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Ms Patriot- Blissful Fate

Page 1

by Don Ship


  Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril


  Don Ship


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  Rogue House Press on Smashwords

  Copyright 2015 by Don Ship

  Cover by Tony Tzanoukakis

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes:

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase our own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  * * * * *

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, and locations within are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, or locales is entirely coincidental. All characters in this story are 18 years old or older.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  About the Author

  List of other titles available

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  Ms Patriot: Blissful Fate

  Grimme City Super Heroines in Peril

  Jennifer Jade sat at a small bistro table in the upscale street café. She was eating a salad, with a bottle of water. It was her favorite restaurant. She ate there almost every day, Monday through Friday. Sitting at her usual table, dressed in black silk suit and skirt, with black hose and stiletto pumps, Jennifer was having a wonderful lunch until Erica Sambino walked up.

  "Ah, who do we have here?" Erica sneered. "The salad's a good idea, Jennifer darling. Your ass is getting a bit big of late. I would cut back on the salad dressing, though."

  Jennifer patted around her mouth carefully with a napkin, and then looked Erica over. As usual, the Sambino Family crime boss wore all leather. Not kinky leather, but a high fashion leather outfit. Today, she wore a white leather bolero jacket over a pale pink leather bustier. The skirt was short and white leather, and the stiletto pumps were the same pink as the bustier. Sparking diamonds glittered at her ears, throat and both wrists. The leather outfit was tasteful, but the jewelry was gaudy.

  "To what do I own the pleasure of this visit?" Jennifer said civilly, but just barely. The two women glowered at each other a long second. "Shouldn't you be off importing drugs or having someone close to you whacked?"

  Erica's dark eyes narrowed dangerously. She flicked long, luxurious brown hair over her shoulder and stepped a bit closer. Jennifer noticed her right hand was a tight fist, which she placed next to Jennifer's plate as she leaned over.

  "You should be more careful, Ms Jade," Erica said tightly. "I would hate for something unfortunate to happen to the city's premier busybody, goody-two-shoes. You know what I mean?"

  "I'm not afraid of you, Erica," Jennifer said dismissively.

  "You should be."

  "Is there a reason you came over here? I mean, besides ruining my lunch by giving me a sour stomach?" Jennifer said, locking unflinching baby blue eyes on Erica's fierce brown eyes.

  "Yes. I have a suggestion."

  "Which is?"

  "Forget my name. Stop inciting the police, citizens, and super heroines against me and my associates. Leave us alone, and we'll leave you alone," Erica said. "But if you continue… Well, things could get a bit ugly."

  Jennifer raised a haughty eyebrow at her. It was true. Jennifer was trying to light a fire under the feet of the police, both local and state. She was tired of the local crime families conducting business almost without fear of arrest or conviction. She wasn't sure, but she thought the police were being paid off, and was pretty sure the new DA was in Erica's pocket as well. Between her dual identities as Jennifer Jade, billionaire, and Ms Patriot, Champion of Justice, she planned to bring Erica and the Sambino Family down – HARD. The fact that Erica was taking the time to personally warn her off indicated she was feeling the heat and was worried.

  "I see no reason to stop," Jennifer said. "I think I like the way the winds are blowing right now."

  "Humph!" Erica huffed indignantly. She graced Jennifer with a withering, contemptuous sneer. "Ignorance is bliss, they say. I say this is bliss."

  With that, Erica's right fist opened to reveal a capsule. A second later she snapped it under Jennifer's nose. The overpowering, thick stench of roses smashed into Jennifer as the drug hit her. And before she could take another breath, the grandfather of all climaxes smashed into her.

  "Aaaiiieee! Oh, Goddess!" Jennifer cried, back arched and hands clutching at her own breasts. "Aaaggh!"

  "Have fun, Jennifer," Erica said, and laughed as she turned on a heel and strode away.

  Jennifer froze, wild-eyed, as she grabbed the edge of the table and just sat there trembling violently. She struggled to stay in control of her mind, body, and libido, but felt that super-powered aphrodisiac sinking its insidious claws into her. The raven-maned beauty whimpered as all self-control, all inhibitions bled away.

