Book Read Free

All I'll Ever Need

Page 9

by J. P. Bowie

  “Hi, Alex, is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, except I’m in Vancouver, and you’re in LA.” He chuckled before continuing. “I hope you took me up on the offer to stay over at my place.”

  “I did, thank you.” It was amazing how just the sound of Alex’s voice could make him feel so much better than he had a few moments ago. “Uh, how is Lena, your client?”

  “Haven’t seen her yet. She’s up in Whistler on location. I expect her back at the hotel in about an hour. Hey, I was thinking. How would you like to fly up here for a couple of days over the weekend? Maybe you could ask your boss for an extra day or two off.”

  Edward felt a surge of excitement. Alex was asking him to join him in Vancouver! How cool was that!

  “Do you have a passport?” Alex asked.

  “Uh, yeah I do. I got it a few years ago for a high school trip to Europe. Only problem is I don’t know if I can get the extra time off. I’ve only been with the bank a couple of months, so I’m not sure how they would react.”

  “Well, if you can’t get the extra time, we could do Friday night through Sunday, yes? I’ll get the ticket online and send you the confirmation number. All you have to do is show up at the airport. Have you been to Vancouver before?”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “You’ll love it. It’s a beautiful city. Okay, let me know what the boss man says and we’ll go from there. I’ll have some time to spend with you, show you around—my hotel room.” He chuckled again. “Just kidding.”

  Edward said, “I think that will be the part I like best. It’s nice being in your house, but I wish you were here with me.”

  “Me too. Darn…” He paused then said, “Sounds like I have another call coming in. “I’ll talk to you later. Take care, Edward, and make yourself at home.”

  “Thanks. Bye, Alex.”

  * * * *

  Just before six his cell rang again. Troy. He was tempted to let the call go to voicemail. But he might be sick, or something. “Hi, Troy.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Uh, at a friend’s place. What’s up?”

  “I need a ride tonight.”

  “You’re still going to the party? Troy, that’s really not a good idea.”

  “Hey, I don’t need a lecture from you. Kevin’s already been up my ass about it. I asked him to take me and he said—before he flounced outta here—he wouldn’t be responsible for me getting in with that crowd again.”

  “Then maybe you should listen, Troy. I’m not giving you a ride to some party where you’re gonna get wasted and end up in the hospital again.”

  “Fine, I’ll drive myself,” Troy rasped, “and if I get in an accident you can congratulate yourself on being a total prick.”

  “I’m a total prick? You need to refine your manners when you’re asking for a favor, mister.”

  “Okay, Southern-fried. Ah forgot you’re from the plantation. Please take me to the party tonight, Captain Butler, sir.”

  Despite his annoyance, Edward chuckled at Troy’s imitation of Scarlett O’Hara. And he would feel guilty if anything bad did happen to Troy, asshole or not. “Okay, but you have to find a ride back home. I’m not going to stay ’til all hours of the morning.”

  “What, ’fraid you’ll turn into a pumpkin, Cinders? Bring that hunky boyfriend of yours along, or did he dump you already? You were kinda aiming a bit high with that one, don’tcha think?”

  “Troy, you are just too mean to be asking for any favors. Find your own way there and back!” He cut the call before Troy could be any more unpleasant. Man, what a jerk. His cell rang again immediately, and this time after ascertaining it was Troy, he let it go to voicemail. Jeez. His relationships with his roommates had suddenly gone from hardly seeing them to them practically taking over his life. How did that happen?

  It only took a moment or two for his conscience to start prickling. What if something did happen to the idiot? Maimed or killed in a road accident, maybe even injuring some innocent bystander. Shit. He picked up his cell and punched in Troy’s number.

  “Okay,” he said when Troy’s grumpy voice answered, “I’ll give you a ride to the party tonight, but promise me you won’t get wasted like before.”

  “I promise, Mother.”

  “Can you also stop with the snark and show some gratitude, for a change?” Edward asked, with an edge to his voice he hoped would make Troy drop the attitude.

  “I will be eternally grateful, O kind sir—and just so you know, I didn’t set out to get deliberately wasted the other night. Someone must’ve slipped me some bad stuff. I mean, who in their right mind wants to end up in the hospital? Can you pick me up at eight?”

