Book Read Free

Turning Point

Page 22

by Lara Zielinsky

  Brenna buried her face in Cassidy’s neck to stifle the laughter bubbling in her chest and the embarrassing heat burning her face. “God, what am I going to do with you?”

  Cassidy showed a full toothsome smile and offered cheekily, “Anything you want.”

  Despite her misgivings, the thought of giving up their newfound closeness actually made Brenna feel sick. She let Cassidy pull her down until they were sharing the same sleeping bag, nestled close for the rest of the night.

  Lying awake in Cassidy’s loose embrace, Brenna stirred as soon as she heard the faint sounds of camp activity. The soft, warm body next to her made the decision to leave the sleeping bag a difficult one. After barely a night, she was addicted. RollŹing over carefully, she studied Cassidy’s face only inches from her own, tranquil in sleep. Filled with awe, she traced a fingertip over the slender jaw. Her Catholic conŹscience took a swat at her.

  Brenna Renee Lanigan, you are not thinking what you’re thinking.

  Glancing down between their bodies into the darkness of the bag, Brenna could not deny she was curious. This is not the time or place, she concluded, again hearing noises outside the tent.

  She looked around the interior and sat up. Adjusting to the dim lighting, she saw Ryan obliviously and soundly asleep, tucked in her sleeping bag.

  Cassidy’s arm moved across Brenna’s thigh as the long-limbed woman stretched, waking slowly. Brenna’s body shifted into the unintentional caress.

  “Oh. Mmm. Morning.” Blue eyes blinked open and searched Brenna’s face as muscular shoulders flexed. Cassidy’s head lifted, their lips meeting for a brief kiss.

  Brenna inhaled, literally tasting the natural scent of Cassidy’s body. Her stomŹach coiled in sexual anticipation, and she broke off the kiss with a gasp. Closing her

  eyes to the searing sensuality in Cassidy’s gaze, Brenna pulled away, despite the desire clawing at her. “Not here.”

  Cassidy nodded and sat up alongside her. “I know.” She rose from the sleeping hag, tantalizing Brenna with the nearness of her cotton-clad hips. “I’ll take Ryan and get him changed,” Cassidy said, turning around in time to catch the blush staining Brenna’s cheeks. Aware of the desire she and Brenna both were stifling, she kept her voice business-like. “You can change while I’m gone.”


  Cassidy collected her son gently, rousing him with a kiss to his temple. “Time to dress for morning swim, buddy.”

  Once Cassidy was gone, Brenna pulled on a pair of thick denim jeans and a peach tank top. She was unwrapping her hand to look over the damage when Cassidy returned to the tent.

  “I’ll do that,” Cassidy offered.

  “No, actually I should be able to go without a bandage. It’s almost completely pain free.”

  Cassidy scanned Brenna, causing her to duck her head a little at the appreciaŹtion reflected there. “Let me take care of you, Brenna, please.” Cassidy’s voice drew her gaze back up. “Where are your gloves?”

  Brenna licked her lips. “I…uh, the gloves are in my bag.” She removed the last of the white gauze from her palm. The worn leather gloves Cassidy handed her were lined with soft cotton twill. Easing her right hand inside, she flexed her fingers.

  “How’s it feel?”

  “Not too bad,” Brenna answered with surprise. “Are you ready for your first climbing lesson?”

  The women joined the gathering outside that was separating into two groups. The youngest and those adults not interested in climbing were returning to the spring to swim.

  In his role as co-leader of the climbing group, Thomas strode down the line, checking everyone’s attire. He directed a pair of girls to go back and change into full shoes. They’d have to stay behind otherwise, he decreed in a tone that invited no argument. Standing at the end of the line, Brenna chuckled as they tried to change his mind by offering rather blunt enticements.

  “He doesn’t get his head turned easily, does he?” Cassidy whispered in her ear.

  Brenna shook her head, then glanced to see he was only a couple of people away from them. “Straighten up,” she said with amusement. “Time to see if we pass muster.”

  Cassidy laughed, and Brenna caught a glance of surprise from Thomas. Since the laugh had a similar effect on her, she instantly recognized the entranced delight in her son’s face.

