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Her Hidden Falls Anti-Hero Cowboy

Page 19

by Taylor Hart

He tried to get his mind around it all. “I have a son.”

  Charlotte shook her head and more tears fell.

  Ryan scowled. “You didn’t think I should know? Would you have ever told me?”

  “I couldn’t tell you. I thought it was better to protect my son.”

  Ryan clutched and unclutched a fist. “Do you want me in your life or not?”

  Charlotte cried even harder. “I can’t do this.”

  His heart pounded so hard he thought it would shoot through his chest. He was a father. A father.

  Charlotte wiped her eyes. “I can’t tear Sam’s world apart because of the mistakes of his parents.” She paused. “You should understand that better than anyone.”

  It was a blow. And it hurt. His father’s face flashed into his mind. That night. The night his mother had begged him to take his keys. He’d failed her. He’d failed his father. He’d even failed the son he hadn’t known about. “You’re right. Some fathers don’t deserve to have that chance.” He moved to the door.

  She followed him. “Ryan, wait.”

  He opened the door to his truck, but stopped.

  “Please . . . I can’t have Sam taken away from me.”

  He turned back to her red eyes, her disheveled hair that curled and flipped all sorts of ways, and he saw the desperation, the pain, the regret on her face.

  “Don’t worry, Charlotte. One bad father should be enough for any kid.”

  Chapter 38

  A kid. He had a kid.

  He stared at the city building in front of him, not really seeing it. He’d been up most of the night. He still didn’t know what to do, feel, think. He was a zombie without a soul. Still, he’d forced himself to come to this meeting. If Sara was going to do a deal with the devil, she needed Richard. She, at least, needed to have Richard make sure the devil played fair. His mind flashed to Sam. His sweet love for his mother that anyone within a ten-mile radius could sense. His happy, quick smile.

  The part of himself that shut emotion down for so long had been reawakened. His chest constricted in pain. He needed to find the shut-off valve again. What was he supposed to do? Charlotte didn’t want him. He had to focus. He had to keep it together.

  Ryan watched as Nathan entered the city building. He wore a suit and tie, one of those modern, sleek ties. Ryan’s mind flashed to the look on Charlotte’s face when she’d told him he didn’t hit her that much. Every part of him yearned to get out of the car and beat Nathan to a pulp like he’d been trained to do. Like he could do.

  He hadn’t been able to eat this morning. He had hardly been able to pack his stuff and get himself together.

  His phone buzzed.


  Alan let out a dramatic sigh. “Wow, you didn’t answer with your name, that’s a clear improve—”

  “Shut up, Alan.”


  “You heard me.”

  Alan let out a low whistle. “Who took away your protein shakes today?”

  Ryan didn’t respond.

  “Okay, we’ll talk business. When does the deal go down? I got an email last night from Richard. He’s working some magic to do this deal for you. I can’t say I’m not disappointed you won’t be in the business anymore, but hey, anytime I have a partner that brings millions to the table it’s all good for me.”

  “I have a son.”

  He let out a breath. “What?”

  Ryan thought of Sam and the fact that Nathan Love had been raising his son.


  His voice choked. “She put Nathan down as the father on the birth certificate, but he’s my son.”

  Alan let out another long breath. “Have you talked to Richard?”


  “Okay.” Alan used his placating voice. “Listen, let’s think about this.”

  “I can’t have a son.”


  “Don’t say it like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like you’re judging me.”

  “I’m not judging you. You didn’t even know about this son.”



  Ryan sucked in a breath.

  “Did you ask her to marry you?”

  “Shut up.”

  “What? I mean, you were going to be a father to him anyway, right?”

  “She doesn’t want me.” His hand shook, and he squeezed the phone. “She didn’t tell me about my son for eight years.”

  “Ryan.” Alan’s voice was calm. “We both know that people don’t always keep the truth back because they want to. Sometimes people are just trying to protect us.”

  Pain ricocheted through his head like a hammer had hit him. He tucked his head down and was slightly flummoxed when he felt a tear on his cheek.


