Little Women Box Set

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Little Women Box Set Page 19

by Chloe Carpenter

  "I reckon you'll live." He patted her bottom. "Come on, let's eat breakfast."

  They sat on the patio round the back of the house looking out onto the garden and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of boiled eggs with toast.

  "I love your garden and your house," said Evie. The morning sun sparkled on the mullioned windows and the dazzling brightness of the day gave it a whole new perspective. "How long have you lived here?"

  "Forever." Dylan crunched on a piece of toast. "I inherited the place from my folks. They're both gone now, sadly. I was a welcome but unexpected arrival. They'd given up trying for any children, and when I arrived it was a complete surprise. Mum was 40 when I was born, and Dad was 48. I have 12 acres of land. It used to be full of dairy cattle when I was a boy. There's a space up yonder where the old cow sheds used to be. They were so ramshackle I had them demolished, but maybe one day I'll retire early, build new ones, and get myself a few cows and sheep."

  "And chickens," said Evie. "You gotta have chickens!"

  "Well ok then, a few chickens too." Dylan grinned. "After University - I did a degree in economics - I got a job at Barkers because it was reasonably local and my folks were slowing down and needed help around the house. I worked my way up the ladder. Arguably I could have done much more with my career but to be perfectly honest, I'm content with my lot. The job's well paid and although there are constant targets to be met, nothing is especially stressful. Also, I have a life outside of work which is great as I value my free time. Are your parents still around?"

  "Mum is, but she went to live in the States when she remarried. She met my father when she was an intelligence officer in the Royal Air Force and Dad was a sergeant. I spent my childhood moving from place to place when Dad got posted to various locations. They split up when I was 16 and I lost touch with my dad after that."

  "Aw, that's a shame."

  "Yes, I felt kind of rejected." Evie shrugged. "Anyway, three years later, Mum met an American - his name's Joe - and went to live with him in Boston. We're still in touch but I only see her every couple of years. Joe isn't too well, and she doesn't like to leave him, and I haven't visited that often because Greg's gambling habit put paid to that."

  Dylan nodded, and immediately made up his mind to fly her out there later in the summer. "Well, we won't spoil this lovely day talking about Greg." He chewed the last mouthful of toast and drained his tea cup. "Come on, there's something I want to show you."

  To Evie's surprise and delight there was a swing behind the orchard. It was old and the chains were a bit rusty, but it was safe to use. She got on it immediately and began to swing back and forth, leaning back and kicking her legs out.

  "Wheeee! This is great! Watch me!"

  Higher and higher she went, shrieking with glee. Dylan watched her, a slow smile on his face. She sure did like to act like a little girl. He began thinking deliciously perverted thoughts, only pausing to issue a warning. "Hey - that's high enough now Evie. We don't want you having another mishap. I'm almost out of Band-aids!"

  When she'd had enough of the swing, they played hide and seek in the big garden, darting through the orchard and behind the shed, and behind the trunks of the silver birch and oak trees at the far side. Then it was back indoors. Dylan told her she could play in Mary's room while he cleared the breakfast things away.

  Far from being insulted at being told to go and 'play', Evie was delighted. She explored Mary's room and pulled out a heap of toys and games from one of the cupboards. There was more stuff in the drawers and wardrobe. Out it came. All of it. The whole floor surface was covered with things - books, toys, dolls, cuddly toys, crayons, paints, playing cards, and all the games under the sun. There was even a bag of tiny pieces of gummed paper in different colours, used for making collages. Evie quite forgot she was a grown woman of 29. She rolled around on the floor, hugging a giant white teddy bear. This was such fun!

  When she went back downstairs, Daniel was in the kitchen.

  "Have you had fun, pet?" he asked.

  "Oh yes! There's heaps of stuff up there. It's brilliant."

  "Great. But I hope you haven't made a mess."

  "Oh no," she said. "I've tidied up." Well that was kind of true. She had after all returned one jigsaw to the cupboard.

  "In that case, you can have a chocolate cookie." He handed her a large one out of a tin and left her munching happily while he took a pile of clean laundry upstairs. When he returned, he stood in the kitchen doorway, a stern look on his face. "Evie," he said. That was all. Just the one word ... but it was the way he said it that made Evie flinch.

