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Revived Page 11

by Christine Michelle

  “Holy shit, hot momma! Has Gabe seen you, yet?” Cal asked as she strode into the room just as we were finishing our meal.

  “Yeah, he got called away though,” Chevy told her while wiggling his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

  “Bet he was pissed about that,” Cal teased. “If I swung for the other team, you’d probably have to beat me off that ass with a stick.”

  “I’ll beat your ass off with my stick,” Wen called out as he approached, having heard his woman’s taunting comments to me. Then he did a double take to see who Cal had been talking to. “Fuck me! Mel, has Gabe seen you yet?”

  I couldn’t help the laughter that erupted from me that time. “Why does everyone keep asking me that?”

  “Because you look like a fuckin’ wet dream walking around like that.”

  “I’m not even mad about that comment because I agree,” Cal told him.

  “You’ll always be my ONLY wet dream, baby,” Wen told her. To which Cal rolled her eyes and mumbled, “If only.”

  “We have to go,” Chevy finally told them. “I promised Mel the full concert experience. WE have to be out there for the opening act tonight.”

  Wen laughed. “Stealing your dad’s woman, huh?”

  Chevy winked while I shook my head, prepared to deny that I was Gabe’s. Too quickly though, Chevy had a hold of my hand and tugged me toward the door. “Gotta go,” he called out as we moved. I assumed we were trying to move through fast enough that no one else would stop us.

  “Why does everyone keep insinuating that I’m your dad’s anything?”

  “Because you are.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Agree to disagree, Mel. My dad is infatuated with you.” We left it at that and moved to hit up the side of the stage to take in The Funky Tenderloins. “What a name,” Chevy commented and I laughed with him. They were a local band who had apparently won a battle of the bands style contest to open the show that night.

  They mostly played classic rock covers with two original songs thrown in. The originals were pretty good, which made me hate their name even more. It didn’t suit them at all. “If only they’d change their name,” I mentioned just as they all took a bow and started to walk off the stage, heading in our direction. The lead singer, who had to be around 30-years-old, gave me a rather indecent eye-fucking before he went all in and scooped me in towards his body, ready to plant a very unwanted, extremely wet kiss on me. A giant palm slapped forward from over my shoulder and slammed right into the man’s face instead. That action caused his bandmates to howl in laughter.

  “Dude, you got face-palmed by Gabe Fucking North.”

  The singer shook it off. “What the fuck, man?”

  “She’s off limits,” Gabe warned as the road crew slid around us to go swap a couple of things out before Dusty Rose took the stage.

  “Sorry, I didn’t realize the groupies were claimed this early.”

  “She’s not a fucking groupie,” Gabe seethed. It was only then that I realized Chevy was no longer at my side. I turned to see him come strolling back in with security.

  “We have a problem here?” The extremely large, security man asked. There was a name sewn into his shirt, indicating that his name was Phoenix.

  “Nah, just a misunderstanding,” the overeager singer mentioned. Then he apologized to Gabe.

  “Don’t apologize to me. You owe it to her. And while you’re here, on our tour tonight, you will gain consent from anyone before you put your hands on them. Understood?”

  The singer, whose name I still didn’t know, simply nodded, looking properly chastised, before he walked off. Gabe’s hand came up to my shoulders and squeezed as he leaned over me in order to speak into my ear and be heard over the racket of the crowd beyond the stage. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded my head before he turned me so he could look me in the eye. “I’m fine,” I told him. He didn’t seem to believe me at first. Then, he leaned in and placed a kiss on my forehead.

  “Too beautiful for your own good,” he mumbled before turning to walk off. He hesitated long enough to say something to his son, pat him on the back, and then point to both Chevy and myself as he informed Phoenix that he needed to stick close to us all night.

  It was sweet how protective Gabe was, and I’ll admit, also hot as fuck. The way he palmed that man’s face and tossed him back off of me… I cannot lie, my sex clenched, panties soaked, and heart soared all at once.

  “Mel?” Chevy called, and it seemed as though it might not have been for the first time. His worry slipped into an amusing grin. “I was trying to ask if you were all right, but judging by all that,” he swooshed his hand in front of me to indicate my no-doubt flushed face, rapid breathing, and maybe my tightly clenched thighs. “You’re just hot for the caveman display my dad just put on. Good to know. I’m taking notes. I wonder if that would work on Opal too?” The boy was damn near giddy as he spoke.

  “Lord help the world, and it’s women, when you Kendrick boys are finally unleashed on the lot of them,” I told him with a wink.

  “Damn straight!”

  Dusty Rose had already taken the stage, and those four ladies put on a hell of a show for everyone. Calista, the sweet demeanor having woman who had become a friend to me, was someone else on that stage. She was a sex goddess incarnate, a glorious masterpiece with the voice of a sultry angel.

  She had the men pining for her and the women longing to be her. “She’s something else,” I managed to say beyond my awed, slack-jawed expression.

  “Yeah she is,” Chevy agreed with me. “Can’t believe you guys are friends and you didn’t bother to come watch them before now.”

  “I’m here now,” I corrected.

