The Solar Doctrine

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The Solar Doctrine Page 21

by Miguel A. Fernandez

chose being part of your story. Isn´t it?

  -Absolutely! -I replied- For instance, if right now you adopted the role of “Arthur the Know-it-all” or “Arthur Mr. Asshole”, you would spoil quite a bit the novel, since I would then be forced to seek for potential heroes elsewhere, and to be honest, I don´t know if it is because of the highly processed frozen pizzas or Miley Cyrus, but nowadays almost all hero candidates go pear-shaped…

  -Did you search a lot before finding me? -asked Arthur.

  -Well… In the first place you perfectly know in the deep recesses of your soul that it was you who came to me, and in the second place, before you had found me, and in order to provide a historical portrayal of the Doctrine, I was considering sportsmen, then artists, then inventors, guys in the military, but they all live more or less in a sort of very artificial bubble, that in your case became much more fragile and that eventually resoundingly broke, risking your whole life… In general, I stumbled upon many interesting candidates, yet in most cases their vital acts are decided by others, and of course, from the viewpoint of telling legends, such a mess of responsibilities becomes quite complex to write in the most acceptable e-book size. But in your case Arthur, you are definitely bedridden over there having the only alternative of deciding on your own, and that way you make my work of narrating the Doctrine much easier.

  -Wouldn´t it be more practical for you to forget about stories and legends, and instead write down the Doctrine in a sort of recipe or mandates?… You know… a sort of “Moses style”? -Arthur asked me.

  -Well, I thought about that at first, after having written “The Solar Warrior” trilogy… But without an authentic human context, and the links of this context to the Creator, it is actually quite impossible to properly express all the mystery of the Doctrine… Besides, even if your alternative was actually doable, that would not imply in any case that the reader would capture its meaning…

  -Hey Miguel!… As you know everything about me… Do you think the nurse likes me, or does she think I´m a human failure?

  -Why are you asking me? If you´ve already read the Doctrine several times, you must already know quite well that she can only fall in love with “Arthur the Hero”, so you better start making as soon as possible a brave use of your freedom and then sacrifice it all for that “I”, and that way the three of us can quickly finish the legend and go for some drinks… But if you don´t do that, I´ll have to ditch all the pages already written… And humanity itself will also have to definitely ditch its highest virtues… Nevertheless, I´ve got a lot of faith in you Arthur, since by now you are starting to learn how to make the whole universe move around you with just by pushing a couple of buttons, and of course, one of the key teachings of the Doctrine is precisely the one of learning how to “act without acting”, “fight without fighting” called in the East as the wei-wo-wei.

  -And what about the Grail? -Arthur asked- Isn´t it actually postulated in the Doctrine that it is almost mandatory for the Knight Templar to encounter the Grail for healing all injuries and for saving the world from the powers of darkness?

  -Of course!… Indeed! I´ve just told you! But what you have to do right now is save your skin, so that you, the nurse and I can have some crazy good times when having some Grail drinks… Don´t you fancy such a celebration? Don´t you look forward to being in a place where the Knight Templar, the Lady and the Creator drink from the same chalice? Come on! To achieve that would already imply your life having became a legend…

  Skyping with Arthur was becoming for me something quite easy-going and insightful, and on the other hand I was glad that during the video-call Arthur hadn´t asked me questions of the sort “What team will win the NBA this year” or petitions like “Could you please create for me a happy ending with Pamela Anderson, while driving a Lamborghini…” Alas, it can end up really annoying for me, as an author, to see that my characters behave that way, especially when they get in contact with me, that is, with their Father Creator who is willing to give them the opportunity to become a legend… But in no case had Arthur lost his composure during the video-call and he actually asked me that which, in these kind of circumstances, must always be asked: existential questions about freedom, the Lady of the Temple and the Grail… Any other question was irrelevant in order to carry the Doctrine to a good end.

