Bad For You (Rocktown Ink Book 4)

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Bad For You (Rocktown Ink Book 4) Page 10

by Sherilee Gray

  Lila lapped at me then, teasing little licks, tasting me as one of her hands traveled higher, running over my abs. Her tentative exploration drove me wild, turned me on so bad I was on the verge of hyperventilating.

  Then she sucked me into her mouth without warning.

  “Fuck,” I barked again.

  She stroked me as her head bobbed, working every hard inch. I’d had my dick sucked a lot, by women who knew how to give great head, who’d had a lot of practice, but nothing came close to Lila’s mouth on me.

  And fuck me, my shy girl didn’t close her eyes or look away. No, she looked up at me, those beautiful brown eyes that I loved so much locked on mine, heavy lidded and glassy with lust—letting me see everything she was feeling.

  It was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced.

  She took me deeper and choked a little, stroking me faster, and my balls drew up, impossibly tight. Her eyes watered, and she kept it up, sucking me hard, taking me as deep as she could, and I stood there, trembling like a bitch, mesmerized, watching her work my dick like she couldn’t get enough of it into her mouth.

  I was powerless, couldn’t stop the tight thrust of my hips. I gripped her hair more firmly. “Oh fuck, Lila. Fuck.” She didn’t try to pull back, seemed to love it when I fucked her mouth, when I lost control and growled. “Squeeze my balls.”

  She did, without hesitation.

  “Oh shit. Gonna come, baby,” I warned and tried to pull out, but she clung to me, sucking harder.

  I blew, groaning helplessly, near whimpering as I pumped hot come down her throat.

  Lila swallowed the load, lids fluttering, those beautiful eyes still on me as her throat worked, taking it all.

  I’d never come like this before, not from a blow job, shit, not even from fucking.

  She didn’t release my dick, but kept sucking, sending shockwaves of pleasure through me, until I started softening. I finally pulled free from her mouth and tugged her to her feet and kissed her hard.

  I could taste my come mixed with Lila’s own addictive taste, and dirty fucker that I am, I loved it.

  I looked into her eyes. “Shit, Bambi.”

  She smiled shyly. “I liked seeing you like that,” she whispered huskily, licking her abused lips.

  My head was spinning. “At your mercy?”

  The smile turned wicked. “Yes.”

  I barked out a laugh and steered her toward the bed. “Woman, I’ve been your bitch since the moment I laid eyes on you.”

  She giggled and flopped down on my bed.

  Lila thought I was joking around. I wasn’t.

  The curvy little librarian watching me shove my sweats off the rest of the way owned me.

  Every fucked-up part.

  Chapter Twelve


  My giggles stopped as Jesse prowled toward me, naked and so beautiful I thought I might die.

  He came down on top of me, his fingers shoved into my hair, his mouth descending on mine. He kissed me deeply, thoroughly, then rested his forehead against mine. “I want to taste your pussy, Lila. Will you let me make you come with my mouth?”

  My hands were moving over his back, smooth and muscled. He was trembling. I squirmed under him, hot and wet and so incredibly turned on after sucking him, I’d let him do anything he wanted to me. I just wanted him to touch me.

  “Yes,” I gasped out.

  One of his hands slid up under my pj top and he covered my breast, squeezing restlessly. “Yes?”

  “Yes, I want that.” I wanted it badly.

  He shoved my top up and off and hissed as he looked down at me. Both of his hands cupped the undersides of my breasts, his thumbs dragging over my nipples. I moaned and moved my legs restlessly.

  “Fuck, Bambi. I’ve dreamed about getting my hands on these. Christ…” He all but fell on them, sucking a nipple deep into his mouth.

  I cried out, arching beneath him. Jesse’s rough-skinned hands held me down, and he licked and sucked one until I was panting and squirming, then moved to the other.

  Finally, when I couldn’t stand it another moment, he kissed down my belly, and those large, scarred hands moved to the elastic waistband of my pj shorts. Sliding lower, he tugged them down my legs and flung them and my boots and fuzzy socks aside.

