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Little Women Box Set

Page 4

by Chloe Carpenter

  "Good girl. See, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

  She shook her head and smiled sweetly. "Mmmm," she mumbled.

  "And now the broccoli."

  "Can I just eat a little bit please, Daddy?"

  "Very well, seeing as how you've done so well with your fish."

  But she didn't eat it, she furtively threw a couple of pieces on the floor. There would be plenty of opportunity later for her to sneak in and dispose of it when Daniel wasn't looking. The ice cream arrived and it was so good she had second helpings, all washed down with cherry soda.

  After dinner, Daniel took her into the lounge, a beautiful big room that looked out onto the expanse of garden around the back of the house. She wandered around the room while Daniel cleared the dining table and stacked the dishwasher, and when he returned she sat on the big leather sofa.

  Daniel paused in the doorway and sniffed. With a puzzled look on his face he sniffed again. "That's funny. I can smell fish."

  Oh shit! That's not funny at all, thought Lizbet. She gulped. She had quite forgotten about the squashed salmon lurking in her underwear. "I can't smell anything," she said.

  "Well I can. And what are those bits on the carpet?"

  Lizbet looked. Lizbet's face turned pale. Lizbet looked extremely guilty. There were little pieces of salmon on the cream carpet. They had obviously dropped out of her secret hiding place as she had been walking around the room. She shrugged. "I dunno."

  Daniel made a closer inspection. He looked at the carpet, then he looked at Lizbet, and boy, did he look cross!

  "Would you care to explain how salmon got onto the carpet?"

  "Um, well ..." Her mind whirled. She thought fast. "I think I might have put my elbow in my dinner, and maybe some of the salmon stuck to my arm ... and then dropped off on the carpet as I was walking around." She nodded. "Yes. I think that must be what happened."

  Daniel looked mighty sceptical. He picked up all the bits, disposed of them, then returned to the lounge to find Lizbet seated on the sofa looking very agitated.

  "And what has my poppet been up to?" he asked suspiciously.

  "Nothing," she said, trying to look innocent.

  Daniel sat down beside her. He frowned. There was a very strong smell of salmon in the room. "I smell fish," he said. He sniffed again.

  Uh oh. "I don't. Can't smell a thing. Oh well - I need the bathroom. Please may I be excused?" she asked politely, anxious to keep him sweet. She jumped to her feet and walked swiftly towards the door, then froze as his voice boomed around the room.

  "Lizbet Johnson, what is the meaning of this?" He pointed to the sofa where Lizbet had been sitting.

  Lizbet looked. There were bits of salmon all over the sofa cushion. "Um, I'm not really sure," she mumbled, then turned and fled up the stairs, leaving a trail of salmon bits in her wake.

  Daniel caught her before she was halfway up the stairs. He grabbed her with one hand and tucked her under his arm, carrying her as though she were a sack of potatoes. She squirmed and kicked and flailed her fists but there was no escape from his iron grip.

  Into the big bathroom they went and Lizbet was unceremoniously set down on the bath mat. Daniel gave her a hard stare through narrowed eyes. Wordlessly, he put the plug in the bath and turned on the taps, adding some fragrant oil from a bottle on the side. As the water began to steam and bubble, Lizbet hardly dared to look at Daniel. When she did so, it was to find him wearing what she would come to know as his 'mean face'.

  "We'll get you undressed for your bath, shall we?" Without giving her the opportunity to respond, he tugged off her top, quickly followed by the skirt, leaving Lizbet standing in her panties. Hooking his finger and thumb into the waistband, he pulled them down, revealing the remains of the squashed salmon stuck to Lizbet's bottom. "I see," he said grimly. "That was a very stupid thing to do, Lizbet."

  She hung her head, horribly embarrassed. "Er, sorry. I don't like salmon. I-"

  "That's quite enough Lizbet," he said firmly. Testing the water temperature, he deftly scooped her up and sat her in the bath, and proceeded to wash her whilst chastising her for her stupid behaviour.

  When she was all pink and freshly scrubbed he lifted her out and dried her top half off with a fluffy white towel. It would have been a nice experience for Lizbet were it not for the fact that she was in disgrace. She hung her head and went quiet, wondering what would happen next.

