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How to Save a Fae (Heir of Dragons Book 2)

Page 20

by J. A. Culican

  The Faelyr nestled up against her, purring. You're still in shock, Minx. You cared about him deeply. It's perfectly natural for you to feel this way. We should get you home, where you can rest. It's been a very long day. I wish he was still here, too, but I don't see anyone with us. It's just your imagination, I'm afraid...

  She refused to believe it. This presence, this weight in the air, felt too real to her. It can't be my imagination. It feels genuine.

  While the two of them dwelt in the grass, somber, Minx's eyes tracked movement nearby.

  The Fae huntress looked to old Winterlimb, discovering a vague stirring in the shadows. The weight in the air that she'd been picking up on suddenly increased, and the darkness itself seemed to gradually coalesce into something material. She blinked the tears from her eyes and watched as a tremendous form soundlessly emerged from the very fabric of the night. It began as a four-legged beast with jet-black wings and a crown of horns; a thing whose aura inspired sheer terror. Soon, the silent silhouette began to change shape again, and this time it adopted something of the humanoid—two arms, two legs, a head and torso. It wasn't until this change had been completed that the figure finally stepped out into the moonlight, and when he did, her lungs were robbed of air.

  “Hey, Minx,” said the figure.

  She bolted to her feet, dizzy, and stared wide-eyed at this specter. It was Kaleb. At least, by all appearances, it was Kaleb. It looked like him, sounded like him, possessed his same soothing aura. “Is it...” She palmed at her eyes in disbelief. “Is it really...?”

  Mau was similarly stunned, her fur standing and her claws bared in fear. What? That can't really be him, right?

  There was only one way to be sure, and without a second thought, Minx launched herself toward him. She rushed into his waiting arms, nearly knocking him to the ground, and took his face in her hands. She scoured his handsome countenance for signs of alienage—for some sign that this was a trick or hallucination. The eyes looking back at her were the real thing, though—glistened with a yellowish fire, just as they always had. She then pressed her lips to his, and the intensity of his kiss yanked her heart from the throes of panic. She knew these lips.

  I was right... Minx drew away from him slightly, studying his features once more. He really was here the whole time—we really do have a connection. She ran her hands through his hair and felt his strong fingers sweep the tears from her cheeks. “It's really you, isn't it? But how?”

  He chuckled. “I don't imagine there's anyone out there who could give us a perfect answer to that. After all, a living subject has never been used in this ritual. And then there's you.” He held her close. “When you interfered, something happened. Both of us became subject to the ritual. It felt like we became two sides of the same coin, in a way.”

  “I could feel you here with me,” began Minx, “even after you disappeared. It's hard to explain... It's almost like my connection with Mau. I can tell when you're near—and it pains me when you're far away. I should be scared... weirded out... but it feels right to me. I feel like this is the way things are supposed to be—that you and I are supposed to be bound in this way.”

  Kaleb looked to old Winterlimb, then up at the sky. “So, the ritual worked, then? The shielding spell is in place again?”

  She nodded. “It seems so.”

  “Good.” Kaleb sighed, leaning against the trunk of the great tree and cradling her in his arms. “It was worth it, then. You and your people are safe—we won, Minx.”

  She was taken by his enthusiasm, though even as she dwelt in his arms, her heart overflowing with joy, she couldn't altogether believe that was the case. The territories of the Fae were protected now, it was true, but her people still had many enemies. Those enemies, unfortunately, would not be deterred forever.

  In that moment, though, she chose to put away her fears.

  Her people were safe for the time being, and her love had returned to her. That was enough.

  Chapter 25

  With the shielding spell in place, the denizens of Pan and the surrounding areas could breathe easy.

  Though none among them were so naive as to believe they'd won the war.

  Enemy forces were seen beyond the borders of the Trading Center, and still other clusters of dark warriors were spotted on the outskirts of Pandling Grounds. At present, they were held in check by the powerful warding spell that had fully enveloped the region. Both the hunter and Torrent himself were doubtlessly among the hordes however, and it was well understood that these tenacious foes would not give in until they had succeeded in their aims.

  The First said as much as he congratulated Minx for her leadership during the most recent crisis. Both he and the Fae Elders were shocked to learn of Kaleb's survival—such a thing, they all agreed, was difficult to understand. Having deviated from their ordinary preparations however, they all conceded that his survival and bonding with Minx was deserving of further study when peace finally returned.

  “As previously mentioned, the lake remains tainted,” the First continued during their meeting in his private quarters. “The taint has slowed, thankfully, but Torrent still maintains a terrifying level of control over the lake. Our struggles against him are not over—far from it, they're just beginning. But I thank you both for your bravery. The territory has been secured against the dark army for now, and we may find ourselves with time enough to plan a more effective counter-attack in the days to come.”

  “What will happen now?” chanced Kaleb. “The Fae have lost many warriors. Do you have an army capable of marching against Torrent in the days and weeks to come?”

  It was Minx who broached the ensuing silence. “The dragons will have no choice but to assist,” she replied. “As we've said all along, a partnership with the dragons is the only way forward. And even then... it may not be enough. Our forces have suffered tremendous losses. If the dragons had joined with us from the start, then perhaps things would have played out differently...”

  The First nodded. “We will give the matter some thought, yes. For now... I advise you both to rest. We will have peace, for now. I cannot promise it will last long, but for the battles to come, I suggest you gather your strength. We have survived to fight another day.”

