Book Read Free

Worth the Risk

Page 28

by Shannon Davis

  “I love you, Rebecca Sharp.”

  “I love you too, Jackson Strickland.”

  “Until the end of time.”

  “Until the end of time,” I echoed.

  We gazed at each other for several moments, smiling and feeling blissful. Then I slowly slid beside him and rested my head on his shoulder. Fondling his chest hair, I pulled my leg over his.

  “Can we just stay like this?” I whispered.

  Jackson reached across the bed and snatched the comforter over us. “Sure can, baby. All night.” He stroked my back and kissed the top of my head. “Sweet dreams,” he whispered.

  I cuddled up closer and flattened my hand against his chest, feeling his heartbeat. The thought of spending the entire night with Jackson, lying naked beside him as we slept, and waking up next to him in the morning, made my heart swell with joy.

  “Sweet dreams,” I said, then closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Sunday, June 4, 2000 ~ Granny’s Warning

  I woke before dawn. My beautiful Rebecca was cuddled next to me on her side, her hair fanned out across her pillow. I reached over and pulled the comforter up, covering her arm, and lightly stroked her bare shoulder. I wondered if she knew how sexy she was. I wondered if she’d ever be able to comprehend how much I loved her. I laid there staring at her for the longest time, in awe by her beauty, thinking about our wonderful night. The passion, the heat, the intensity, the pleasure—it was just as perfect as I had always thought it would be. She was incredible, and I could never imagine being without her again. I wanted to spend every day for the rest of my life with her, loving her. I wanted to give her the world, grow old with her, and protect her forever. For the first time in over a decade, my heart felt whole, and I was excited for the future, eager to experience life with the woman I love.

  I brushed a strand of hair away from her face and leaned over to gently kiss her on the cheek. She was still fast asleep, so I pulled the comforter over her shoulder and slid out of bed, careful not to wake her. I eased the bathroom door shut before turning on the shower. I’d give her Uncle Max a call when I got out, then make her an amazing breakfast. Maybe then I’ll show her the letters, I thought, and tell her everything.

  I hung up the phone, satisfied with my conversation with Max, and cracked three eggs in a mixing bowl. I added a teaspoon of vanilla, a dash of cinnamon, and some milk. My granny taught me how to make the best French toast in the county, and I couldn’t wait for Rebecca to try it. I mixed the ingredients and then dipped the bread, one slice at a time, making sure to coat the entire piece before placing it on the hot griddle. I had already started frying the bacon, so I flipped each piece before getting the fresh fruit out of the fridge.

  The coffee was ready, but I also had apple juice, orange juice, and grape juice, Savannah’s favorite. While the bacon and French toast cooked, I got out a juice glass and a coffee mug for Rebecca and brought all three juices to the table. I was not a big juice drinker myself. I preferred coffee and was already on my second cup. I set the table for two, took up the bacon and French toast, and placed the platter of food on the table, along with the syrup and powdered sugar. Then I wiped my hands and headed toward the bedroom to wake Rebecca.

  She was still sleeping peacefully, so I took my robe off the hook in the bathroom and laid it across the foot of the bed. I leaned over and planted a soft kiss on her neck as I stroked her arm.

  Rebecca lifted her chin and cracked her eyes, then smiled. “Jackson.”

  “Good morning, beautiful. How’d you sleep?”

  She yawned and stretched her arms and legs. “I slept great,” she said, raising up on her elbow. Then she immediately frowned. “Except for that awful dream I had.”

  “You had a bad dream?” I brushed her hair away from her face with my fingertips.

  “Your dad was after us. And he had a gun. I was screaming, afraid he was going to kill me.”

  “I’ll never let anything happen to you. I promise.” I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her to me. “I’ll protect you till the day I die.” I kissed her forehead and pressed my cheek against her hair.

  We stayed locked together for several moments. Then she looked up at me. “How’d you sleep?”

  “Heavenly.” I smiled down at her. “Because I had an angel in my arms.”

  “You have the sweetest lines.”

