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The Fourth Realm (The Ten Realms Book 4)

Page 57

by Michael Chatfield

  Three people appeared in the sky as they looked at the titan that had dared breach the inner city.

  Two cast spells. Magical circles were usually only one or two circles and lines with runes in them. But these—these were a dozen circles and shapes linked together as the Mana in the atmosphere was excited.

  Two golden beams appeared from the spell, hitting the titan that was turning around. The titans left leg and stomach disappeared and its head and right shoulder disappeared at the same time. There was no noise, just complete silence and bright golden light from the attacks as they hit the ground beyond, killing anyone there. The beams left behind only ruined high-Journeyman-level equipment as holes, ten meters deep, appeared.

  The third person in the sky dropped to the ground. They moved through the Blue Lotus’ arrow rain with ease as they placed their hand on their sword hilt.

  There was a flash of light as the person stood there but a circular wave attack of some kind had killed and sliced apart everything that was within one hundred meters of the fighter.

  It was only a split second but they had somehow executed a technique, just once with their blade, and sheathed it again in that blinding flash.

  Rugrat grabbed his sound transmission device.

  “The reinforcements have arrived!” he said, not really believing his own words.

  Chapter: Losses

  Glosil looked over it all. At the end, they hadn’t even held back the reserve from the fight and they’d had civilians carrying the wounded back to be treated.

  He moved to the side as another stretcher went by—someone who had been finally recovered, maybe from under a fallen wall, or were in the outer city fighting the Blood Demon titans or demons.

  Smoke created a smog over the city as afternoon approached.

  Glosil reached a building that had been hit with spells, taking down the house and sections of the walls. He wandered through the rubble on the floor.

  “Sir.” A corporal nodded to him as they watched the hallway he had walked through.

  Glosil nodded to him as if he had seen him and walked back into the sunlight, seeing an Alvan army section or two. They were sitting down, covered in grime, leaning against the walls, eating food, drinking water, seeing to their gear’s needs and then their own.

  Glosil could feel the tension in the air, the kindling waiting for the spark. They were all coming down from the fighting. They had been running and gunning for a week and a half straight, then three days of close quarters combat with barely any sleep.

  Some of them let out short laughs, but there was a heavy atmosphere that stopped anyone from cracking out a big laugh. Their eyes had a hidden darkness to it. For others, the pressure they made might make them feel awkward, make them feel out of place. For Glosil, he felt comfortable in it as he looked to those he knew personally. He didn’t need to voice his questions, just look at them and get an answer.

  “Sir.” Domonos stood. He had a recently sewn-up breastplate, from being hit in the chest with an attack. He had recovered with healing and health potions, leaving a patch of clean skin and body armor that needed to be repaired.

  “Sit,” Glosil said as the sergeants started to rise up. Glosil put his repeater in his storage ring and sat down on the fountain that they were using as a perch.

  “Tareng is being cleared out right now. There was only a small group there. People who did this got what they deserved. Crafters and Lotus sent in their armies, took over the perpetrators cities, and basically set in motion the end of another sect. People are heading out of Vuzgal for other destinations, mostly back to Tareng.

  “Erik and Rugrat are going to a meeting with some head honchos. See what will happen with this place. I’ve got Yui and his people over with the supplies that we were able to secure, as well as Fred and his group. We’ll collect our people and head to the supplies, ready to move to the totem if anything goes bad,” Glosil said.

  Domonos and the others nodded. They had fought beside the people of Tareng, but they were from different organizations. If they turned their sights onto the Alvan army, then they at least had plans in place if things did go that badly; thankfully, they still had seven thousand undead on their side.

  “See to your people—pass the word,” Domonos said.

  The sergeants nodded and headed off.

  “How many?” Glosil asked.

  Domonos let out a sigh as his officer mask was pushed to the side and the human underneath was revealed. “Five.” Domonos’s eyes moved from the ground to Glosil. “What about overall?”

  Glosil could tell he wanted to know but also didn’t. Glosil took out a list. “Add the names.”

  Domonos grit his teeth and put down five names, his lower jaw working as he finished, reading over the names. Glosil knew what was on that piece of paper; he knew the weight on his chest and his heart.

  Domonos looked up from the list, blinking to clear his eyes. He let out a sigh and passed it back to Glosil, reasserting his training and pushing it to the side.

  Thirteen members of the Alvan army who had come with them through training, who they had known for either most of their lives, or who they had known only for a few months. Now they would go no further than the Fourth Realm.

  Glosil didn’t blame Erik or Rugrat. He knew their reasoning and if he was in their shoes, he hoped he had the balls to do it as well.

  But some of these people—he had seen them grow up, he had seen them come in as nothing but kids, excited to go start a new village in the wilderness with their parents. He had protected them as they turned into young men and women; he had been there with them when they faced the beast horde and stood side by side, defending Alva village.

  He’d seen them jump at the possibilities that Alva Dungeon opened up, how they had joined the military to look after those they cared about.

  That was the hardest part, knowing how young they were, knowing that there was just so much more that they could have done in life.