  She glanced at Erica's retreating form, and loving the way her shiny, dark hair bounced with every step, loving the way her sweet round rump shook and wiggled. As she watched her nemesis leaving, Jennifer's hand crept down between her legs and began to rub her sopping wet pussy enthusiastically.

  "Ooooooooh," she groaned, so close and yet so far from supreme pleasure.

  Jennifer understood what was happening, only too well. Bliss was that most evil of aphrodisiacs currently on the black market. One whiff and the victim climaxed dramatically, and then became uncontrollably horny and wanton. A small part of her mind, way down and in back, was screaming in rage and humiliation, but the greater part of her mind and shapely body was charging forward into lust and carnal delights full steam.

  "Is there a problem, Ms Ja… Oh! Ms Jade!" Eduardo, her waiter, said. His eyes grew big as he realized where her hand was, and what it was doing. Without thought, Jennifer slid out of her chair and knelt before the twenty-something Hispanic waiter. A second later his pants were unzipped and she had his cock in hand. All he could do was gasp when she sucked his semi-flaccid cock into her mouth. "Oh, God."

  "Mmmm," Jennifer groaned.

  Eduardo quickly grew big and hard in her hot, eager mouth. She rolled her tongue all around the head, and then licked it up and down as she fondled his hairy balls. Due to his surprise, and her natural talent and drug-induced ardor, Jennifer quickly brought him to climax. She gobbled all of his cum down with relish.

  "Mmmm, yummy," Jennifer said, licking her lips as she looked around eager-eyed. Oddly enough, there was another waiter behind Eduardo with tented pants. "Come to momma, big boy."

  Jennifer gave Billy a long minute of cock-licking and head, then climbed up onto her table, yanked off her black thong panties, and spread her legs wide. That gave everyone a good view of the bikini-waxed and close-cropped Promised Land, and showed that she was wearing black hose and matching garter belt.

  "Mount up, Cowboy," Jennifer said, and guided Billy straight into her pussy. He slid in easily, what with her twat being sopping wet and slippery with natural lubricants. It felt so good she shuddered violently, and then her head rolled back and lolled around with her intense pleasure. "Uuuuuggghh, Goddess, that feels good."

  Like Eduardo, Billy was too excited to stay in the saddle long. He was replaced by a passerby, who was replaced by one of the café's patrons after that. Indeed, Jennifer let seven
men bang her on that table, before the manager came out and chased her away.

  "Last time I patronize your business!" Jennifer shouted angrily as she staggered away. She was so hot and sweaty now. So she pulled off her thousand dollar suit jacket and tossed it away. "Goddess, I need relief. Need it badly."

  Under her jacket was a simple red silk chemise, with spaghetti straps. It was thin, but she still felt hot. So Jennifer reached up under the chemise and pulled off her bra, releasing her large boobs. That felt better, and she rather enjoyed the enticing feel of her big fat tits bouncing freely as she walked, soft titty flesh rubbing against silky chemise. Her nipples grew harder and more pronounced. That attracted the undivided attention of every man she passed.

  What am I doing? Jennifer thought, pausing at an intersection. To the right were downtown and Jade Towers, and thus the safety of her office. Straight ahead was a nightclub and restaurant district full of people out on their lunch break. Lots of people. And to her left, three blocks away, was the outskirts of Sugar Town, the meanest, seediest and largest of Grimme City's many red-light districts. Erica drugged me with Bliss, of all things. I am burning up with need. I am so going to get that bitch!

  So Jennifer headed for Jade Towers. She was, as she kept silently repeating to herself, a superior woman and more than strong enough to overcome the effects of a single whiff of Bliss though sheer willpower.

  A loud rumbling roar came up from behind, and an outlaw biker slowed to pace Jennifer as she strode down the sidewalk, titanic tits bouncing enticingly. The busty billionaire tried to ignore him, now that she had regained some of her senses. Thank the Goddess she was a superior woman and was capable of overcoming the effects of Bliss so well.

