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A Shade of Vampire 86: A Break of Seals

Page 25

by Forrest, Bella

  “It’s an honor to be here,” Time replied politely. “But if you don’t mind me asking, what transition process are you referring to?”

  “Visio,” Mira said. “This morning, we signed Rimia and Nalore’s independence declarations and have instructed our fleet of airships to take those who desired to return back to their home worlds. Those who remain here will have equal opportunities under the law, along with a monetary compensation fund for everything they and their ancestors endured in this empire.”

  “That is most kind of you.” Derek sighed. “Truly amazing.”

  “It was the right thing to do,” Kemi added, drawing a nod of approval from his Lady Supreme. “Visio will have to grow on its own from now on. We have excellent resources and plenty of riches to share with the common folk.”

  “Most importantly, Rimia has already agreed to the establishment of trade with Visio,” Trev Blayne said as he walked into the room. I almost didn’t recognize him. He’d been perfectly fitted into an elegant light brown tunic with black embroidery, a gold band resting on his head. A sword hung from his belt, its sculptured hilt evoking a sense of royalty.

  “Trev!” Esme exclaimed and rushed to hug him. He laughed and didn’t reject her embrace.

  “It’s good to see you, too,” he said.

  “Trev Blayne was unanimously elected as Regent of Rimia,” Mira announced. “A king most deserving of his crown.”

  Kalon grinned, shaking his hand. “I was certain this would happen. You have all the makings of a good monarch, my friend. Rimia is in the best of hands.”

  “Thank you,” Trev replied.

  The conversation continued for a while as we learned that the Naloreans were still deciding on their own monarch, but that they had appointed representatives to draw up new accords with the Trakkian nation. Slowly but surely, Visio was settling into a new era—one of partnership with its neighbors and not of dominance.

  There was a considerable number of Trakkians who were still furious about the outcome of the situation. They’d banded together in rebel groups, wreaking havoc and killing people in the smaller towns and villages surrounding the Nightmare Forest. Unfortunately for them, the remaining Seniors had been brought back from the islands and given control of the armies, which meant a world of pain for anyone who dared rise against the new world order.

  “Our GASP base will be completed by the end of this week,” Derek continued. “Esme and Kalon have agreed to stay here and lead its operations. I don’t know about Tristan and Unending, but Lumi has already expressed interest in spending at least a year here on Visio to help get things established. Once there is order on Visio, we will gladly open the recruitment office. Until then, Sofia and I have agreed to dispatch several of our more experienced officers to assist Lumi, Esme, and Kalon with the day-to-day operations.”

  “That is excellent. My husband and I will be eager to try out your training halls when they open,” Mira replied, smiling broadly.

  “So is Ansel,” Kalon muttered. “The kid’s itching for a fight.”

  “I think that comes with his age.” Esme laughed.

  “Either way, we are on schedule,” Derek concluded, then looked at Unending and me. “Have you two decided what you’re going to do yet?”

  That was the billion-dollar question. We’d agreed to be together, but we hadn’t exactly hashed out the details. I wished I had more to tell them, considering the plans that they had already made—my sister knew more about her future than I knew about my own. Not that I was competitive, but I felt like I could do better.

  Unending took the lead on this one. “For now, we’re going to stick around on Visio. I believe Tristan and Esme’s parents are coming to visit tomorrow evening. I’m sure we’ll all enjoy some family time.”

  “Listen to her talking about family time.” Dream giggled in Morning’s ear. Phantom shushed them both, pointing a stern finger in their direction.

  “Don’t be mean. She deserves some peace and quiet.”

  “You do. You most certainly do,” Dream conceded, smiling at Unending.

  “Point is, we haven’t decided what we’re going to do yet,” my beloved said, while I tried to envision the upcoming reunion with my parents. We’d talked via the comms systems a lot since Roano, but this was the first time we’d be seeing each other since Esme and I had left The Shade in search of the day-walking cure. “Tristan is a traveler and an explorer, so I think we’ll be looking to go out soon enough. I’ll join him, but if my brothers and sisters need me on the ghoul front, they can always reach out.”