  Some had family; some might have not even dated yet and there was just no way that they would be able to experience that. There was no way that they would be able to see just what Alva Dungeon would become because of them.

  Glosil took the piece of paper. Tt was simple, light. Not unlike any other piece of paper that he used to remind himself what to do tomorrow or used to send as a piece of mail.

  This paper in particular, had a great weight to it. He carefully folded it up and put it in his breast pocket.

  He wiped his grime-covered forehead as he let out a grunt, pushing himself to his feet.


  Hiao Xen entered Elder Lu’s residence. The residence was on the back mountain where the Blue Lotus members lived, but the mana concentration here was much higher.

  Cultivating here would be like cultivating for four days outside.

  He came to a garden where Elder Lu was sitting and reading a report. Hiao Xen made to bow when Elder Lu waved him to the seat beside him and finished with the report.

  “You know Erik and Rugrat some?” Elder Lu asked.

  “I know them well enough,” Hiao Xen said, confused at why the leader of the Blue Lotus in the Fourth Realm was asking about them specifically.

  “They and their people put their lives on the line for us. They could have killed our scout and then hidden in their city. Instead, they offered their aid. They revealed a city that we could take from them. Even when the commander of our forces lashed out at the enemy, leading tens of our masters to their deaths despite Erik’s orders, they kept on fighting for us. They protected our people and our vassals. Yes, they may have gained levels, but they haven’t asked for any kind of reward other than to get us to acknowledge the existence of Vuzgal as a neutral city and it remaining under their command.” Elder Lu trailed off.

  “The Blue Lotus owes them a great debt, one that we will find hard to fill.”

  His words were simple but Hiao Xen knew the deep meaning behind them. Erik and Rugrat had supported the Crafter’s A
ssociation and the Blue Lotus in a time of need and hadn’t taken advantage of them. Their actions were simple but there were few in the ten realms that would do the same as them.

  “What can we give them as thanks?” Elder Lu asked, looking at Hiao Xen.

  He felt the weight of that stare and didn’t give an answer lightly.

  “I don’t think that we should give them anything,” Hiao Xen saw the lines starting to appear on Elder Lu’s forehead. “Erik, Rugrat and their people did what they did out of a sense of duty, according to their own honor and what they believe in. Yes, they lost people. I talked to some of them about it. While they make sure that the dead soldiers family is supported, they look to remember their fallen. They are a small but tight knit group. It is how they’re able to show much strength on the battlefield. Monetary items will not appease them, it will only make them angry. Remembering their people’s loss, sending your condolences, fulfilling the bargain promised and showing that we are thankful, that is much more powerful to them than just getting rewards. If they wanted materials and money, then they could easily demand it from us.”

  Hiao Xen held his breath as he watched Elder Lu. In the Ten Realms it was normal to give gifts in gratitude, especially when someone died from another group to help yours. Building people to experts cost a lot of materials and resources. The people of the Ten Realms needed more of these items in order to raise new members to secure the lost positions.

  “They are not what I expected,” Elder Lu said.

  Hiao Xen looked out a short laugh.

  “They’re not what anyone expected.”


  Erik used his Clean spell, getting the blood and grime off his body and his equipment. He took the time to down another Stamina potion. His overclock had taken a heavy toll on his body. Only his healing skills and his concoctions combined with his powerful natural healing ability kept him on his feet. He had been looking after the wounded with other medics from the Alvan army after the main fight had been won.

  People were surprised with the Alvan healing speed and the way that they healed people, and more had been brought to their tents than the other casualty collection points.

  Rugrat had gone and checked on the rest of the army while Erik healed, collecting those who were dead while Glosil checked on the living.

  Fred, William, Gilga, and Elizabeth stayed outside of the casualty collection point where Erik worked while Racquel, Reaper, and Dromm followed Rugrat and George.

  Rugrat and Erik had both gotten messages from Hiao Xen. People from the headquarters had come through the totem and wished to talk to them.

  Erik and the medics’ work was coming to a close and there were other healers and alchemists to deal with the remaining issues of the wounded.

  Erik sent the medics to meet up with the rest of the army as Rugrat met up with him.

  “Thank you for the help,” Erik said to Fred and his people again.

  “You saved us and we have saved you. I wish we were able to help more.” Fred frowned. He had come to know the people of Alva and made some close ties to them as they had talked about books and information on Alchemy. It had opened his eyes to the world beyond their valley. Losing these people—it was the first time he had to deal with something like it.

  He wasn’t even sure of his own emotions and seemed confused.

  Erik nodded, seeing that he was having his own issues.

  “What do you think that they want from us?” Rugrat asked.

  “I’m not sure, but we should be ready to run. You check out the remote site?” Erik said in a low voice.

  “It is complete. The Ten Realms accepted the deal. When some grows upstairs, more will grow down below. Sounds weird,” Rugrat said.

  Erik nodded and kept on walking. They made their way to the totem, where the group was waiting for them with carriages.

  Erik and Rugrat boarded, they passed through the totem and appeared in a new city, the headquarters of the Blue Lotus in the fourth realm.

  It rested atop a mount, the entire city looked like a blooming Lotus flower with the totem hidden at the base.