  She didn't have to wait long to find out.

  Daniel opened the bathroom cabinet and retrieved a large wooden-backed hairbrush. It was paddle-shaped, which was appropriate, given what he intended to use it for. Lizbet eyed it warily and gulped, then squealed as Daniel reached out, yanked off the towel, and placed her over his lap.

  "I am disappointed in you, Lizbet. Very disappointed. You need something to help modify your behaviour, and I have just the thing."

  "Oh nooo - not the hairbrush! I hate the hairbrush," Lizbet wailed.

  "Too bad. This is going to hurt, but it's for your own good."

  "Oh dear. Damn." Her hands clenched into fists as she braced herself for the onslaught.

  Daniel raised his right arm and brought the brush down firmly on Lizbet's bottom. The sound echoed round the bathroom before she felt the first one, leaving her sit spot blazing. Lizbet's determination to remain stoic quickly evaporated as the evil brush did its work, falling again and again on the same spot until Daniel was satisfied with the crimson oval that decorated her left cheek. Then he treated the other side in the same manner, eventually moving a little lower, applying half a dozen stingers on the soft under-curve of her cheeks.

  Lizbet's wails were frantic as the fire built in her poor burning backside. It throbbed. It stung. It hurt so much. It hurt even more because she was being spanked on a wet bottom which intensified the sting twofold. She whimpered and yelped and hollered until her voice cracked with the effort of yelling. But when Daniel parted her thighs to deliver a dozen stinging strokes to the inside of each tender thigh, she soon vocalised her distress once again.

  "Why do you deserve this spanking, Lizbet?" Daniel asked sternly.

  "I was .. bad. I w-was a naughty g-girl with the n-nasty fish and th-throwing my broccoli under the t-table," sobbed Lizbet.

  Daniel's brows shot up. "You threw broccoli under the table?"

  "Y-yes, and I'm very s-sorry," sniffed Lizbet.

  "I see." Then a swift rain of strokes landed yet again, covering her already throbbing bottom to keep the colour fresh and vivid.

  And just when she thought he'd finished with the hateful brush, he applied it to the same areas over again.

  "Yeooowwww!!" she screeched. "It hurts! It hurts! Ow!"

  "It's supposed to," said Daniel grimly. He continued with the spanking, chastising her as he did so. "This is what happens to bad girls who don't eat their dinner. This is what happens to bad girls who throw food on the floor. This is what happens to bad girls who hide food in their panties!" He interspersed the lecture with crisp spanks, then delivered one final hard swat to Lizbet's jiggling inflamed cheeks, eliciting a further tortured howl of protest.

  Finally the brush stopped falling and the room was silent except for Lizbet's muffled sobs. Then, her bottom stinging horribly, she was tucked up under Daniel's arm and he marched through to her bedroom and deposited her on the bed.

  "That was very childish behaviour and you have been punished for it. However, given the state of your nice new panties, you will wear a diaper to go to bed in."

  "A - a what?! Diaper?! No way!" The adult Lizbet was outraged at this. They hadn't discussed the wearing of diapers. Or had they? As the thoughts whirled round her head she recalled a telephone conversation where he informed her that if her behaviour was sufficiently childish, she would be diapered. "Oh - but I didn't think you meant it!" she protested.

  "You will soon learn that I mean everything I say," said Daniel firmly. He went over to a chest of drawers and returned with a diaper.

  "Noooo!" said Lizb

  "Yes," said Daniel, and fitted it expertly, securing the side tabs so they were snug without being too tight. He then produced a pair of Minnie Mouse pyjamas, the sort with feet in.

  "Ugh," said Lizbet. "They're for babies."

  "You've been acting like a baby so I am treating you like one. You will wear these for tonight, and if you are a good girl tomorrow you can wear something more befitting your big girl age. Now, into bed with you."

  "B-but, it isn't my bedtime yet!" Lizbet glanced at the clock on the wall. It was only 9:pm.

  "Oh yes it is," said Daniel. He was already turning back the sheets and lifting her into bed, drawing he quilt up over her. "You stay here nice and quiet while I go fetch your bedtime milk."

