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The Solar Doctrine

Page 25

by Miguel A. Fernandez

abdicated King of Spain Juan Carlos I, when having argued against Venezuela president Hugo Chavez at the 2007 Ibero-American Summit in Chile…

  -The king is dead. Long live the king!!! -shouted Arthur immediately- Now the King is me!! King Arthur! No more no less!! Now I just have to raise the cup. The Grail! You get it! -Arthur said- We are the Champions!! No place for losers, because We are the Champions!! Of the Wooooooorld!!… hahahahaha!!!

  In spite of the fact that Gregorio, Marcus and Martin had always believed that Arthur was rather wacky -especially since he began to read the Doctrine on his Iphone- this time they were somewhat disconcerted, since there was something intimidating in Arthur´s voice, just as if his tone had became deeper and more convincing. Thus, Gregorio, Marcus and Martin fell silent. “How can there be something respectable in such madness?” -they thought, and as they were unable to answer these questions, almost immediately one started to read the newspaper, another to watch T.V. and the third to play with the Play-Station video-console.

  And yet, contrarily to those who surrounded him, Arthur did actually start to dominate his fears, thus exerting a quantum leap in his Being that caused him to no longer be afraid of his Destiny, at the same time that his confidence in this heroic Destiny was already unwavering, as a hard and brilliant sword. In any case… What´s the worse that could happen to him? To die?? At this stage of his convalescence, the question was no longer for Arthur that of dying or not dying, since this is the main concern of cowards, but that of being or not being, this is: to face death victoriously, or rather face death without having fought and having lived knelt down. In the first case we are referring to the legendary heroic form of death, where death itself acquires a deep sense that eliminates any fear about any non-sense of life, and thus any fear to death itself… But the fact of living cowardly, this is, the attitude of mean attachment to things, images and places that only causes the prolongation in time of agony, external assistances and dependencies, inducing thus situations where sooner or later freedom shall become conspicuous by its absence. The latter gives place to a descending vicious circle, that leaves one exposed to powers, fears and demons of the most subterranean kind, while contrarily, in the case of the heroic life and heroic death, it consists of an ascending and centripetal spiral towards the consecution of that which in any case is inevitable, of that which is already written down, and where man always has the freedom to choose if he accomplishes it, once and for all for all eternity, or if he allows it to collapse in ruins… In truth death is inevitable, irreversible, but the fact of how death is lived and, most of all, how one survives dying ultimately determines the heroic virtue of the Solar Warrior. Such form of dying has always corresponded to the victorious death, the triumphant death, the final victory over entropy, dissipation, and the victory over all that which is perishable. And Arthur in no case was willing to let go of this chance, since the Doctrine transparently indicated to him that these are rules of the cosmic interplay that the Solar Warrior must always be very aware of. Hence in that precise moment he cherished the key: the Doctrine, and what´s more important: the boldness, value and dominion over fear. The breath of life was definitely with him during those crucial moments. He could not waste it, dissipate it. Too much was at stake: his salvation and the salvation of the whole of humanity.

  Due to the fact of being already aware that he was free from the most oppressive chain that burdened his life and heart, the euphoria experienced by Arthur was a good symptom or recovery and vitality. However, let´s not grant such psychological states more relevance than required, since euphoria in many cases consists merely of a temporary feeling that can very easily dissipate, in the same way that freedom on its own neither has any value unless one know what to do with it… In “The Solar Doctrine” is revealed that if the Solar Warrior aims for freedom, it is ultimately because freedom is also a means to keep fighting and combating indefinitely… This is why Arthur immediately understood that he could only make a warrior-like use of his new gained state of freedom. As a noble man and warrior, his authentic responsibility consisted of combating against the most evil power of the Dark Ages: The SuperDragon. It didn´t matter if he won or lost against the great monster. At the end of the day what counted was his boldness, courage and sense of personal Honor. And as you very likely understand, my dear readers, this is actually the only aspect I´m interested in as a Creator in order for the legend of Arthur the Great to be possible and trespass millennia… Yet we must be realistic as well and recognize that never before in human history had the SuperDragon became so immense, and his human opponent so tiny, ill and apparently meaningless… So this is why theoretically he didn´t have too many chances of victory. However, if the SuperDragon instead of being an archaic and primitive entity also had some intelligence, it would think it twice before challenging Arthur, since our hero was in possession of all his valor and his magical weapon: the light of the Doctrine embedded in his Iphone… Probably the SuperDragon felt that Arthur was not but a normal and average popcorn-eating citizen… And this is why the mythical combat between David and Goliath was once again warming up its engines…