  Esme gave me a wink. “You let me know when you’re up for traveling. I’d like to come with. Have you found any worlds that might be of interest?”

  “Unending has a couple of suggestions,” I replied, “but won’t you be busy here with Kalon and the GASP base?”

  “Dude. I am never too busy to go exploring new worlds with my brother. Are you crazy?”

  “Well, that’s good to hear,” I said, pulling her into a hug and kissing her gently on the top of her head. “I’m better with you around, anyway.”

  “Someone needs to keep your ass safe from aggressive locals and dangerous fauna.” Esme giggled, then looked at Unending. “No offense. I know you’ll look out for him, but he’s always been my charge, and that’s never going to change.”

  “No offense taken,” Unending replied, amused. “Tristan needs his sister, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Besides, you could always bring Kalon along, as well. Some time away from Visio will certainly put things into perspective.”

  “Consider me sold!” Kalon said.

  “What about you two?” I asked Derek and Sofia. “How long will you be staying on Visio, now that our affairs here are slowly coming to an end?”

  “A few more days, while we figure out the last details,” Sofia replied, giving Derek a meaningful look.

  I had a feeling they were talking about Thayen. The boy had his own room in the palace, and because he was a direct descendant of Mira and Kemi, the Lord and Lady Supreme had made it clear that Thayen would always have a home and a future here.

  However, Derek had also mentioned that he’d brought up the possibility of taking Thayen back to The Shade if the boy wanted to go. I wasn’t sure how that conversation had gone, or if it had even happened yet, but I trusted Derek and Sofia to tell us once they knew something concrete.

  No matter where I looked these days, I enjoyed what I was seeing. The rebellion of begrudging Trakkians was a non-issue. The Seniors had enough experience to properly obliterate the dissent before it could spread. Besides, from what I had seen, most people were slowly but surely adapting to this new life. Their existence had a different meaning, and they were all just trying to move on. Death’s warning had stuck with those who’d been present in Roano, and word had spread fast among the others.

  With such a powerful cosmic force watching over them, nobody wanted to step out of line, and those who were foolish enough to try it would soon meet their end. In the meantime, I had a long and mysterious future ahead, which I looked forward to discovering with Unending by my side. It seemed like only yesterday that Valaine and I had first met.

  I still saw her in Unending. Sometimes I heard her in Unending’s voice. She was there. She would always be there—an integral part of the creature who’d taken my heart and soul and made me into a better version of myself. The night was ours, and so were all the worlds beyond it.


  The day had come for Derek and Sofia to head back to The Shade.

  Kalon and I were dressed up and ready to go see them off. They were to board a shuttle with my parents and a few other GASP officers who’d come to wish us well. Corrine and Ibrahim were working on establishing a portal between Visio and The Shade, but that would take a while, since Mira and Kemi had insisted that the Trakkians’ approval as a people would be required.

  With a new world order came a new set of rules and laws by which we’d agreed to respectfully abide
. A healthy partnership required common sense and agreement across the board, and we didn’t want to do anything that might draw the locals’ ire. While the Trakkians weren’t in the best position to make demands, the whole of GASP had decided to give the people time to vote in a referendum about the portal. Until then, we had our shuttles.

  “You look handsome,” I told Kalon as we reached the landing port on the western shore of the imperial city. He’d opted for his signature black leather tunic, complete with the Visentis pin on his chest. The pin represented the past and the future of his dynasty, as Kalon planned to make the name stand for something other than sorcery, evil, and betrayal.

  “Why, thank you. Might I say, you look stunning, as well,” he replied, measuring me from head to toe with a devilish smile.

  “It’s just my GASP uniform. Don’t get too excited,” I muttered.

  “While that may be true, it also brings out your best features. I mean, who doesn’t love a full-body catsuit?”

  He made me laugh. “It’s not a catsuit. I mean, it’s tight, but not that tight!”

  “It’s a tight, full-body suit. And I get to see you walk around in it. I’m one lucky guy,” he replied, then pressed his lips into a tight line as he waited for my reaction.

