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A Flicker In The Still Forest: From Forest To Flames #1

Page 6

by K. Lyn Hill

  He released a snarl, unknowingly moving to press her up against the wall. His body screamed in happiness, his mind a few clicks behind. "Make no mistake. You are my future wife and you will do as I say." It wasn’t like him to demand or trap anyone in a corner, but something about her sent his blood pressure soaring. It was her duty to follow his lead. She seemed ready to fight him every step of the way. The king always had the final say. She needed to learn that now before she made a mockery out of him. Again.

  Her next words insinuated to not having received the message. "I suggest you back up or you will not like the ending results." Her voice reminded him of a light rain amidst a thunderstorm. Calm. Raging. Volatile. Beautiful.

  Did he heed the warning and take a step back? Hell no. With a smug look on his face he took one step closer, his body flush against hers. Her eyes swirled indignantly like a wild and brilliant storm. Her lips parted seductively while her head tipped back ever so slightly. God help him, it appeared like an invitation. Every nerve in his body zipped to attention.

  His eyes were so consumed by skirting over her blushed cheeks and intoxicating eyes that he almost missed the conspiring, wicked smirk filling her face.

  Gently she pressed her body even closer, making his breath catch. Her scent was stronger the closer he got. He wanted to bathe in it. Be absorbed in it. He imagined her body wrapped around his as her scent lingered on his skin.

  Now his blood roared, for a completely different reason. The curves of her body fit into his like a puzzle with matching pieces. His head battled his heart. Showing respect to women was of an upmost priority. He preferred to set strict boundaries to not incite unwarranted attention. This overwhelming desire to claim her was unbecoming. Yet he couldn’t tamper it down if he tried.

  Gripping the fabric at her waist he tightened the space between them, yanking her flush to his chest. She gasped at the contact as his fist bunched in the folds of her dress. Her breathing became ragged as their lips hovered mere inches from one another. Her chest rose and fell in a heavy rhythm. Each time she breathed in her chest brushed against his. Heat emanated off her body as both of their breaths tangled and became interwoven. One. His eyes dragged from her mouth to her eyes, the color significantly changing. Instead of the bright green, they transformed to a dazzling shade of hazel.

  Tension filled every crevice around them as they stared. Heated glares. Burning touches. The air between them thinned as it became more and more logical that his only oxygen would be from her. Pulled by pesky gravity, his mouth leaned down without his consent, to take what he had been wanting since meeting her. Her lips parted almost in offering. It was a thrilling sight.

  All thought escaped him as his mouth came to be a whisper away from her supple lips. His mind only processed simple things. Like her taste. The feel of her in his arms.

  Lost in the dazzle of all that she was, he missed the shifting of her hands. The change in her body as she swiftly gripped both his hands. Swinging under his arm, she shoved his back against the wall. Their positions now reversed. Both his wrists remained locked above his head, her face scant inches from his. He didn’t dare move or breathe as he stared down at her raging expression. Cheeks flushed with exertion, breathing ragged and heavy. All the while she held his arms hostage. He could have fought her if he wanted to. Despite her surprising strength, he was still built with more muscle. But he found himself rather enjoying his current position, musing about where she had learned such a move.

  Both of their chests heaved in agitation, her breath fanning across his face. She began to speak again, her voice sounding shakier than before. Perhaps he imagined it. "My Prince, I will say this only once." No longer were her words commanding, but gentle and serene. Her hand trailed a path down his chest, burning every spot it landed. "I belong to no man. It matters not what or who I am to you. We are equals. And it would be in your best interest to realize that sooner rather than later." Brushing her nose over his neck, shivers raced down his spine. He felt a sensation at his ears and then the angel spoke again. “I don’t like being cornered against a wall. Am I understood?” The silence stretched between them, him developing the loss of speech. Suddenly, he felt the chill of cold steel flush against his neck. A weapon? Where did she get the knife from? His instinct was to reach for his belt. Did the little wench steal his own dagger? The abrupt sparkle in her eyes when she pulled back told him that she did in fact steal it. His revelation didn’t escape her notice either.

