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Little Women Box Set

Page 20

by Chloe Carpenter

  Dylan smiled a slow smile. He positioned himself on a low sofa and patted his lap. "Over you go."

  Evie scuttled over and lay across his lap, relieved that now at least her private area was hidden from view. Dylan reached down into his toy bag. Evie could hear him getting things but had no idea what. She wondered what he was up to.

  She didn't have long to wait before she found out!'

  Dylan began by spreading her little cheeks apart. As he did so, Evie squeaked in outraged indignation and began to wriggle.

  "Be still for Daddy," chided Dylan. He removed the cap from a tube of lube and smeared it around her little pink anus.

  "Ohhhh," wailed Evie. "Stop it!" This earned her four hard smacks of rebuke. She was still wailing as Dylan took the horse-tailed butt plug and began inserting it. "Oh! Oh!" Her face turned beetroot red as Dylan worked the plug in. This was a new experience for her, doubly humiliating because it was being done in public. She squirmed over his lap, feeling the sense of fullness as she was plugged, the steel of the plug feeling oh so cold as it was driven deep. It wasn't until Dylan stood her up, that she realised she was now wearing a horse's tail!

  "Stunning," said Dylan. "Made from real horse hair. We talked about this, remember, and you said you'd like to try it."

  "I know, but ... but, I didn't think you meant it when you said you'd get me one."

  Dylan threw back his head and laughed. "Listen, darling, I mean everything I say. How does it feel?"

  "I - oh - God, this is so embarrassing!"

  "Yes, but you like being embarrassed, pet, we both know that. And we both know of your little exhibitionist streak. Let's have your top off next." He reached forward and began to unfasten the button behind her neck, and much to Evie's embarrassment, removed it. "Don't worry, we're not going the whole hog with pony play on this occasion," he said with a sly grin. "However, I have a couple of little accessories that will enhance your new look." From his bag he pulled out a wide black leather belt and fastened it around Evie's trim waist. When he took out a second item, Evie blinked in surprise.

  "What's that?" She stared at it. It resembled a bra, but there were holes instead of fabric for the breasts to protrude, and the straps were studded with gleaming metal.

  "A breast harness." He fastened it in place and secured the buckle fastenings at the back and behind the neck. "Lovely, and now for the finishing touches." He got out a pair of nipple clamps and adjusted them just enough for them to pinch without being painful. Then he secured a leather studded collar around her neck and clipped a leash to the D-ring at the back. He gave it a little tug. "Come along now, princess. Walk nicely with Daddy."

  Evie gulped, feeling so self-conscious, yet ... so wonderfully decadent and slutty at the same time. She took a hesitant step forward, still blushing. In this get up it was worse than being stark naked. The plug felt weird. She gasped. "What if it falls out?!" Oh that would be truly humiliating.

  "It won't." Dylan grinned. "But you have to use your muscles to help keep it in. I know you're not used to butt plugs so I'll only make you wear it for twenty minutes or so."

  "Twenty minutes?" Oh God, what an eternity.

  "Come now, little girl, let's show off those juicy nipples and your cute little ass with the lovely tail." Dylan flicked her left buttock with his end of the leash. He kept on doing it every few paces to help motivate her.

  "Owww," Evie yelped. She kept her head lowered, not daring to make eye contact with anyone, so it was a bit of a shock when Dylan made his next announcement.

  "I'd like you to meet some friends of mine, Jack and Caitlin. Here they are." He gave another little tug of the rein and led Evie forward.

  "What?!!" Evie couldn't believe her ears. Meet his friends? With a horse-tailed plug shoved up her ass and her breasts and pussy on display. He couldn't be serious.

  He was.

  Jack was in his early fifties. Like most of the dominants in the club, he was dressed in black, with a leather jacket and black chinos. He had shoulder-length dark hair, tied back in a pony tail. His wife was a woman in her mid to late forties, plumpish, with a pretty face. She wore heels with a short black skirt and a corset which made her ample bust look positively enormous. They both turned as Dylan and Evie approached.