  "Hey, Sweetheart, wanna go for a joy ride on my bike?" the biker said

  Jennifer whirled on him to give him a big, bitter piece of her mind. But she was stunned speechless. He was a magnificent god of a man – broad shoulders, narrow waist, long dark hair, and piercing blue eyes. He was tan, wearing faded jeans and a leather vest. Jennifer's libido went into overdrive, and she gasped from loss of breath.

  "Huh?" she barely managed. "I-I mean… Oh Goddess, save me." She groaned, but couldn't help herself. He was so fuckable, and she needed it so badly. "I'd rather you go for a joy ride on me, baby." She stepped off the sidewalk, sat down behind him and reached around to grab his crotch. "Let's go."

  The biker quickly did a U-turn and headed for Sugar Town. He pulled into the first alley in Sugar Town, and pulled her around to straddle his waist. They kissed deeply for a long time, before he pushed her back atop the gas tank of his Harley and pulled out his big dick.

  Jennifer spread her mile-long legs wide, creating a wide, sexy V pointing up and out. She watched with bated breath as he guided his cock straight to, and into her pussy. She bit her lip and groaned wantonly as that thick shaft spread her wide and pushed deeper and deeper.

  "You're that rich bitch on TV always preaching chastity, aren't you?" the biker sneered as he pushed her chemise up over her boobs. "That Jennifer Jade chick, right?"

  "Yes," she said, and groaned. "I'm Jennifer Jade. Oh, baby. Harder. Please, fuck me harder."

  "Cool," he said, and obliged by thrusting into her pussy like a madman. Then he leaned over and started to suck, nibble, and lick her perfect pair. "Mmmmmm, great titties."

  "Oooooh. Aaawww, baby," Jennifer cried softly. "You're so good to me. Oh, yes, just like that."

  The sexy business and moral icon writhed wantonly beneath the biker, impaled upon his pistoning cock, savoring every stroke, every second of her ravishment. The liquid heat deep in her belly suddenly started building, intensifying, spreading throughout her sexy body. Jennifer began panting, sweating. She felt her pussy, so happy now, begin to quiver with supreme pleasure.

  "Oh God, how are you doing that?" the biker cried, wide-eyed. "This is incredible!"

  The feelings deep within became too much for the usually chaste beauty. She began to buck and gasp, clutching desperately at her lover of the moment. That mad rush to climax began; she laughed with delight, and then gasped. It was going to be a big one.

  "Great – Oh… Aaaaggh!" Jennifer cried, back bowed.

  Suddenly, the biker pulled out and surprised Jennifer. He picked her up, flipped her over, and dropped her back atop the gas tank face down. Sprawled like that on the motorcycle, the sexy billionaire babe panted and tried to regain control of her raging body and emotions. Then she felt his rough hands on her silky soft, shapely rump.

  "What?" she gasped, knowing something was wrong. Then the sticky wet cock head pressed up against her sphincter. "No, not – Uuuuggghh!"

  "Butt fucking Jennifer Jade, a real good thing," the biker laughed.

  She grabbed the handlebars, head thrown back, and screamed. Her feet came off the ground, knees bent, and kicked at the air. And he kept pounding her tight, spasming ass. Then, after a moment or two, the pain slowly turned to pleasure, and her cries of pain turned to groans of pleasure.

  "Oh Goddess, I'm such a wanton whore," Jennifer groaned. "Oh, baby, fuck me. Goddess forgive me, but I love it so much."

  The biker reached down and around, and started roughly fondling her titanic tits, intensifying her pleasure. Already aroused, Jennifer quickly responded to that most taboo of sex acts, and felt her body began that heady rush to orgasm.

  "Yes! Yes! Aaaaggh! Oh yes!" Jennifer cried happily. Then she felt him come, filling her poop chute with hot cum. "Oh my Goddess! Aaaaggh!"