  “Lines?” I chuckled and caressed her cheek with my fingertips. “Nope. I speak the truth.”

  Rebecca narrowed her eyes and grinned. “I smell bacon.”

  “I made breakfast. You hungry?”


  “I wasn’t sure if you’d want to shower or eat first, so I brought you my robe.”

  “You’re precious, you know that?” As she reached for the robe, the comforter fell, revealing her tender, perky breasts.

  My eyes wandered over her body. “You’re gorgeous, you know that?”

  She chuckled and leaned in to kiss me on the mouth. “Let’s eat while it’s hot. Then you can show me how your shower works.”

  I scooped her into my arms and lifted her off the bed, kissing her neck, her chin, her lips. Then I lowered her down, draped the robe over her shoulders, and cradled her face in my palms. She was a vision of beauty with her long legs, slender waist, and full breasts. I brushed my lips against hers once again before helping her into my robe and tying the belt snug.

  “I could get used to this, Jackson.” She smiled.

  “I sure hope so.” I grinned back at her.

  Rebecca tilted her head and placed her hands on my chest. “If I haven’t already told you, last night was incredible.”

  “I think you may have mentioned it a time or two, but feel free to keep telling me.”

  Her eyes twinkled. “How do you feel about a repeat performance tonight?”

  “I feel like you’re reading my mind,” I said through a low growl.

  She giggled and slid her arms around my neck.

  “But we don’t have to wait till tonight if you don’t want to.” I lowered my head and kissed her below her ear. “All you have to do is say the word. I’m ready and willing to please.” I kissed her mouth, slowly, passionately. “Your satisfaction is my priority.”

  “Oh, Jackson. You’re irresistible.” She lowered her hands, allowing her fingers to trace down my neck to the small triangle of skin left exposed by my V-neck shirt.

  I reached for her butt and pulled her closer, nuzzling her ear. “I’m gonna make love to you every single day for the rest of our lives.” I kissed her deeply and pressed myself against her so she could feel how much she turned me on.

  “Jackson,” she said playfully, “if you don’t stop, we’re gonna wind up right back in bed.”

  I reached inside her robe and caressed her breast as I kissed her. “That’s what I’m hoping for.”

  Her head fell back as she moaned with pleasure. “But we’re picking up Savannah soon.”

  “We can be late.” I nibbled the curve of her ear. “I want you.”

  “Believe me…” Her breathing was heavy. “I want you too. But we shouldn’t be late.” She raised her chin, and her sultry gaze made me grow even harder. “Besides, the anticipation will make tonight that much sweeter.” She slipped her hand down my chest to my jeans and rubbed over my bulge. “I can’t wait to have you inside me again. It’s gonna feel so good.” She gave my erection a gentle squeeze before brushing her lips across mine.

  “You’re killing me,” I groaned.

  Rebecca giggled. “Come on. Let’s go eat breakfast.”

  “Okay.” I sighed. “But rejection sucks, by the way.”

  “I’m not rejecting you.” She kissed me on the lips and pulled away. “I’m going to the restroom.”

  “All right. You win.” I smiled and watched her disappear into the bathroom. Seeing her, kissing her, touching her… The things I wanted to do to her… She was definitely sweet
. God! So damn sweet. I fully intended to make love to her for hours tonight. I cursed under my breath as I tramped to the kitchen with my very-noticeable and throbbing-like-crazy hard-on.

  I topped off my coffee and poured Rebecca a fresh cup, then set the mugs on the table. I wasn’t sure how she liked her coffee, so I put out the cream and sugar too just as she came around the corner.

  “Well, hello there, gorgeous. Come here often?” I pulled out her chair.

  She smiled, kissed me on the cheek, and sat down. “More lines?”

  “Pfft! Never.” I took a seat across from her and admired her beauty. She’d washed her face and pulled her hair back in a ponytail. She looked eighteen again. Fresh, innocent, radiant. “How do you take your coffee?”

  “Well, I usually drink it with heavy cream and no sugar, but I think I’ll have it your way this morning.” Rebecca smiled.

  “Straight up black?”

