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Heart of The Reaper: A Dark Monster Romance

Page 15

by YD La Mar

  I don’t know if I can flash myself to different realms yet, but these two little demons do the job. Instead of flashing to my apartment, I made them flash me to Mister Clyde’s house. Now that Isaac’s gone, I need to be on it. He doesn’t have anyone else but me to look after him.

  I had been given a key to their house a couple of years back but never had to use it since Isaac was always the one that drove me to work. Good thing these little brats can flash me right behind the front door, it’s far enough from Mister Clyde’s room that he wouldn’t notice. Opening and closing it to simulate my entrance, I hear Mister Clyde yell out from his bedroom on the lower level floor.

  “Reese’s pieces, is that you, woman? I’m hungry as fuck, And Isaac never came around to check up on me. I think I pissed myself a few times.” Poor thing. This is exactly why I need to be here.

  Cleaning him up took some time, but he was able to stave off his hunger until I was done. I miss this, the monotony of routine. Turning on his television for him, I walk to the kitchen to get his breakfast ready and morning pills.

  When I fill up the food tray with all the necessities, I walk carefully back to his room. The sound of the television on blast can be heard a room away.

  “Look at this mess Reese’s, just look at this shit. The world is going to hell in a handbasket, I tell ya. From the war overseas to the war at home with domestic terrorism. Bodies are dropping left and right. I’m surprised humankind has even lasted this long.” I don’t have a TV in my apartment, so all my news comes from Mister Clyde and his ramblings.

  Lucky for me today, with all these deaths happening, it means it will take a while before Bear realizes I’m gone. I hope he doesn’t get too mad. I have a job to do after all, just like him. He doesn’t see me complaining about his flashing in and out all the time.

  When lunch rolls around, I go about my day in a slow, monotonous routine. Reading his favorite book out loud, I stop when his breathing starts to even out. I smile at his peaceful state; glad I could be of help. Placing the book softly on the bedside table, I stand up to stretch the kinks out. I have some soreness in my body that’s not from sitting as well. Just thinking about it makes me miss Bear.

  “I fucking see you there, reaper man. Don’t think you can fool an old man like me. I’ve had my eye on you for a goddamn minute, ya hear! I ain't leaving this little lady to the likes of you!”

  My head snaps to the corner Mister Clyde had spoken towards in the past, and there’s Bear in all his reaper glory. Standing tall and imposing in his dark cloak, holding his scythe. Why is that so fucking hot? Dammit, concentrate Reese!

  “Bear! You’re here..early.” I flutter my lashes to soften the blow, hopefully. Bear glides towards us with a lethal grace that gets my girly bits going even more.

  “What in the hell are you talking about, woman? Who the fuck is Bear? Don’t tell me you know this sucka! Just my luck, the only person willing to stick around my sorry ass is one attached to the reaper of death.”

  I chuckle nervously, never taking my eyes off my man, because it’s just a matter of time for Mister Clyde’s intelligent mind to connect the dots about Isaac being missing.

  “Hold the fucking phone! Where the fuck is my boy?!” Ding Ding Ding. I knew it! Mister Clyde has always been quick as a whip.

  “Uh...Mister Clyde..” How shall I explain this nicely?

  “Spit it out, woman! I know this joker right here ain't here just here for a chit chat!”

  “Isaac..had an accident.”

  “Did your boyfriend kill him? God fucking damn. He was the only reason I was holding on to this stupid, frail body of mine. Well, reaper man, you might as well take my soul too. I ain’t got no more reason to stay on this shitty earth anymore.”

  That was not what I was expecting.

  “I’m tired. I’m cranky. My ass hurts. End my misery!” Well, okay then.

  Bear comes towards me and grips my chin with two of his fingers, forcing my face up. I can’t tell if the fucker is smiling or if he’s mad since his face is a damn skull at a permanent grimace. But something inside of me feels like he’s laughing at me right now.

  He bends down to lick a trail along my bottom lip slowly and seductively before he turns to walk a few steps to swing his scythe towards Mister Clyde. I kind of see a flicker of something come out of him but I can’t make it out entirely. Is it wrong of me to feel a sense of pride and delight watching my man do his thing? When Bear turns back around, his eyes are blazing with something. Something that makes my pussy clench. Is he going to punish me?

  Ever so slowly, Bear brings up his scythe, lowers it, and puts the blade end behind me. What the hell is happening right now? Instead of pulling my soul out as I anticipated, the sharp end of his scythe cuts my lower back, making my nipples pebble and he drags me towards him in the most seductive manner. How this can be seductive, I have no fucking clue. But here I am with damp panties in a twist as I take tentative steps towards him.

  I’m panting by this point. When my body is flush with his, his scythe disappears and Bear envelops me in a cold embrace as we flash out of Mister Clyde’s house.


  I was able to convince Bear to let me flash back to the human realm to handle some stuff for Mister Clyde. After all, he doesn’t have Isaac anymore, and I had to call his doctor and all that jazz to report his death from ‘natural causes’. It seems that he left me a letter along with his house. It was originally supposed to go to Isaac and whoever he ended up marrying. The letter Mister Clyde wrote to me said he hoped to hell that his son would get his head out of his ass and marry me, but here we are. I became the second on the list to inherit the house if anything were to happen to his son. I’m sure he didn’t expect for his son to be devoured by the jaws of death, and he’ll never know.