  We walked past the gold guards positioned around the landing port. They all gave us a respectful salute. Some I recognized from the imperial palace, former Aeternae who’d served in Acheron’s personal guard. I was glad to see they’d been reassigned. They all looked healthy and pleased with their new lives. If only Acheron had been alive to see how his world would turn out.

  “You get to see me out of the suit, too. That, my love, is what qualifies you for the ‘lucky guy’ title,” I said, but Kalon didn’t get a chance to laugh too hard because we ran into Trev on the platform where the shuttle had been prepared for interstellar flight.

  “You two look happy!” he said with a wide grin. It was close to midnight out here, but his smile reminded me of the sun.

  “We look happy? Have you seen yourself in a mirror lately?” I asked. “What’s going on?”

  “Hey, Esme.” Amal’s voice surprised me as she appeared from behind Trev. I squealed and immediately trapped her in a bear hug. She didn’t have much of a choice at this point.

  “Amal! Glad to see you back here! What’s the occasion?” I asked, finally pulling away. Simply seeing her here reminded me of all the hell we’d been through together. “Where’s your sister?”

  She smiled softly. “Back on Strava with Ridan.”

  “Okay. And you?” I asked, since she’d yet to answer my question, and I was beginning to wonder why. She kept giving Trev some pretty nervous sideways glances.

  “I invited her over,” Trev ultimately said, and I now had a reason for that enormous grin on his face. I’d had no idea that he was sweet on the genius Faulty girl, but I certainly welcomed this unexpected twist. “She expressed interest in visiting Rimia, so after we see your people off, she’ll be flying back to Rimia with me.”

  “Oh, well that is absolutely great!” I exclaimed. “Kalon and I will join you at some point, I’m sure. We still have a lot of work at the GASP base for the time being, however.”

  Trev leaned over. “Yeah, don’t rush or anything. I’d like some time alone with Amal first,” he whispered, and it took a tremendous amount of effort for me to keep from laughing.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that,” Amal said politely.

  “It’s nothing important,” Kalon cut in, equally flustered. “It’s just Trev being… well, Trev.”

  “Come on, let’s get you over to Derek and Sofia. The others have already boarded the ship,” Trev said, motioning for us to follow him.

  We crossed the platform, the moon shining down on us with its soft, milky light. It made the ocean look like it had been sprinkled with diamonds, and it was the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen. Then again, everything had become infinitely more beautiful since Kalon and I had lived to tell the tale of what had happened in Roano.

  “Do you know what they’re going to do with Thayen, by any chance?” I asked.

  Trev shook his head. “Last I heard, he’d yet to give them an answer.”

  “Oh, they must be really on edge right now,” I mumbled.

  “Thayen’s a smart kid,” Kalon replied. “Besides, he’s also next in line for the throne after Mira and Kemi. Maybe he doesn’t want to leave what is basically his future kingdom.”

  I certainly understood that, but I also knew how badly Derek and Sofia wanted to adopt Thayen. They’d already discussed the issue with the Lord and Lady Supreme. Mira and Kemi had been surprised but accommodating upon hearing their intentions. On one hand, Kalon was right, and they were probably thinking it, too. Thayen was a prince of Visio, and he had a family in Mira and Kemi. But on the other hand, Derek and Sofia had gone above and beyond to protect him from his own mother. They had grown fond of him, too. That had to count for something.

  Tristan was already with Mom and Dad standing by the ship, joined by Unending. They were laughing and talking, and I was over the moon to see them like this. My brother deserved all the happiness in the world and then some. Mom and Dad were still reeling from my death and resurrection, but they were both just relieved to have me around. Besides, Kalon had done a fantastic job of driving every conversation we’d had with them away from that terrible moment.

  “Oh, honey, there you are!” Mom said as soon as she saw me.

  Within seconds, I was sandwiched between her and Dad, my face covered with their many kisses. Tristan laughed and gently pulled them off me. “Come on, Mom and Dad. You’re not leaving us forever. Once the vote is in and the portal is built, you’ll be able to stroll right into Visio.”

  “By the way, what’s the opinion on the portal?” Dad asked. Behind him, I saw Derek and Sofia talking to Mira and Kemi. They all looked understandably nervous.

