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Dragon Breeder 4

Page 18

by Dante King

  What added to the gruesome and macabre sight was that I recognized the face. Her chocolate-colored skin had taken on a gray tinge now. The shock of bright blonde hair was matted with dried blood and stuck up every which way. The eyes had dulled in death, the color reminding me of the rusty color of moldy yams. The lips were still full and just as covered in blood as they had been when I had knocked her out on the hilltop, but they were slack now. Horrible. Like a couple of juicy grubs. The gold canine tooth had been torn from her head, as had many of the others.

  It was the bearmancer I had bested outside the abandoned village. The bearmancer whom I had delivered to Queen Frami to do with as she wished.

  “You picked the wrong side,” I muttered, and I passed on by and made my way up to the Mystocean’s log cabin.

  I washed in a thermal pool in a small private glade at the back of the cabin and lounged in the steaming water, thinking of nothing and moving as little as possible. From what the Queen of Vetrusca had told me, we were scheduled to leave after first light of the following morning for the Fey Pass, so I meant to make the most of such little luxuries as hot water while I had the chance.

  Afterward, with the late afternoon sun hanging lazily in a patch of cloudless sky, I went into the cabin and found Elenari and Saya getting the makings of a meal together.

  “Ah, look who comes in just as we finish making a meal, eh?” Saya teased.

  My stomach gave a little growl of interest as my eyes ran over the simple repast of breads, meats, olives, cheeses, and chutneys. I’d stayed hydrated on my run by drinking from the numerous little streams, but I hadn’t eaten all day. A dragonmancer could go days without eating it was true, but that didn’t mean any right-thinking dude would turn down the spread my two wives had whipped up.

  “They do say I was born lucky,” I said, with only a slight trace of irony in my voice. Up until I had been inducted into this magical world there had been precious little about my life in Los Angeles that could be considered lucky.

  “Any chance that you can make yourself useful, Mike?” Elenari asked me, her eyebrows arching into an amused V as she watched the metaphorical drool puddling at my feet.

  “Yes, I believe I can.” I grabbed a jug and wandered over to the mead barrel.

  We dined al fresco, seated on the still damp grass on top of a thick woolen blanket, enjoying the soft afternoon light.

  “Where are Tamsin and Renji?” I asked, smearing a hunk of bread with something that Elenari informed me was fire-lobster pâté. I gave a little low, involuntary moan of satisfaction as Elenari answered and missed her reply.

  “Sorry,” I said. “I tuned out over the deliciousness of this pâté! Holy shit! Where did you say they were?”

  Elenari rolled her sparkling green eyes and tucked a strand of red hair behind an elven ear. “They’re putting on a sparring exhibition down in the town square. You didn’t see them when you ran in?”

  I shook my head. “I came in along the water. Why are they doing that?”

  “Queen Frami thought it might be a good idea to demonstrate the capabilities of the Mystocean Dragonmancers,” Saya said, through a mouthful of olives. “There are still a few fence-sitters among the Vetruscans. She thinks that showing the benefits of the Transfusion Ceremony might sway them into supporting her rather than siding with the rebels.”

  It was a good marketing ploy. If anything was going to convince uneasy Vetruscans that Queen Frami knew what she was doing by letting three of her bearmancers undergo the Transfusion Ceremony, it would be a show of combative prowess.

  The old saying might run that the pen was mightier than the sword, but in Vetrusca, if you turned up to a fight with a pen, you’d more than likely get your head sliced off.

  “Mike,” Saya said in her no-nonsense way, “Elenari and I want to know something.”

  “What’s that?” I asked, taking a grateful gulp of Vetruscan mead and reaching for a slice of wafer-thin braised sugarbird.

  “When are you going to take Hana into your bed, Mike?” Elenari said, rolling a small cracker-like flatbread across the backs of her knuckles as she might a coin.

  I swallowed the slice of sugarbird with difficulty. “Wha-what?”

  Elenari laughed.

  Saya restated the question in Saya language. “She said, we want to know when you’re going to fuck her, Mike.”