  "I don't like milk."

  He gave her a warning look. "If you drink your milk, you can have a bedtime story, then it will be time to go potty and brush your teeth before sleep time."

  "Gah!" she protested, and sulked until Daniel returned with the milk - in a sippy cup! "I can't drink out of that!" she cried indignantly.

  "You can and you will," said Daniel smoothly. "Unless you'd like another smacked bottom?"

  "Um. Nooo." She reached for the plastic cup. It was pink and it had a lid and a little spout to drink from. Reluctantly she lifted it to her lips. "Mean, cruel Daddy," she murmured.

  Daniel laughed and shook his head. "Not at all. Nice kind Daddy is about to read you a nice bedtime story." He reached for a book he had left on the night stand. "Bagpuss - one of your favourites."

  "Oh." In spite of herself, Lizbet sat up and looked at the book cover. It had been a firm childhood favourite and she still loved to read about the old saggy cloth cat. He was pink and white striped in the picture.

  Daniel stretched out on the bed, one arm around her shoulder, and he read her a wonderful story about Bagpuss. Lizbet loved the story and loved the sound of Daniel's voice, and the feel of his arm around her. She snuggled up to him, quite content, enjoying every minute of this wonderful experience.

  And then he spoiled things by closing the book and telling her she had to 'go potty.'

  "Don't wanna." She glared at him.

  He simply picked her up and carried her to the bathroom, pulled down her pyjama bottoms and carefully removed the diaper. Then ignoring her protests, he sat her down on the toilet.

  "I can't pee while you're here," she said.

  "You'll sit there all night until you do." He leaned against the door, his arms folded.

  Lizbet felt her face flush crimson. She couldn't pee in his presence. She just couldn't. "I can't go," she said in a small voice.

  "Then try harder," came the response.

  Eventually she succeeded, her face glowing with embarrassment. Daniel deftly tidied her up and refastened the diaper, and pulled up her pyjamas again.

  "There. Now wash your hands." He ran some water off into the wash bowl and watched as she dutifully washed her hands. "Good girl. Now brush your teeth."

  "Ok." She took the toothbrush Daniel handed her. It wasn't the one she had packed to bring with her. It was a little girl pink one with fairies on the handle. She brushed and brushed until her teeth were clean and sparkling and to Daniel's satisfaction.

  He escorted her back to her bedroom, and she rubbed her bottom en route. It still hurt and felt as though it was on fire. Geez, that hairbrush was a bastard.

  Daniel tucked her up in bed and closed the bedroom curtains. He switched on the little night light by the bed, then lay down on the bed. "Daddy will stay with you until you go to sleep," he soothed.

  In spite of the early hour, Lizbet was emotionally drained, and tired from all the squealing she had done whilst being spanked. She snuggled up against Daniel's solid comforting form.

  "Night night little one."

  "Night night, Daddy."

  She was asleep in under ten minutes.


  Daniel made blueberry pancakes for breakfast on Saturday and they were delicious. Lizbet ate a big plateful and demolished them in record time, followed by a large glass of fresh orange juice. She patted her full tummy.

  "That was a delicious breakfast, truly yummy."

  "It's good to see you eat. You must have been hungry, given that you left most of your dinner last night."

  Lizbet squirmed on the hard seat. Her bottom was still tender from that nasty hairbrush spanking. She now knew where he kept it. Maybe, just maybe one day he'd go to get it out of the cupboard and it wouldn't be there - because she would have hidden it somewhere he'd never find it!

  Daniel glanced out of the window. Rain was falling in big heavy splats. "That's a blow. I thought we'd go out in the garden this morning. Looks like that will have to wait. Is there anything in particular you'd like to do today, pumpkin?"

  "Can we watch a movie? Please? I've seen some in your lounge on top of the DVD player."

  "Ah yes, of course we can. I put them out ready for you. Which one would you like?"

  "Toy Story! Toy Story!" Lizbet was a real sucker for animations. Daniel had Toy Story 1 through to 3 lined up. She'd seen them all before and loved them.