  “So far, it’s positive,” Kalon said. “We did make sure to run a good campaign on the subject. Some have even expressed interest in visiting The Shade and other locations of the GASP federation. There’s a pretty good chance we’ll get the approval we need for Corrine and Ibrahim to start building it.”

  Mom looked around, frowning slightly. “Where are those two, anyway?”

  “With Lumi, back at the base. They’ve already said their goodbyes to Derek and the others. And like Tristan said, this isn’t goodbye forever,” I replied. “It’s just goodbye until later.”

  “I know, honey, but after what happened, I think I’m allowed to be a tad more emotional than usual,” Mom retorted, using her most cajoling tone.

  Dad rolled his eyes, though I knew that deep down he felt the same way. “A tad emotional, she says.”

  “Oh, shush!”

  Our giggles came to a sudden halt as Thayen made his way across the platform. He smiled when he saw us, but he positively lit up when he laid eyes on Derek and Sofia. Suddenly, all voices were gone, reduced to absolute silence. We’d all been wondering what Thayen might decide, so seeing him here had brought us to the edge of our seats.

  “Think he’ll give a thumbs-up?” Trev asked.

  “Shut up,” Kalon replied with a smirk.

  Thayen stopped in front of Mira, Kemi, Derek, and Sofia. Aside from my little clique, there were only a few other GASP officers present, since most had already settled inside the shuttle. The platform was guarded by gold guards, but the rest of the imperial city was quiet as it descended into midnight, the last of its lights flickering in distant windows. This was a wonderful place to be, despite its terrible history.

  “Your Graces.” Thayen addressed Mira and Kemi with a curt bow. “Thank you for letting me stay in the palace and for welcoming me into the family.”

  “Darling, you are and will always be a Nasani,” Mira replied. “The throne will be yours someday, after all.”

  “I know. But this place holds too many ugly memories for me,” Thayen said. “I… I don’t want to be here
for a while. I’m not even sure I want the throne.”

  Kemi crouched slightly so that he could be at Thayen’s eye level, placing his hands on the boy’s shoulders. “No one will ever make you do something you don’t want,” the Lord Supreme said. “But as long as Mira and I are alive, please know that you will always be welcome here. The Trakkians are your people, too. You are one of us, Thayen.”

  “I am, yes. But I don’t feel like one.” The boy sighed. “Thing is, after everything that has happened, all I really want is to go away and start a new life somewhere else.” He paused to look at Sofia and Derek. “I’m sorry I’ve been quiet about this for so long, but I needed time to think before I made a decision.”

  Sofia nodded slowly. “That’s okay, honey. We wouldn’t want to rush you.”

  “If you’ll still have me, I’d like to go live in The Shade with you,” Thayen said, and I could almost hear fireworks exploding all around us. I could only imagine the joy that must’ve erupted in Sofia and Derek’s enormous hearts.

  “Yes,” Sofia replied, her eyes glistening with tears of unadulterated happiness. “Yes, Thayen. A thousand times yes.”

  “We’ll be the fortunate ones to have you,” Derek added.

  Thayen gave Kemi and Mira a worried look. “Can you ever forgive me?”

  The Lord and Lady Supreme were both crying, though they went to great lengths to keep their composure. They were failing, but still, A for effort. “There is nothing to forgive,” Mira sobbed, hugging the boy. “Whenever you’re ready—if you’re ever ready—just remember that we’ll be here waiting.”

  “You must do what you think will make you the happiest,” Kemi managed. “If that means a new family with Derek and Sofia away from this place, then so be it. You have our full support. Just… just promise me you won’t abandon the idea of someday taking the throne, okay?”

  Thayen shrugged.

  “Just give it time,” Kemi added. “Give yourself time before you completely reject the idea, that is all I ask.”

  In the end, Thayen agreed and lovingly parted ways with Mira and Kemi before he dashed right into Sofia’s arms. It was a stunning sight to behold. Derek joined in on the hug, a tear sliding down his cheek. The world was inching closer to being absolutely right. The balance of the universe had tilted once more, if only slightly, in our favor.


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