  Caitlin stepped forward and gave Evie a hug before Dylan had the opportunity to introduce them formally. "Hi Evie. I've heard so much about you. I'm Caitlin."

  "You have? Hi Caitlin."

  "We both have." Jack leaned down to kiss Evie on the cheek. "Nice to meet you, Little Evie."

  "You too," said Evie.

  "She's a baby doll," he said to Dylan.

  "A baby doll with a tail!" said Caitlin gleefully. "Turn around, Evie. Let's see!"

  Somewhat reluctantly, Evie turned, feeling extremely foolish. But to her surprise, her tail was admired, and Caitlin and Jack patted her bare bottom appreciatively. The four of them spent the next ten minutes chatting, and then Jack and Caitlin left to indulge in some serious play.

  "There now," said Dylan. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

  "No. They're nice. I liked them. And now please, pretty please, can I go and take this plug out? It's getting so uncomfortable and it makes me walk all funny."

  "Ok," Dylan chuckled. "But I'll remove it. Come over here."

  To Evie's embarrassment she was over his lap again, having her cheeks prised open and the plug extracted. Then before she had a chance to request to put some clothes back on, he secured her to a Saltaire cross and treated her to the most wonderful flogging ever - first on her back and buttocks, then he flipped her over and gently flogged her breasts, belly, the top of her thighs and pussy. By this stage, Evie didn't care a toss about her nakedness. She writhed wantonly, on a sensual high.

  They left shortly afterwards, and almost a soon as they'd got through the front door, Dylan began undressing her. They were both so eager, he had her from behind at the foot of the stairs, pumping hard and fast, his balls slamming into her thighs, his cock pounding her relentlessly, groaning out his pleasure. And she loved it.

  "Oh Daddeeee!" she squealed, as her body went into spasm. Sex with Daddy Dylan was the best ever. She simply couldn't get enough of it.

  And he was so obliging.


  When Evie had concluded her probationary month at Barkers and came out with flying colours, Kathy Carter from Personnel congratulated her and informed her that the company had paid for her diploma course. It would start in two weeks, and from that point on, Evie had every Wednesday off to attend college and progress her studies. This was received with great delight, and Evie flung herself headlong into it.

  All went well for the first three weeks, and then Evie let herself down. One of the guys on her course had a birthday, and he, Evie and six other well-wishers retired to the pub at lunchtime to celebrate - and they didn't return to college in the afternoon. All of them missed the key lecture that started at 2pm. They remained in the pub until almost 5.30pm. Dylan had got into the routine of picking Evie up from college at 5.15 on Wednesday's, and from there they would either spend the entire evening at his place or go out for dinner. But not on this occasion.

  Dylan sat in the car frowning and looking at his watch, wondering where the little minx had got to. He was just about to go and look for her in the building when he saw her staggering along the walkway with a small group of other students. They were whooping and yelling and laughing. One of them actually fell over, much to the delight of the others.

  Evie stumbled along and walked right past the car without even registering that Dylan was there. Dylan assessed the situation correctly; his opinion confirmed when he hauled Evie into the front passenger seat and found she was reeking strongly of alcohol and tobacco. When questioned, she began to babble and giggle.

  Grim faced, Dylan drove home. Evie sang and giggled loudly most of the way, which didn't help matters. She even giggled when they got to Dylan's house and he stripped off her jeans and panties and sent her to
bed wearing a diaper. But two hours later when she woke up, she was in very different spirits. Dylan sat in a chair in the bedroom, watching her.

  "Oh, my poor head." She sat up in bed and rubbed her temple, and looked very sorry for herself. When she got no response from Dylan, she continued, "Oh poor me. I have an awful headache."

  "It's not your head that's going to be aching, girl. By the time I'm through with you, you won't be able to sit down for a week!"

  Evie gulped and hung her head. Gradually, Dylan got the full story from her, and he was not pleased. It was at that point that Evie prepared to get out of bed, noticing for the first time that she was in Mary's old room, not Dylan's. But as she threw back the quilt so that she could go to the bathroom for a pee, she was horrified to see that she was wearing a diaper.

  "Wh-what the ..." she stuttered.