  "For some unknown reason I woke up here, but you can place a hearty bet that while I am here, I will not be cowed. I will not be talked down to, nor will I be your plaything." Just as abruptly as it came, the steel was removed from his neck. He felt it slide back into his belt. She stepped away, leaving his body surprisingly cold and lacking. His breathing grew labored while his pulse beat ferociously.

  Her voice dropped angelically as if nothing had transpired. "I do hope to see you around, my Prince." She curtsied in a clumsy bow. If his brain had been working properly, that would have drawn his attention. Those of royal birth learned to curtsy from infancy. If that hadn’t been enough, woman wielding a dagger in such a way was also unheard of. Instead, he was too distracted by the blood slowly making its way back up to his head.

  Before he had a chance to take another look at the mystery before him, she disappeared into her rooms, leaving him shocked and desperately wanting. No one had ever removed one of his weapons before, let alone used it against him.

  He wasn’t sure of much, but he did know one thing. Elias was right when he said that she was trouble and dangerous. She would most certainly need to be watched and controlled.

  Well, he didn’t mind being the one that kept her in line.

  Chapter Eight


  The door to the bedroom closed and she instantly slumped against it. The idea of turning its back on Damien had her body in full revolt. Everything about her screamed cardiac arrest from her thumping heart to the sheen of sweat rippling over her skin. It had taken every ounce of control she possessed to flip him out of his alpha position. He had been seconds away from kissing her. No. Kissing was too weak of a word. He was about to dominate her.

  The hungry look in his eye almost ate her alive and as much as she thrived off his touch already there was no denying what one kiss would have done. She would have happily surrendered her mind, body and soul. Her skin still vibrated with the memory of him gripping her skirts like a plea and it was oh so tempting to give in. To let him do what he wanted with her. Then she remembered his words and the demeaning way he insisted on invoking her obedience.

  Mya would always speak of the men on the force treating her differently because of her gender. Until she beat the mess out of them and proved that she was just as capable. But even then, Mya had fought for respect each and every day.

  The prince demanding things of her set Aerity’s blood to boiling point. But his body…oh his body pressed up against hers had set other things aflame. Not that she would admit that to anyone. She had no desire to be another conquest on his list or be the submissive little ninny that he most likely sought for. So as much as she may have wanted him to kiss her, that stupid little voice in her head wouldn’t shut up. It kept repeating his words over and over again. She was nobody’s doll. No matter how much his touch affected her. She knew it was dangerous, seeing as though she still didn't know where she was or how she got there. For all she knew, she could have legitimately travelled through time.

  Releasing a puff of laughter at that thought, she scoffed. Yeah right. Like that was possible.

  Well she didn't make a very good first impression with Damian. Oh well. At least it would teach him to avoid treating her like an invalid. She was more than capable of taking care of herself, which she had to do now Her body still buzzed with left over adrenaline from his presence. She couldn’t remember the last guy who had affected her so severely. It didn’t bode well with her. She needed time to cool her jets. To focus on anything but his
scorching touch and hooded eyes. Concentrating on more important things. Like escaping.

  It wasn't that late, not that she would know what time is was because the castle didn't have any blasted clocks anywhere. Also, who wore dresses 24/7? Dear lord, what she wouldn't do for a pair of skinny jeans.

  Wondering if the guards made a post at her door yet, she quietly tiptoed to the door. Bending down to see between the cracks, shadows of boots flickered in and out of view as the candlelight shifted in all different directions. Which meant there was a guard outside her door.