  It was precisely at that moment that I intended to verify some of Arthur´s perspectives:

  -By the way, Arthur, I suppose you might already be well aware that we are living at the end of the Iron Age or Kali-Yuga, and that a merciless war between the powers of Darkness, the Titans and the powers of Light is being unleashed, even though we can´t obviously see this sort of stuff on BBC or Sky Channel… Since you might know as well that, thanks to the T.V, industrial entertainment and Facebook, humans nowadays can´t manage to realize that they are ultimately slave subjects, determined by a wide spectrum of forces they are unaware of…

  -Yeah, I know…-Arthur commented- I´ve already learnt to set my eyes in that perspective…

  -All right. Perfect… But do you know as well that your oppressive mortgage corresponds to a tentacle of the predatory Techno-System?

  -Yes, I know, unfortunately… I´ve been also reading the trilogy you wrote: “The Solar Warrior”, and I think I´m getting an idea about it, but it is not so easy for me to see all the big picture…

  -It is logical, because you are still captured by the planetary entity, which burdens the freedom of your sight, your own freedom, and your own health… Look Arthur, I have to be very honest with you at this point, since this will determine if I can quickly finish this legend and the three of us can go and drink from the Grail… You have to rescind your mortgage. Do you understand? That tentacle is going to take control of your heart! You must not allow that to happen… It is in your hands to stop the attack! It´s in your Iphone!

  -I can´t do that! That would be worse than dying!! -Arthur shouted to me in desperation… I would remain with a debt for my whole life, and if I don´t pay it, I´ll end up in prison!!

  -Worse than death!! Come on Arthur! Give me a break!! Let me remind you that you are already in a prison… And the worse kind of prison, since you can´t even see it yet… Come on man… Don´t do that to me right now… I´ve already written about 100 pages and I want to finish this quickly, publish it, and then allow your life to be a legend. If you don´t do what I tell you, I won´t have a story to tell and you´ll never achieve grandeur… Besides, I´m quite in the mood right now for going for some nice, fresh Grail drinks…

  -I can´t… I´m sorry… -complained Arthur

  “Just get out of my sight dude!!…” -I thought…

  I immediately hung up the call, without even saying goodbye, altogether with the digital sound of a thunder.

  I was pretty close to removing Arthur from my skype contacts… But in any case, every cloud has a silver lining; precisely at that moment I understood the fury of Zeus when observing Prometheus going off on his fanatical quests on his own…

  Yet several minutes had already passed by when I ended up quite more calm. I started to consider that the abrupt termination of our skyping hadn´t been such a deal, nor even the fearful attitude exposed by Arthur when having to face his existential dilemma. I then felt some empathy towards him, since it was good to recall that it was the first time in his life that Arthur was placed in the center of himself thanks to my mediation, and what´s more bizarre, through a Skype video-call. Hence, I realize that I did somehow turn the knife into the wound of his heart, but it was nevertheless my obligation to remind him of the actual conditions of his existential situation. Deep down, Arthur was like one of those geeks who firmly think that, if they ever had any mystical or supernatural experiences, it would always be better to achieve these contacts through ADSL, or optic fiber, so having established quite a good connection with his creator in the case of a 3G connection definitely surprised him quite a bit. I was also well aware that such situations can produce retching attacks in the st
omach, together with abyssal fears. Even the always nice and friendly Truman Burbank, played by Jim Carrey in “The Truman Show” film loses his easy-going composure when realizing that his life was being watched by millions of T.V spectators.

  In the case of Arthur, probably what was the hardest and more indigestible aspect for him was the fact of acknowledging that he was at a crossroads in his life where he had the option of living a happy zombie pseudo-vegetative life, or radically breaking through from all limitations while becoming an invulnerable and free being who would become the “cherry-on-the-top” of this legend and the exposition of the Doctrine.

  To be or not to be. This is the question.

  To be or not to be

  Arthur, while bedridden in the hospital, had already read the Doctrine about twenty times in perfect and regular cycles that lasted about three hours, thus imitating the orbital cycles of planets when these inexorably revolve around the Sun. In every moment he could discern “Arthur the hero” in the center of the Doctrine, and how revolving around such legendary character were “Arthur the scientist and researcher”, “Arthur, Phd working for a prestigious university department”, “Arthur the patient” “Arthur

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