  Arthur didn´t think twice about it. That very same night he decided that he was going to go on a hunt for the SuperDragon and directly challenge it in combat, always aware that this megacreature was going to be angrier than ever. In fact, all the previous combat and ambushes in the hospital consisted of partial victories in the form of battles and guerilla warfare, but now was the moment to win the war. The SuperDragon could no longer hide under any of the false identities of Arthur and was now forced to concentrate all its power in the decisive final combat… Hence, in the currents of the cosmic samsara, the SuperDragon was already awaiting for our hero with all its power and monstrosity in the center of the current of chaos, in the eye of the hurricane, in the very heart of life.

  Yet a combat of such a magnitude and importance for the whole of eternity as well required a battlefield at the level of such event. Arthur immediately noticed that undoubtedly the hospital had been a perfect environment for the guerrilla war against the SuperDragon, but that the Techno-System was still too present there with all its countless clinical, pharmaceutical, computing and mechanistic procedures, which impeded Arthur from directly facing the SuperDragon without assistance, since the Solar Warrior, whenever faced with the cosmic Dragon, has to always be well aware that one thing is that the victory is wholly one's responsibility, and quite another is if the merit relies on technical assistance… This was excellently understood and sensed by one of the finest cinema incarnations of the Solar Warrior, Luke Skywalker, when letting go of all technological guidance before impeccably destroying the Death Star… And as exposed in the Doctrine, the fact of making use of technological means constitutes only a transitory form of calming the SuperDragon, at the expense of making it bigger and more powerful in the middle and long term.

  So this pushed Arthur to decide to challenge the SuperDragn in the frozen streets of the city of Madrid. In no way did Arthur wanted to face the SuperDragon under the conditions and rules always set by the Techno-System, and consequently by all those humans, governors, technicians and bureaucrats who were all well integrated in it. He just wanted to challenge the SuperDragon in the way of a “Street Fighter”, since the strongest combatants are always those who are forged in the streets, and not in a ring, gym, and much less in a hospital, where all risks are very well under control. And as always occurs in the mysterious legends of the Knights Templar and many other heroic quests, both the Creator and the demigod men always put forth their decisive combat in the most absolute clandestine places, far away from the dead eyes of political authority and official history.

  So that very midnight, while everybody was sleeping, Arthur boldly and with firm determination released from all catheters, probes and tubes, got up from the hospital bed and silently walked towards the street where there already was awaiting for him the SuperDragon, more powerful than ever, but never as powerful as Eve.
  The final combat against the SuperDragon

  The streets of Madrid´s area of Mostoles were almost deserted. Surrounded by a frozen winter night, hundreds of buildings, as funerary niches were all erected before Arthur´s eyes reminding him all the time of the happy and comfortable life he was leaving behind… But he no longer could, nor wanted to return to those forms of life which were well integrated in those niches. What had been his private cubicle, also perfectly integrated in a building that constituted a funerary niche of idyllic views of the center of the city, was no longer at his reach since he had previously firmly decided that he no longer wanted to have ever again the keys that could allow him to cross the door of comfortable and happy civilized-zombie living… Therefore, instead of funerary niches -also generally called “skyscrapers”- he rather wanted to gain the keys to his Temple, that construction full of vitality and beauty that had been meant for him since the origins of time…

  If there was a crucial teaching that Arthur learnt during his

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