Book Read Free

Mind of Darkness

Page 11

by Jes Drew

  The woman’s groan follows me up to the first floor.

  Then I come to where Christopher is inspecting my door.

  “Doesn’t look like there’s been any interference,” he says.

  “So they came in the same way they left?”

  “Or they have a master key.” Christopher pushes himself up and I unlock the door.

  Christopher walks inside and goes straight toward the window.

  I close the door behind us and go to follow.

  But then I see something under the bed.

  Reaching after it, I pick up a piece of paper and unfold it to a message inked in pen:

  If you leave, Christopher gets hurt.

  Choking back a gasp, I crumple the paper in my palm and look up to see for myself that Christopher is still all right, trying to force open the window.

  “It couldn’t have been opened from the outside,” he says. “Do you remember if it was already open when you went to bed?”

  I can’t. “We’ll make sure to keep it closed in the future.”

  Shaking his head, he turns to me. “This is getting too desperate. I think we need to leave.”

  I shake my head back at him. “Just because Violet and I- two known somnambulists- thought we saw someone in our room? It was probably just each other. Again.”

  Christopher frowns. “Emily, why are you trying to explain this away?”

  “Because it’s silly.” And I’m scared and I need a moment to process what’s happening before I tell you in just a moment and-

  I sit down on my bed.

  And suddenly, a feeling of serenity and safety and security washes over me. My mind calms and relaxes and goes fuzzy.

  This place is safe. More than that, it’s joy. “Christopher, I don’t want to leave. And I don’t want to get mad at you. It’s just…. Something I can’t explain.”

  He frowns as he steps toward me. “Emily, you’re the first to sense every danger. Why is this any different?”

  “Because it’s not danger. I know that, deep in my mind. And you can sense people.”

  “Yes.” He stops at the edge of my bed and crosses his arms. “And the people here are raising quite a few flags. I don’t trust them.”

  I cock my head at him. “Do you trust me?”

  Something flashes in his eyes. Doubt. It stabs my heart.

  But his words are, “Of course.”

  “Then don’t try to leave.” I pat my bed next to me.

  He sits down. “But-”

  “No buts.” I wrap my arms around him and pull him down with me. “Just hold me.” I close my eyes and breathe in the breath of fresh air that is Christopher.

  “I don’t feel safe with you sleeping here, though,” he says, his breath playing with my hair as he adjusts us into a more comfortable position, one arm wrapping around me.

  “I have Violet.”

  “And that person pranced in here anyway.”

  “If they were even here.”


  I snuggle deeper into him. “Fine. We’ll compromise. We won’t leave, and I won’t stay here alone. You can camp out here. You’re already here, and Violet won’t mind. At least not after seeing you shirtless.”

  “I’m not taking my shirt off for her.”

  “Of course not. Now just relax for a moment and hold me. And keep your shoes off my sheets.”


  “I’m glad you decided to stay.”

  I glance up at Dr. Earnestine. “You knew I wanted to leave?”

  “Of course I did. I know everything.”

  “Do you know who broke into my room last night?”

  “No one. You are imagining things. You are safe.”

  I frown. “But Christopher doesn’t think so.”

  “Christopher is jealous. Overbearing. Domineering.”

  My head tingles in pain, and I grasp my chair. “That isn’t true. I need him-”

  “You are stronger without him. Safer without him. The Emily you are meant to be.”

  “I love him.”

  “Then you won’t leave. Because if you leave, you will kill him.”

  I wake with a start, limbs flailing upwards.

  Strong arms touch my forearms. “It’s okay, Emily. Just a dream.”

  “Or me.”

  I turn to see Violet closing the dorm room behind her with one hand, the other holding fast food. “I didn’t realize you two ditched school to cuddle, or I would’ve knocked. Or not come at all.”

  “You had to,” Christopher says, sitting up behind me. “You had the food.”

  “Uh-huh.” Violet tosses me a bag before dropping down onto her bed with the remaining bag. “Okay, so, did you find anything during your little investigation?”

