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Bad For You (Rocktown Ink Book 4)

Page 20

by Sherilee Gray

  He gripped my shirt and tugged it off over my head, flinging it aside, and his hands slid up my sides to the outsides of my breasts. He squeezed them together and leaned in, pressing his face against them and groaned.

  His whiskers tickled my skin, and I chuckled as he reached around me and undid my bra, tugging it down my arms. He flung that aside and my chuckles died as he caught a nipple in his mouth, sucking, as he tightened his hold around my waist and lifted me off the ground, all before my next breath.

  He moved across the room and pressed me against the narrow bit of wall between the large windows there.

  “Missed you so much, Bambi,” he said against my lips as his fingers worked open my jeans.

  I did the same, popping the button and tearing down the zipper. “I missed you, too.”

  He shoved his hand down the front of my underwear. “And this tight little pussy, did you miss me here as well, Lila?”

  I whimpered. “Yes. God, Jesse, so much.”

  “So wet. Fuck, baby, so wet. Need you naked.”

  Two minutes later we were both completely naked and Jesse had a condom in his hand. I watched, breathing hard as he rolled it on, my body quivering, aching, desperate to have him inside me again. Then he was lifting me, pressing me into the narrow wall at my back and sliding inside me.

  I cried out, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck, my head dropping to his shoulder as he stretched me, filling me so completely that I couldn’t catch my breath. He pulled out and slammed back in, and I gasped, my head flinging back. Jesse’s hand was there stopping me from hitting the wall, and he fisted my hair and held my eyes as he started pounding into me hard, relentless.

  “All mine. You’re all mine, aren’t you, Lila?”

  I clung to him tighter. “Y-yes.”

  “You’ll never leave me again, will you, baby?”

  He slammed deep.

  I cried out. “No, never.”

  He shook as he thrust into me over and over, then he kissed me again and pulled out suddenly, spinning me so I was in front of the large window, looking down at the street below. He lifted my hands against the glass, his mouth going to my ear. “Don’t move.”

  My arms shook and my legs trembled. I was so empty. I wanted him back inside me. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait long. He pulled me back against him, and something cool brushed my side. When I saw what it was, I sucked in a breath. The leather vest he’d tried to give me. Property of Grifter on the back.

  He didn’t say anything, just put it on me. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer this time, and I had no intention of turning him down. I wanted it. I wanted to be his and him to be mine.

  He growled, and one of his hands came around me, cupping a breast, the other gripping my hip, and he thrust back inside me. Light from the street below barely reached us, and it was dark up here, so no one could see what we were doing, but the idea that they could, that they could see Jesse claiming me, because that’s what he was doing, was so exciting, I pushed back against him.

  “That’s my good girl,” he rasped against my ear.

  “I’m not…I’m not a good girl.”

  He chuckled, sexy and dark against my ear. “You like that, don’t you, Lila? Being bad, being my bad girl? Everyone knowing you’re mine. That if they looked up right now, they’d see it for themselves?”


  “You’ve wanted to be bad for so long, haven’t you, baby?”

  I sobbed. “Yes.”

  “You never have to hide from me, not any part of yourself, not from me. I love you the way you are, Lila. You’re fucking perfect.”

  Then he held me tighter and took me harder, faster. His hand slid down my stomach and between my legs to work my clit.

  I erupted, pressing back into him, crying out as I came, squeezing down on him so hard it had to hurt. Jesse groaned against my skin, hot breath exploding from his mouth as he pulsed inside me, coming with me.

  He held me up, grinding against my ass until he’d worked every last bit of pleasure from me, from us both. Then he eased out, pulled off the condom, throwing it in the trash, and swung me up into his arms. He crossed the room and lowered me onto his bed, coming down on top of me.

  Looking down at me, he ran his hand over the stiff leather resting over my breast. “You know what this means, don’t you, Bambi?”

  I cupped his strong jaw. “Yes.”