  Cursing silently to herself, she made her way back into the room to search for another exit. She could take out the guard and be back by the time he woke but she wanted to avoid any unnecessary risks. She always heard of castles having secret passageways hidden behind tapestries or trap doors appearing by shifting a book out of place. It would be freaking cool to find one, but then again, there was always the window. Trudging over, she peered out the window and her heart sank. She had to be about fifteen stories up. Did they choose the tallest flipping level to trap her on? Someone was definitely trying very hard to ensure she didn't escape. Cough cough...Damien. My my Somebody is quite insecure. Although there was nothing insecure about how he had held her like a lifeline. There was no doubt in her mind that he knew what to do with those hands. Nope. No insecurity on that account. Geez, she needed to focus. Her and her libido needed to have a little chat and get on the same page.

  Her gaze traveled over the room hoping something would stand out. A bookshelf. Tapestries. But there was nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, she hadn't noticed before just how bare the walls were. Really, someone needed to teach these boys some decorating skills. That was always her favorite part of a new apartment. She moved around a lot simply because she got antsy and wanted a change. Each apartment got decorated differently. They were each a new steppingstone to be added to her journey.

  Her mother had died when she was young, which was probably why Mya had taken her under wing. Heaven forbid her father get taken from her as well. Homesickness rose in her chest, making her throat bob. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she snapped them back open. Just suck it up and find a way back to them.

  Crouching, she peeked under tables, the bedframe, searching for any kind of trap door. Empty handed, she slouched to the floor and placed her head against the bed. Think Aerity, think. Maybe there were passageways in the hallways. She wasn't a prisoner in her rooms, well, as far as she knew anyway. What would happen if she simply went to the guards, told them she couldn't sleep and asked to take a walk? Surely they wouldn't deny a princess her request. Hopefully the Prince didn't decide to wait around and make sure she went to sleep since he was so keen on trying to control her. The man was positively infuriating. He practically shoved her against the wall like a stubborn mule. If her father had seen that...wooooo. Be afraid Damien. Be very afraid.

  Even if her newest fantasies would now star Damien and a wall.

  She scolded herself. Focus! Creaking open the door, she was met with a wide eyed, scrawny guard. "Daniel?" She squinted, trying to make out his profile in the darkness. Once the boy saw that she was under no dire straight, the boy relaxed. They sent a kid to guard her door? Awesome. Good thing she could take care of herself. She incredulously choked out, "They have you guarding my door?"

  His shoulders immediately tensed, obviously taking offense to her words. She wanted to kick herself for being so impulsive with her speech. "I'm just as good as any guard, Princess." His short tone was extremely telling. She had hurt his pride.

  To fix her mistake she added, "Oh I know that. I was just excited to see you is all. I had fun playing cards with you earlier." Even in the dark she could still make out the color staining his cheeks.

  "I have more muscles than most boys my age you know." His defense over his body was adorable.

  A smile teased her lips. "Oh, I have no doubt about that. You most certainly do."

  He looked immensely pleased at her praise but then his eyes narrowed suspiciously as they shot from her open door then back to her. "The Prince sent you to your rooms for the evening. What are you doing up?"

  The idea of anyone commanding her to obey caused volcanic eruptions to spit lava all over her senses. She schooled her features. “I just couldn't sleep. I was wondering if I could take a little stroll. I'm hoping it will tire me out." Or help her escape. But she left that little detail out.

  Daniel wasn’t convinced. "I don't know. The Prince seemed pretty upset. I think it might be best for you to stay in tonight."

  It didn’t please her to play on the kid’s weakness, but she didn’t know how else to get the job done without knocking him out. It may make her a horrible person, but she slid closer to him. "I thought you were a grown man Daniel. Do you always do everything that your told to do? Don't you ever make your own decisions?"

  He reacted just as she thought he would. He replied, puffing out his chest to appear bigger and tougher. "Ima grown man. I can do anythin I wanna do." His sentence was laced with indignation.

  "Oh yes. I'm sure you are even man enough to stand up to the prince if need be. You don’t want me held captive in my rooms, do you?" Guilt trickled down her spine at using him. But she needed to get the hell out of this place.

  "Of course I could! I'd even stand up to the king if I havta!"