  "As you see, you're wearing a diaper. You will wear it all evening, and tomorrow we both have the same day off, but instead of going out hiking as we planned, you will have a punishment day - which will include wearing the diaper for a large part of it."

  "But.. but.. please, Dylan. Not a diaper!"

  Ignoring her, he handed her a tall glass containing a pint of water. "You'll be dehydrated from consuming all that alcohol. Drink this. Every drop."

  Evie drank about a third of it, then declared she was full. "I can't manage any more," she said, handing the glass back.

  "You can and you will." Dylan made her drink more and more.

  "Please, no more. I need to pee. I really, really need to pee."

  "Then you'll pee in your diaper. I'm forbidding you to use the bathroom."

  "What?! Nooooo," wailed Evie.

  Dylan merely raised his eyebrow. "You should have acted like a responsible adult. But you didn't. So now I'm treating you like a baby."

  He did too. She was made to stay in bed for the remainder of the evening and forego a proper dinner. Instead, he spoon fed her apple purée from a plastic dish. Evie was mortified. She was even more mortified when she couldn't hold the contents of her full bladder any longer and peed in the diaper. And things got even worse when Dylan put her on a changing mat, cleaned her up with a baby wipe, and put a clean diaper back on. It was the height of humiliation, but this time she didn't enjoy it one little bit... at least not at the time.

  When Dylan left the room she curled up and sulked and sulked. And when Dylan came up again later with her bedtime milk in a baby feeding bottle complete with rubber teat, she stared at it in horror. The milk tasted horrible from the teat, and it didn't help that Dylan stayed by her side while she drank it, watching as her little hands clutched the bottle. In a perverse way, it was comforting to suckle, but Evie pushed such thoughts away. She would far rather be downstairs eating pizza and drinking red wine. She begged to be allowed out of bed, but Dylan refused. On many of their nights together, he would end the day by reading her a bedtime story. She never really cared what story it was, merely enjoyed listening to his wonderful deep-chocolate voice and snuggling up in the big bed. But there was no such closeness tonight. Instead, Dylan kissed her brow and pulled the covers up around her neck and wished her good night.

  When he left, Evie cried and cried. She realised how foolish she'd been, and fell asleep sucking her thumb. She was fast asleep when Dylan checked on her before he went to bed. He gently disengaged her thumb, shook his head and smiled. His little girl would be getting one sore bottom tomorrow.


  The next morning, Dylan stripped off Evie's diaper. Normally she would have taken a shower, but this time he insisted on bathing her. And when she was clean and dry, on went another diaper, in spite of her protests.

  "Think yourself lucky I've got you a proper breakfast," said Dylan. "Any more protests and I'll get the feeding bottle out again."

  That threat had the desired effect. Evie sat at the table wearing a pale blue sun dress and white sandals. She wasn't even allowed to wear panties over the diaper - not that any would fit, given that the diaper was so big and bulky. However, it didn't spoil her breakfast. She was hungry, and demolished bacon, eggs, sausages, baked beans and toast, followed by fresh orange juice and a cup of tea.

  Evie shot Dylan a contrite look and offered to wash up. He shook his head.

  "No thank you, Evie. We'll leave the clearing up for now. We have other more pressing things to attend to." He gave her a penetrating look that made her quiver. "First though, we're going to the supermarket to stock up on a few groceries." He picked up his car keys and took her hand. "Come on."

  "I can't!" she wailed. "I can't go anywhere wearing a diaper!"

  "That's what you think," said Dylan. He picked her up bodily, tucking her under his arm like a sausage roll, and headed out to the car.


  Evie blushed and blushed. Every time someone walked past them in the supermarket, she thought they would somehow know she was diapered beneath her dress. Surely they could tell? She waddled along in the big diaper, convinced that everyone was pointing and laughing at her behind her back. She was so relieved when the ordeal was over and she was allowed back in the car. What made things worse was the fact that when she cast a sidelong glance at Dylan, he was grinning. She fumed inwardly, thinking, Oh what a bastard!