  “I’ll be there,” Edward said, trying to ignore the sick feeling in his stomach. Why, oh why, did I agree to this?

  * * * *

  Troy was waiting on the steps outside the apartment building when Edward pulled up. He was wearing a neon green tank top and the tightest pair of jeans Edward had ever seen on any human.

  “Nice circumcision,” he said dryly when Troy climbed in beside him.

  “Eye catching, huh?” Troy leered at him. “Gotta show ’em the goods if you wanna get laid.” He checked Edward up and down. “Looks like you’re playing it safe. Saving yourself for Mr. TDH?”

  “What?” Edward frowned at him as he put the car in gear.

  “Tall, Dark and Has-some. I bet he’s hung. Is he?”

  “Troy, if you’re trying to make me feel uncomfortable, you’re succeeding. Now change the subject or find another way to get to your party.”

  Troy slumped back in his seat. “Jesus, go buy yourself a sense of humor, will you? Are you always this uptight?”

  “Only around you, it seems. Okay, which way?”

  ”Take a right to Santa Monica then a left up to Hollywood Boulevard. So I’m guessing he dumped you or he’d be with you tonight.”

  “Man, you just don’t know how to let a thing be, do you?” Edward said through gritted teeth. “Alex is in Vancouver, if you must know, on business, for two weeks.”

  “Two weeks!” Troy hooted. “Oh, he can get in a lot of trouble in two weeks in Vancouver. That city is full of the best-looking dudes in Canada. Better even than Montreal, and that’s saying something.”

  “You’ve been there?”

  “Oh yeah. Kevin and me went there for Pride a couple of years ago. Oh Mary, we had the best time!”

  Troy rattled on about how many bars and parties they had gone to and how many incredibly hot men they’d met. As none of it needed an answer or more than the occasional grunt from him, Edward spaced Troy out and started thinking ahead to the weekend when he’d be with Alex in Vancouver. Alex’s invitation to join him had given Edward the hope that maybe, just maybe their friendship had a chance of becoming something more meaningful.

  But you mustn’t put too much emphasis on him asking you up there for the weekend. Just take it easy and don’t make more of it than it is—a couple of days and nights together. It did, however, give him the tiniest bit of satisfaction that he’d been asked to join Alex in the city that boasted ‘the best-looking dudes in Canada’ as Troy had put it.

  He was jolted from his reverie when Troy nudged him with his elbow. “Turn left here then keep going up the hill ’til I see the driveway. I think I remember where it is.”

  Oh, great. The road was narrow with enough sharp curves and bends to rival a corkscrew, and it was dark with no moon at all to give him at least some idea of when the next bend was coming up. He slowed down so Troy could guess at which driveway they should turn.

  “I think we passed it,” Troy said finally.

  “Are you kidding me? D’you have any idea where we’re supposed to be going?”

  “Well, I got a ride last time, too. I really wasn’t paying any attention, I guess.”

  Edward groaned. “You have their phone number, maybe, so you can call them and ask them for the address?”

  “No—shit. Turn back and I�
�ll do a better job of looking this time. I know it wasn’t this far up the hill.”

  Sighing, Edward pulled into the next drive, backed up and did a U-turn onto the narrow road. If I could have one wish I’d like to be anywhere but here—preferably in Vancouver.

  “Stop,” Troy yelled. “I think that’s it.” He pointed at a dark shape high on the hill to their left.

  Edward peered in the direction of Troy’s pointing finger. “It doesn’t look like anyone’s at home.”

  “Well, they don’t exactly advertise there’s a party going on. Nosy neighbors. But look, I can see some cars up there. I’m sure this is it.”

  “Okay.” Edward pulled into the driveway and parked behind the last car on the slope. They got out and started walking toward the house. Now Edward could see the glimmer of lights ahead. They must be using candlelight. Makes sense, I suppose, if they don’t want to attract too much attention. The door was open and he followed Troy inside. Even with the dim lighting Edward could tell the foyer was huge. A few people were moving about and music was playing softly in the background. He heard the clink of glass.