  Then he was back, dragging his nose and mouth along the inside of my thigh, pushing my legs wide, settling between them. I waited for his mouth to touch me where I needed him most, but nothing happened. I looked down my body.

  Jesse had lifted his head and was looking down at me, nostrils flaring, and the look on his face had me clenching involuntarily.

  “Jesse?” I whispered, starting to feel self-conscious.

  He dragged his nose along my slit, over my panties, nudging my clit. I bit my lip.

  “Like these pretty panties, Bambi. A lot. But I’ve been fantasizing about what’s underneath for so fucking long.” He hooked his finger around the fabric between my legs, covering me, and slowly pulled it aside.

  Cool air hit my slick flesh.

  He cursed softly. “Baby, so pretty,” he said on a rough exhale.

  I couldn’t look away as Jesse hungrily stared at my tender flesh. He leaned in and softly, so softly lapped at the seam, not going deep, just teasing. He shuddered, then dragged my underwear down my legs and threw them aside. As soon as he was back, he used his fingers to spread me wide and groaned.

  “Such a pretty little pussy. Anyone had their mouth on you before, Lila?” he asked, voice strained.

  “N-no.” I wanted to jam my legs together to relieve the ache.

  “No,” he said, repeating me. “That’s because this pussy is mine, isn’t, Lila?”

  “Y-yes.” It was. I was.

  His tongue flicked out again, going deep this time, tasting more of me, and he growled. He pressed the tip of his finger to my opening, not pushing in, just resting there. “Can’t wait to work my cock in here.” He pressed more firmly, but still not inside me. “You’re gonna let me do that soon, aren’t you, Lila? Let me fuck this tight little pussy.” Another swipe of his tongue. “So wet, baby. Christ, look at you. Your thighs are slick, juice running down your ass. You want it bad, don’t you, sweetheart?”

  I whimpered. No one had ever talked to me like that, and I liked it. I liked everything he was doing, everything he was saying.


  “Please, who?”

  “Please, Jesse.”

  “I’m not gonna fuck you tonight, Lila. Not yet. But I am going to make you come until you beg me to stop, then I’m going to come on those gorgeous tits just like I’ve been dreaming about.”

  Heat sliced through me, zaps of electricity shooting through my lower belly as the ache between my legs got deeper, more intense. My hand dropped to his head at the same time as his mouth covered me fully. He sucked and licked, kissed me there, like he couldn’t get enough.

  Finally, he pushed his finger inside me without warning, pushing deep, then back out. I arched, wanting more, needing more. And he gave it to me, dragging his tongue up to my clit and sucking as he thrust back in. That was all it took. It was too much. An orgasm exploded through me and I called out his name as I came against his mouth.

  Jesse didn’t stop, but he eased back, gently lapping at me, his finger still inside me, and slowly, steadily, he worked me back up. I don’t know how long he stayed there, bringing me back to the brink, but soon he had me quivering and rolling my hips, desperate for more all over again.

  He eased his finger out, and when he pushed back inside adding another. The stretch made me moan.

  “So tight, Lila. Fuck.” He thrust in and out, his thumb sliding over my clit now. “Baby, I’m gonna have to make sure you’re drenched when you finally take my cock.”

  I mumbled something incoherent, on the verge of coming again and the dirty things he said had me right on the edge. I shook and whimpered, my inner muscles fluttering. He thrust into me faster as his gorgeous eyes lifted to mine.
“Come all over my fingers again, Bambi. Give it to me.”

  “Oh God…Jesse.” My inner muscles clamped down on his fingers, clenching and releasing as I came hard again.

  I tried to slam my legs closed around his hand, but he held my legs wide and kept thrusting in and out, fingers curled, hitting that spot deep inside, prolonging my orgasm. It built, kept building, like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I screamed as a gush of liquid heat rushed from me, my body jerking and trembling, fully at his mercy.

  Jesse groaned, and when I finally collapsed back, he eased his fingers from my body and rose above me. He gripped his cock, his fingers still glistening from being inside me, and straddled my body. His gaze was dark and full of hunger as he slid his hand up and down the thick length of his cock, fast and rough.