  “Tell me,” he said roughly.

  “That we belong to each other.”

  His eyes darkened and went bright at the same time.

  “That you’ll protect me,” I went on, as my hand moved to his strong throat. “Care for me. That I’m the only woman you want.” I traced the ink at the base of his throat and down his chest. “That you love me.”

  He shoved my legs wide, pinning me to the bed. “Yeah, I fucking love you,” he said low and rough. “Christ, Lila, I didn’t know it was possible to feel this way. I’ll never let anyone hurt you, or scare you, shit, even look at you the wrong way, not ever again.”

  I smiled up at him, lips trembling. “I love you, Jesse.”

  He rolled, pulling me over him, and seconds later he had another condom on and was pushing inside me. “Think you should wear that every time you ride me.”

  I swiveled my hips, then leaned forward, laughing softly when his eyes rolled back in his head. “Okay,” I said breathlessly.

  “Yeah?” he said, grinning and panting at the same time.

  I rolled my hips again and clamped down hard around his dick. “I kind of like having you at my mercy.”

  Jesse groaned, then pulled me down for a hard kiss. “I always have been.”



  Seven months later

  I dragged the back of my hand over my mouth as Lila crossed the yard toward the other old ladies. She was wearing tiny little cut-off shorts, a white tank top, and her leather vest letting everyone know she was mine. Christ, the shorts and tank hugged her round ass and gorgeous tits to perfection. We’d just gotten here and I still hadn’t recovered from having her behind me on my bike, pressed against my back.

  She laughed at something Kelly said and accepted a beer from Mandy, then ran to meet Sofia when she walked in, giving her a tight hug. Soph had started seeing Colt, one of the brothers. He was a good guy, one of the best, and he’d treat her like she deserved.

  Lila took her hand and they joined the others. My gaze moved over my girl, and yeah, I was as obsessed with her now as I was when I first saw her. I wanted to go over and drag her off to a quiet corner somewhere, bend her over and fuck her again.

  We were celebrating her birthday. The other women had wanted to do something for her. We’d already had a party at Dane and Everly’s a couple nights ago with her Rocktown friends. But her other family wanted to make her feel special as well. They loved her.

  My girl was fierce and sweet, and I wasn’t the only one who saw it.

  I’d found us a house just outside of Spring Haven. It was the perfect location for us. The place had some land and was only a thirty-minute commute to Rocktown and her job at the library. It was close to my mom and the club, and since I was floating between Rocktown Ink and the club’s tattoo parlor in Black Stone, it worked for me as well.

  It was also close to Cassy and Cal’s ranch, which meant Lila and Eves had been doing a lot of riding.

  Lila had been worried about being so close to her parents, but so far we hadn’t had any trouble. She’d only contacted them once more since we’d been together, to get her horse back. The fuckers had sold her and my Bambi had been heartbroken.

  Stones walked over and thumped me on the back. “She’s a good girl,” he said, his gaze following mine. “You chose well, brother.”

  I grinned at him. My good girl wasn’t always so good. Shit, just when I’d gotten my dick under control.

  Stones laughed, reading my mind.

  “So what’d you get her for her birthday?” He shook his head at m
y dirty leer. “Jesus, I hope you got your woman something more than your dick. That’s not much of a gift.”

  I punched him in the arm. “Old fucker. I feel sorry for Mandy having to put up with your wrinkly old love stick.”

  Stones boomed with laughter. “Asshole. And I assure you she’s not complaining.”

  “Suuure,” I said, my gaze moving back to my girl. “I’m ah, giving her gift to her later, actually.” Nerves fired to life in my gut.

  I glanced at Stones and he smiled wide. “It’s like that, is it? Good shit. Don’t fuck it up. Chicks never let you forget if you fuck it up.”

  “Sounds like you fucked it up?” I said mildly.

  Stones winced. “I might have.”

  I laughed and made a mental note to ask Mandy about it later.