  Thomas came over to stand in front of them, glanced once at his mother, and declared, “I know you’re ready.” He turned his attention to Cassidy, his expression very attentive. “Have you ever climbed before?”


  The two were not quite eye to eye, but Cassidy only had to lift her chin a fracŹtion to meet Thomas’ gaze. His gaze swept down her attire. “Sturdy boots,” Thomas said. “Thick jeans.” He noted her bare hands. “Gloves?”

  “I didn’t think about it,” Cassidy admitted.

  “All right.” He picked up her hand. Brenna’s face tightened as she fought to keep her expression neutral. He sized Cassidy’s fingers against his own. “We’re about the same size. You can borrow my spare pair.” He pulled them from his back pocket and presented them.


  Cassidy’s smile made his throat turn red, and he ducked his head away, turning back to the group at large. “All right, everyone, collect your rope and pitons from the pile. Mike, we’re ready to move out.”

  Thomas stayed at the back of the group with his mother and Cassidy, explainŹing as they walked how the best climbers moved up a mountainside. Keeping quiet herself, Brenna listened to both her son’s voice, very animated, and Cassidy’s interŹested questions.

  They talk so easily, Brenna lamented. With a deep breath, she looked around at the scenery, trying to remember how nice it was to be in the mountains again.

  Someone nudged her arm. “What?” Brenna found Cassidy had fallen back into step with her. Thomas had gone ahead as they neared the rock face.

  “Are you all right?” Cassidy’s smile was bright, sinking Brenna’s spirits lower.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” Brenna lied, absurdly jealous of her own son.

  Chapter 22

  “Watch his rope!” Mike Connell shouted.

  Thomas immediately rappelled alongside Vince, a beefy football-lineman type in a gray tank top and knee-length shorts.

  “Vince! Stop!” Thomas ducked his head under the muscle-bound arm that Vince flailed as he tried unsuccessfully to regain his footing against the rock. “Hold still!” Finally Thomas grabbed the man’s hand and wrapped it around his rope.

  “Pull your right foot up. There’s a spot for it about knee high.” The big man’s anxious huffing couldn’t drown out Thomas’ firm voice. Vince nodded automatiŹcally. “All right.” Thomas checked Vince’s harness again, then patted the dark shoulŹder. “You’re fine now. Go on up to Mike.”

  Holding position, Thomas watched Vince’s first few cautious movements, shot a thumbs up to his partner, and let out his line again, checking on the others trailing further down the cliff face. The climbers were grouped about one-third to one-half the distance up the mountainside. It wasn’t a sheer drop, but roughly a seventy-degree angle to the plateau. He shouted to his mother, who looked over with a smile, flashing him a thumbs up.

  Half a body length above and to Brenna’s left, Cassidy looked down to adjust her footing. She wrapped her gloved hand around a higher section of rope and hauled herself another full body length before pushing her right boot into a crevice.

  Cassidy tapped in a piton and clipped her belt harness to the metal loop. LookŹing up, then down, she absorbed the heightened sensation of freedom as she dangled between earth and sky.

  A familiar auburn head crested against the rocky surface. Sure gloved hands and tanned arms snaked over the surface. A moment later Brenna stopped alongside and tapped in a piton to take a break. Her face was flushed, and sweat ran freely down her face and throat. Brenna offered Cassidy a grin, close to the expression she affected for the all-knowing Commander Jakes. “Gr
eat climb, isn’t it?”

  “Incredible view.”

  Brenna turned and looked down to the top of the canopy of trees and beyond, occasionally able to pick out the trail they had hiked from the bottom as the trees parted. Out further, the western horizon blended into blues and greens as the footŹhills surrounding the mountains pointed the way to the ocean.

  She inhaled deeply, the fresh look at the spread-out earth making her marvel at the possibilities of life. Turning back, she studied Cassidy, who had turned her face to the sun’s light, eyes closed in surrender to the sensations. Her lips curled into a cat-like smile of contentment. Brenna reached across the brief space separating them and ran her gloved fingers over the muscled wrist wrapped around the rope.

  Cassidy’s face turned from the sun, and eyelids opened slowly as even white teeth appeared in a sensuous smile. Then her eyes widened, and the smile dimmed slightly as she focused on something behind Brenna.