  “Cup your tits for me, Bambi. Push them together.”

  I did as he asked and his gaze was hot and wild as he stared down at my breasts. His abs were tight, defined, his biceps bunching, thigh muscles rock sold. His heavy sack swayed as he thrust almost brutally into his fist. His cock was dark and so incredibly hard it had to be painful.

  His gaze slid over my chest, then lifted to mine.

  I licked my lips. “Do it,” I whispered. “Please.” I don’t know where the words came from, but I wanted every dirty, wicked thing he wanted to do to me. I craved it.

  At my words, Jesse jolted, his fingers spasming around his cock, and he barked out a rough sound before come shot from him, splashing my breasts. Jesse cursed and growled and didn’t stop until he was spent.

  It was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. I expected him to collapse down beside me. He didn’t. He sat back on his heels, his gaze moving over me, a fierce expression on his face I couldn’t quite understand. I released my breasts and his hands dropped to my chest instantly.

  “You look fucking hot with my spunk on your tits. Better than I imagined.” Then he massaged the mounds in his hands, rubbing his come over my skin.

  “God, the things you say,” I said, face hot, unsure how to respond but loving it at the same time.

  He leaned in and pressed his mouth to mine. “I’m a dirty fucker, Bambi. But you’ll get used to it, seeing as you bring out the deviant in me,” he said against my lips. “You like it, too, though, don’t you, baby? I think you like it, too.”

  There was no point pretending. I’d been forced to pretend to be someone I wasn’t most of my life. I wasn’t doing that anymore. “Yes, I like it. I love it,” I said, our lips brushing again. “I want you to do dirty, wicked things to me, Jesse. I want you to show me everything.”

  Jesse groaned and shoved his face against my throat, then nibbled his way to my ear, his breath sawing in and out. “Oh, I’ll show my girl everything. You can count on that.”

  Then he wrapped me in his strong arms and held me tight, and he didn’t let go all night.


  After my last client for the day, I rode to Black Stone.

  I wanted to check on Sofia after what happened at The Mule. She’d said she was fine, but the pained note to her voice when we talked told me that she wasn’t.

  After my night with Lila, the last thing I wanted was to leave town. Sofia needed me, though, and I’d do whatever I could to help her.

  But when I got to her sister’s, she told me that Soph had spent the last couple nights at my place.

  This wasn’t a big deal, I’d given her a key and told her to use my house if she needed some time to herself. What was a big deal was the bike parked outside my house when I pulled up.

  I recognized it as soon as I got off my bike. My blood went cold and pumped thickly through my veins.

  The front door opened with a bang before I reached it, and my father’s large frame filled the doorway.

  “Where the fuck you been, boy?”

  Soph hadn’t told him I was in Rocktown working, at least that was something. The last thing I wanted was him showing up there and fucking everything up.

  “Not your business,” I said and walked up to him. “Why are you here?”

  He moved out of the way and I walked inside. Sofia was sitting on the couch, chewing her nails, eyes wide, afraid. I grabbed her car keys from the table and handed them to her. “Go to your sister’s.”

  She shot to her feet and headed for the door. My father grabbed her arm. “No, you don’t. After the shit you caused, you’re not going anywhere until I say you can.” His gaze sliced to me. “I talked to your brother. Told him to come and get her.”

  Sofia’s entire body froze solid.

  “Trip’s not coming, I can guarantee that,” I gritted out. “He knows exactly what will happen to him if he shows his face here again. Now, let her go.”

  The old man sneered, but I could see in his eyes that he knew I was right. Trip was a piece of shit, but he wasn’t stupid enough to risk coming back here, not even for Sofia. My father spat at her feet before shoving her away, and Sofia ran out the door.

  I advanced on him as soon as she was out of sight, grabbing his shirt and pushing him against the wall. “You don’t come to my house, ever, do you hear me?”

  He shoved me back. “You betrayed your family. Fucked up your brother. Took his old lady. You want her for yourself, is that it? You need to learn the meaning of loyalty.”