  They arrived at the center of the city and then took formation enhanced elevators up, they passed through the different petals. They reached an are at the center of the lotuts, looking out of the windows one would be able to see the curving petals all around them.

  “Damn I wonder how long that took them” Rugrat said.

  “I’m going to bet a while, though it is easier to build here,” Erik replied.

  They moved forward as the doors were opened to a large room. Hiao Xen and Xue Lin stood behind an older-looking man.

  The head of the Crafter’s Association from Tareng, Daniels, stood behind a middle-aged woman.

  Both the man and the woman sitting at the table had a deep aura, making it impossible to get a read on just how powerful they were.

  The Blue Lotus man stood, the woman following.

  “I am Elder Lu of the Blue Lotus and this is Elder Redding of the Crafter’s Association,” he said. The woman tilted her head as Erik and Rugrat cupped their fists and bowed their heads to the two of them. The motion had become more natural with their time in the Ten Realms.

  “I’m Erik West and this is Rugrat. What would you like to discuss?” Erik asked.

  Elder Lu raised an eyebrow while the corner of Redding’s mouth twitched upward. Elder Lu was momentarily at a loss for words but he quickly recovered, giving Hiao Xen a quick side-eye.

  “I was told that you were more forward. We want to thank you for your assistance. If it was not for your help, then the situation could only have been worse. I am sorry for your losses, and wish that this meeting had a lighter manner as we wish to discuss Vuzgal and your plans for it?” Elder Lu asked.

  “I would like to know what is happening with the Blood Demon Sect and the Hang-Nim Alliance,” Erik asked.

  “The Nezzar and Red Sword sects will no longer exist in the Fourth Realm. Their root and branch guilds will have sanctions placed upon them, forcing them to turn to other sects or to dissolve with time. All of their higher-ups will be slaughtered. The Blood Demon army here has been mostly killed off. Their general and some other powerful figures will remain under our care to be an example to others of the fate that comes from crossing the Blue Lotus and Crafter’s Association. The Blood Demon Sect will be slowly choked out economically with few of the other associations and neutral parties willing to trade with them,” Elder Lu’s voice was like a brewing storm as the members of the two association in the room had to take a moment to hide their anger.

  Erik nodded, understanding their anger and knowing it wasn’t directed at him. The Blue Lotus and Crafter’s Association could not let this go. They would rather set a bloody example and remind people why they didn’t cross them than be too tame and called weak.

  “Why do you ask of the situation in Vuzgal?” Erik asked.

  “Elder Lu, if I may?” Elder Redding asked.

  He waved for her to continue.

  “Vuzgal is a massive city and it is centrally located, connecting the eastern Chaotic Lands, the northern mountain ranges and the central plains. It was a booming trade route in the past and it can be so again in the future. We are wondering if you are willing to turn Vuzgal into a neutral trading city as you initially requested?

  “We would pay a tax to you based on the transactions within Vuzgal, build Blue Lotus and Crafter’s Association buildings here and assist in the security of the city. We can assist in the administration of the city as well.” She smiled.

  “We would remain as the leaders of Vuzgal and you are looking for a place to do business within the city?” Erik asked.

  Vuzgal was a prime piece of meat but it was simply too large for Erik and Alva to take a bite of. It was probably one hundred or a thousand times bigger than the current Alva Dungeon’s first floor, which they hadn’t even filled up completely. If they had the support of others and could leverage their strength, it wasn’t imposs
ible and the could build up their strength taking complete control over the capital with time.

  “Essentially we also want to invest in you and your Capital Vuzgal,” she said.

  Erik looked to Rugrat, who shrugged.

  Erik found it hard to not roll his eyes at Rugrat. It wasn’t what she had said but what she had left unsaid that Erik found interesting.

  They will leave Vuzgal to us and they will establish buildings and their presence there. This shows our deep connection with them, few others would want to attack us and possibly piss off these two powers. If I can rope in the Alchemist association as well? The valley is a perfect place for grwoing herbs. If we can rebuild the city, start building crafting buyildings. Invite the fighter’s association to raid the dungeon. We’ll need to act quickly to build up Vuzgal and turn it into a real Capital once again. We’ll need to power level people in Alva and hire outsiders to bolster our numbers and train up a larger military to secure Vuzgal’s position. Alva has grown in strenght but we only really control Vermire. If we can get a city in the fourth realm with the support of the associations, and the crafting dungeon changes. Erik forced himself to remain calm, bering the ruler of a city, one as powerful as Vuzgal and with all of the possibilities that came with it, it made his blood boi.

  There was just one problem they were just soldiers at the end of the day. Running a city, one as big as Vuzgal, was not something that they could do easily, if at all.

  “What about the other associations and groups?” Rugrat asked.

  “That would be up to you,” Elder Redding said.

  They’re trying to get first dibs on Vuzgal, be in a position of power over the others. The best way to control them and make sure that things don’t get imbalanced is to spread that power around.

  “I will need to talk to my teacher first before I come to an agreement,” Erik said. He wanted to agree right away and not let this opportunity pass but he had to make the most of this deal, it was a rare opportunity.


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