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The Complete Four Worlds Series

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by Angela J. Ford

  The Complete Four Worlds Series

  An Epic Fantasy Saga: Books 1-4

  Angela J. Ford


  Also by Angela J. Ford

  Map of the Western World

  The Five Warriors

  Part I


  1. The Escape

  2. A Trail Of Light

  3. The Eka Fighting Camp

  4. Zikes

  5. An Unexpected Duel

  6. News From The Other Side

  7. Relationships Of The Past

  8. The Five Come Together

  9. Words On Parchment

  10. Transformation

  11. The First Of Many

  12. Aftermath

  13. The Gifts Of Tincire

  14. An Ancient Power

  15. The Clyear

  16. Zikeland

  17. Starman’s Homecoming

  18. A New Force

  19. Starman’s Choice

  20. Wiltieders

  21. The Afrd Mounts

  22. Srackt The Wise

  23. A Report

  24. Purple Eyes

  25. Mermis

  26. Mist And Feathers

  27. An Audience With A King

  Part II

  28. The Dejewla Sea

  29. The Fall Of The Order Of The Wise

  30. The Other Side

  31. Enemy Territory

  32. Orders

  33. The Tower

  34. Ambushed

  35. The Time Continuum

  36. Into The Forest

  37. Dreams Of The Future

  38. A Mistake

  39. Shilmi

  40. Where The Wind Blows

  41. The Esife Peaks

  42. The Slutan Tunnels

  43. Into The Deep

  44. Voices Of The Night

  45. Time

  46. A Taste Of Trouble

  47. Where The Sorns Work

  48. The Crossroads

  49. Crinte The Wise

  50. The Broken Bridge

  51. The Horn Of Shilmi

  52. The Great Water Hole

  53. Battle For The World

  54. Sarhorr The Ruler

  55. The Beginning Of The End


  The Blended Ones

  Words on Parchment

  Map of the Eastern World


  1. An Unusual Death

  2. Truth

  3. Winter’s Orison

  4. Fear

  5. Nightmares

  6. Midnight Conversation

  7. The Keeper

  8. The Voices

  9. Secrets

  10. A Message

  11. Father

  12. Nungus Des-Lista

  13. Grandmother

  14. Memories

  15. Treasure

  16. Round Up

  17. A Colorful Parade

  18. The Incense Room

  19. The Dezzi

  20. Cuthan

  21. Forebodings

  22. Shadows

  23. Attack

  24. The Jeweled Sword

  25. Beware

  26. Blended Ones

  27. Dancing Lights

  28. The Herb Garden

  29. Bad Luck

  30. Guilt

  31. The Riders of Phillondorn

  32. The Edge of the World

  33. Division in the Ranks

  34. Wind Fresh

  35. The Castle of the Lost Ones

  36. The Jeweled Ones

  37. Perspective

  38. The Stone

  39. Pharengon

  40. Questions

  41. Tharmaren the Wise

  42. Parting

  43. Words on a Scroll

  44. Shipwrecked

  45. The Island

  46. Contres

  47. Broken

  48. Nothing Left to Lose

  49. The North Forests

  50. Midlands

  51. The Havens

  52. Monsters in the Forest

  53. Hidden in Shadows

  54. Love

  55. The Lady of the Forest

  56. Sorcery

  57. Quicksand

  58. Marshswamps

  59. Murwumps

  60. The Underworld

  61. Knowledge

  62. Visions

  63. Tears

  64. Pain

  65. The Ruler

  66. Healing

  67. Mermi Glade

  68. Words

  69. Rulers of Wind Fresh

  70. The South World

  Eliesmore and the Green Stone

  Map of the South World I

  Map of the South World II

  1. Sarhorr

  2. Myran

  3. Eliesmore

  4. Eliesmore

  5. Eliesmore

  6. Ellagine

  7. Glashar

  8. Arldrine

  9. Optimistic

  10. Eliesmore

  11. Eliesmore

  12. Optimistic

  13. Eliesmore

  14. Sarhorr

  15. Eliesmore

  16. Eliesmore

  17. Eliesmore

  18. Eliesmore

  19. Eliesmore

  20. Eliesmore

  21. Eliesmore

  22. Ellagine

  23. Eliesmore

  24. Eliesmore

  25. Sarhorr

  26. Eliesmore

  27. Dathiem

  28. Eliesmore

  29. Arldrine

  30. Eliesmore

  31. Eliesmore

  32. Eliesmore

  33. Glashar

  34. Eliesmore

  35. Eliesmore

  36. Zhane

  37. Sarhorr

  38. Eliesmore

  39. Dathiem

  40. Arldrine

  41. Eliesmore

  42. Eliesmore

  43. Eliesmore

  44. Glashar

  45. Eliesmore

  46. Wekin

  47. Eliesmore

  48. Arldrine

  49. Zhane

  50. Eliesmore

  51. Zhane

  52. Sarhorr

  53. Ellagine

  54. Arldrine

  55. Dathiem

  56. Eliesmore

  57. Eliesmore

  58. Sarhorr

  59. Eliesmore

  60. Glashar

  61. Eliesmore

  62. Arldrine

  63. Eliesmore

  64. Eliesmore

  65. Eliesmore

  66. Sarhorr

  67. Eliesmore

  68. Eliesmore

  69. Dathiem

  70. Eliesmore

  71. Arldrine

  72. Zhane

  73. Zhane

  74. Dathiem

  75. Eliesmore

  76. Sarhorr

  77. Eliesmore

  78. Zhane

  79. Glashar

  80. Eliesmore

  Eliesmore and the Jeweled Sword

  Long May You Live

  1. Legone

  2. Eliesmore

  3. Zhane

  4. Ellagine

  5. Eliesmore

  6. Optimistic

  7. Eliesmore

  8. Zhane

  9. Ellagine

  10. Idrithar

  11. Visra

  12. Sarhorr

  13. Idrithar

  14. Arldrine