  “’Bout time,” John Dormier whisper-yelled from right beside me as he walked up with Wen hot on his heels. “We were wondering if you were ever going to come watch a show or if you just hated music.” He told me while bumping his hip into mine. I knew he was teasing me, but I wondered if I had come off as a bit of snob somehow by not doing this sooner.

  We danced and joked around as Dusty Rose finished their set. Wen and John had hung around with us, watching, but Gabe hadn’t made an appearance yet. He’d have to eventually, since they were up next. Alex and Tim looked like they were hanging around on the other side of the stage for some reason. I waved when they looked our way, but only Tim returned the gesture. Alex gave us his back after that, talking to a woman who was on that side, waiting.

  Once the set was cleared, Chevy ran off to go grab us some water bottles and managed to get back just as his father came rushing past and ran out on stage. Gabe hadn’t acknowledged either of us. Chevy gave me an odd look but then turned to watch his father and the rest of Valhalla Rising as they started to put on an amazing show. “They’re on fire tonight,” he commented just as they finished one of their more popular rock anthems, Driven to Glory.

  “They are,” I agreed as all the lights dimmed a bit.

  “I’d like to acknowledge a special guest we have over in the wings tonight. She’s made a special place for herself in our hearts, has been there to help my family in our time of need, and is a fucking rock star in her own right. Mel, this one’s for you…” The band dropped right into the next song without missing a beat. It was a ballad about sacrifice, loving someone, and hurting while you do. It was about finally seeing the light and being loved so thoroughly you just knew you’d never be lost to the darkness again. I was completely caught off guard by the dedication, even as I stood there swaying back and forth while singing along. I was so swept up that it completely missed my notice that Chevy had been filming my reaction.

  “That was the best thing ever,” I managed to get out in the relative quiet between one song and the next. Chevy clicked something on his phone then, before tucking it back away in his pocket. When the final encore finished, I hugged the beautiful boy. “Thank you for making me finally do this. I think I get it now too.” I pointed to the crowd who were still
on their feet, screaming, stomping, and begging for just one more song from their favorite band.

  “Ah yes, the complete adoration,” he snickered while hugging me back. “Actually, I just want to make music and share it with the world. All that hoopla is like the sprinkles on top of a Sunday, appreciated, but not necessary.”

  “Are you sure you’re a teenager? You sound like a wise old man,” I informed him as the band began to head our way. They all looked completely amped up and elated with their performances.

  “Damn girl, you should be out here every night. You’re like a good luck charm,” Tim told me as he offered a careful side hug, while trying not to drench me in his smelly man-sweat.

  “Maybe, if you promise no more messy hugs,” I called to his back as he kept on moving. I saw his shoulders shaking as he all but ran backstage.

  “Don’t mind him, he’s been ready to hit the John since our first encore,” Alex mentioned

  “I warned him about road fish. Always say no to road fish,” Wen laughed as he said it.

  “Would that be the food they were serving in craft services tonight or another type of fish?” Alex asked crudely, laughing at his own joke.

  “You know Tim doesn’t touch skank,” Wen explained before offering me a less sweaty high five. “What did you think?”

  “It was amazing. I can see why you guys make it through now,” I told him.

  “What’s that mean?” Gabe asked as he came to stand so close, I swear I could feel the hum of energy coming from him.

  “You know, all day long, you guys are buzzing all over the place. Some days start before sunup and then you go on stage last, and that happens…” I pointed out there to the now dark stage where the crew was already hard at work taking things down. “I don’t know where you get the energy.”

  “Some days, neither do I,” John admitted. Then he winked and took off as quickly as Tim had.

  I laughed. “Let me guess, he had the fish too?”

  Gabe smiled widely. “Neither of them ever listens.”

  “I can’t believe you did that tonight. Thank you, it was…”

  My words trailed off because I couldn’t think of anything that showed both the excitement and gratitude it deserved.

  “You don’t have to thank me for honoring all you’ve done.” Gabe whispered the words into my ear when I hadn’t been able to finish with my sentiment. His warm breath against the shell of my ear made me shiver all over. Gabe’s eyes laser-focused on my goosebumps and then to the nipples on my chest that were rock hard for so many reasons. “Why don’t you guys come on back while I grab a quick shower and change?” All I could do was bob my head and follow along as I pictured Gabe’s naked body, suds attempting and failing to hide all the fun places to explore. Sweet baby Jesus, I needed to get a grip.

  Once we were deposited into Gabe’s dressing room, which had an en-suite bathroom in it, Chevy couldn’t seem to wipe the smile from his face. He just watched me trying to collect myself. “What?” I finally asked.

  “Still don’t believe that he’s into you too?” He asked me quietly.

  The part of me that was high on endorphins and excitement wanted to agree. Then there was the cautionary side of my personality clawing at my insides, telling me, ‘no’. I’d seen how close he was with Kendra, and how they’d sneaked off to be alone, only to have him come out of the room wearing different clothing. I couldn’t openly talk about that with Chevy though. I’d thought about using Calista as a sounding board about my worries, but I didn’t want to put Gabe’s business out there to someone who was essentially a coworker and his friend.

  “Mel?” Chevy called out, concern lacing my name as he spoke.

