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Heart of The Reaper: A Dark Monster Romance

Page 7

by YD La Mar

  “Yup, it’s me and the couch. We have a date every Friday night.” I luckily catch the mailman outside just coming out from another building.

  “Kyle! I have something for ya!” Kyle, our mailman who’s probably in his middle forties, smiles at me and lifts a hand up in hello. Dressed in his blue uniform, Kyle is a nice-looking man who is married with two kids. That’s what I learned through one of our short conversations anyway. He’s safe. I don’t mind talking to Kyle, especially since we kind of have a job that connects us and we’re both always in a hurry to get on with our duties.

  Being the gentleman he is, Kyle grabs all my mail and stuffs it in his mailbag. I let out a huge sigh of relief when the weight of my burdens are removed from my arms. “Thank you so much, Kyle!”

  “Anytime Reese! I’ll catch you later.” See what I mean? Nice and simple. Short interactions.

  “Yeah, catch you later.” I wiggle my fingers in a wave, even though he’s already turned around and can’t see it.

  I feel a cool breeze move my hair and when I turn around, I see Josh is not too far behind me, coughing a few times. Is he sick or something? Another good reason to stay away from this guy.

  He quickly regains his composure when he sees me looking at him.

  “Um, about Friday. I’m sorry, but it’s going to be a no go. Maybe another time?” I’m not trying to lead him on, but I also don’t want to be known as a bitch at work. That wouldn’t go over well. I’m trying to keep a stable job and perhaps get a raise sooner rather than later from all my hard work.

  “Come on, Reese. You said so yourself, it’s just you and the couch. What if I come over and you share said couch? How does that sound? We don’t have to go anywhere at all. Just give me a chance.” Is he dense? Staring at his light blue button-down shirt tucked into his tan slacks, my mind flashes with moments of the past.

  That last statement reminds me of Cameron. “Come on, Reese. Just give me a chance. I’ll make it good for you.” Cameron’s hands, his cock being rammed up in me against a chain-linked fence. I’m getting kind of pissed. Is this what they call PTSD? Because I’m feeling like I need to kick someone in the balls right now, and since Cameron isn’t here anymore, my foot is itching to just kick whoever happens to be in front of me. I must be staring daggers at Josh because he takes a step back before putting both his hands up, palms out. Seriously, what is up with that? Now that reminds me of Daddy before I shot him.

  This is exactly why I can’t do relationships. Fuck. Am I broken?

  A breeze comes by again and I swear I hear whispering, but I can’t entirely make out the words. I’m staring into nothingness as my ears strain to listen intently, hoping to catch it.

  “Reese. Reese, I said I’ll come over this Friday. Let’s just try it out. You might enjoy the company.” Josh gives me what he thinks is a cute smirk when really I’m cringing inside. Fuck.


  Seeing Reese again consumes me. Something ignites inside. Her soul is just as bright as I remember. It calls to me. The male beside her causes a new emotion in me that I don’t understand. What is this then? Human mating rituals? Reese does not seem like she wants to talk to him. Her mannerisms haven’t changed much from what I remember of her. That human child who angers to the woman who takes what she wants with fire in her eyes. She is none of those things right now with this male before her.

  What is it about this male? Is this what females of this realm are attracted to? Why am I even considering this? I reach out to touch the male before me, but I forget that I am still in a non-corporeal form. His soul starts to pull, and I have to remove myself quickly. He coughs, but I don’t think Reese notices.

  Watching Reese interact with this male, I see her face contort into a multitude of different expressions. What is going on in that mind of hers? I’ve come to miss the way she used to ramble to me when she was younger. What does this female do to me? Why does this absence create such an aching chasm in my chest?

  Coming closer, I see the fire in her eye dim. What is happening? My finger touches her lightly and I hear the tail end of her thoughts.

  Am I broken?

  No, sweet Reese. You are not broken. You are meant to be who you are. Why do her words make my chest ache even more so than it already is? Like a hole impaled by a Scythe and pulled away to create a jagged wound. This is probably what a death wound feels like, if it was possible for me to die.

  Her face now changes to one of resignation. Did she just agree to this male’s request? I turn quickly, only to find the male smile and walk away. How can she agree to this? This is ludicrous. The male isn’t worthy of her time. I feel irrational anger. We will see just what this male intends.

  Bringing myself back to my realm, I call upon my replacement hedonistic demon, Asteer. A demon that seems to be doing her job, at least.

  She flashes in front of me and bows. “Yes, Master?”

  “What do human females require to find interest in the opposite sex?”

  This makes her snap back up to attention, her curled horns giving the swing a wide arch with its momentum. Asteer stares at me much too long for my liking. I snap my teeth at her to hurry her answer. Her tail wraps around her furred arm as she takes a step back from me. I have no time for this nonsense!

  I am contemplating devouring the demon when she clears her throat. “I-It is from my experience that human females vary in their interests. It is hard to say. The souls we have down here all vary in their tastes. It is to say that some things may torture one, while the same torture may pleasure the other. It takes time to discover these things.”