  “Tired already, Mom? Come on, you’re holding up the climb.”

  Flexing her shoulders, Brenna turned into the rock face, looking over at ThoŹmas with a shrug. “We’re coming, we’re coming.”

  “How’re you doing?” Thomas tossed his inquiry to Cassidy with a quick lift of his chin.

  “This is incredible. How long have you been climbing?”

  “Since I was twelve,” Thomas answered, taking a moment to slip over to her side and adjust one of her ties before it twisted on her. “I learned on a scouting trip.” He gestured to the north. “The ridge is north of here, called Domino Peak.”

  Brenna, who had moved ahead of both of them, paused and called down, “Now who’s the slowpoke?”

  Thomas looked away from Cassidy and grinned up at her. “Be right there.” He smiled winningly at Cassidy. “That’s her competitive spirit. Excuse me.”

  Cassidy laughed and watched mother and son for a moment before resuming her own climb. She heard Thomas laugh at something his mother said and looked up to see the woman moving swiftly away on the rocks. She particularly appreciated the firm rear and rippling shoulders as Brenna moved.

  Damn this is fun, she thought, grinning as she pulled herself ever closer to the top.

  When she reached the level plateau, Brenna spread out on her back, arms splayed. Breathing heavily, she could not muster energy to care about the dirt mixing with her sweat.

  This is freedom, she thought triumphantly. She had beaten Thomas to the top, if only by a few seconds. He shook her hand and hugged her before he rappelled down to help others. She wondered if her competitive spirit had been in part due to ThoŹmas’ obvious attraction to Cassidy. She rolled onto her side and propped her head on her hand, watching the edge for the blonde’s appearance.

  Though Thomas was on the side, probably with Cassidy, Brenna hoped he would let her offer congratulations first when Cassidy completed her climb. Shaking her head at herself, she pushed to her knees and moved to the edge, peering over to find her…

  Castmate? Friend?

  Brenna sat up slowly as she contemplated their relationship. She could no longer consider Cassidy “just another member” of the Time Trails company. She had moved past the feelings of animosity, straight into…What? They had certainly passed “friend” with the kisses the previous evening.


  She swallowed. Despite coming very, very close the previous evening, they had not crossed that line. Not yet.

  A hand appeared over the top of the rocks, finding purchase on the granite. Then Cassidy s face appeared, upturned and smiling as Brenna grasped her hand.

  “Hey, partner!”

  The eager voice filled Brenna with joy.


  “Hi,” Brenna returned with a grin, pulling Cassidy the last feet onto the plaŹteau. Stopping herself from assisting, she watched as Cassidy detached her own safety harness. Relief flooded her as they hugged firmly. Brenna could not find words to speak. She only squeezed tighter, delighted when Cassidy returned the grasp.

  “Congratulations on completing your first climb, Cassidy.” Mike broke free from another group that had also just reached the top.

  Keeping an arm around Brenna as she steadied her legs, Cassidy flashed a huge grin. “I can’t wait to do that again.” She laughed, dizzying Brenna’s senses.

  “Well, we’ll be going down in about twenty minutes.” He passed her a water bottle. “Have some water. Walk around. Check out the view on the other side while we get the rest up here.”

  Cassidy tilted her head back and swallowed lustily from the bottle, splashing herself and Brenna in the process. She passed the bottle. Brenna drank a little, splashed her throat, and returned it.

  “Want to see the other view?” Brenna asked as Cassidy’s arm fell from her back.

  Cassidy’s eyes revealed rising passion as they lifted to meet Brenna’s. “Yes.”

  Together they walked around some boulders and sparse vegetation and perched on a smaller boulder on the eastern rim. The panoramic view was spectacular. The Sierra Mountains sheared into the sky to the southeast, and through a valley Cassidy could see what was probably the edge of the desert.

  For a while they just sat there, shoulder to shoulder. Brenna felt warmed by the sun and cooled by the breeze. She could feel the bond between them tempering, as though in a forge. Brenna pulled off her gloves and set them in her lap, studying her hands as they tingled. Cassidy did the same. Brenna’s throat caught on thoughts she couldn’t put into words. Brenna recalled Cassidy’s earlier words. Shouldn’t we see where they take us?