  Minx and Kaleb did precisely that. Leaving the First's quarters, they strolled together with Mau to Winterlimb, spending time beneath the ancient tree's great shade. The residents of Pan that they met on their way were all in good cheer, thrilled at the recent victory and hopeful for the future. It was likely that many of them didn't know just how badly the Fae warriors had fared in recent days, or how difficult it would be for them to carry on against the dark forces without external aid. She, like the rest, did not focus on this however. She sat down in the grass with Kaleb and the Faelyr, resting against Winterlimb's vast trunk.

  “You know how you've been able to speak to the lake?” began Kaleb, watching the clouds pass.

  “Yes, what about it?” asked Minx.

  Here, Kaleb turned to the towering tree, running his hands against its dense bark. “It's strange, but... I've had a similar connection to Winterlimb here. Early this morning, before I fully awoke, someone... or something... reached out to me. It was a deep, soothing voice, and when I heard it I felt drawn to Winterlimb.”

  “Winterlimb has spoken to you?” Minx could hardly believe it; she was half-sure that he was merely kidding around.

  Kaleb proved firm, however. “Yeah, I'm certain of it. I tried to respond, to keep the dialogue going, but I guess he wasn't in a talking mood after he relayed his message.” He chuckled. “I know, it probably sounds crazy.”

  “Well, what did he say?” asked Minx.

  “Not a whole lot,” he admitted. “He just thanked me. That was it.”

  How can Winterlimb possibly reach out to a dragon? If he were talking to anyone, it would be a Fae, wouldn't it? I don't believe him! chimed in Mau.

  Minx smiled, peering up at the tree herself. “If he speaks to you again, pl
ease let me know.”

  For some time, the three of them remained in Winterlimb's shade, enjoying the warm breeze. In the grand scheme of things, the events of the prior day constituted only a small victory. She shuddered to think of how much they would have to sacrifice to fully defeat Torrent and his hordes. In recent days, her people had been pushed to their limits to save their lands. How much more would they have to give? How much more blood would have to be shed before they were rid of this menace? For now, Kaleb and Minx were together—and they were closer now than they had ever been before. But would that last? Could they, too, be torn away from one another again by the dark forces then dwelling outside of the barrier?

  Minx relaxed in Kaleb's arms and looked into his eyes.

  There could be no telling what the weeks ahead would bring, but she was steeled by the fact that she wouldn't have to face the future alone. Whatever Torrent threw at them, Kaleb would be by her side to meet it head-on. They had overcome countless obstacles already and beaten seemingly insurmountable odds—and through it all they had nurtured a great love.

  Torrent would use all the power at his disposal to accomplish his hateful ends, and before all was said and done, it was possible—likely, even—that they would fall against his might. But if there was one thing that she was certain about, one aspect of the future that was not in doubt, it was that the Dark Mage could not extinguish the love she shared with Kaleb.

  It was possible that everything around them would fall; that Aleio itself would be shattered, overrun by Torrent's forces.

  But the love she felt while wrapped in his arms would persevere.

  This love was something she could trust.

  Glossary of Creatures

  Dragons are magical beings who hold two forms, one of a magical beast and one of a human. They are strong and great warriors.

  Fae are magical beings and are known to be great hunters. They are recognized by their pointed ears and slim physique.

  Faelyr are the offspring of fae and lyr-shifters. These offspring are sterile and cannot shift, but are quite intelligent and have limited telepathic ability. Fae use them as familiars or pets, as they are fiercely loyal once bonded.

  Krah are large, lizard people. Good primarily for war. They can burrow and get into places that most can't get to. They're good at scaling vertical walls.

  Kurgs are deep burrowing humanoids. Short and stout, and they are proficient tunnelers. Sunlight is toxic to them.

  Lyr-shifters are animal shifter hybrids. They can only shift into their two animal halfs.

  Mage are beings who use magic for either good or evil.

  Plurn are Half lion and/or tiger and half human. They work in prides, very similar to their feline counterparts. They only have one form and are unable to shift.

  Wuffs are large humanoid creatures. They’re a strange pairing of both animals and fae. They only have one form and are unable to shift. Matriarchal society.

  Zuscha are the dark magic fae.


  Cover Designer: Christian Bentulan

  Formatting: Dragon Realm Press

  Editing: Dragon Realm Press

  About the Author

  J.A. Culican is a USA Today Bestselling author of the middle grade fantasy series Keeper of Dragons. Her first novel in the fictional series catapulted a trajectory of titles and awards, including top selling author on the USA Today bestsellers list and Amazon, and a rightfully earned spot as an international best seller. Additional accolades include Best Fantasy Book of 2016, Runner-up in Reality Bites Book Awards, and 1st place for Best Coming of Age Book from the Indie book Awards.

  J.A. Culican holds a Master’s degree in Special Education from Niagara University, in which she has been teaching special education for over 15 years. She is also the president of the autism awareness non-profit Puzzle Peace United. J.A. Culican resides in Southern New Jersey with her husband and four young children.

  Also by J.A. Culican

  Young Adult-Urban Fantasy

  Keeper of Dragons Series

  Hollows Ground Series

  Young Adult-Epic Fantasy

  Dragon Tamer Series

  Realm of Light and Fire

  Legends of the Fallen

  Young Adult-Dystopian Fantasy

  Through the Ashes Series

  Young Adult-Mythology Fantasy

  Reap This Series




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