  “Trip betrayed the club and he beat Sofia. He deserved everything he got. You’re lucky I didn’t put a bullet in his head.”

  He looked at me with disgust. “That bitch blew it all out of proportion. He gave her the odd slap, wasn’t a big deal…”

  I ran at him, fisting his shirt again, and slammed him against the wall. “Trip got that from you, huh, Dad? Hitting women. Fucking cowards, both of you,” I roared in his face.

  He swung before I saw it coming, his fist connecting with the side of my face. Stupid of me. I should have known that’s what would happen next. It always did.

  I’d fought a lot in my life. Had taken hits from my father that had knocked me out cold. I’d started boxing when I was just a kid. I’d wanted to learn to defend my mom. No one could best me, not anymore. I rarely lost in the ring, and I’d beaten the shit out of people for the club when someone needed to be taught a lesson.

  But I’d never hit my father back. Not once in my life.

  He was getting old, was soft around the middle. Drinking like he did was taking a toll, but he was still fucking strong. And when he came at me like this, I was that kid cowering in the corner all over again. I was the boy putting himself in harm’s way, doing whatever it took to have that anger directed at me and not my mom.

  He knew that. Which was why he hit me again.

  After seeing my mom yesterday, being with Lila. After seeing Sofia now after being terrorized by my father for fuck knew how long—I couldn’t hold back anymore.

  I let the kid in me go. The kid who didn’t understand why his dad wanted to hurt his mom, hurt him, and I stood at my full height. I was several inches taller than him, and he looked up at me with fury in his eyes. He swung again—

  I caught his fist in my hand and shoved it away.

  He roared and swung again.

  I caught that too, then swung back, connecting with his jaw and knocking him on his ass. He stared up at me, and it was only a split second, but there was no missing the shock, the fear in his eyes.

  I took sick satisfaction as I moved in and stood over him. “It’d only take a couple more hits, old man, and I could take you out. You know it and I know it.”

  He stared at me for several long moments…then smiled like the twisted asshole he was. “Been waiting for you to finally find your balls. About fucking time.”

  I huffed out a disgusted breath. There were so many things I wanted to say to him, all of them were a waste of breath. He didn’t care. I grabbed him by his shirt, hauled him off the floor, and shoved him toward the front door.

  “You could go all the way, you know. President of the Black Stone chapter, maybe the whole club one day.”

>   I ignored him and kept shoving until he was out on the front yard. “Get on your bike and go.”

  “I know you hate me, boy. But you also know I’m right.”

  For the first time in my life, he was looking at me with respect instead of loathing, and as messed up as I was, I liked it. Had craved that from him all my life.

  I hated myself for that.

  And I hated him for fucking me up so bad that some part of me still wanted his approval.

  He zipped up his leather jacket. “The club’s gone soft. With you in a position of power, we could get things back the way they were, make decent money again. None of this going-straight bullshit.”

  We? Seriously?

  In that moment, I knew for sure he’d had something to do with what Trip had done. More than likely he was the driving force behind it. But I had no proof, and until I did, there was nothing I nor the club could do.

  “You’re fucked in the head if you think I want anything to do with you, and if you ever step foot on my property again, if you go anywhere near Sofia again, I will end you.”

  The fucker grinned and climbed on his bike.

  I stood at the door as he rode away.

  It wasn’t over. I knew it deep down.

  He’d never leave me alone.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Jesse was avoiding me.

  His messages were still frequent and he was sweet and funny and dirty, but I hadn’t seen him in three days since he left for Black Stone. He kept coming up with excuses why he couldn’t come home, and maybe I was reading too much into it, but something felt off.

  Eves pushed the door open to Rocktown Ink and I strode in behind her. Dane was at the counter when we walked in.

  My best friend’s boyfriend rounded the barrier between them and kissed her, then offered me a welcome smile. “Hey, Lila. You heading to Black Stone tonight?”

  I frowned. “Um…”

  “For the party,” he said, distracted by my best friend’s butt. He seemed incapable of keeping his hands off it.


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