  I speared a cube of marinated honey-badger with my belt knife and ate it off the point. When I had swallowed, I said, “Honestly, I hadn’t really given it that much thought.”

  “Oh, sure,” Saya teased me. “We saw you head off with her the other day after the battle. We assumed that you and her had gone off to make the beast with two backs, but apparently not. I lost a scale to Elenari betting the wrong way.”

  I shrugged. “What can I say, the time wasn’t right. I think she was still a little unsure of me, you know? What with me being an adopted Mystocean.”

  The beautiful blonde grinned at me. “You just had to go and act like a gentleman when I had money riding on it, didn’t you?”

  I hoisted a theatrical expression of surprise onto my face and pointed my thumb at my chest. “A gentleman? Me? Jeez, you better stop that before I start blushing.”

  Elenari and Saya laughed.

  “Seriously though, Mike,” Elenari said, “Hana is an honorable mancer. You’ve opened our eyes a lot since you’ve been here. Just because she’s Vetruscan doesn’t mean that she’s devoid of any redeemable characteristics—far from it actually.”

  Saya nodded in agreement. “And by bringing her into the fold that we all share,” she said, referring to the unofficial harem that had formed around me, the Dragon Breeder, “it will bond the Vetruscans more tightly to the Mystoceans.”

  “And that, at the end of the day, is why the Overseer sent us here, is it not?” Elenari pressed.

  I leaned back on my elbows and stared up at the sky. The bottoms of the clouds were beginning to turn a light amber. It promised to be a goddamn beauty of a sunset.

  “I know that this might seem like a dumb question,” I said, turning an olive over in my fingers, “but are you sure you ladies wouldn’t mind if she and I were to…”

  Saya snorted, tossed a morsel of cheese into the air, and caught it in her mouth.

  “No, we wouldn’t mind, Mike,” she said.

  “In fact, the reason that we’re asking,” Elenari said, “is because we would, well, we would like to join you.”

  “You ladies want to join in?” I asked, my eyebrows heading north with delighted surprise.

  Saya nodded, raised her chin, and said in a mock-serious manner, “This is all supposing that she’ll have you, of course.”

  I didn’t need to worry too much about that. Not with the signals I’d been picking up from the gorgeous Vetruscan bearmancer.

  “Do you, uh, know what time Renji and Tamsin will be back?” I asked, with an airiness that my two wives saw through instantly. After the relaxing soak in the outdoor pool and this lovely meal, I had sated a couple of appetites. The only hunger that remained was one that lay closest to my heart—despite the glowing epicenter of that desire being located south of my sword belt.

  Saya snorted again and winked at Elenari.

  “I think they’re going to be caught up with their exhibition match for quite some time,” the elf told me, her eyes glinting, green as sun through new fern fronds.

  “And, you wouldn’t happen to know where Hana might be right now, would you?” I asked.

  At that very moment, the back door to our log cabin creaked open, and none other than Hana walked out into the soft sunlight.

  She moved with the surety of a queen, clad once more in a simple white dress, embroidered with gold thread, and wrapped in furs. She wore boots over bared legs and a sword at her side. Smoldering. Dangerous. In control.

  She came to stand over us and looked over at Elenari and Saya.

  “Hi,” I said, absolutely nailing the icebreaker.

ana ignored me, though there was a slight smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. Her deep red eyes flicked over to me and then back to the other two women.

  “So,” she said with admirable aplomb, “what did he say?”

  I looked from Hana to Saya and Elenari and back again.

  Elenari giggled.

  “He is in,” Saya said, and there was undisguised lust shining in her bright blue eyes. “As are we.”

  Hana looked at me and reached out a hand mutely.

  I took it and got to my feet.

  “You ladies already planned it?” I asked.

  “Of course,” Saya said, getting up and brushing crumbs casually from her front. “You know that it’s best to be prepared if you want to make the most of your moment when it comes.”

  I shook my head in wonder and admiration at the three women.

  “Wise words, Saya,” I said. “Now, speaking of coming moments…”

  * * *

  I was led by the trio of lovely ladies through the backdoor of the generously appointed log cabin, into the main sitting area, and up a staircase the steps crafted from logs split neatly in half. As I walked behind Hana, Saya, and Elenari, I could hear them whispering, as if they had been pals since way back.