  15. Eliesmore

  16. Sarhorr

  17. Eliesmore

  18. Eliesmore

  19. Arldrine

  20. Zhane

  21. Arldrine

  22. Zhane


  24. Zhane

  25. Yamier

  26. Arldrine

  27. Eliesmore

  28. Idrithar

  29. Sarphimm

  30. Idrithar

  31. Eliesmore

  32. Sarhorr

  33. Eliesmore

  34. Sarhorr

  35. Eliesmore

  36. Eliesmore

  37. Idrithar

  38. Arldrine

  39. Wekin

  40. Arldrine

  41. Eliesmore

  42. Ellagine

  43. Sarhorr

  44. Ellagine

  45. Glashar

  46. Ellagine

  47. Visra

  48. Eliesmore

  49. Eliesmore

  50. Eliesmore

  51. Eliesmore

  52. Ellagine

  53. Eliesmore

  54. Idrithar

  55. Eliesmore

  56. Eliesmore

  57. Arldrine

  58. Optimistic

  59. Eliesmore

  60. Eliesmore

  61. Eliesmore

  62. Indonesia

  63. Idrithar

  64. Eliesmore

  65. Zhane

  66. Eliesmore

  67. Zhane

  68. Eliesmore

  69. Eliesmore

  70. Arldrine

  71. Eliesmore

  72. Arldrine

  73. Zhane

  74. Eliesmore

  75. Arldrine

  76. Eliesmore

  77. Eliesmore

  78. Idrithar

  79. Wekin

  80. Visra

  81. Idrithar

  82. Wekin

  83. Visra

  84. Eliesmore

  85. Wekin

  86. Wekin

  87. Arldrine

  88. Eliesmore

  89. Eliesmore

  90. Eliesmore

  91. Eliesmore

  92. Eliesmore

  93. Eliesmore

  94. Wekin

  95. Eliesmore

  96. Eliesmore

  97. Eliesmore

  98. Eliesmore

  99. Idrithar

  100. Eliesmore

  101. Ellagine

  102. Shalidir

  103. Eliesmore

  104. Afterward

  Thank You


  Also by Angela J. Ford

  Recommended Epic Fantasy Books

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2018 Angela J. Ford

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design by HellYes.Design

  Edited by Todd Barselow, The Bookish Fox, Red Rose Author Services and Pinpoint Editing

  Created with Vellum

  Also by Angela J. Ford

  The Five Warriors

  The Blended Ones

  Eliesmore and the Green Stone

  Eliesmore and the Jeweled Sword

  Tales of the Four Worlds


  Join the email list for new releases and more. Go to

  To my four hilarious sisters, Dorthea, Annie, Rebecca and Katrina, for being persistent enough to have an entire fantasy world created just for them.

  The Five Warriors

  The Four Worlds Series Book One

  Part I


  “Are there beings with the ability to shift forms?” he asked.

  She reached out a hand to caress his serious face and laughed lightly. “Why would you ask me that?”

  “Tell me, would I know if I saw one?”

  “You are serious.” She stood, letting the moonlight filter through the waves of her waist-length hair. “Changers are old beings from the beginning of time, the last scraps of the creator’s spark which formed this World. You would be unlikely to meet one, for they are above us; too distinguished to flirt with the people groups, and too haughty to lower themselves to live with the immortals.” Her long fingers rested on the balcony, gripping it tightly as she continued. “If you ever met one it would be unexplainable. They have two forms which makes them indestructible. One is physical and another is spirit.”

  “Would you know if you met a Changer?” he pressed. “Are they dangerous?”

  She laughed again, her voice rippling gently through the air like the tinkling of silver bells on a crisp night. “Dangerous? There are no creatures in the World more powerful or dangerous.”

  “What if I met a Changer? What should I do?”

  She turned back to him, bending to take his face in her hands. Her intense gaze met his questioning eyes. “Run as fast as you can, and never stop.”


  The Escape

  A shadow moved in the unceasing midnight blackness. Marklus tensed, then shifted on the grimy stone floor of his ghastly prison cell. Shivering from the bone wearing chill, he rubbed his hands over his thin shoulders and again recalled the hastily inked words that had started it all. The plan had never been to arrive at the northern side of the sea, lost and naïve, stumbling straight into a trap cleverly laid out for him. When the armed guards ambushed him in the decaying, hazy forest of Slutan and dragged him, lively and struggling, to prison, he’d known interrogation and torture were next. Stripped of his weapons and thrown into the blinding darkness of a deep cell, his screams and cries were left woefully unanswered. It seemed there was no reason for his imprisonment, waiting for fear and hunger to drive him mad. If they ever came for him, and even that seemed a bleak wish, he would be broken, ready to give in to their demands. Anything was better than the endless monotony of drifting time while the lack of light and warmth and the stench of death threatened to strip his sanity from him piece by lowly piece.


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