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The Solar Doctrine

Page 23

by Miguel A. Fernandez

Date: Mon. 25 Dec 2014 10:45

  From: Miguel

  To: Arturo

  Hi Arthur,

  I´m Miguel, your Creator, I hope you are ok and feeling good.

  I´m sorry for having hung up your call the other day when Skyping… I would like you to understand that the whole situation isn´t easy for me either. As any other architect knows, it is quite frustrating to leave a building half constructed, and the fact of me being the architect of your universe and aware that you might not reach the cupola and center of your Temple also leaves me in quite a delicate situation as an author and Creator… In fact… What credibility can the Solar Doctrine have if it can´t be applied in actual life conditions?…

  You know as well as I do that in this story that you´ve read once and again during your staying in the hospital a Destiny is promised for you. A glorious Destiny that is yours and of nobody else. And as all Destinies, it corresponds to en enlightening star amidst our dark world. You know perfectly well that in the following pages it is described the fight of a legendary hero called Arthur who defeats the powers of Darkness and the SuperDragon, releasing the princess and having both individuals being eternally happy having Grails with me… Don't you want to try the taste of the Holy Grail with me? Why are you still so afraid of this Destiny?… You know perfectly well that it all depends on you NOW rescinding the mortgage tie to the Techno-System, which burdens you and impedes you in practical terms from even fighting for your star and celestial cupola. At this stage of the construction of your Temple nothing is as important as that act, that sacrificial and determining act. It doesn´t matter whatever you think, believe or whatever are your opinions… If you don´t assume this responsibility within yourself, you won´t be able to achieve it…

  Let me explain a couple of things to you: Do you think that having incarnated “Arthur the scientist and researcher”, “Arthur of flesh and blood”,”Arthur, Phd working for the prestigious CSIC”. “Arthur the Cyborg”, “Arthur the happy man in Facebook” were aims in themselves? Absolutely not. All these masks exclusively correspond to different “I”s that, as planets, revolve around your central Being, your directing star… It doesn´t matter wherever you go, one way or another you shall always be consciously or unconsciously most of the time revolving around this star, adopting the most diverse and picturesque incarnations or “I”s , which shall all always persuade you that they are rigid, indestructible, and aims in themselves… Your eternity is always present in your life even though you still haven´t got your eyes ready to see it, such as an unmoved mover that centripetally impels all these forms towards a central direction, which corresponds to the spire that rises out of the cupola of your Temple.

  In no way would your Destiny have illuminated you unless you had previously experienced the ephemeral and transitory character of all the modes of experience that you applied in practical terms, before you ended up ill in the hospital… In fact, these modes of experience were necessary at first for you to learn the sense that was mysteriously embedded in such particularities… Now that the Doctrine grants you the wings of knowledge about yourself, now is when you have to “leap into the abyss” as a bird that flies for the first time, overcoming the burden of gravity…

  Arthur, you perfectly know that you can fly, since it is all written down in this message of salvation and through the following pages…

  I perfectly know what scares you: it is the idea of death… It is the idea of disappearing from existence without having perceived in any moment the sense of existence itself. Countless people in our days cover this fear with all sort of existential surrogates: diversion, entertainment, comfort, religions, ideologies, unbridled activism… But you were brave enough to release from all those mirages, and now you see reality naked, deprived of all its garments, and what´s more, you still can´t cope with that vision and what it entails for you… But you know what? In issues regarding life and death, let me say Arthur that I know a bit more than you… Your life does have a meaning. This sense is described in the following pages, and in this sense you and I collaborate in our pact: I save you from the senseless forms of life and death, while you save for me the legend I want to write, so that I can finish my novel once and for all. Don´t you think it is a good agreement? It took almost an eternity for your Being, your star and your heart to arrive at the point you are right now, in the long path that goes from the simplest organisms to the most complex, by redeeming all forms of chaos, by transcending all the evolutionary limitations of humans, and still going beyond… Are you really willing to throw in the trash of oblivion all those preliminary preparations and constructions, all that retinue of highly improbable events from a scientific or statistical perspective? A new star in planet earth is about to be detonated in 2014… And do you want the explosive gunpowder to become wet, and your star to become mere stellar powder?… I have to be very clear with you Arthur… The Being around which you revolve and incarnate in multiple forms is always there. There is no way you can get rid of it… Do you know what you are afraid of deep down? Of having to start once again from the very beginning… Of having to start again to forge the birth of your star and Destiny by starting from the most elementary particles of nature and the “wet gunpowder”… You perfectly intuit that it entailed for you a lot of spilled blood, sweat, tears and sacrifices to build even the raw material that constitutes the Temple that you are about to build now, and just the mere fact of imagining being forced to repeat the entire experience of creating life out of what is inert and dead causes you a terrifying anxiety. But in your case you can choose not to follow the biblical precept of “you were dust, you are dust”. Read the Doctrine again! At the beginning you are totally in pieces, and at the end you are a demigod…

  But you know what? I perfectly understand your fears. Just imagine Arthur that now, after about a hundred pages, I also had to be forced to throw all the pages to the recycle bin because the hero of my legend chose to become stellar powder… Then I would have to necessarily reexamine from scratch all the postulates, ideas, and situations which also took me a lot of effort, blood, sweat and tears to build up. You are perfectly aware that I´ve written a trilogy of more than a thousand pages called “The Solar Warrior” where I describe in more detail the Doctrine in its historical, philosophical, scientific and social aspects… If you don´t demonstrate with your courage that this trilogy has any human sense I will also have to throw to the recycle bin all assumptions and start from scratch, and just the fact of thinking about such possibility gives me deathly feelings of vertigo and fear. So I want you to understand that I perfectly know how you feel, and that we are together in this Ok? You know perfectly well that since the origin of historical times the heroes have always allied with the creators, such as in the case of Hercules with Zeus… And if you put superhuman effort into attaining the Destiny I´ve written for you, you shall be capable of avoiding the wretched destiny of Prometheus, who had to eternally suffer from an eagle devouring his liver…

  Right now you´ve got the option and freedom to return to yourself and become a dominator of the whole existence in all its complexity and infinitude; or contrarily you have the option and freedom to become dissolved again in infinite particles and another deathly eternity where each instant shall become for you heavy, burdensome, labyrinth, and you´ll promise yourself once and again shouting to the infinite void that whenever the moment arrives to take the quantum leap that you will force yourself to do it, since the pain and suffering caused, due to you being fragment and dust, is too unbearable and long; all conflicts, wars and struggles shall become agonizing for you… Each particle of your body aims for you to honor it, and release it from the painful circle of necessity. Are you ready to become their herald? Are you ready to save yourself? Are you ready to attain the utmost health and drink the Holy Grail with me, honoring the whole of existence and the whole of eternity?

  You have the last word Arthur. And remember: Whoever saves his own
life shall lose it, and only he who gives his life shall make it truly living…

  Greetings from eternity,


  The quantum leap

  Even though the reader might guess that between this chapter and the former there only few lines of separation, in truth there is also the possibility of an unfathomable infinite. It doesn´t obviously seem a long distance, but in general there are in life apparently small situations that, however, can easily become insurmountable, such as those barriers that separated Arthur from “Arthur the Hero” and that, nonetheless, he had the courage and bravery of demolishing. For the sake of eternity.

  Some people more, some people less, but one way or another we´ve all experienced the vertiginous fear that is felt when one jumps over a manhole cover or the dangerous separation existent between contiguous buildings… For the first time in our lives we realize the paralyzing effect of fear, and the chilling and paralyzing effect of these images in our minds in the case that hypothetically we fell into the dark black hole… Similar sensations of an irrational kind also absorb us

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