  I couldn’t make out what they were saying in their low and excited tones, but I got the impression that they were comparing notes. Or, maybe, they were advising Hana on what she could expect. As we mounted the landing, I did catch a stray sentence or two.

  “Is it how I imagine it will be?” Hana said in her lilting quasi-Eastern European accent. She cast a plum-colored eye over her shoulder and caught me brazenly checking out her ass in the clinging white dress. “I caught sight of his manhood in the pools,” she continued, lowering her voice further—though not far enough to escape my dragon-enhanced hearing when I strained to listen, “and it’s so… big.”

  I peered around Hana’s back and saw Elenari and Saya exchange knowing smirks.

  “Does Mike - does Mike like it rough?” Hana added.

  “That’s what’s so intoxicating to me,” Elenari said to the Vetruscan. “It’s that juxtaposition between how Mike is during battle—a force of nature that will stop at nothing to help his friends and do what must be done for the sake of the Mystocean Empire and its interests—and how he is in the bedchamber. You get to see a different side to him.”

  Saya didn’t bother to keep her voice down as she chipped in with, “But, Hana, that is not to say that at times things don’t get… passionate.”

  I smiled to myself as Saya opened the door to the biggest bedchamber. ‘Passionate’ was one word that could be used to describe the various couplings that Saya, Elenari, and I had enjoyed. Another word might be ‘vigorous’. Yet another might be ‘pornographic’.

  I kicked the door closed behind me. There was a rattle on the window panes that looked out over the fjord and the forest. Turning, I saw that a sun squall had blown in—a gentle shower of rain that fell despite the sun that also shone down.

  It made the atmosphere perfectly cozy.

  I turned and saw the three women eyeing me.

  “Hey,” I said, “don’t let me stop you.”

  They were forthright, bold, and beautiful women. They were confident in their own skins. They knew how formidable, how sexy they were, and they owned that knowledge.

  “You couldn’t stop us if you tried, Mike,” Saya growled, her blue eyes shining like the purest sapphires.

  I watched the trio of beautiful women all start to disrobe. Saya, taking the lead as was her usual modus operandi, came up behind Hana. The blonde gently unwound the furs from around the bearmancer’s neck and pulled down her dress, exposing her perfect C-cup breasts. Hana shivered as Saya ran her fingers over her nipples, and my cock started to come to life, stirring like some animal coming out of hibernation.

  “You know,” Elenari said in a soft voice, her emerald eyes flashing toward me, “I was amazed at how much I enjoyed having another girl, Saya,”

  “The two of you have already slept together?” Hana asked, her voice coming huskily as Saya continued to run her fingertips over her bare chest.

  Saya made a growling sound of agreement.

  “I’m excited that the three of us get to experiment together,” Elenari said.

  There was the soft, sensual sound as she kissed Hana on the cheek.

  Hana made a little sound in her throat. “I don’t mind confiding in you ladies, and you, Mike, that I’m absolutely soaking wet and we haven’t even begun yet.”

  I had to admit that Hana wasn’t the only one who was turned on at the thought of what was coming. My cock seemed to be adamant about bursting out of my breeches.

  “I’ve-I’ve never been with a woman before…” Hana said as she tilted her head back against Saya’s now naked shoulder.

  “Don’t you fret about that,” Elenari said, her dragonmancer attire falling around her like leaves from a tree in autumn so that she was suddenly revealed in all her pale glory. “Like we just touched on, Saya and I have a little experience.”

  Saya laughed throatily, watching past Hana’s shaved head as Elenari stepped forward and began to pull my breeches down.

  “That’s right,” the ashy blonde said as I kicked my boots off and they hit the opposite wall with twin thumps, “and anyway, this union is not just about our own selfish carnal gratifications, is it? This is a case of fucking international relations.”

  “International sexual relations,” I quipped. “The best kind.”

  “You know we’ll take care of you, Hana, and see you have a memorable time. The honor of our Empress is at stake,” Saya said.

