The Solar Doctrine

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The Solar Doctrine Page 20

by Miguel A. Fernandez

He needed answers. He needed to know what was his part and role in the whole, and what could be the link he might have with those superhuman powers that determined everything both in the realms of light and in the realms of darkness… He even started to ask himself questions about topics as abyssal and vertiginous as those of immortality.

  All the demanded answers to these unsolved mysteries corresponded to the “side-effects” of the process of awakening and the rebirth from the ashes caused by the combustion of all form of false identification. Yet our friend, the valiant Arthur, had already achieved one of the most difficult duties when it comes to applying the Doctrine, since beyond all forms of religious, mystical and spectacular superstructures, he had achieved finding a center of beauty and illumination in his real life: the beautiful and healing Eve… This is why Arthur became less and less fearful when it came to climbing to the attic of his Temple and having to cope with the chaos and madness that disconcerted the psychologists and psychiatrists of the hospital complex. Now, among all that disorder and chaos, he could already imagine the existence of a cupola, of a potential construction embedded with the main figure of the Lady of the Temple.

  Thanks to the existence of this stability and potential balance, Arthur felt that he no longer had to have any fear of his own thoughts, nor fear with regard to the tortuous or strange ways that his thoughts could carry him.

  So, stimulated by such confidence, he then squeezed into his “Arthur the Cybernaut” cyberspace-suit, and aimed to travel all through cyberspace, believing that in some part of that domain had to exist some sort of “black hole” around which everything revolved; a universal power that determined all that is passive, not being accessible to the “chosen ones” but more accurately being accessible to “those who chose themselves.” Of course, Arthur had also heard many scary stories about what occurs when one gets caught into a black hole, for instance, that time and space lose all their meaning and sense, or that matter itself becomes volatilized into pure energy, with the whole of existence losing any significance… However, despite all these fears and theories about the nature of galactic centers, and consequently of all cybergalaxies, our hero soared through cyberspace domains having the courage and bravery of an enlightened being who aims for the ultimate answers…

  Yet even navigating from one part to another of the cyberspace galaxy, in no moment did Arthur succeed in finding something that could be considered to be “supernatural”: in most cases he arrived at domains where quite sinister and deceitful characters offered him risky and dangerous refinancing of his mortgage debt… Other times he ended up in domains where he was offered a belief or “pack of beliefs” purchased via PayPal. Other times, and while traveling through dark cyberspace domains, suddenly Trojan viruses leaked into his system and suddenly propitiated all kinds of slutty woman offering him some chatting and sexual stimulus as long as he didn´t forget the codes of his credit card. But all the time our Noble hero succeeded in transcending such seductions and falsifications thanks to the power of the Lady of the Temple… And naturally, there was as well the cyberspace subsystem Facebook, where “Arthur the Cybernaut” was seduced by all the interplay of mirages, illusions and identifications. So to summarize, more than a “center” what actually predominated in the cyberspace traveling undergone by “Arthur the Cybernaut” was the most absolute chaos and dispersion: one domain led to another hundreds, and these to other thousands, sometimes even going in vicious circles that caught the sequence of thoughts, and thus, trapped the interspacial browser into movements with no beginning and no end, and ultimately, with no Destiny… “I´m lacking a clear orientation, a map or something alike” -thought Arthur, feeling completely astray. But it was in that precise moment that he recalled that he had actually started the spiral journey to the center of himself due to his reading of the Doctrine, so he then decided to exclusively focus in the contents of the Doctrine, as if it were essentially the center he was looking for, and according to the Doctrine, this center was everywhere…

  In spite of the fact that Arthur didn´t manage to find any light in his noble and courageous quest, with regard to what is pointed out in the Doctrine, what actually counts is the effort, the combativity, the capacity for fighting and for sacrifice, and of course the virtue of magnanimity, generosity and the capacity to be thankful to life and all sorts of circumstances, no matter how favorable or adverse these are, since as it is said in Spain: “ Es de bien nacidos ser agradecidos” [Gratitude is of noble natures]… So ultimately the rebirth Arthur aimed for depended on his noble attitude…

  Now I´m going to ask you, my dear readers of “The Solar Doctrine”: Do you think that Arthur deserves to pass to the next stage of his path and experience the cyberspacial quantum leap? Do you think that he has gained enough merits to have a dialogue with the Creator? Well, I don´t know what each one of you might think, but in my case I think our hero has accomplished more than enough merits of personal honor.