  “Some blood,” Christopher answers, taking the burger I hand him. “And a really bad feeling about this place.”

  Violet nods and takes a big bite of her sandwich before gesturing to Christopher to continue.

  “And I’m staying the night.”

  She keeps chewing, studying him all the while. When she swallows, she says, “Well, I’m not staying with any neighbors, so-”

  “You’re staying, Violet,” I say, my face going beat red. “We’re all three sleeping here as a security defense. To protect ourselves from future intruders.”

  Violet rolls her eyes, like she knew this all along and was just messing with me. “Or at least evidence that he was here, because when I reported the incident to the administration, they were having none of it.” She grabs a ‘chip’ from her bag. “Idiots.”

  “Or perpetrators,” Christopher offers.

  She waves a chip at him in agreement. “Especially that hot therapist.” She turns her chip to me. “He was asking after you today.”

  I blink. “He was?”

  “Told him you were making out with your boyfriend behind the hedges somewhere. Didn’t realize I was half right.”

  Smacking my hand over my face, I fall backwards to my pillows. “There was no making out.”

  “You two.” Shaking her head, Violet grabs another chip. “Well, I’m taking the first shower. Have fun pretending you’re a Hallmark movie while I’m gone.”

  Despite her suggestion, Christopher stands up and goes to the window. Resting his arm against it, he stares out to the world that will very soon be getting very dark. “It’s time to face the Bogey man.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Alexander Franklin III watches his life crumble before him. His past: a lie. His future: a sham.

  And his right now: chaos.

  Alex grasps his bedroom desk to steady himself; keep himself upright; fight the urge to be sick.

  Just this morning, everything seemed perfectly normal. Sure, there were storm clouds in the distance, but they were in the distance. And still are. But now a new threat has presented itself- in the forms of his father and his uncle.

  But, no; it’s all a big misunderstanding. It has to be. His father isn’t like that.

  Groaning, he rubs his hand down his face.

  But Alex had heard the conversation himself. Well, overheard, anyway. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop- he had just been trying to find his keys; but he found a horrible secret instead.

  All this time…

  Alex shakes his head. Maybe his dad was right to be doing this. Sure it was dishonest, but it would be for the good of the country, right?

  But how could something for the country’s good be so underhand; so dishonest?

  And what of the other, yet more horrible part?

  He groans. He needed answers, but his dad certainly wouldn't give them. Probably not his mom either. Maybe his grandma though…

  His gaze falls on his pilot’s license lying on his dresser. His parents wouldn’t mind if he flew to Great Britain- they were busy after all- and with the sketchiest of things. And it’s been so long since he’s seen his grandma- she’s a busy woman after all. And, wait- it’s summer, isn’t it? So she might be in England too. Ma
ybe he could find her while he was down there…

  Alex shakes his head. He needed to focus on the problem, not the friend he lost six years ago. Besides, he ought to learn what he can learn here before jetting halfway across the world.

  And if he can’t find what he needs here; well, he knows what he’ll have to do.

  Chapter Sixteen: Charisa

  Like previous mornings, I wake up to the sound of my cell door screeching open.

  But this isn’t like other mornings.

  The moment Faith steps in, the door closes again. Then I say, “Two. Four. Six. Eight.”

  “I’ve got Tim and the card,” Kyle answers abruptly. “Keep talking so I can find you.”

  “Okay.” I turn to Faith, who is shakily climbing into her bed.

  “Faith,” I say loudly, “Kyle and Tim are coming to bust us out. We’re going to escape this horrible place and be free.”

  Faith blinks at me. Then she says, “No.”

  “No? What do you mean? Don’t you want to leave?”

  “I don’t want to see what I’ve missed all this time. At least down here, I can believe that this is all there is.”

  “But this isn't all there is. And- and Jin won’t be able to force any more chemicals into you if you come with me.”