  “There’s actually something else I wanted to talk to you about,” Stones said, looking serious all of a sudden.

  “Okay,” I said carefully.

  “We’ll talk inside.”

  I nodded and followed him inside.

  The sun had gone down and we stood back from the bonfire. Lila was leaning back against me, my arms wrapped around her, swaying to the music.

  We’d eaten. Mandy had made a massive chocolate cake, and now the kids had gone home and the drinking was well and truly underway. It was a night for celebrating. Stones had offered me sergeant at arms. Caesar was moving away to be closer to his grandkids, and he wanted me to take over. I’d accepted, then I’d found my quiet corner with Lila right before the cake came out. She’d come against my mouth, twice.

  Lila was still all soft and loose, relaxed.

  And if I didn’t fuck up what happened next, this night would end up being goddamned perfect.

  “Come with me?” I said against her ear.

  She twisted to look up at me. “Where are we going?”

  “Feel like some private time with my old lady.” I took her hand and led her toward the small outbuilding we used when we stayed at the clubhouse. Just like I had the first time she’d come here to a party.

  I sat down on the porch and she climbed onto my lap instantly, straddling my hips and wrapping her arms around my neck.

  I squeezed her ass. “You having a good time, Bambi?”

  Her smile was so gorgeous, and it made my chest ache. “Yes. The girls went all out. I can’t believe they did all this for me.”

  “They love you,” I said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  “I love them, too.” She shook her head. “They even got me gifts. I’ve never felt so spoiled.”

  My gut gripped tight. “Speaking of gifts—” I reached for the bag I had stashed down by the couch.

  She frowned, watching me. “You got me something else? You already took me out for dinner and had that gorgeous jacket made for me.”

  The leather jacket was for safety when she was on my bike. It helped that she looked insanely hot in it, too. “This is something else.”

  Her smile was soft and stole my breath. “You know I don’t need lots of gifts, right? Just you.”

  I lifted her hand and kissed it, then slid the ring I had in my fist onto her finger. The little row of diamonds twinkled in the light from the bonfire and she gasped.

  “I know you’re already my old lady, but I want to make this legal. I want you mine in every way you can be. I want you to marry me, Lila. Will you?”

  She made a cute little sound, something between a laugh and a sob, and threw her arms around my neck, peppering my face with sweet kisses. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  “Yeah?” I choked.

  “Yes,” she said and pressed her mouth against mine.

  My heart thundered behind my ribs, and I wrapped my arms around her and stood. She squealed and I carried her inside, kicking the door shut behind us.

  “I need to fuck my fiancée…then we can get more cake.”

  She threw her head back and laughed.

  Thank you for reading BAD FOR YOU! Do you want more?

  (Click Here to read The Wedding ~ a bonus epilogue featuring Grifter and Lila)

  About the Author

  Sherilee Gray is a kiwi girl and lives in beautiful New Zealand with her husband and their two children. When she isn't writing sexy, edgy contemporary and paranormal romance, searching for her next alpha hero on Pinterest, or fueling her voracious book addiction, she can be found dreaming of far off places with a mug of tea in one hand and a bar of Cadburys Rocky Road chocolate in the other.

  To find out about new releases, giveaways, events and other cool stuff, sign up for my newsletter!

  Also by Sherilee Gray

  Rocktown Ink:

  Beg For You

  Sin For You

  Meant For you

  Bad For You

  Knights of Hell:

  Knight’s Redemption

  Knight’s Salvation

  Demon’s Temptation

  Knight’s Dominion

  Lawless Kings:

  Shattered King

  Broken Rebel

  Beautiful Killer

  Ruthless Protector

  Glorious Sinner

  Merciless King

  The Smith Brothers:

  Mountain Man

  Wild Man

  Boosted Hearts:





  Axle Alley Vipers:




  Black Hills Pack:

  Lone Wolf’s Captive

  A Wolf’s Deception

  Stand Alone Novels:

  Breaking Him




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