  When they returned to the house, Evie once again begged to be released from the diaper so that she could go to the bathroom. But Dylan was relentless. He refused, and later changed her wet diaper again. She had to wait until 1pm before he agreed to remove it, and as soon as it was off, she ran to the bathroom to relieve herself properly. As she sat there, she realised that being diapered was only part of her punishment. She grimaced as she recalled Dylan's promise of a sore bottom, and by now she knew he always meant what he said. There was no way she would be let off without a spanking.

  She went back downstairs, this time wearing little white panties beneath her dress. I may as well not have bothered, she thought. He'll only take them off.

  And so he did.

  He was waiting for her in the sitting room with a large oval-shaped hairbrush. Her heart sank at the sight of it. He had used it once before on her and it stung like the devil.

  "Come and stand in front of me, Evie," said Dylan. When she obeyed, he continued by ordering her to take off her panties.

  Evie gulped. She hated having to take her panties down herself, because it usually meant that the spanking which followed was a punishment spanking as opposed to a good little girl spanking. She slid her hands beneath her pretty dress and tugged them down then kicked them off.

  "Hold your dress right up," came the next command.

  She did so, and looked at him pleadingly.

  "Now, Evie. Tell me why I'm about to punish you."

  "Er... because I-I got drunk."


  "And ... I missed an afternoon at college."


  "Um, because ... I, er ... I smoked some cigarettes." She knew Dylan detested cigarettes. He had told her several times what a filthy habit it was.

  Dylan nodded. "Right, young lady. Get yourself over my lap."

  Once she was in position, Dylan raised the brush and smacked it down hard on the centre of her right cheek.

  "Yeowww!" screeched Evie. "Please - please can I have a warm up spanking first? Please?"

  "No you may not," said Dylan firmly. He applied another stinging swat to her left cheek.

  Evie yelped. It felt like a white-hot iron searing her bottom, and before the burn faded, that nasty old hairbrush kept on going. Left cheek. Right cheek. Left cheek. Right cheek. It beat out a relentless tattoo on her bottom.

  "Ow-ow-OW!" squealed Evie. She wiggled and kicked and wailed as the evil brush punished her naughty little bottom which, did she but know it, sported burning crimson brands. She screeched even louder when the brush made it's mark at the top of her delicate thighs. She hated having her thighs spanked. It hurt so much.

  "Please, PLEASE - I'll be good. I'll be oh so good! Arrrgh!"

  The brush cracked down again on her bottom, the next stroke falling lower, on the underside of her right cheek. Evie wailed as the brush bit that same tender spot five more times. Evie's bottom throbbed and the heat rose. She waved her red bottom from side to side, convinced it was on fire. She wriggled and squirmed, trying to shake the terrible burning away.

  Then there came a pause and Evie breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing a little, her breathing steadying. Is it over? Has he finished? She hoped and prayed that he had.

  He hadn't. He reached for the little wooden paddle. Her bottom raised and ready, Dylan raised his right arm.


  Evie jerked in shock, feet kicking up behind. Surely it shouldn't hurt that much?


  It did.

  Crack! Crack! Crack!

  Evie howled out her anguish as the mean little paddle did its work. Oh how she hated that paddle. She loathed it with a vengeance.


  Red blotches stood out on her pale skin. She howled and wailed and sniffled, not just with the pain, but with the knowledge that this time she had been truly naughty and Daddy was punishing her for it. Her poor bottom throbbed, her buttocks flattened beneath the impact of the paddle, only to jiggle and spring up for more.

  "S-sorry, D-daddy," she whimpered.

  "I should think so too," he said sternly. "You have been very silly and very irresponsible." He gave her five more stingers with the fearsome little paddle, then put it down, rubbing the surface of her reddened rear with his big hands.

  Evie exhaled. She thought he had finished. He hadn't.

  "This bad little bottom can take plenty more. It's the slipper for you now, my girl."

  "What?" For a brief moment, Evie thought he meant he was going to put his slippers on. But no - from her upturned position she could see that he was already wearing them. He reached down and removed the left one and grasped it firmly. He was a tall man with very large feet, and his rubber-soled slippers delivered a very mean sting. He brought the slipper swiftly down on Evie's bare bottom.


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