  “I doubt the Empress Cyrene has ever entertained the thought of what we are about to do,” I said, pulling my shirt over my head.

  Hana’s deep dark eyes glittered as she watched my cock spring free of the confines of my breeches. Then, she gasped suddenly as Elenari’s hand slipped down her navel and began rubbing gently at her box; working her fingers over the lips and occasionally slipping a digit briefly inside the wet opening.

  “Ladies,” I said, “in the spirit of diplomacy, allow me to extend the olive branch to our Vetruscan guest.”

  Hana, standing naked and wonderful in front of me, smiled at me coyly.

  “Hold on,” Saya said, in a mock outraged voice, “I like the sound of this olive branch.”

  “Me too,” said Elenari, joining in. “I want some of your olive branch, Mike Noctis…”

  Well, I was a people-pleaser, what could I say.

  Hana, Elenari, and Saya, holding hands, proceeded over to the enormous bed. Elenari, as the most selfless woman of the three, positioned Hana in the middle of the trio as they lined up along the wood-framed bed. Then, she said, in imitation of a Drako Academy preceptor, “Ladies, let’s get comfortable, shall we? Let’s show our Vetruscan ally here how diplomacy is done in the Mystocean Empire.”

  Hana, showing that it wasn’t the Vetruscan way just to be pushed around, applied gentle pressure to the backs of the other two women so that they were forced over onto all-fours on the bed, with their asses angled toward me. Then she kicked the dress that had pooled around her feet and flicked the skimpy underwear that she had been wearing at me.

  I caught the miniscule piece of fabric and gave it a sniff.

  The deep, bottomless pools of her eyes flashed as she turned and looked at me over her shoulder. Then, ever… so… slowly she bent down so that she was kneeling on the bed between Elenari and Saya, with her ass pointing straight at me.

  I swallowed. A thought had just occurred to me. It was not exactly what you would call an encouraging thought, but it had popped into my mind nonetheless. The bastard.

  “It’s just dawned on me that I’m not going to be able to finish inside any of you this afternoon,” I said.

  “What’re you talking about, Mike Noctis?” Saya said. Her hand was between her muscular legs as she rubbed hard at her pussy, circling her clit with a forefi

  I swallowed, trying not to let that incredibly erotic sight derail my train of thought.

  “I mean, there are no dragon crystals, no Etherstones here.”

  “Then you can simply finish inside my mouth,” Hana said with a shrug. She clearly didn’t want to miss out today.

  “Consuming your seed won’t lead to pregnancies,” Elenari pointed out, then she frowned. “Will it?” she asked, clearly unsure.

  “Definitely not,” I said with a broad grin.

  Saya pouted prettily at me. “That, as much as I hate to admit it, makes sense.”

  I nodded. “I especially don’t want to plant a baby in you, Hana, since I’m not sure just what kind of offspring we might produce, me being a dragonmancer and you being a bearmancer and all.”

  “Semantics,” Saya said, from between gritted teeth. That hand massaging her sex was getting her well and truly worked up. “Let’s just cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  Elenari giggled excitedly, wiggling her backside invitingly.

  “Make your Empress and your Empire proud, Mike Noctis,” Hana crooned at me, spreading her asscheeks with her hands while keeping her face off the mattress and displaying a core strength that the gym-junkie part of me could really appreciate.

  Her tone alone almost had me bending at the waist involuntarily.

  I stepped forward and lowered my head to the task.

  Hot damn, it was difficult to keep myself from fucking those women until the point of no return, from grabbing Hana by the ass and ramming my cock deep inside her until I filled her with my magical jizz. It was the greatest trial that my libido and I had ever faced.

  I leaned forward and started tonguing Hana’s open, pink pussy. The Vetruscan gasped and arched her back, and a wave of twitches flickered across the skin of her thighs and stomach like ripples on a still pond, as the most sensitive part of her was pleasantly assaulted by my probing tongue.

  Running my tongue from Hana’s clit all the way up her glistening slit, I cast an eye over the side of her asscheek and saw Elenari watching me avidly. Her mouth was slightly open as one hand played with her breasts, pinching hard at one bright pink nipple.


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