  "Um?" she said, her mouth full of cookie.

  "Come here."

  After a brief hesitation, she got up from her chair and tiptoed towards him, then squealed like a pig as a finger and thumb gripped her right ear. She carried on squealing as he led her up the stairs, still holding her ear. He took her into Mary's room. The place was an absolute tip.

  "You tidied up? That's what you told me."

  "Er... um. Well, I was going to."

  "You will be punished for telling lies, and you will be punished for leaving the room looking like a pigsty. AND, you will also be punished for spilling green paint all over the carpet." He indicated a huge puddle of the stuff that had soaked into the pale pink carpet.

  "Oh noooo! I didn't realise! Sorry, sorry - I'll clean it up at once."

  "You will not. What you will do, Evie, is go and bend over the end of the bed and stick that naughty bottom right out. Then I'm going to take your panties down and strap your bare bottom."

  Pouting, Evie got herself into position. She felt Dylan raise the little dress right up, then came a rush of air as he took her panties down. Oh but she liked that part, it made her feel deliciously squirmy.

  Dylan patted her bottom. "Stick it out, girl. Right out." He reached for the strap he had put under the bed.


  Evie heard the sound before the pain hit. Her eyes bulged as the red-hot fire branded itself across her bottom. It was so intense, she couldn't get her breath to yell out her protest.


  Still she couldn't move, couldn't make a sound. Her mouth opened in a contorted grimace.


  The thick, wide, heavy leather marked her naughty little bottom.


  At last Evie found her voice. A high shrill scream filled the room.


  The strap descended again, biting her poor bottom.


  "Yeoooww!!" She wiggled her punished bottom from side to side and began hopping from one foot to the other.


  This one took her by surprise before she was ready. She squealed as the stroke glowed white for a brief moment, then rapidly turned to an angry red stripe.


  Evie no longer felt squirmy. This strap was nasty. "It hurrrts," she wailed. "Stop it! Owow - I'll be a good girl."


  Fire burned her bottom.


  A pitiful wailing echoed around the room. And then the ordeal was over, and she felt Dylan's hands massaging her fiery cheeks.

  "Oh ow! That was nasty! Oh, it hurts!" sniffed Evie, her hands reaching round to rub.

  "It was well deserved," said Dylan, "and they were less than moderate strokes so you should think yourself lucky, you naughty little girl. Right - no more rubbing. Kick those panties off. You won't be allowed any panties for the remainder of the day. Now I want you to pick everything up and put things away. I want this room neat and tidy in ten minutes, or else ..."

  Evie didn't need telling twice. She scuttled around the room, her red striped bottom bobbing as she picked up the games and toys and returned everything to its proper place.

  "Good. Now you can go and stand in the corner while I clean the carpet," said Dylan sternly.

  "The corner?"

  "You heard." Dylan pointed. "Off you go. Nose to the wall
. You can stand there and think about your naughtiness. And no rubbing."

  So Evie stood in the corner as directed. Her bottom throbbed and throbbed ... and something else was happening too. She felt so damned horny as a result of that strapping she thought she would burst. Surreptitiously she pressed her crotch to the wall, lewdly grinding, seeking stimulation on her clit. She was oblivious to the fact that Dylan was watching her with a grin on his face. He was thinking that his little Evie was shaping up very nicely. Very nicely indeed.


  At lunch time, Evie got hers served on a yellow plastic plate. Her sandwiches had been cut into delicate little triangles with the crusts removed. She stared at the plate and then at Dylan.

  "You act like a little girl, you get treated like one." He fastened a bib around her neck and poured milk into a yellow plastic beaker.

  Evie looked at the milk in disgust. "Ugh! I hate milk! I'm not drinking it - so there!" She pouted, then glared at Dylan. "I want coffee."

  "Well you're not getting any. Drink your milk like a good girl. If you do, you'll get a little treat after lunch."

  "What sort of little treat?"

  Dylan smiled cryptically. "Wait and see."

  Evie drank her milk.