  So they snuggled up together on the sofa and watched the movie, Daniel stroking her hair, which he had brushed earlier and put into two bunches tied with blue ribbon. Her outfit today was a short blue pleated skirt and a cream-coloured crop top, and a pair of cute pumps on her feet. To her relief, she was able to discard the diaper in favour of a pair of cotton cream panties with pink spots.

  Half way through the movie, Daniel hit the pause button and went off to the kitchen. He returned with drinks and a big bowl of popcorn. Lizbet pounced on it greedily, chomping with pleasure as they viewed the rest of the movie. When it had finished, Lizbet brought the sketch pad and a pencil down from the playroom and spent a happy hour drawing cartoon characters from Toy Story.

  "Hungry yet?" Daniel asked her.

  "A little bit. What are we having?" She fervently hoped it wasn't salmon.

  "Anything you like. What's your favourite lunch?"

  She answered immediately. "Peanut butter on toast, with sliced bananas on the top."

  "Sounds a bit of an odd combination, but ok. I have peanut butter and bananas. Want to help me make lunch?"

  Lizbet was given the responsible job of slicing the bananas and arranging them on the bread.

  "Hey, this isn't half bad," said Daniel with his mouth full. "I didn't think I'd like it, but it's good." He demolished four slices to Lizbet's one, then made himself a coffee and got a juice for Lizbet.

  It had stopped raining and the sun was shining in through the kitchen window. The grey clouds had given way to blue sky.

  "Would you like to go to the park?"

  "Oh yes please. That would be great."

  So off they went, walking hand in hand. Daniel reckoned she looked around 13 in that outfit and cute as a button. Anyone passing would assume they were father and daughter. They walked through the park, stopping by the pool to watch the ducks, and then made their way to the playground.

  Lizbet was in the zone. Right now she was little Lizbet and loving it. She climbed the steps up the slide and slid down, squealing in delight as Daniel caught her at the bottom. She wandered over to a rocking horse. It was painted bright red, with little green seats. A group of older girls were hanging around leaning on it.

  "Let's go," said one of them. "This kid wants to play on it."

  This kid. The words rang in Lizbet's ears. They really thought she was a kid and not a 25 year old woman. She climbed up on the rocking horse and gave Daniel a conspiratorial wink. He grinned and winked back. It was their little secret. The rocking horse was fun. When she eventually climbed down, she headed towards the swings.

  And there the fun ended.

  In her eagerness, Lizbet ran to a vacant swing, just as another little girl had caught hold of the chain and was about to get on.

  "Hey. I'm first," said Lizbet rudely, and gave the other girl a shove.

nately she shoved the girl so hard that she fell right over and gave her head a resounding whack. Tears ensued, and the girl's mother rushed over and snapped at Lizbet.

  "She could have been badly hurt. It's no thanks to you that she isn't. Where are your manners, girl?"

  Lizbet just shrugged and said nothing. She kicked her legs, making the swing go higher, wishing the stupid woman would go away and take her stupid mewling daughter with her.


  Daniel appeared, his face as black as a thunder cloud, his tone like ice.

  Uh oh, thought Lizbet. I shouldn't have done that.

  "I do apologise," Daniel said to the woman. "I'm taking her home immediately and she will be punished." He hauled Lizbet down off the swing.

  "And quite right too." The woman glared at Lizbet.

  "Apologise to the girl, Lizbet," said Daniel in that steely tone of his.

  "Sorry," muttered Lizbet.

  "Not good enough. Apologise properly."

  Lizbet frowned. She didn't want to apologise at all, but there really was no choice. She was already in big trouble, there was no point in making it any worse. "Sorry I pushed you off the swing," she said in a louder voice.

  "That's better," said Daniel. He grabbed her arm. "Come on. We're going home."


  The journey was very uncomfortable and Lizbet had to practically run to keep up with him. His face was set into a dark scowl and she sensed he was very cross with her. She was right.

  Once inside the house, Daniel marched her into the dining room and had her bend over the table. He removed her skirt and took down her panties, baring her bottom. Then she had to wait in that undignified position while he went upstairs. She gulped, straining to hear the sound of his footsteps coming down the stairs and along the hallway, and back into the dining room.


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