  What kind of answer is this? This isn’t what I wanted to hear. How does this help me? Worthless, all these demons are worthless! I growl in frustration when Asteer disappears.

  I pull on a few strings, watching as Amoora and Araaz appear before me, stumbling upon each other. What is this? How do I end up with these pathetic sprites? Can they not even appear with dignity? I start to second guess my choices when Amoora and Araaz squabble and fight to stand before me.

  “Yes, Master?”

  “You called, Master?”

  The sigh I let out doesn’t even begin to relax me. My hand scrubs down my face as I commit to my decision to send these imbeciles to keep an eye on Reese.


  How did I get convinced to agree to this date? I must have been out of my mind the other day. That has to be it. This is stupid. It’s not going to work.

  I’m getting a little anxious just thinking about what might happen. Is he going to try and kiss me? My one and only kiss has been with Bear. Damn him for still being in my heart. They say the first love is always the hardest to let go of, and fuck if that isn’t true. I still think about him all the time. I hate that I do, but there it is.

  Do I have to dress up for a date on the couch? How does dating even work? I’ve never been on a date. Thanks Daddy, you continue to fuck up my life even years down the road. You know, maybe it’s a good thing this is happening. I need to get on with life, try and grow, try and be normal. What the hell is normal, anyway? A normal twenty-five-year-old woman would have probably been on a good handful of dates by now.

  My mind is spinning with what kind of etiquette dates require as I continue my mindless paper-pushing duties when I hear someone call my name.

  “Hey, Reese. Are you due for a lunch break yet?” I turn around to find Josh leaning over the front desk on his forearms, stretching his shirt across his biceps. To be honest, I never paid him much attention before. But now that we have a date later tonight, I stop for a second to actually take a look at him.

  He’s about average height for a guy, I guess? Maybe about 5’10” or 5’11” perhaps. A head full of brown hair styled with whatever it is boys use these days. His eyes are a blue-grey, lips look to not be overly full on skin that looks to be flawlessly porcelain that has seen a hint of sun. What stands out about him is his beauty mark right above the right side of his upper lip. Overall? He looks like
every other jock that I used to go to school with. I hope I can make it through this couch date tonight.

  “Reese, do you want to go for lunch?” Damn, I feel like this isn’t the first time he’s asked me this question. I’m not good at this socializing thing.

  “Uh… I think I’m going to pass on that. Sorry, Josh. But I’ll see you tonight?” His initial look of dejection brightens at my mention of our date tonight.

  “Yeah! I’ll see you tonight. I’ll be by around eight. Catch you later, Reese.” Josh gives me a slow once over as he walks backwards towards the lobby doors, only turning around when he’s about a foot away. Should I feel flattered? He was checking me out, right? Shouldn’t I feel more excited instead of feeling dread?

  Leaning back down to the pile of paperwork I was organizing, I feel a breeze. It must be from the lobby doors. It feels nice since I’ve been slaving over this pile all morning.

  As I’m about to grab the last piece of paperwork to put on top of the pile, I swear the thing jumped out of my hand, almost cutting me. What the hell? I must be going nuts because I swear I hear someone chuckling softly, but when I turn around, there’s no one there. Everyone is out to lunch or about to be. Perhaps it was someone who just left. Shrugging it off, I put the pile where it’s supposed to go and walk towards the back of the building for a quick lunch.

  I stare at my clock on the stove. It’s only been five minutes since the last time I checked. It’s 7:30 pm and I’m a ball of nerves. I should give this a chance. I need to get my life on some sort of relationship track. I need to be one with society and not always locked away in my apartment after work.

  My hands are getting clammy as I take another look at myself in the mirror. I never gave myself much thought since I left home. Is this why I’m single? I’m older now, of course. My hair is still straight and black. I’ve filled out my body some more since I don’t have any nightly visitors, giving me the opportunity to get enough sleep. My lips are full. Is that a good thing? The tags on the pants I get at the thrift store say a size eight, whatever that equals to. I had to buy new bras since my old ones were so worn; the underwire was poking through. I fill my B cups pretty well; I think. Ugh.

  Who am I kidding? He will either hate me or want me, right? If he’s coming over, I assume it’s the latter.

  I hear my pots clatter and the hairs in the back of my neck rise. What the hell? My apartment is pretty small, a one-bedroom with an open concept for the kitchen and living room. Grabbing a bat I have leaning up against this corner between the living room and my bedroom, I walk slowly with it firmly gripped in both of my hands, letting the weight of it ground me and steady my nerves.

  When I come around the corner, I swear I see a flash of blue-black and it sparks a memory. The pots that I had hanging on hooks are crooked and one is on the floor. Taking another look around, making sure I don’t catch a glimpse of anything else, I put my bat into one of my hands while the other picks up the pot on the ground.

  Something strange is happening. I can feel it deep in my bones. The hair on the back of my neck rises again and I take a blind swing behind me with the bat firmly gripped again in both of my hands. Fuck this shit.