  I think it is time for Arthur to receive the good tidings.

  The Inner Dialogue

  After the apparently fruitless quest for transcendent answers, “Arthur the Atheist”, leaned back on the bed with a exhausted and doubtful expression, since the Doctrine demanded the finding of something called “The Creator” or “The Force” that he hadn't managed to see anywhere. Very likely it is only a sort of legend -he thought- that in no way could have any link to reality, since having navigated from one side to the other of visible space and cyberspace, in no case had he encountered anything like a “sun”, “center” or “black hole” that was directing his life without him even noticing it. On the other hand, our good old Arthur deeply knew that only an alliance with transcendent forces could help him to heroically get over his situation and attain freedom.

  And during those precise moments of desolation and fatigue that started to erode his faith in his personal journey, from the most vertiginous of all silences and cosmic solitudes, Arthur all of a sudden started to hear a sound that impacted him due to its stridency and impetuosity… It was definitely a sound that was directed towards him and that forced him to channel its content, causing our hero to intermittently experience those mystical ecstasies that happened in the case of the wise of all times, when these individuals became capable of decoding and channeling messages that come from the afterlife.

  So finally our hero decided to get in touch with the afterlife, and finally answered my Skype call.

  -Hi Arthur! How´s it going my friend? I´m Miguel, your Creator… From what I can see buddy, you´ve mostly swept our all the shit in the Temple!! -I said to him, almost laughing…

  -I can´t believe this! -Arthur said, quite nervous- So you are actually you?… I can´t believe this is happening to me… So it is true that you do exist… It wasn´t then a hoax all that thing about the possibility of escaping from the Matrix…

  -No, of course not -I replied- You´re whole life revolves around me. Without you even noticing it all this time, I was directing your life, your plot, your circumstances…

  Once this later was expressed, Arthur furrowed his brow, not completely understanding what was going on and what he was hearing. We must also realize that he was quite nervous during those moments, since the fact of skyping directly with his Creator is definitely not something that happens everyday.

  -Ok… But then… -Arthur was quite unable to articulate his question…. If you direct and write my life in an e-book… What´s my say in all of this? Where is my freedom?

  -Well, as you might already know Arthur, I can´t spend my time with your questions… You know why?

  -No… -Arthur replied, a little disillusioned.

  -Because you can´t lose what you don´t have!! Haha -I commented in a very joking mood- The thing is my friend, I know exactly what happened in the past and what shall happen in the future… Where is time then for me??…I can also set my viewpoint in any part of your universe… Where is space then for me?… Actually it's amazing in the black hole of cyb
erspace, not having to be restricted by time, nor space, nor matter. This is for me the domain of absolute freedom, without restrictions… So I suppose I might have somewhat answered your question…

  -Well, not much actually… I think I´m even more confused…

  -Let´s see… Creators of my kind always are looking for men to ally with the thread of what takes place in the cosmos in order to provide some continuity to events and circumstances that, without this human thread, would rather be perceived as apparently chaotic. So this is why authors such as me look for men who gather strong determination and will, all combined with the capacity to evolve… These men then become the most suitable candidates in order to better humanly express all those forces that transcend whatever is human and that always exist within the supernatural domains… So if you behave heroically, you´ll attain freedom at the end of this narration, and you and I we´ll go for some drinks and Grails to celebrate it up here. You will then have saved yourself, and I´ll have a story worth telling. Don´t you thing it is quite a good pact?

  -Yes, of course… So you are saying that my freedom basically consists in to chose or not to

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