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Ethan (Members From Money Book 37)

Page 17

by Katie Dowe


  It was a week before the wedding that it happened. The arrangements had been frantic with her mother and his mother along with the wedding planner giving it all they had as the date was for the last Saturday in April. Ethan had wanted it earlier but the winter had persisted and it was two weeks into the month of April before the snow melted. The grounds had been prepared and the gazebo repainted. Invitations had been sent out and the RSVPs were pouring in as well as the gifts. Harper had given her very slim list which included Bart and several others she called friends. Laila was to be her maid of honor and Nadine even though she was too big would be her flower girl. She had told Ethan and his mother that she had not wanted a big wedding but it had rapidly gotten out of hand. She had given up her apartment and was between the manor and the apartment Ethan kept.

  Ethan felt as if he was constantly walking on air and nothing could stop him from being so happy! So when he was asked to the lab by Clive to look at something he had no suspicions. The man had accepted the decision that the drug he had pushed for would not make the market and had not said anything about it. He had taken the break off from Evelyn in stride and went about doing his job. Or so it seemed.

  It was six in the afternoon on Monday and most of the staff members had already left for the day. Ethan made his way down to the bottom floor where the fully equipped lab was located. He noticed that the other scientists had already left except for the man hunched over a microscope.


  “Ah Ethan, I am so glad you could make it.” He said with a pleased smile.

  “I have only a few minutes as I am meeting with Harper for dinner.”

  “The lovely fiancé. This won’t take long my boy.” He moved over to a table where there were several test tubes stood. “I got your invitation but I won’t be able to make it,” he said offhandedly as he peered into a bottle.

  “You will not be around?” Ethan said impatient to be on his way.

  “I am afraid not,” he said with a pleasant smile. “Your father took everything from me, the life I could have had with your mother and the riches that was really mine.”

  “I don’t have time for a discussion like this,” Ethan told him impatiently. “My father offered you a job when nothing was happening for you. I think it is best you stop working here.”

  “I think so too but I am going to have my revenge.”

  “Is that a threat?” Ethan asked him coldly.

  “It’s a promise I am afraid.” He reached into his lab coat and pulled out the .22 and had Ethan frozen to the spot. “I thought of setting an explosion to the lab but I dismissed the idea immediately. Myself and the others have worked too hard to make this one of the best labs in the country and besides I really do not have any fight with them, only you and your family.”

  “You need to think about this carefully,” Ethan forced himself to remain calm. He had his cell phone in his jacket pocket but any sudden move might set the man off. “You can still get out of this with your life.”

  Clive laughed at that. An eerie laugh that sent shivers up and down Ethan’s spine. “My dear boy I have nothing to live for! Your mother left me and I am totally broke. My hope was to make a comeback with the drug you pulled back off the market.”

  “We could still try and work things out--”

  “Stop talking!” Clive screamed. “Lies! All lies. Your mother led me to believe that she cared about me and we could have a future together. I wanted one of the fanatics that were camped out on the doorsteps so many months ago to be the ones to end your life or even those of your sisters and your mothers. I fed them information about the company hoping that one of them would break and do the job for me but clever boy that you are you turned them around and so I have to do it myself.”

  “You don’t have to do this--” Ethan held up a hand and felt the sharp pain in his left shoulder as the bullet tore into his skin. He crumpled to the floor and quickly became unconscious.

  “I am afraid I have to,” Clive murmured and turning the gun up against his chin he ended his life.


  Harper rushed into the private waiting room, her heart pounding inside her so much that she was trembling. Evelyn had been the one who called her while she was at the apartment getting ready for dinner with him. She had been calling his phone and not getting an answer. She had no idea how she managed to drive and had turned the radio off as every channel seemed to carry the news of the ‘awful tragedy’ of possible murder/suicide that had taken place at the head office of Shaw’s Holdings.

  “How is he?” she asked frantically as Evelyn hurried over to take her arm. And led her to a chair near to where Erin and Erica sat huddled together, tears on their cheeks.

  “We have not heard anything yet.” Evelyn was forcing herself to be strong and not blame herself. Clive had done this, the same man her son had warned her against! “They are trying to get the bullet out but it is lodged too close to his heart.” She felt when the girl’s grip tightened on hers. “We are praying for the best.”


  They fell asleep waiting to hear. People wandered in and out of the private waiting area, friends from his club and mark and Adam who had come to give their support to the women in their lives. Somehow a reporter had made it past the police guards and had snapped a picture of the family before he was hustled out. It was during the early hours of the next morning that the doctors came into the room. Both Harper and Evelyn rushed forward immediately. “We managed to extract the bullet. But in the interval he has lost a lot of blood.”

  “What are you saying?” Harper asked him in an anguished voice.

  “We are saying that the next twenty-four hours will tell.”

  “Thank you Joel,” Evelyn said quietly as she wrapped her hand around Harper’s shoulders. “Come and sit my dear.”

  “I can’t,” she was trembling so much that she could not stay still. “If he dies--”

  “He will not die,” she said firmly as she led her back to her seat.

  “If he dies I will never forgive him,” Harper said her eyes glittering with tears.