  Sara pulled up next to him in Frank’s old, dusty Chevy.

  Ryan sucked in a breath and wiped his cheek. “I gotta go.”

  He shoved the last three minutes out of his brain and got out. He moved to Sara’s door and opened it.

  “Morning,” she chirped and her red lips stretched. She pulled a pie from the seat next to her and placed it into Ryan’s hands. “I brought this for you.”

  Ryan’s chest tightened. He held the pie in one hand then backed up to wait for her. A simple pie had an effect on him he didn’t understand. She was the grandmother of his son. He blinked.

  Then she was beside him. She shoved her slim, black purse that matched her black and white polka dot dress beneath her arm. “Put that in your truck and let’s get this done.” She beamed at him. “Thank you. Thank you, Ryan Hardman. You don’t know what a miracle you are.”

  He didn’t move. “The deal’s off.”

  Her eyes fluttered. “What?”

  Ryan leaned past her and put the pie back on her seat. “I’m sorry, Sara. It’s not going to work out.”

  Stone. Cold. Unfeeling. That’s what he was.

  She laughed. “You’re so funny.” She was already moving toward Joe Watkins’s office.


  He stopped moving.

  Charlotte stalked toward them. “Mom.”

  A rush of butterflies hammered into Ryan’s gut. He hated the way she looked unfettered from last night—hair in place, make-up perfect.

  Sara looked between them. “Did you know about this?”

  Charlotte didn’t make eye contact with Ryan. “Yes, but it’s fine, Mom. It’s going to be fine.”

  Sara whirled on him. “Why did you change your mind?”

  Ryan stared at the ground. “It just didn’t work out.” He didn’t know why he couldn’t sell her out to her mother, but he couldn’t.

  Charlotte cleared her throat. “I told him no, Mom. It’s my fault. The deal’s on with Nathan.”

  Ryan glanced at Charlotte—the determined set of her jaw, the steadiness of her hand as she resumed pushing her mother to Joe’s office.

  Sara wouldn’t be pushed. She stomped her foot. “No!” She put both hands on her hips. “I told you, I would rather lose the land than do a deal with him.”

  Charlotte squeezed her eyes closed. “Mom, we can’t lose the land.”

  “This was daddy’s dream.”

  Sara lifted an eyebrow. “No, your father never would have gone into business with Nathan Love.”

  Ryan saw the way Charlotte flinched back.

  Sara narrowed her eyes. “You better tell me the truth about what’s going on here, young lady, or that land is as good as gone.”

  Ryan watched Charlotte’s hard exterior begin to crumble.

  Sara reached for her forearm. “Charlotte?”

  Charlotte turned to the side. “I can’t, Mom. I can’t.”

  It hadn’t been in Ryan’s mind to solve this problem for Charlotte. For the most part, he’d felt nothing but disdain and distaste for her since he’d left her place last night. But now, seeing her like this, seeing her fall apart, made something inside of him f
all apart, too.

  He couldn’t let her face this alone like she’d faced everything else. Even if she didn’t want his help.

  He took both women by their arms and led them to his truck. He leaned into Charlotte. “I will not keep this from your mother.”

  Sara looked so startled she didn’t even argue when Ryan opened the back passenger door for her.

  Ryan got in, and Charlotte got in on the other side.

  Her face was sullen, and she didn’t look at him. “We can’t.”

  Ryan turned to face Sara. “Sam is my son.”

  The gasp that came out of Sara was real. Charlotte still didn’t move.

  “But . . .” Sara stared wide-eyed at Ryan.

  Ryan felt himself blush. “The night before I left.” He supposed he deserved this part, facing her mother with the truth of what they’d done. He looked at Charlotte, who still didn’t move, then he turned back to Sara. “I didn’t know.” He paused. “But if you don’t do this deal with Nathan, he said he’d take Sam away from her.”

  Sara took in a long breath and made a low yoga hum.

  Ryan turned to the front. “Do you want Nathan to be his father?”

  Charlotte didn’t respond and when he turned to look at her, tears fell down her cheeks. “Legally, he’s the father. What can I do about it now?”