  “I’m fine,” I waved away his concern. “It’s just been an interesting night.”

  “I’m sorry,” his meek apology actually made me feel bad. “I won’t push the issue anymore. Promise.”

  “Thanks,” I whispered just as the door to the bathroom opened to emit a billowing river of steam. Then, the rock God of the night emerged.

  “We ready?” Gabe asked as water dripped down from the end of his hair to his neck and got lost in the collar of the t-shirt he put on. The t-shirt was an old Led Zeppelin concert tee that looked as though it was paper thin and soft as a cloud thank tot the years of washing and wearing. I wanted to snuggle into that shirt and never come out, especially since it would now smell like Gabe, fresh from the shower.

  “Ready for what?” Chevy asked his dad, which effectively pulled me out of my daydreams of wearing that shirt to bed.

  “We have a meet and greet tonight with fans who won a contest. I’d like for you both to be there.”

  “Sure,” the son answered as his father turned to me, waiting for my response. I’ll admit, I was a bit hesitant, because I’d been down one too many daydream trips all night to curb my possessiveness of the man who didn’t belong to me. I wasn’t sure how I’d handle seeing groupies all over him.

  “If it helps, you would be doing me a favor by coming along. It’ll discourage people from getting too close, and too comfortable near me.”

  There was no hiding my bark of laughter. “You need me to be your human shield? Groupie cockblock, if you will?” I asked for fun.

  Chevy laughed along with me as Gabe finally made himself look human, after his godly display on stage, by rolling his eyes at the both of us. “Come on Mel, be my savior,” he begged.

  “Fine, I’ll save your ass today,” I told him as I stood and moved to run my fingers over the shirt he was wearing. It was just as buttery soft as I had expected.

  “What was that?” Gabe asked as he took a step closer so there was only a hair’s breadth between us.

  “Sorry,” I yelped, while snatching my fingers back as if they’d been burned. “I was just curious how soft that shirt was,” I admitted as Gabe took hold of my hand and placed it flat on his chest.

  “Pretty soft. I’ve had this shirt for a long while. Let’s see,” he hummed as he thought for a moment. “Since my first year in Los Angeles.” His voice was hoarse, but he still managed to maintain an almost whisper as he spoke, keeping us planted firmly in the little bubble that held only the two of us. That was right up until someone else, clearing their throat, broke the spell we had both been under.

  “Don’t mean to burst your happy little bubble there, but someone already knocked on the door. I think that was your cue to get to the after party,” Chevy informed us.

  Gabe slid his hand back down my arm, until he got to the hand I still had perched on his chest. Then, he interlaced our fingers, and we began to move as one unit, almost as a family, to the room where the guys were supposed to be signing things for the fans and taking pictures with them. We walked into the room just like that and I’m not sure what kind of statement it made, but it definitely made an impact.

  11 – Hands On

  Finally, it felt like I’d made progress with Melanie. Nothing had ever felt sweeter than the moment she willingly put her hands on me. I didn’t believe for one minute that it was only to feel the shirt. That may have been a slim part of it, but I believe she had a fantasy playing out in that beautiful brain of hers and I was all for it. Hell, I envisioned taking the damn thing off to put over what Mel had worn that night because there hadn’t been a single male in the group who didn’t get a glimpse, or an outright drool-filled stare at her tits in that shirt. They were on display in the absolute best way. It just pissed me off that everyone else got to see too.

  Stepping into the meet and greet with my hand wrapped around Mel’s, and my son there by our side, was something else. I’d had fantasies, ever since she moved in with us, of going on a family outing together. Yeah, it might make me a pussy to fantasize about family time, but I missed my son’s entire fucking childhood. So, sue me if I wanted to know what it’s like to be a family – a real one, and to have that with Mel and Chevy.

  “You okay?” I asked quickly as we made our way back to the signing table that had been se
t up. Normally, we would mingle, but I honestly didn’t feel up to giving strangers that level of access to me, especially not with Mel and Chevy along.

  “Fine,” Mel mouthed as she squeezed my hand in hers.

  “Come sit with me?” I asked. Her questioning gaze caught mine and I didn’t know what to do. She seemed uncomfortable with the idea, while at the same time, she hadn’t let go of my hand. Instead of turning me down, she nodded her head. I twisted a bit to ask Chevy what he wanted to do, but he was already off and talking to our tour assistant. Ev had met my son the same night I had. It felt weird to think about it in those terms, because I’d become so comfortable with him in my life that it was as if he had always been there. Still, it was nice to see he was making friends in the industry. He’d need all the friends he could get to keep his head out of the clouds and his ego grounded.

  “Well, he’s on his own, I guess,” Mel teased, and her smile twisted my insides. I wanted the sassy-mouthed nurse from the moment I met her, but now, that want had turned into more of an aching need instead.

  “Come on, let’s get this over with. I want time to spend with you before we have to hop back on the busses again. I feel like we barely see one another,” I complained and made no bones about the fact that I was indeed complaining.

  Over the next hour, we sat through me signing things for people and getting through small talk about only a couple instances where women openly came on to me, despite the entrance I’d made with Mel. I refused to sign for anyone who got rude or disrespectful to her. It was unnecessary.


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