  “I don’t want to find out who I was meant to be. Who I wasn’t for all this time.”

  Huh? “But don’t you want to come… with me?”


  “With Tim?”


  I feel desperation building up inside me.

  Then the door opens behind us and the desperation explodes with the pressure

  “No,” Faith says again before disappearing.

  The desperation implodes.

  “No!” I cry, reaching in after where I had seen her last.

  Suddenly, someone grabs me around my waist and pulls me out. I turn around and see Kyle, and behind him, Tim.

  “We have to go now,” Kyle says.

  “But Faith!”

  “Where is she?” Tim asks, wildly scanning the room.

  “She turned invisible,” I answer. “She doesn’t want to come.”

  “What?” Tim rushes back into the room. “Faith! Please don’t do this to yourself. Faith!” He turns to Kyle and me. “Don’t you guys have super hearing or something?”

  “I can’t focus,” I gasp. “I can’t hear her-”

  “We need to go now,” Kyle repeats, pulling me towards the open door.

  “But Faith-”

  “You can’t force someone to see the truth,” Kyle answers.

  “Faith!” I call one last time. “I’m sorry about what was stolen from you, but you can still get part of it back! You can still have freedom. You just need to see the Truth.”

  Faith doesn’t answer, and Kyle pulls me out of the room.

  Tim begins to follow us, but then pauses. “It’s not too late, Faith. Even after we leave, it won’t be too late. Please choose the truth. Never stop seeking it.” He follows us into the hallway before pausing and looking back. “Goodbye, Freya.”

  Then Kyle, Tim, and I dash down the hallway super fast. We turn the hallway and continue running, passing several guards in the process. However, we’re going so fast that all they feel is a breeze.

  At the door to the Cure’s lab, Kyle whips out a key card with Jin’s picture on it.

  I scan the area. “Where do you think Jin is now?”

  “Unconscious in my ex-cell.” Kyle pushes open the now unlocked door.

  We run into the Cure’s lab and quickly shut the door behind us. The Kyle dashes over to the elevator and inserts the key card into it.

  Meanwhile, Tim bashes open a medicine cabinet, revealing vials of chemicals. Grunting, he knocks the whole thing down.

  “Could you have been any louder?” Kyle demands. “You know, this elevator is being rather slow.”

  Tim turns his now intense gaze to Kyle. “I don’t want them using these against Faith. Not anymore.”

  Someone knocks on the door. “Is that you in there, Jin?” Wanda calls.

  We all stiffen.

  “Did you drop something?” she asks. “Here, I’m coming in.”

  I will the elevator to get here faster.

  Then, suddenly, an earsplitting alarm goes off.

  I cover my ears and drop to my knees. “What is that?!”

  Somehow, Tim hears me over the noise. “That’s the alarm that goes off when we take off our anklets.”

  We all look down at our anklets. They’re still on.

  “Guards!” Wanda cries outside, but her voice sounds further away, like she’s running the opposite direction. “Guards, go find the one who removed the anklet- now!”

  “Faith,” Tim whispers. “She did it.”

  The elevator finally arrives.

  “We have to go help her!” Tim cries.

  “No.” Kyle steps into the elevator. “We can’t. It’s too late.”

  I sigh and follow Kyle. “Just because she's choosing to help us doesn't mean she'll come with us.”

  Tim glances back, but he follows us on the elevator.

  He bows his head. “I’ve failed her again.”

  “She made her own choice,” Kyle says. “And then she chose to help us. Let’s just hope her helping us doesn’t shut down the elevator.”

  The elevator begins to rise.

  Then it stops.

  “Great,” I mutter.

  “The anklet didn’t do it,” Tim says. “Or it would have stopped earlier. Right?”

  Frowning, Kyle scans the elevator. “Someone in the control room must have realized that it’s not Jin using this elevator and shut it down.”

  “What now?” I ask. “I’m not going back.”