  Convincing Bear was easier than I thought. I quite enjoyed discovering another kink in his armor.

  “Bear, I need to get back to handle stuff. You can’t just leave a dead body like that!”

  “I care not for your human rituals. You should have had me devour him. That would have taken care of your dead body issue.”

  “Bear! Then he’d just be reported missing, not dead. My goodness, come on! I need to go back.”

  “What would you have me do, Reese? Every time the pull of souls calls to me, I now wonder where you will end up. I cannot be in two places at once and those imbeciles of sprites I have tasked to you are of no help whatsoever!”

  It’s time to take another tactic. Bear is getting worked up. How do I calm a male that’s worked up? Well…

  Taking slow steps towards him, I make sure to give him my bedroom eyes. I’ve read a lot of books and they all tell me that ‘hooded eyes’ are what’s seductive. I hope I can pull this off. I mean, Bear is pretty fucking sexy, I’m sure I could.

  When I reach him, I take my index finger and slide it along his sternum while looking into his eyes. They are blazing right now but he doesn’t say a word, only watches me.

  “What is going on in that mind of yours, female?” Does his voice sound gruffer? My, my…

  I give him a seductive smile as I slowly lower myself to my knees in front of him. His cock almost jumps at my fucking face when I get there and I have to hold in a laugh. Males.

  Before he gets a chance to say anything else, I take his cock into my mouth slowly and swirl my tongue around the head. Bear groans and rubs his hands down his face before he tilts his head back down to intently look at what I’m doing.

  I wonder if I’m his first blow job? Damn, the thought of another woman doing this to him makes me burn with rage and want to bite his dick off. I decide against it. With how jealous he is of me, I’m sure he wouldn’t think to bring other woman problems between us. He better not.

  Giving him the head of his life, I can taste his precum as I continue to bob my head and stroke his shaft with my tongue while my hand fondles his sack that’s starting to tighten up every now and again. Deciding I want to blow his fucki
ng mind, I take his cock out of my mouth and continue stroking it with my hand while I take his ball sack into the warmth of my mouth.

  Bear’s knees buckle and I do laugh then, making him growl at me.

  Standing back up, I shove the fucker onto the mattress behind him and continue to work my hands and lips on him while I’m on my knees. You would think I’d be afraid of ripping his shaft with the way it looks, but you know what? I’ve come to find that Bear likes whatever pain I dish out to him. The kinky bastard.

  My hand continues to stroke his cock with fervor as my tongue peeks out to swirl around the head every so often. He seems to like it when I tongue the slit, and I do so when he least expects it to keep him on his toes. When his hips start thrusting into my face uncontrollably, I envelop his entire dick into my mouth again and swirl my tongue right under the head while my hands squeeze his balls. I sneak in a surprise nip with my teeth until he releases his climax into my mouth with a roar that echoes throughout our bed chambers.

  Damn, I never knew giving head could be so sexy. I’ve also never been in control when it happens. Bear does things to me. He doesn’t know it, but he’s given me so much control back in my life, and I love him all the more for it.

  Thinking about Bear makes me horny again, but he’s off reaping right now. Who knows when he’ll come back. It’s not like he has a nine-to-five job.

  Deciding I don’t want to wait around in the damn bed chambers, I start exploring the grounds. Since I’m going to be here a lot more, I might as well get to know the layout. This place is basically my second home, or is it my first?

  I get lost in the hallways for a few hours until I find an opening that takes me out into a field that looks mighty familiar.

  The memory of my childhood dreams comes back to me and I finally recognize where this is. This used to be a field of flowers, I think? But there are no flowers now. Looks like a field of tall dead grass. The sky is gloomy and grey, casting shadows on the field. Fitting for this place, really.

  The sound of a raptor screech comes at me and I smile. Quasi! He’s leaping and bounding sideways and diagonally as he tries to reach me, creating a pattern in the dead grass like the ones you see on TV about alien spaceship landings.

  “Hey, baby. Do you want to play? How about some fetch, huh?” Looking around me, I find a decent size stick by my foot and pick it up, choose a direction and throw it with all my might. I watch it fly through the air and hear Quasi excitedly start going after it.

  Quasi, with his uncoordinated self, goes bounding after it like a baby goat that’s been dropped on his head during birth. It’s quite entertaining.

  We do this a few times and Quasi doesn’t even look tired at all. Damn, my arm is going to end up sore at this rate. With one last good throw, the stick flies farther than my eyes can see. I watch for a few moments as Quasi runs after it, disappearing from my sights as well.

  This time he returns with something else in his mouth, though. What the hell is that? When he opens his maw to drop it, it looks like a fucking arm. I can’t help it and I laugh so loud my stomach starts to hurt. Where does he get this stuff?