  “This way,” Troy said, gripping Edward’s elbow and steering him into a large room where there were more people and a bar. “Oh, there’s Walter. He owns the place. Hey, Walter.”

  A tall, older man with silver-white hair and a goatee turned and gave Troy a look of no recognition whatsoever. “Hello?”

  “Hi, it’s Troy, I was here the other night with Pete and Veronica.”

  Edward could tell Walter had no clue as to who the heck Troy was, but he smiled and gestured toward the bar. “Garth will take care of you.” He eyed Edward up and down appraisingly. “Who’s your friend?”

  “Oh, this is Edward, my roommate. He just migrated from the sticks of North Carolina.”

  “Really? I’m from North Carolina too, originally.” He winked at Edward. “Good place to be from, eh?”

  “Sure is.” Edward took the man’s proffered hand and shivered when his was held just a beat too long. “A drink sounds good.” He pulled his hand away and headed for the bar. “I’m having one drink then I’m outta here,” he whispered to Troy.

  “Oh, man,” Troy whined.

  “Sorry, but this isn’t my kind of party.” It might just be that he considered himself to be out of his element, but he felt distinctly uncomfortable, a feeling that increased when he noticed a man and a woman having sex and others had gathered around to watch. “Is this some kind of orgy?”

  “Naw, they’re just high. What’ll you have?”

  “A beer, thanks.”

  He found he couldn’t take his eyes away from what was going on a few feet away from where they stood at the bar, and he felt ashamed that it fascinated him so much.

  “Here.” Troy thrust a glass at him. “Drink up. I’ll see you around.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Look up a few friends. I’ll be back shortly.” He disappeared into a dimly lit hallway.

  Edward took a long swallow of his beer. He so didn’t want to be here. Maybe he’d find a spot where he could call Alex and tell him what an idiot he’d been to give Troy a ride to this place. Maybe he wouldn’t tell him that. He just wanted to hear the sound of his voice.

  He slipped his hand into his pocket to get his cell and came up empty. Crap. Had he left it in the car? A naked arm was suddenly snaked round his neck.

  “What the hell?”

  Laughter followed his startled cry and it was then that he looked down and noticed the arm was covered in tattoos. He was spun round and he sucked in a surprised breath when he encountered Herbie’s smirking face, leering at him.

  “Hey, country boy, didn’t expect to see you here. Slumming, are you?”

  Edward recovered from his shock at seeing the guy from the Rockin’ Bar enough to reply, “Hardly. I don’t think Hollywood Hills could be classified as a slum.”

  “I mean, this kind of party. It’s all drugs, sex and rock ’n’ roll, y’know.” Herbie’s leer was back.

  “Yes, well, I was just about to leave.”

  “Where’s that Martinez guy you were so hot and heavy with at the bar? You and him on the outs already?”

  “That isn’t any of your business, Herbie.” Edward scanned the room to see if Troy was anywhere in sight. I should let him know I’m leaving.

  “Looking for someone?” Herbie asked, moving closer to Edward.

  Edward took a step back. “My roommate. I gave him a ride up here but I’m not staying much longer. I want him to know he’ll have to find someone to give him a lift home.”

  “Is he cute?”

  “I guess.”

  “I’ve got a car,” Herbie said. “Introduce me and I’ll offer to take him home.”

  “I don’t see him.”

  “He’s probably in the other party room. I’ll show you. In the meantime…” He grabbed Edward’s glass. “Let’s get you a refill.”

  “No, that’s okay.” But Herbie was already at the bar ordering more drinks. He came back carrying two glasses, one of which he handed to Edward.

  “Gotcha the good stuff, not the piss they serve the peons. This is Garth’s own brew.”

  “Garth’s own brew?”

  “Right. Hot, isn’t he?”

  Edward glanced over at the tall, shirtless, heavily muscled and tattooed man behind the bar, and nodded. “I suppose he is. Friend of yours?”

  “On occasion,” Herbie replied. “His ink goes all the way down,” he added, winking salaciously at Edward. He flexed an arm and a dragon’s body writhed over his biceps. “Okay, let’s go find your roomie.”