  “Me neither.” With that, Kyle jumps up and pushes open a panel on the top of the elevator. Then he climbs up onto the roof of the elevator. “Come on; we need to climb the cord.”

  My stomach misses the memo and drops instead. “Just great.”

  Tim joins Kyle on the roof of the elevator.

  I take a deep breath and jump up after them.

  “We’re going to have to be quick,” Kyle says. “Once we start climbing, we can’t stop, no matter what.”

  Tim nods, grabs the wire, and shimmies up the thing super fast.

  Kyle turns to me. “Now you.”

  I bite my lip and grab hold of the wire. Heights. It had to heights.

  “Don’t worry,” he assures. “I’ll be right below you.”

  “How comforting. I’ll be able to take you out too if I slip.” Taking another deep breath, I grab onto the wire, and climb.

  And climb. I focus on putting one hand above the other, on pulling myself upwards.

  Then I reach the top.

  “Over here!” Tim calls.

  Not missing a beat, I swing myself towards his voice and release the cable.

  And land on Tim.

  We both slam onto the ground in a tangle of limbs. Kyle soars over us and lands a few feet ahead. He quickly sits up and glares down at us. Then Kyle clears his throat.

  Tim takes that as a cue to quickly disentangle himself from me.

  I sit up and find myself in a run-down-looking shack with an elevator entrance standing in the center of it. The elevator entrance doors are wide open with hand indents in them.

  “Wow, Tim,” I say. “How did you…”

  Tim gets up and brushes himself off. “I’m super strong and desperate. Now let’s commence with the escape.”

  I jump to my feet and hurry to the door of the shack. It has a high-tech lock that stands out against the decrepit door as much as the elevator entrance stands out against the rest of the shack.

  “Allow me to show Tim here the civilized way to open doors,” Kyle says, sliding the key card into the lock.

  Tim nods. “Using stolen key cards. That’s very civilized.”

  The door clicks and Kyle pushes it open, revealing a grassy field. Th
en he grabs my hand.

  My other hand grabs one of Tim’s hands. Then, without a word spoken, we all three run super fast across the field to a street.

  Kyle studies a distant sign with his super sight (40/40 vision or something). “We’re in Virginia.”

  “Again?” I ask.

  He nods. “So, if we want to get to Alabama, we’ll have to run in that direction.”

  “Alabama,” Tim breathes.

  I turn to him. “What is it?”

  “It’s… it’s my home. I remember it now.”

  “Can you- can you remember anything else?”

  Tim focuses for a moment before shaking his head sadly.

  “Not that it matters at the moment,” Kyle says. “We need to focus on getting out of here first. So, we’re all in favor of going to Alabama, right?”

  Tim and I both nod.

  “Then let’s go.”

  We all run again, still linked. Kyle runs ahead, since his super senses make him the best navigator.

  We run and we run and we run. Then we run some more. Finally, Kyle halts, sending Tim and me forward to the ground. I don’t bother getting up.

  While regulating my breathing, I glance around the deserted side road we have stopped at the best I can without lifting my head. “Where do you think we are?”

  “I don’t know,” Kyle answers between pants as he holds his knees. “Tennessee? Maybe Alabama.”


  “If we’re in it, then we’re in the northern part. We still have a long way to go, and I just don’t have the energy to run anymore right now.”

  “What? I still have some energy- especially since we might be in my home state right now-”

  Kyle frowns at me. “Yes, but I’m the navigator- you just have to blindly follow. And I haven’t eaten today.”

  My stomach rumbles, reminding that it’s undergone the same cruel treatment.

  “I don’t suppose any of you have any stolen food on you,” Tim says, lazily reading my mind (figuratively, of course- if he were telepathic, I would be forced to absolve our friendship).

  “Nope,” Kyle answers. “Or money either.”

  “Money?” Tim pushes himself up into a half-sitting position. “Oh, yeah; that’s what you use to get stuff up here, isn’t it?”

  Kyle blinks at Tim. “How long have you been in that bunker again?”


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