  “I like the way it tasted when you kissed me.” She waggled her eyebrows as she took a sip.

  “I like the way it tasted when I kissed you too.” God Almighty. She doesn’t realize what she does to me. I scrubbed my hand down my face, smoothing my whiskers, then served her two pieces of French toast and two strips of bacon.

  “Thank you.” She batted her eyes as she reached for the powdered sugar and strawberries.

  “I talked to Max,” I said, grabbing a couple of pieces of French toast and some bacon.

  She looked up as she covered her toast in powdered sugar. “Oh? What’d he say?”

  “He said he was actually going to call me this morning, but I beat him to it. The warden from the prison contacted him yesterday evening and told him my dad had escaped.”

  Rebecca’s eyes were intense. She passed me the powdered sugar, then drizzled syrup all over the sugar-coated toast before covering it in strawberries.

  “The authorities discovered some falsified dental records and realized that the man who burned up in the prison fire was a guy named Clemmons, not my dad. The authorities thought it was Clemmons who’d escaped, so they were looking for the wrong man the whole time.”

  “That’s crazy.” Rebecca took her first bite of French toast, and her expression totally changed. “Jackson! This is incredible.” She finished chewing and swallowed. “Who taught you to cook?”

  I chuckled and took a sip of coffee. “Granny Ruby.”

  “I should’ve known.” She grinned and took another bite. “So, how’d they figure everything out?

  “Some prisoners were talking about dad’s escape, calling him Houdini. The guards got wind of it and started asking questions. In the meantime, dad robbed a convenience store and shot the clerk.”

  “Oh my God! Like shot and killed?”

  “Correct. Dad’s face, along with the entire incident, was caught on camera.”

  Rebecca took another bite. “Does the warden know he’s here?”

  “I expect that’s why he contacted Max. He probably figured Dad would return since this is where he’s from, and his immediate family still lives here.”

  “Makes sense.” Rebecca sipped her coffee. “This is so good.” She winked, flirting with me. “You told Uncle Max he tried to run us over last night, right?”

  I nodded. “I told him everything.”

  “What’d he say?”

  I swallowed the last bite of bacon and finished off my coffee. “Well, after a few choice words, he told me he already had officers looking for my dad.”

  “They’ll catch him. He’ll be back in custody before we know it.” Rebecca placed her knife and fork on her empty plate. “That was wonderful, Jackson. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” I lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles.

  “You’re amazing.” She smiled.

  “Not as amazing as you.” I leaned over and kissed her on the lips. “I love how sweet you taste.”

  She chuckled. “It’s the syrup.”

  “It’s you, babe. You’ve always been sweet.”

  “So have you. Which is why I don’t understand how you could have a father like Frank.”

  I stroked the back of her hand with my thumb. “I knew he’d be back. He told me he would.”

  Her eyebrows lowered in concern. “What do you mean?”

  “There’s something I need to show you.” I walked over to the counter, opened the bottom drawer, and pulled out a small stack of mail.

  Rebecca’s eyebrows pinched together. “What’s that?”

  “Letters my dad wrote to me from prison.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened in disbelief.

  “You’re welcome to read them.” I handed the mail to her. “He says he hates me, he’s coming for me, and he’s gonna find a way to get out of prison so he can kill me.”

  “Jackson!” Rebecca looked at me, her face full of anguish.

  “He blames me for everything. For him going to prison, for Mom having a drug problem, for her leaving him. He says I’m the reason for all their troubles, and they never wanted me in the first place.”

  “That’s awful.” She frowned, then her eyes dropped to the letters as she scanned each one.

  I sat down and grabbed another piece of bacon. “What’s awful is he says Mom had an abortion when she found out she was pregnant.”

  Rebecca lifted her eyes. Her lips parted, but she said nothing.

  “The doctor didn’t realize there were two fetuses and only aborted one, my brother.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You don’t believe that, do you, Jackson?”

  I shrugged. “It kind of explains some of her comments.”

  “Comments?” She studied my face. “Like what?”