  Dylan kept his word. Evie was not allowed to wear panties for the remainder of the day, and she was reminded of the fact because he regularly got her to bend over so he could inspect her bottom. By mid afternoon it was still a little bit red, but the marks were very faint. And every time he carried out his inspections, Evie hoped he might touch her intimately. She longed for the feel of his finger, his tongue, or his cock. She was amazed at how vibrantly sexual she had become, reasoning that aside from last night, it was because she hadn't had sex in a long while ... or maybe it was the after effects of the spanking that made her feel so erotically charged. Or maybe it was a combination of the two, facilitated by Dylan. In such a short time he had made her feel truly alive for the first time in her life.

  Evie got her promised treat later in the afternoon when Dylan stripped her naked, secured wrist and ankle cuffs to her limbs, and tied her to the bedposts in his room. It didn't escape Evie's attention that he had removed all the expensive bedding and had her laying on a plastic sheet. She shivered, embarrassed at her lewd position, but excited all the same, and desperately wondered what he had in store for her.

  "I'm going to enhance your little girl look," he said as he brandished a razor. "You're going to have a shave, baby doll."

  "Oh! But ... but ..."

  "I don't think you're in much of a position to argue." Dylan grinned wolfishly and squirted big blobs of shaving cream all over her pubic mound. The razor did it's work expertly. "Keep very still for this next part of the operation," he warned.

  As he worked on her outer lips and the area at the top of her thighs, Evie screwed her eyes tight shut. She couldn't believe this was happening. This was an intimate act. She felt the colour flood to her face as his fingers carefully probed and stroked and smoothed, and the razor scraped away all traces of her pubic hair. The entire procedure was so humiliating, yet when he washed the area with a soft cloth, dried it, and rubbed oil on her skin, she sighed softly. It felt good. She felt submissive.

  "Beautiful," announced Dylan when the job was done. "Now for the rest."

  "The rest?" asked Evie.

  "Starting with this." Dylan produced a blindfold. As he fastened it over her eyes he whispered, "Trust me, baby. You'll love this sensation play."

  Once the blindfold was on and Evie deprived of sight, she found herself straining to listen to each new sound... the sound of a wardrobe door being opened and something taken from it ... the sound of packaging being ripped apart ... then a new sound she couldn't identify. It was Dylan unscrewing the cap off the peppermint oil. Evie could smell it before it even touched her skin.

  "Oh - what's that?"

  "Guess." He rubbed some of the oil on each nipple.

  "Mint. Peppermint?"


  "Hah, I got it right ... oh! OH!" A cool burning sensation began to develop. Evie's nipples stood out, erect as little acorns, and they tingled in a way that was halfway between pleasure and pain. She was trying to process the sensation when she felt his fingers exploring her labia. "Oh - you're not ... putting it there! Oh my God - you ARE!"

  Dylan chuckled devilishly as he rubbed a little oil into the sensitive folds of her labia. The effect was most entertaining. Evie squealed and wriggled as much as she could within her restraints.

  "Oh my! It's hot."

  "But nice hot. Yes?"

  "Yes. No. I don't know! Oh! Oh ... it tingles all the way up to my spine."

  And while she lay there enjoying the tingling, Dylan inserted his index finger into her pussy. "Tsk, tsk, seems like you're rather enjoying this." He brought his finger up under her nose, letting her smell the scent of her own obvious arousal, then went back to playing with her pussy.

  Evie began to moan, thrusting up to meet his probing fingers, mewling with disappointment when he withdrew them. Her mewls turned to little gasps of pain when he attached two clothes pegs to her labia.

  "Ow! Ow!" she yelped. The combined sensation induced by the pegs the oil and the throbbing need in her pussy made her squirm wantonly. "Oh please," she gasped. "Please."

  Dylan watched her facial expression change as he slowly inserted the vibrator into her vagina. It didn't need any lubrication as her pussy was dripping with desire. He flicked a switch and the vibe launched into life, throbbing inside her pussy.

  "Ohhhhh," was all Evie could say. And when he tilted the vibe so that the the clit stimulator could do its work, she moaned like a bitch in heat. Her hips began to shake. She thrust up her pelvis. And just as she was almost there, Dylan withdrew the vibe, denying her an orgasm.