  “Tell the truth.” Ryan’s words hung in the air.

  “I can’t.” She answered too quickly.

  “Why not?” Ryan demanded.

  “When you’re a parent you don’t just jerk around your kid’s life and not think about the consequences.” Charlotte flung open the door. “We both know that Nathan Love would not let this go and Sam would have to pay.”

  Ryan got out of the truck and wondered how he’d just been given a son—and given him up—all in the space of twenty-four hours.

  Chapter 39

  Charlotte tried to quell the emotions that threatened to overtake her. Why had she told him? Why?

  Richard sat across from her, next to Ryan.

  Nathan and Joe were at the head of the table. She and her mother were next to them. Her mother had agreed to this. Well, not really agreed, but she’d gotten out of the car and come in.

  Richard had told Nathan and Joe that he was now representing her mother and needed to look over all the documents to make sure the business venture was solid.

  Richard hadn’t seemed disturbed at all when he’d walked in with Ryan. The only thing he’d done when he’d walked in was give her a sad look. The look told her Ryan had told him the truth, too.

  Of course, she didn’t worry about her mother or Richard knowing. She knew they wouldn’t tell anyone, but she hated how weak and wobbly and woozy it all made her feel. The man she’d loved since she was eleven hated her. And had right to.

  Perfect. She would have to inform Angela her karma wasn’t exactly on today.

  Her mother took her hand. “Charlotte?”

  Charlotte couldn’t look her mother in the eye.

  “There are other options, dear.”

  Nathan glanced over at her. “What’s wrong?”

  Sam. She had to think of Sam and his best interest. “Nothing.”

  Her mother cleared her throat. “I don’t think I want to do this deal.”

  All eyes turned to her mother.

  Richard stopped flipping pages.

  Nathan hesitated and then leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. “What are you talking about?”

  Her mother smiled.

  Charlotte recognized that smile. It was the same smile she’d seen during any family game she’d ever played with her mother when her mother was winning. Her mother leaned forward and tapped the table with her fist. “I will not go into a partnership with you, Nathan Love. Not today—not ever.”

  Nathan used his hand to comb back his hair. “Charlotte?” Charlotte shifted her body between Nathan and her mother. “Mom.”

  Her mother set her jaw and kept that same smile on her face. “No, Charlotte, I’m not partnering.”

  Nathan shook his finger at her. “Uh, uh, uh, Sara. You know as well as I do that in two days you will be out on your butt if you don’t get those taxes paid.”

  She pursed her lips. “Then I’ll be ‘out on my butt’ as you so eloquently put it.” She stared at Charlotte. “When someone sticks a gun to your head, you don’t have to simply lie down and die—you can fight back.”

  Fear expanded in Charlotte’s chest. Did her mother not realize that Nathan would take Sam away. For good. He’d threatened her so many times. And she believed him.

  Nathan jumped to his feet. “Listen here, old woman. There’s a lot more at stake for your family then you know about.”

  Her mother glanced down at her fingernails and smiled at Nathan. “Do you like my nail color? I just had it done yesterday to celebrate the occasion of my partnership,” she stopped and glared at Nathan, “with Ryan Hardman, but I guess I had them done for nothing.”

  Nathan looked wildly at her mother and then across at Ryan. “He shouldn’t even be here.”

  Ryan stood. His face had that hollow look Charlotte had seen in her dreams—the one she’d seen the night before he’d left her. He folded his arms and squared himself to Nathan. “I think it’s in your best interest if you leave, Nathan, especially since it doesn’t look like any kind of deal is going down today.”

  Nathan stood and pulled out his cell phone. “I thought you all might pull this crap.” He put the phone to his ear. “Sheriff, if you could please come in the room.”

  Unable to understand why Nathan would want the sheriff here, Charlotte stood and tugged her mother up with her. “We’re leaving.”

  Quick as a bee, Nathan blocked her. “No, we’re not done here, Charlotte. We’ll never be done.”

  Suddenly, Joe and Richard stood, too.

