beast is beside himself to have a friend—they are so cute together! I take them down to the basketball court at least twice a day so they can whizz about and get their exercise. You know how important cardio is for your physical and emotional well-being!

  Lord Bryson did not approve of Elsa (or Sergeant Lance, for that matter) so I have divested myself of his company permanently. Who has time for whining? Not me!

  Shaye assures me you’re coming back soon. You better be! I suppose I’ll have Elsa and Beast to keep me occupied until then. Ooh, and possibly Sergeant Lance. He might not have a homestead, but he sure looks good in a uniform!



  I laughed as I put the letter away. That Tamara. She was always up to something. I was eager to see my friends again. I couldn’t wait to tell Tamara that I’d asked the king to consider enacting a bill of Gnome Rights, and to let Shaye know that he’d promised to be meticulous in his search among the rebel prisoners for her family.

  “Are you ready, miss?” my maid asked, breaking my reverie. “It’s time.”

  “Yes, of course.” Still, I swallowed hard as they finished fluffing my hair and led me to the full-length mirror. But my nerves fled as I saw my reflection. The floor-length peach gown showed off my strong shoulders. The delicate lace trim across the top of the bodice accented my pale skin. My hair fell in loose waves down my back. I looked strong, tall, and pretty. “That’s lovely.” I curtsied to my maids. “Thank you for your hard work.”

  “We’re thrilled for you, miss.” Their eyes shone as they bade me goodbye.

  The palace had been cleared of all humans for the afternoon so that we could film. Poor Gwyneth and her family had been sequestered off in one of the libraries. She’d sent me a note, of course, saying she didn’t mind at all.

  She’d also said yes to being a bridesmaid.

  But what if he doesn’t even ask me? I wondered, as I made my way down the grand staircase.

  Austin was waiting for me in the grand foyer. He looked resplendent in his dark ceremonial uniform, his cape trailing out behind him. I glimpsed Mira Kinney and her film crew, waiting in the wings. They weren’t filming yet.

  “There you are.” Austin held his hands out for me. “You look stunning, Blake.”

  “Thank you, Your Highness. You’re looking rather dashing, I must say.” I leaned closer and whispered, “Why aren’t they filming yet?”

  “Ah, yes.” He leaned closer, too, and I felt that familiar electric crackle between us. “I ordered them to wait.”

  “Wait for what?”

  He tilted his chin, his unusual amber-and-hazel eyes glinting. “I wanted to ask you something, first.”

  “O-okay.” I wasn’t sure why my voice was so wobbly.

  Austin got down on one knee. “My lady…” He let out a bark of laughter. “I had this rehearsed, but now I don’t know where to start!”

  I squeezed his hands. “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere. But…weren’t we supposed to do this for the cameras?”

  “Yes of course,” Austin said. “But I insisted that would be the second time. This first time…this is just for us. Ah, now I’ve got it!”

  His enthusiasm was infectious. I laughed. “I’m all ears.”

  “Speaking of firsts. You are my first, Blake: my first love. The first person I think of in the morning, the first person I think of when I need a friend, or someone to talk to. You are my first. I love you completely. You’ve changed my life, my lady.”

  I beamed at him. “And you’ve changed mine as well. For the better—always for the better, even through the hard parts. I love you, Austin.”

  He grinned at me. “I want you to stay by my side, always, just as I will stay by yours. Will you have me, Blake? Will you marry me?”

  My heart, which had been through so much, told me everything I needed to know. It might be transformed, but it was wiser now, stronger. It told me yes. It told me now. It told me always. I might be different, but I was still myself.

  Yes. Now. Always.

  I looked at the man I loved. “There is only one answer, Your Highness. Yes. My answer is yes.”


  Thank you so much for reading this book! It means everything to me!

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  Leigh Walker

  Also by Leigh Walker

  Vampire Royals

  The Pageant (Book #1)

  The Gala (Book #2)

  The Finale (Book #3)

  The North (Book #4)

  The Siege (Book #5)

  The Division Series

  The Complete Series

  Premonition (Book #1)

  Intuition (Book #2)

  Perception (Book #3)

  Divination (Book #4)

  About the Author

  Leigh Walker lives in New Hampshire with her husband and three adorable, brilliant children who only help clean the house when she threatens to take away Fortnite.

  Once upon a time, Leigh was lawyer, with a degree in High Technology Law from Suffolk University. She also graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of New Hampshire with a degree in Journalism. Now she's a full-time writer and sports-m
om, which are the two best jobs she could ever ask for.

  She loves to hear from readers! Email her at and sign up for her mailing list at


  Thank you to my readers for joining me! Your support means everything. Readers for the win!

  Speaking of love, I must give love to my family, who puts up with my blank stares, my crazy ideas, and me in general. Love, love, love you. Love for the win!

  Thanks to my mom, who always supports and helps me. Moms for the win!

  I also want to thank my editors at Red Adept Editing. They edit all my independently published books, and I love working with them. They’re the best. It’s so nice to have a team, even when I’m a free agent!

  That’s a lot of exclamation points in a few short paragraphs, lol. But this book world gets me excited, and so does the fact that you’re coming along for the ride. I’m signing off to write now. Peace and love to all of you, I’m so grateful for you!

  See you in the next book!



  PS: Sign up for my mailing list at so you know when my next book comes out!




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