  "Not fair!" she protested.

  The cycle started all over again. Evie was so desperate to come she felt as though she was going to burst. "You tease. This is cruel. So cruel," she whimpered pitifully.

  Dylan took off his jeans and boxer shorts, slid on a condom, and withdrew the vibe once more, but this time he filled the vacated space with his cock.

  "Oh yes!" shrieked Evie. After that she became incoherent as he fucked her hard and fast and deep, over and over and over again, their joint cries of pleasure bouncing off the walls.


  It was a very contented and sated Evie who returned home later that evening. Dylan saw her into her house, took her in his arms and kissed her.

  "Well," he murmured. "you were a very unexpected and welcome bonus to my weekend."

  "I feel as though I've known you for years and years," said Evie, nestling into the embrace of his arms. "Thank you for everything."

  "Everything? We've only just started. There are a lot more things to explore, and there'll be a lot more weekends like this one, I promise you."

  "I can't wait."

  Dylan laughed at her enthusiasm. "I hate to leave you, but I must go. I've some paperwork to catch up on. I'll see you tomorrow at work." He kissed her again.

  "How shall we play this? Shall I tell people?"

  "You can if you wish. There's no reason to keep it quiet - I'm not ashamed of entering into a relationship with you. But there will be a few surprised faces, I guarantee it."

  He was right. By the end of the week, it seemed that the entire staff knew that Dylan Draper had broken his no fraternisation rule, and had got it together with Little Evie.

  "You lucky devil," said Anne.

  "How did you manage to snare HIM?!" asked Morgan. "I've fancied the pants off him for years!"

  "She's twenty years younger than you for a start," said Samantha. "Way to go, Evie."

  "Give us all the salacious gossip," said Laura. "We need to know ALL the details!"

  Evie grinned. They would all have a fit if they knew what she and Dylan got up to. It was cool having a secret. So she just smiled and told them she was having fun getting to know him.r />
  Their relationship progressed well. They saw each other a couple of nights during the week, and Evie spent every weekend at Dylan's house. One Saturday they drove to the next city to go shopping for little girl clothes and Evie had a marvellous time trying on dresses and tops, jeans, shorts and shoes. She also got some more cute pyjamas and bows for her hair. When they returned to Dylan's house, Evie put on her new pink leggings and a plum-coloured crop top, and when Dylan caught up on some paperwork, she sat out in the garden surrounded by a miscellany of teddy bears and a blue plastic tea set that Mary used to play with. She found it quite liberating to cast aside all her responsibilities and get into the little girl head-space, and spent a happy hour in the sunshine having a teddy bears picnic.

  That evening though, was entirely different. That evening, Dylan took her to Twisted Jack's, the new BDSM club. There was a huge floor space, the atmosphere was electric, and Evie shivered excitedly, taking in all the sights and sounds. She had never seen so many naked or nearly naked people in her life. Full on sex wasn't encouraged, but she saw many people being indulged with dildo's, butt plugs and vibrators. One girl was leaning back in a harness secured to a kind of swing, while her Dom pleasured her with a vibrator before taking her down, strapping her to a padded bench and paddling her bottom with a big leather paddle.

  "Quite the little voyeur, aren't you my sweet," said Dylan.

  "Just curious," said Evie. "It looks like she's enjoying herself."

  "Well I think it's time for your enjoyment now - and mine," said Dylan. He grinned lecherously, his blue eyes raking her body. She was dressed in a mini skirt made from red leather, with a matching halter top. "Take your skirt off, Evie."

  Evie bit her lip and reached for the zipper. She slid the skirt down over her hips and thighs, then removed it completely.

  "Now your panties."

  Evie swallowed. "M-my panties?" She looked around to see if anyone was watching.

  "Uh huh. Take them off, baby."

  Evie blushed, suddenly overcome with shyness. "Do I have to?" Dylan's penetrating stare gave her the answer. Slowly, hesitantly, she slid the lace panties off, and stood with her hands covering her shaved pubic area.


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