  I bend down to pick it up by the forearm, with the hand facing upwards. Bringing it closer to me for inspection, the thing grabs onto one of my breasts. What the fuck?! I’m jumping around like a madwoman, trying to get the shit off me.

  “Ah… sorry about that. I mean, sorry not sorry, but sorry nonetheless. If you would be so kind as to return what I’ve seem to have lost, I’d be so grateful.”

  Still fighting the hand to remove my breast from its death grip, I look up to see the strangest looking demon.

  He’s gangly looking, skin the color of ash. His limbs are so long and tall that his back is hunched over a bit. Yellow claws tip all his fingers and toes. His face looks like a cross between a damn bird, dog and human. I have no fucking clue how else to describe it. The horns protruding out of his head look like ram horns. His right shoulder socket is dripping blood and I’m brought back to the fact that I’m holding onto his fucking arm that Quasi seems to have detached.

  The craziest thing, though, is as I’m looking over his body, his other fucking hand is stroking his very red and angry looking cock. What the hell is wrong with this guy? Does he not feel the pain of losing an arm? Damn, maybe pain turns this joker on. I wouldn’t be surprised given where we’re at. This place is probably teaming with kinky creatures.

  Finally removing the limb from my breast, I toss his arm to the ground beside him. He doesn’t seem to care one bit that it’s missing. Instead, he’s still looking at me, panting and stroking his cock viciously like he’s almost there. Something on his head starts to glow a gold color and it makes me tilt my head in thought. Hey, that looks just like…

  Bear flashes before me, blocking me from staring at the demon I was talking to. His back is expanding, and he’s starting to hunch over. Uh oh! I know this position!

  “NO, BEAR! Don’t you fucking dare eat this fool right now in front of me!” Especially not this guy!

  Bear turns towards me in a fit of rage and snarls. He can be a scary guy when he wants to be. “HE WAS STROKING HIS PHALLUS TO YOU! HE DARES!”

  Shit, I can be scary too!

  “Fucker! If you eat this fucking demon who looks like a fucking demon of promiscuity, so help me, I will cut off your balls! I will not have you going around sticking your dick into everything in sight! Over my dead body!” I’m huffing and puffing by this point. We both must make a sight, standing here out in the open snarling and growling at each other like animals. I bare my teeth at him for good measure, so he knows I’m damn serious!

  That stops Bear’s growling and turns it into grumbles instead. Seems the demon was smart enough to flash out of here during our little domestic dispute. My goodness, this guy.

  In a much calmer but still angry tone, Bear asks me, “what are you doing out here with that lesser demon? Was it you who sought his company?” Is he for real? Don’t send that scathing tone towards me!

  “Fuck you, Bear. You’re the only cock I ride and you know it! So shove those stupid thoughts up your ass and never accuse me of that again, you hear me!” I’m sure it’s not doing much, but I’m poking my finger hard into his chest, baring my teeth at him even more. It only serves to hurt me, but it’s the principle of the matter!

  I don't know what happens, but I feel something inside of me. Like Bear and I have a connection of sorts. When did this start? I can tell he’s giving me sexy eyes, even if I can’t physically see it that way.

  He leans down to my height and fucking purrs his next words in my face. Holy shit sticks, he’s good.

  “I could devour another hedonistic demon for you. Perhaps I will then be cursed with another blasted phallus for your pleasure.” Dear lord. Just like that, our argument ends as I jump into his fucking arms and kiss his fucking face right as he flashes us back into the bedchambers.


  Bear lets me flash back to Mister Clyde’, I mean, my house every so often. The only thing is that he has to accompany me. Babysit is more like it. What kind of trouble does he think I will get into in an empty house? My thoughts drift to our last visit.

  I’m rearranging some things inside the house, putting some unnecessary paperwork into boxes to be stored in the basement, when a knock comes at the front door. Who in the world could that be? Mister Clyde didn’t have any other living relatives.

  I dust off my hands on my skirt and walk towards the front doors. Turning the knob, I open it and see a man around my age, who stands quite a bit taller than me, nods his head before addressing me as “ma’am.”

  Oh, this one has manners. I give him a kind smile, hoping he’ll tell me why he’s here quickly so I can go back to what I was doing.

  He must take my smile as something else because he gives me a big one right back, showcasing his dimples. This must be his ‘make women swoon’ smile, but all it does is make me feel awkward.

  “How can I help you

  “Ah, well, we provide the gardening services for the family and we haven’t received our last payment, you see.” He looks kind of sheepish while telling me this. I don’t know why. If he needs a payment, I can provide him one.

  “Alright, come on inside and I’ll write you a check to clear out whatever balance Mister Clyde had with you guys.” I turn around and start walking towards Isaac’s old office.

  I can hear the gentleman quietly shut the door behind us and his footsteps following right behind me.

  When we reach the wooden desk, I gesture for him to sit, to which he declines. Whatever. I was trying to be nice.

  Bending over, I rifle through the bottom right drawer to look for the checkbook when I hear some chitter laughter lightly float through the air. Those stupid sprites better not doing anything. I ignore it and continue to look for this stupid checkbook. Man, this drawer is a mess. This is exactly why I need to start on this organization…


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