  It hits something solid with a thud and that something hits the back of my kitchen wall right over my eating table; it crashes in its landing, almost toppling it over. Then the strangest thing happens. A chuckle comes from behind me, prickling my senses, and I swing again. My head is looking left and right at the scene, and that’s when I see it. That fucking little baby demon from my dream is rolling around with his hands on his belly on top of my table. It looks just as I remembered. Skin a deep blue-black, with scars that create intricate patterns on his skin. Four stumpy randomly shaped horns on the top of his big fat head. His little bat wings are bent and wonky from this angle and his little tail is wrapped around his ankle. I must be going damn crazy. How can these stupid little creatures from my childhood dreams appear in real life?

  Turning around to see the other guy, it looks like a gangly thing the same size as this baby demon. Where the baby is blue, this guy is purple. His head is way too big for his body and his horns are way too big for his head. He has a golden scroll work or charm of sorts engraved into it. There are no eyes and all I see is a wide mouth full of sharp teeth. His clawed hands are too big for his body too, but funnily enough his two toed feet aren’t. This fucker is laughing and wheezing while he rubs his head, rolling on top of my stove. This doesn’t make any damn sense. Thanks Mama, for giving me all your crazy genes. This shit is putting me in an irritable mood.

  “What the hell are you guys doing here?” My mind races; I don’t even wait for their answer. “You know what? Better yet, you guys get your ass out of my house because I have a fucking date!” I’m pointing my bat at both their asses back and forth and they flinch every time their turn comes up.

  Pointing the end of my bat at this purple fucker’s ass, I notice the digital clock on my stove indicating that it’s about 7:50. Shit. I bring my bat back, about to take another good swing, when I hear these little demons screech and poof out of existence. Good riddance.

  Quickly placing my bat back into my corner, I take another look at myself in the mirror to fix any flyaways or crazy looks on my face. Is this a sign? What a start to a first date.


  The multi-vehicle accident had me reaping close to ten souls, most of which were innocent. The first driver was under the influence of whatever substance it is that humans enjoy, causing his vehicle to plow into another ten times the size of his. Imbeciles. It’s days like this I find no joy in my duties. Just needless suffering for the living caused by the sheer stupidity of the few.

  These dreadful moments used to be elevated by the presence of little Reese at the end of my reapings. Her ramblings and laughter would take my mind off the mundane and monotony of existence. Reese.

  My thoughts flash me to her apartment and I notice my assigned sprites are not in the vicinity. Another bunch of worthless fools that I had tasked to keep an eye out, unable to perform their simple duties. Is it really so hard to find creatures to just do as they’re told? No matter. I am already here.

  My eyes scan the room and they land on something. What in the hellfires? Why is this male here? Why is he sitting so close to Reese? Why do I feel a sour churning in my gut?

  I come closer to the couch they sit upon and lean in to stare at this male’s face. Is this what human females find attractive then? What is beauty when beauty is so fleeting? Flesh will petrify with death. What is beauty then when I exist for all eternity? Turning my head to the right, I gaze upon Reese’s expression. I have come to know this one for many years. This is her dreaded look. But there is also something else there? Do not tell me she has a spark of interest for this fool. The sourness in my gut turns to something worse. I seethe with something on the inside. What is this?

  “So, what ethnicity are you? I’ve never seen features like yours.” What is this fool prattling on about? What does it matter what her features are? Her fire burns brighter than her beauty and he is an idiot to not see it. Another reason for him to not be in her presence.

  “Oh, my parents are a mix of a lot of things. We used to laugh about it when I was younger. We’d say I was basically a…”

  “Bear! Bear! Do you want to hear something funny? Mommy and Daddy say I’m a chex mix. I thought it was so funny that they called me a snack bag. But then they told me they weren’t saying Chex mix, they were saying that I have a little bit of Czech and Mexican in me. How can I have two people in me Bear? That doesn’t make any sense.”

  Czech Mex. “...basically a Czech Mex.” Reese should not be sharing our secrets with this male. Another feeling comes over me that I cannot decipher, but I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit.

  “That’s hilarious.” His laugh is devoid of actual humor. What is this male up to? Why does he sound like this? There’s something going on here.

  This male continues to stare at m
y Reese and my chest starts to yearn and hunger to incinerate his flesh before me. What is going on in this male’s mind? My gaze narrows as I reach my hand out to find out when he starts to lean in towards Reese. Irrational anger and fear courses through me and I pull his soul so tightly I merge into his being.

  She is so beautiful. Look at her eyes, they’re the color of the sands on a dark cloudy day. Fuck, I can get lost in them. Her lips look beautifully kissable. Shit, I’m staring. I should just go for it.

  My anger swells into unfathomable depths when I hear his intentions and I shove his consciousness in the back of his mind and take over. Reese looks afraid but hopeful. Those lips belong to me! They were mine first before I even understood what she was doing that first day she bestowed her kiss on me.

  With the male Josh pushed back, I can control his body at my will. My hands cradle Reese’s face as I press my lips to hers as she did to me. Is this what humans do? Her lips are as soft as a flower petal as they meld against mine and my insides feel like it’s been torn asunder. Is this what she felt that day so long ago? The male’s body is responding strangely, his heart beating erratically. Or is it me who responds?


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