  Edward took a sip of his drink to prevent it from spilling as they walked down the hall toward where louder music could be heard. Herbie pushed a door open and Edward stood for a moment, transfixed by the sheer number of people crammed into the room. Some were dancing, others making out, and in a far corner, Edward spotted Troy in a huddle with a bunch of other men. He guessed Troy was doing drugs of some kind. He could only hope his roommate wasn’t going to overdo it this time around.

  “That’s Troy, over there, Herbie. The guy wearing the green tank top.”

  “Oh, he’s cute.” Herbie’s expression had a predatory cast to it. “He’s got a ride home. Introduce me.”

  Navigating across the room through the crush of swaying bodies was difficult, but they finally joined Troy’s group and Edward managed to get Troy’s attention long enough to tell him Herbie was going to give him a lift home. Troy looked Herbie up and down.

  “Cool ink,” he said, licking his lips. His eyes were already glazed over.

  Edward turned to Herbie. ”You sure about this?”

  “Totally. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him.”

  “I’m leaving,” Edward told Troy. “See you later, and please don’t end up in the hospital again.”

  “Don’t worry ‘bout me, Southern-fried.” Herbie giggled at Troy’s nickname for Edward. “My friends here will take good care of me. Run along home and save yourself for your hunky boyfriend who’s always out of town.”

  More giggling ensued. Irritated, and ready to tell Troy just what a jerk he really was, instead Edward turned to go and almost collided with the tall white-haired man Troy had introduced him to earlier. Walter, that’s right.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, holding his beer glass away from Walter’s chest.

  “Why don’t you put that swill down and have a real drink with me before you go?” Walter said smoothly. “We can toast a fond farewell to our home state.”

  “I really need to get going,” Edward replied, moving toward the door.

  “Just one.” Walter followed him into the hallway. “Where in North Carolina are you from?”


  “Good God.” Walter chuckled dryly. “I didn’t think that place could produce someone as stunning as you.”

  They had reached the bar and Edward put his glass down alongside some empty bottles.

>   “Garth.” Walter summoned the bartender over. “Make me and my friend here my favorite cocktail.” He squeezed Edward’s shoulder. “You’ll love this.”

  Edward was torn between not being rude to the host and getting the hell out of there. His better instincts told him to go, but he sighed inwardly and accepted the small glass Walter handed him.

  “Cheers.” Walter gave him an urbane smile. “Here’s to the many miles that separate us from those we don’t miss at all.”

  Edward grimaced. Not the kind of toast he would have made, but… He sipped the drink. “What is this?”

  “Cointreau and bitters. You like it?”

  “It’s very nice. Different.”

  “Drink up and we’ll have another.”

  “Oh, no thanks.” Edward threw back the rest of the sweet drink then put his glass down on the bar. He caught a glimpse of Troy in the hallway that led to the ‘party’ room. Why is he waving at me? Then Troy disappeared. Edward blinked. Now I’m seeing things? “Thank you, Walter, but I really must go. It was a pleasure meeting you.”

  “And you, Edward. I think we’ll meet again very soon.”

  “Goodnight.” He turned and walked across the room toward the entryway. His legs began to feel like lead weights and his head spun. He leaned against a wall, trying to stop the dizziness that threatened to overcome him. He couldn’t put one foot in front of the other. He sank to his knees. What’s happening? He fell forward onto the hard, wooden floor. Somebody help…me…

  He was dimly aware of someone lifting him to his feet and dragging him forward. Voices, seeming to come from far away, made a vague impression on his mind. One voice, louder than the others, sounded close to his ear. Troy? Someone was pulling at him, he wanted to scream at them to let him go. A long, violent shudder racked his body. He went completely limp as he gave himself up to the darkness.

  Chapter Seven

  Three days later

  Alex closed his phone and sighed. Okay, that made three times today he’d called Edward with no response. He’d left messages yesterday and the day before, and—nothing. He was worried, frustrated too because he didn’t have either of Edward’s roommates’ phone numbers. He didn’t even know their last names so couldn’t do a directory search. Could it be that Edward was deliberately ignoring his calls? It was a possibility, of course, yet he’d have sworn that Edward was as interested in prolonging their friendship as he was.


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