  Glancing over, she saw Cassidy smile faintly at some private thought as she looked over the view. The body posture conveyed a powerful confidence, and her sweaty shoulders rippled when she rubbed her hands together.

  She rose abruptly, offering her hand to Brenna. “Ready to go?”

  As Brenna reached out and their fingers touched, she felt the heat of fear rising in her. A promise shone from Cassidy’s eyes in reply. “Yes,” Brenna finally answered, standing. / want to see where this goes, too. “Yes,” she said again. Her heart pounded faster, and her face flushed.

  Cassidy’s answering smile brightened the morning sky as if it had previously been the middle of the night.

  James splashed with his brother in the springs. Lunch had been spent with the two of them sitting with their mom and the Hylands. The women had talked about the climb, wondering aloud if they could find time to get together to do it again. PerŹsonally, he found that weird. They all knew Mom’s contract finished up in the spring. She was corresponding with her agent to find her next project. She had even talked about going to New York, even though Mr. Shea was in Michigan.

  James wasn’t happy about moving anywhere. High school had proven to be fun, and he didn’t relish the idea of moving somewhere else to start over again. Friends never seemed to happen quite the same way.

  May would likely find the two women on opposite coasts. It seemed pointless to form a friendship that was going to end so soon. He looked over at the two women splashing one another in the shallows. They had never been chummy. He vividly remembered the things his mother had said when Ms. Hyland had been cast in the series.

  Her first months on the set had made his mother, by turns, angry and anguished. She had even considered leaving the show. That had been just before she married Kevin Shea. James and Thomas had both thought the marriage sudden, but they didn’t say anything. After all, it was their mother’s life, not theirs. In the beginŹning, she had spent at least a weekend each month with him in Michigan. The visits had trailed off since spring, though. During the summer, she had built the deck out

  back and spent a lot of time lying out in the sun reading while he and Thomas were busy with baseball and high school friends.

  Mr. Shea had come out twice, but it was clear he dldn’l enjoy Los Angeles. Mom had only taken them for a visit the once this fall.

  Thomas nudged him. “They get along pretty nice, huh?”


/>   “Mom and Cassidy.”

  James blinked at his brother’s use of the woman’s first name, then he looked at Thomas’ face and groaned. He had seen that infatuated look before. Sheesh…

  James watched his mother pick up the Hyland boy from the water and swing him around, splashing him down to squeals of delight. He realized she looked hapŹpier right then, soaking wet and laughing with Ryan’s mother, than she had on the entire trip to Michigan.

  “Hey, James!” Thomas climbed up onto the rocks. “Move, will you?”

  James stroked out of the way and pulled himself out of the water as his brother performed a smooth, shallow dive. Thomas stroked underwater to the other side of the spring. James rolled his eyes when Thomas “accidentally” bumped into Ms. Hyland before springing up out of the water.

  Holding his nose, James shook his head and cannonballed into the water.

  Thomas burst to the surface beside Cassidy, startling her into jumping backŹward.


  He looked to his mother, who was frowning deeply. Ignoring her for the moment, he returned his gaze to Cassidy. “So, have you and Mom decided when we’re going camping again?”

  “No, we haven’t,” Cassidy answered with a laugh.

  “Then how about coming over to go to the gym? They’ve got a climbing wall.” She smiled, and he felt his chest swell. She might consider it. Yes! He tried to contain his excitement, unaware of how his eyes glowed with expectation.

  Cassidy’s gaze left him and flitted briefly to his mother. After a moment, Brenna shrugged. Cassidy nodded, then shifted her eyes back to Thomas. He straightened up quickly. “Well, I suppose I could, when my schedule gives me some time.”

  “Our schedules,” Brenna interjected with a smile.

  “Right.” Cassidy patted his shoulder, and Thomas beamed.

  His mother interrupted the moment. “Looks like everyone’s headed back,” she observed.

  “We’re breaking camp, aren’t we?” Cassidy asked.

  “Yeah,” Thomas said without inflection. He was bummed, but he walked with them, pulling his body out of the water and snatching up his towel to pull around his neck. Holding the ends, he watched pensively as his mother took Ryan from Cassidy so that the blonde could pull herself out of the spring.


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