  “Why don’t you let me take over and you go and try and get some rest.” Evelyn suggested as she came back into the room. It had been six hours since the doctors had told them her son’s condition and she had managed to send her two daughters and both men home telling them she would call as soon as anything changed. But Harper would not budge. She had taken up residence at Ethan’s bed side and had sat there starting at his still form.

  “I am fine.” She insisted.

  “You are not fine. You are tired and wrung out and you have not eaten anything.”

  “I am not leaving.” She said stubbornly.

  “Then we will wait together.”


  When he woke up late that evening, she was the only one there and she was fast asleep. His dark blue eyes focused on the disheveled hair and clothes and wondered how long she had been there. He tried to moved and groaned as the pain dug into his brain. She opened her eyes at once and tried to focus. “Ethan?” she rubbed her eyes and stumbled to her feet, rushing to his side. “You are awake!” she stood there looking down at him and to his horror she crumpled to the floor.


  She opened her eyes slowly to see people peering down at her. She shook her head and tried to remember and then her vision cleared. “Ethan!” she tried to get up but gentle hands held her still. “Ethan is fine darling. He is more worried about you,” Evelyn said gently.

  “Harper,” his voice was hoarse but she could hear him clearly. She looked around and realized that they were in hospital bed close together.

  “I fainted.” She laughed softly as she reached out a hand to take his. “I never faint.”

  “The doctors are running tests.” His hand tightened on hers. “Hi baby.”

  “As soon as I am strong enough and as soon as that bandage is off I am going to have words with you,” sh
e whispered as she felt the tears. “You made me fall in love with you and then decide to allow some mad man to almost kill you.”

  At the emotional admission Evelyn cleared the room and closed the doors behind her.

  “You love me.” He gripped her hand, ignoring the pain in his chest.

  “Yes you idiot as if you were not aware of it.” She whispered. “Oh Ethan I would never have survived if I had lost--”

  “Shh,” he whispered. “I want to hold you in my arms and never let go but time enough for that.”

  “We have all the time in the world.”


  “I am pregnant?” Harper stared at the doctor in shock. “How far?”

  “Almost three months.”

  “But that’s not possible! I would have known.”

  “I told you it would happen,” Ethan curled his hand around her shoulder her to him. “What do you want to bet it’s twins?”


  In spite of the protests and the threats he would not hear of putting off their wedding. “We are getting married and that’s that.” He had told her and the rest of his family firmly. He had been discharged from the hospital three days after he had been there and ordered complete bed rest. Harper had packed her things and was there in his suite refusing to leave him. Since he insisted that the wedding was happening, a dress had been sent over by Monique Romano and suited her completely. A rich champagne colored lace that made her look like a queen.

  That morning he stood there with her and pledged their love for each other. He was wearing black tux and his arm was in a sling. It hurt like hell whenever he moved but he managed to place his rings on her fingers and she very gently placed hers on his. The many guests seated in the path of the grounds that had been cleared for the wedding watched as he pulled her slowly into his arms and kissed her with a love that could not be hidden. Cameras snapped as Harper Elizabeth Simmons became Mrs. Ethan Samuel Shaw!


  Six months later:

  “They are so adorable!” Erica murmured as she held her nephew in her arms and watched as he drifted off to sleep. “Hey there Ethan Junior or rather EJ, this is Aunty Erica, your favorite aunt.”

  “We will see about that,” Erin murmured as she stared down at her niece Elizabeth who was staring up at her with beautiful unblinking dark brown eyes. She was so beautiful! She looked over at her sister and spoke. “You have a son on the way so these children get to be spoilt by me.”

  “I am still going to be giving them so much attention.”

  The nurses came in that instant and took the children. “I am afraid the mother needs her rest.”

  “Of course,” Erin went over and kissed her sister in law’s cheek. “We cannot wait for you to come home darling.”

  “Thanks, Erin.” She griped the girl’s hand. “And please put Adam out of his misery by saying yes to his proposal.”

  “I intend to.” She said with a grin.

  Next it was Erica who hugged her tightly. “You have been such a blessing to this family.”

  “Thank you.”

  “All right darling we are going to leave you alone with your husband.” Evelyn kissed her daughter in law gently, tears evident in her eyes.

  Ethan waited until they had left and closed the door before he climbed onto the bed and pulled her into his arms. “The trial of having a big family,” he murmured as he inhaled the scent of her. He had been there through her fourteen hours of labor and had held her throughout it, his heart melting as he saw his children. He had no idea if he could ever love her any more than he did right now!

  “I think it is a blessing.” She looked up at him tenderly. She still had nightmares at almost losing him and for the first few months had been gripped with paralyzing fear that had her clinging to him and not wanting him to go anywhere without her until he had gently told her that she had to stop. “I love you, darling.”

  “I know and I love you too,” his dark blue eyes met hers as he tilted her chin up. “I will never be able to express the fullness of my love for you, but I will take the time to show you every day.”

  She lifted her face to his and he took her lips with his, the movement tender as he was aware that she had just been through so much! He ended the kiss and held her close to him as he felt the awesome love they shared enveloped them both, surrounding with a warmth that could not be ignored!

  The end... but wait:

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