  "Then clearly, allowing me to go on a teeny tiny walk, won't hurt anyone will it?"

  He mulled over her words, suspicion lingering in his gaze. "Well, I guess not. You won't be gone long?"

  "Nope. Scouts honor." With two fingers to her forehead and the fingers of her other hand crossed behind her back, she gave him her brightest smile. She was so going to hell. He eyed her like she's lost her mind. Then again, she most likely had.


  "That doesn't look suspicious at all." The unexpected masculine voice sounded behind her, causing her to jolt in surprise. Spinning on her heels to face her visitor, she let out a full-blown sigh of relief when she saw just who had snuck up on her. Siel leaned casually against the wall across the hall, one eyebrow hiked up curiously.

  She pressed a hand to her chest to calm her pounding heart. "Geez! you scared me. You’re like a freakin ninja!" He cocked his head to the side, not understanding her terminology. She clarified. "You snuck up on me. You were super quiet."

  A feline smile caressed his face. "Well I am known around court for my prowess."

  Not being able to control herself, she let out an unflattering snort. "Oh yes. Just like a cute little pussy cat."

  His cocky gait as he began to stride towards her made her mouth run dry. "I think I'm more like a panther. Dark, sleek and mysterious."

  She snorted for the second time. It was becoming a habit around him. “Your humility is mind blowing.”

  Chuckling, he sidled closer. “That’s not the only thing I have that’s mind blowing.”

  She eyed him incredulously. “Is everything out of your mouth always an innuendo?"

  "Whatever do you mean?" He feigned an innocence that was highly unconvincing.

  "Someday, some girl is going to set you straight."

  “Don't worry, I have no problem going in straight.”

  She rolled her eyes. "Oh my Gooood."

  He chuckled, taking a moment between their banter to eye the hallway. His grin drooped. "So you want a serious conversation? Do you care to tell me why you're attempting to scale the wall?

  A look of pure exasperation covered her face. "I wasn't scaling the wall. I was looking for a secret passageway."

  His laugh sent delicious shivers down her spine. Darn this man and his sexy laugh. Why were all the men here so hot? At least Siel hadn’t shoved her against a wall or demanded she go to her room. She counted that as a win. "Are you hoping to find Leviathan in these secret passageways? If so, I must warn you that I’ve attempted and continually come up empty handed."

  Narrowing her eyes at his sarcasm, she ticked off a finger. "First
of all, I kind of do believe leviathan is real. Crazier things have been sighted."...He let out a snort, but she kept plugging, flicking a second finger as she tried to prove her point. "Second, this is a castle. Everyone knows that castles have secret passageways.”

  Both of his eyebrows danced skyward. "And do pray tell, what you planned on doing once you found said secret passageways?" After a moment, he lifted his fingers and snapped as if he were having an aha moment. “I know! You were trying to seek out my bedroom, weren’t you? Sexy little minx, all you had to do was ask. I would have gladly showed you the way.” A wicked smirk filled his face. She debated how to respond to THAT.

  Smothering a maniacal grin, she took a step closer to him. Placing a hand on his chest, she leaned in and whispered. "You caught me. My plan was to find the secret passage to your room...." His eyes flared as he waited impatiently for her to finish. "Then I was going to go to your bed...." He leaned in ever so slightly, her cheek brushed his stubbled chin. "And then I planned on doing something very sexy under your blanket for you to remember me by.”

  Amusement etched his face as he pulled back. "What is that?"

  Signaling him to come closer. "An immensely smelly fart." With that, her hands pressed to his chest and shoved him away.

  He chuckled and jilted his head. "You are just so charming, Princess."

  She blew a kiss and winked. “I try."

  "That wasn't very nice of you to tease about. I can think of much more interesting things that can be done in my bed."

  "I'm sure you could." She deadpanned. It only made him laugh harder. Ignoring him, she asked, "So, are you going to help me or just stand there looking pretty?"


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