  “What’s the meaning of this?” Richard asked.

  Joe shook his head and gave Nathan a confused look. “If she won’t do the deal, then there’s nothing else we can do.”

  Nathan jerked back to Joe. “Stay out of this. Charlotte knows my deal.”

  Her mother grinned and then made a softer yoga hum. “I don’t like being agitated. It’s really not good for,” she narrowed her eyes at Nathan, “old women.”

  Sheriff Bards walked into the room. His eyes fell to Nathan. “What’s the situation, mayor?”

  Richard cleared his throat and moved to the Sheriff. “Sheriff, the mayor is being unreasonable and not letting these women leave when there is no more business today.”

  The laugh that came out of Nathan was loud.

  And dark.

  Darker and more hostile than Charlotte had ever heard. “Oh, they can leave.” He moved around to her mother and stuck his face into hers.

  She could smell coffee and mint gum and his cologne that made her want to dry heave. “Should I file for full custody now or later?”

  Charlotte’s heart hammered inside her chest. Nathan had that look. That look meant he was out for blood.

  In a flash, Ryan was beside him. “Get out, Nathan.”

  Joe stepped between them. “Whoa, now hold up.”

  Ryan focused on Joe. “I’ve always liked you, Joe, but the fact that you’re standing next to him puts you on the wrong side.”

  Joe put a hand on Nathan’s shoulder. “Let’s talk another day.”

  Nathan went into a fury. “What are you doing, Joe? Ryan Hardman does not always get his way.”

  Joe’s hand went up to silence Nathan. “Don’t do this, Nathan.” His look was fierce and controlled and severe. “Don’t mix this business with . . . other business.”

  Nathan clenched his jaw and swerved back to her mother. “I should tell you. I should just tell you what your precious daughter has hidden from you for eight years.”

  Her mother glanced back at her nails then she looked up at Nathan and smiled. “Oh, do you mean the fact that Ryan is Sam’s father. Did you think I didn’t know?” Her smile wa
s casual, light, with an edge of evil. “Family always shares secrets.”

  Nathan turned back to Charlotte.

  She couldn’t meet his gaze.

  He let out another laugh. “This is great. This is terrific.” He nodded to the Sheriff. “Please go pick up my son from school. I’ve decided to file for sole custody. His mother is not fit to be a mother. Did I mention she hit me across the face the other day?”

  Charlotte couldn’t stop herself from grabbing him by his collar. “You can’t take my son anywhere.”

  Nathan froze. “Did you see that, Sheriff? Do you see the abuse I’ve put up with the last few years?”

  Charlotte couldn’t think. She couldn’t breathe. She could hardly focus. But there was one thing she could still do. She pulled back her fist.

  But Ryan was there. His hand held her wrist. His voice was a whisper in her ear. “I know he deserves it, but not now, not like this.”

  All the anger whooshed out of her when their eyes met. Her trembling worsened, and she felt tears. “You can’t take my son.”

  Sheriff Bards grimaced. “Yes, that’s exactly what he can do.”

  Nathan laughed and went for the door. “Choices, choices, choices. It looks like it’s time to pay the piper. Sam is legally my son and I’m going to finally prove you’re an unfit mother.”

  Richard let out a dramatic sigh. “When you’re done throwing you’re tantrum, you might want to think about the fact that any child that is permanently moved out of their primary residence has ten days before the court releases custody. You can’t take him, legally, for ten days.”

  Nathan paused. “Sheriff, please lock up my ex-wife. I’m bringing charges against her for assault. As you just witnessed, you can see why I don’t feel safe anymore around her.”

  Before he could walk out the door, her mother ran for Nathan and slapped him in the back of the head. Then she turned to Sheriff Bards and held up her hands. “I guess you better take both of us to jail, Sheriff. Old women can assault ex son-in-laws, too.”

  Chapter 40

  How had this happened? Ryan paced in front of the city jail, and held the phone to his ear. Richard had gone to get a local attorney to help get the charges dropped. Ryan thought of Sara and Charlotte sitting in that stinking, filthy jail cell.


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