  To her surprise, while her super shapely body was still trembling and quaking from that intense climax, the biker pulled out of her ass, and shoved her off his motorcycle. Jennifer landed on her naked butt on the cold concrete and looked up at the outlaw biker with wide blue eyes. He laughed, kick started the Harley, and left.

  The biker vanished in the thunder of his bike down the alley, leaving Jennifer sitting on the pavement of the alley in nothing but garter belt, hose, and pumps. As the sound of his Harley faded away, Jennifer heard voices down the alley. She recognized one, and it froze her heart. King Pimp! If he caught her while she was hopped up on Bliss, she would be working in his brothel before the hour was out.

  Then, three dark figures began coming down the alley. Jennifer panicked, mostly due to how her libido was firing up in anticipation of King Pimp finding her. Surely he would fuck the crap out of her first, before forcing her to turn tricks. Rumor was that every woman that fucked King Pimp wanted to be his whore. He was the ultimate bitch tamer and pimp.

  That thought brought her hand down to her pussy, and she began to rub. Her fertile mind was filled with visions of his big black cock inside her, pounding her into sexual submission, conquering her wild heart, enslaving her passion and desire. Those dark thoughts of submitting to utter domination and subjugation sent her emotions into a tailspin of need and desire.

  What? What am I doing? she thought dizzily. Sweet Justice, have I gone mad? I can't let him have me. I'm Jennifer Jade! I'm Ms Patriot!

  Her top and skirt were tossed aside, somewhere in that dimly lit alley. She looked around with wild eyes, then spotted a door slightly ajar. Forgetting about her clothes, Jennifer quickly crawled to the door and slipped inside. She eased the door closed behind her and leaned back against it, huffing and puffing. Heart racing, she tried to listen as the notorious pimp approached and passed by, but she couldn't hear anything over her thundering heart. So she got up and headed down that dark hallway.

  The hallway opened out in a large open room full of scantily clad women. It took her a little while before she realized where she was – Babe Bazaar. Almost the whole first floor of that old hotel was now a place where hookers stood around and johns came up to them, away from the prying eyes of the police and out of the weather.

  "Hey, who are you?" Gus said. He was Babe Bazaar's manager. A former pimp, now too old and fat to keep any working girls, the ancient African-American worked for King Pimp. Gus was about six foot even, but with skinny arms and skinnier l
egs. But he had a big belly. Very fat belly. His hair was steel grey and slicked straight back. His voice was deep and gravelly, like an old blues singer. "Hey, I know you. You're that rich bitch, Jennifer Jade. What are you doing here?"

  "I-I-I need your help," she said, wide eyed. She'd been bargaining on no one recognizing her. The raven-maned beauty's mind tried to come up with a reason she would be in a brothel, in Sugar Town, and naked. "I just need to call Jade Manor, to have someone come pick me up. My-my date… Yes! My date seduced me and tossed me out of his car a few minutes ago in the alley behind your business. Will you help me?"

  "Jennifer Jade putting out in a car in a Sugar Town alley?" he said, incredulous.

  Without thought, she said, "I am drugged with Bliss."

  "Bliss?" he said, suddenly interested. "You're on Bliss now?"

  "Yes, will you help me?"

  "Wow, I never dreamed I'd have a Blissed out Jennifer Jade in my…," he started to say, then stopped himself. Then he smiled reassuringly, but a smile that didn't quite make it to his hard brown eyes. "Of course I'll help you, Ms Jade. Come this way, and we'll get you away from public scrutiny. A woman of your stature needs her privacy."

  "Oh, thank you!" Jennifer said, relieved. She followed him past the hotel's old check-in desk/counter. There was a tall chair there that Gus sat upon and watched over his domain. "You don’t know how grateful I'll be for this kindness." She looked around as they moved down a short, well-appointed hallway. "Where is the phone?"

  "Oh, this way," Gus said, stopping to wave her into a door. "Don't worry about the phone. I'm going to take good care of you, Ms Jade."

  Jennifer hurried through the door, and immediately pulled up short. "Huh?"


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