  “One time, she told me I almost had a brother, but he didn’t make it.”

  Rebecca gasped. “Oh my God! I remember that!”

  I sighed. “Isn’t it strange how some things from your childhood stick with you forever?”

  She nodded and put her hand on mine as a frown pulled at her face.

  “Aside from the alcohol and abuse, I always knew something wasn’t right with my family. You know how it was. My parents weren’t warm and loving and involved like yours. They never had time for me. I always felt like I was in the way, a burden, a mistake.”

  “Jackson!” She squeezed my hand. “I don’t care what these letters say or how your parents made you feel, you are not a mistake. Do you hear me? It was God’s plan they had you. He wanted you to be born. And if your mom did have an abortion, then that just proves you’re a miracle. Just like Savannah. You’re both miracles.”

  I smiled at her conviction and blinked away the stinging in my eyes. “I appreciate that, and I love you for feeling that way.”

  “He’s a sick man, Jackson. None of us are safe till he’s back in prison.”

  “I won’t let him hurt us. I’ll kill him with my bare hands if I have to.”

  “Did you tell Uncle Max about the letters?”

  I nodded. “I told him about every single threat.”

  Rebecca spread the stack out on the table. “Nine letters. How long was he writing to you?”

  “About two years. Just before the fire. When we were notified he’d died, the letters stopped coming. Then, out of the blue, I got this one a few weeks ago.” I tapped my finger on the last letter.

  “It must’ve gotten lost or something.” Rebecca picked up the letter and inspected it. “Wait a minute! All the letters have Mrs. Ruby’s address on them, except for—”

  “Except for that one.”

  Rebecca’s eyes darted from me to the letter, then back to me. “Jackson! This is your address!”

  “I know.”

  “This means he knows—” Rebecca gasped. “He knows where you live!”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “And look at the post mark.”

  Rebecca studied the faint ink across the front of the stamp. “This was mailed last month. From Panama City.”

  “That’s how I knew he was back. He’s coming to do what he wanted to do from t
he very beginning—kill me.”

  We pulled up at Granny Ruby’s around eleven o’clock. As soon as we got out of the truck, Savannah ran out the front door, yelling, “Daddy! Daddy!” But when she saw Rebecca, everything changed. Savannah squealed, threw her arms in the air, and forgot all about me.

  “Oh, my goodness! Look at your pretty hair!” Rebecca lifted Savannah in her arms. “I love your braids. Did your granny do that?”

  Savannah nodded and hugged Rebecca tight.

  “Don’t I get a hug?” I tickled Savannah on the ribs.

  She giggled and squirmed in Rebecca’s arms. “No, Daddy! No, no!”

  Rebecca ran to the porch, bouncing Savannah in her arms. “Don’t tickle my baby.”

  I chased after them, growling, “I’m gonna get her!”

  “No!” Savannah pointed at me. “Bad Daddy!”

  Rebecca held her tight. “I won’t let that bad daddy get my baby.”

  Savannah laughed, waving her hand at me, then tightened her arms around Rebecca’s neck and kissed her on the cheek.

  “I thought you were my baby,” Granny said.

  “She’s my baby,” I roared, “and I’m gonna eat those baby back ribs!” I nuzzled my face between her tiny shoulder blades and made chomping sounds.

  Savannah squealed and stiffened in Rebecca’s arms. I grabbed her and smothered her with kisses. “Daddy loves you, sweetheart. Were you good for Granny?”

  Savannah nodded her head, then stuck her finger in my ear and giggled.

  “Girl, you better get that finger outta my ear.” I grabbed her hand and pretended to gnaw on it. Of course, that’s what she wanted me to do, and she giggled and squealed some more.

  “Savannah’s always good for me, ain’t ya, shug?” Granny smiled. “Y’all hungry?”

  “No ma’am. I cooked Rebecca French toast this morning.”

  “He sure did, Mrs. Ruby. And it was delicious. I can’t believe what a great cook he is.”

  “He was bored to death after therapy, so I showed him how to cook. Next thing I knew, he had taken over my kitchen.”


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