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Page 20

by Bella Street

  “A lovely young woman who should be thinking about things like marriage and babies.”

  Seffy burst out laughing. “Wow, that was the lamest stock answer ever.”

  Olga quickly switched tubes after the first one was filled. “True, but it was all I could think of on the spot.” After three tubes were filled and the rubber strip removed, she stuck a cotton ball and bandage on the puncture. “Seriously, how are things between you and Gareth?”

  Seffy stared at her poor abused arm. “Platonic and tense.” She shook her head. “I have no idea what's going on in his head. He doesn't really talk to me anymore.”

  “How do you feel about that?”


  Olga labeled the tubes and put them in a little plastic stand. “Any hope that you'll work things out?”

  “I hope so, at least to the point we were before things got weird.”

  “And what about Trent?”

  Seffy's brows inched up. “What about him?”

  “He seems to have a thing for you.”

  “A 'thing' is a good way to describe it. I think he's bored and has picked me out as the one mostly likely to...uh...yield.”

  Olga snickered. “Just another reason to be thankful I'm not young. My goodness, all the stratagems and sagas. It was probably just as bad in my day, and I don't miss it a bit.”

  Seffy watched as she put the collection tubes in the small refrigerator. Once Olga told her that her husband of thirty years had taken off with some one else. Did she get lonely? How did one recover from such a thing?

  “I'll be right back, dear. Just sit tight.”

  As she waited, Seffy wished she could confide in the nurse about Trent, but she didn't even trust herself. Anyway what would Olga make of their bizarre relationship?

  After a few moments, the nurse returned with a clear box and a jar. “Now this will seem primitive, but work with me.”

  Seffy saw live mosquitoes in the box and groaned. “If I die of West Nile I'm suing somebody.”

  Olga smiled. “There's only ten bugs in there, so this shouldn't take long. Stick your hand through the netting here.”

  Seffy did as she was asked, grimacing at the yuck factor. “Who's idea was this?”

  “Mine,” Olga said.

  “So it's not sanctioned by the compound?”

  “Goodness, no, it's just a little experiment I thought would be interesting based on what I heard about your recent experiences.”

  “Great.” Seffy jumped as one of the flitting insects bit her. It immediately curled up and fell to the bottom of the box. One by one, each mosquito bit and instantly died. “Oh, crap.”

  Olga's face paled slightly. “I must admit I wasn't expecting that.” She removed Seffy's arm and cleaned it with alcohol, then dabbing antibiotic ointment on each little red bump.

  “So am I done now?”

  She put a jar on the table. “Just one more test.”

  “What in the heck is that?”

  “It's a tick.”

  Seffy stood up. “No way is that thing getting on me. Plus, can't you get like Lyme Disease or something from those?”

  “Sit down. You're only exposed to the possibility of Lyme Disease after twenty-four hours.”

  “It can suck on someone's blood that long?”

  “Sit. Trust me, now, I grew up with ticks. Have been bitten by dozens over the years because I lived in a wooded area.”

  Seffy slowly sank onto the chair and held out her arm. “Olga, you know I trust you, but this might change that.”

  “Think of it as a science experiment. I want to see if something hardier than a mosquito is affected.” She took a pair of tweezers and placed the tick on the crook of Seffy's arm. It was about the size of a small nail head, and dark with a white spot on its back.

  “I'm going to have nightmares of creepy crawlies after this.”

  “At one time you had zombies after you. If that isn't creepy crawly, I don't know what is.”

  Seffy closed her arm slightly. “Will I feel it bite?”

  “Probably not.”

  “God, I can feel it squirming.”

  “Just a few more minutes, dear.”

  “Olga, you totally owe me after this.”

  “What would you like?”

  Seffy thought about it for a moment, glad for the distraction. “Can you make me a scarf? That one you were knitting was pretty.”

  “A tick for a scarf. Deal.” After five minutes, she leaned forward. “Now, let's have a peek and see if Mr. Tick took the Seffy bait.”

  “Naming insects is just wrong.” She unfolded her arm for inspection.

  “Hmm, it's definitely embedded.” Olga tugged gently and watched as Seffy's skin was pulled with it.

  “I think I'm going to puke.”

  Using the tweezers, Olga gave the tick a quick twist and it popped loose. “Well, I'll be. It's dead, too.”

  “Just for the record, I already said my blood was poisonous. I mean, it killed a grown man.” She looked down at her wretched self. “It's like I'm carrying death around inside me. How do I handle that?”

  Olga cleared her throat. “Well, I don't know about that. Part of me wonders if fear caused that man to have a heart attack or something. There are many people who've been exposed to your blood and are still with us.”

  “But everyone always used protection.”

  “Trent hasn't.”

  “Well, skin is protection in itself. Unless he had an open wound, then he wouldn't be exposed, right?”

  Olga added the tick to the box of dead mosquitoes and set it on the counter. Then, she brought a microscope over to the table. “I believe I will have a peek for myself before sending off your samples.”

  She took a tube out of the fridge, used a dropper to add a spot of blood on a glass slide, then slid in into place on the microscope. After staring through the eyepiece for a minute, she sat back, her mouth slack. “Good Lord.”

  Seffy's heart sank. “I'm a mutant. I knew it!”

  While the nurse sat staring into space, Seffy pulled the microscope over and peered down onto the magnified sample. She knew normal red blood cells were round and dimpled. But these sample cells were shaped like eights, as if each cell had been created from two connecting cells. When she upped the magnification, she noticed that instead of the smooth texture she expected, they looked furry. By squinting, she could almost see hair-like extensions floating outward from the cells as if seeking something to grab hold of. “Okay, I don't remember anything like this in science class.”

  “Well, I think we're done for the day.” Olga took the slide, sealed it in a plastic bag and replaced all the blood back in the refrigerator.

  “You're freaked, aren't you?” Seffy stood and watched as the nurse quickly tidied the room. Then she took a bottle of disinfectant and began drenching every surface and wiping everything down—the table, chair, drawer handles, the refrigerator. After that, she stripped off her gloves and washed her hands in water so hot, steam began to fill the small room.

  Seffy fought back a rising anxiety. “You're not going to recommend I be quarantined, are you?”

  Olga stopped and stared at her, drying off her hands. “No...not yet. But for God's sake, Seffy, stay away from sharp things.”


  “Sef, wake up.”

  Seffy blinked and looked around in a daze. She saw Addison and Lani staring at her with bemused expressions on their faces.

  “We're done,” Lani said. “Don't you want to see?”

  Seffy looked down and remembered she'd come to Lani's room for that mani-pedi. She wiggled her toes, liking the sparkly pink polish. “Very nice.”

  “I thought the glitter went well with your outfit,” Lani said. “Plus it matches the Montana sky.”

  “As if I needed reminding.” She looked down at her pink embroidered cotton blouse and denim mini skirt. “And by the way, this is your outfit.”

  “Technically all the clothes we use are commu
nal,” Addison said.

  “Well, I appreciate being able to borrow something until my stuff is washed.”

  “No problem. Don't forget to look at your hands. We don't have acrylics yet, of course.”

  Seffy inspected her finger nails and saw they'd done a decent French manicure with polish alone. “I have to say, I'm impressed.”

  Lani beamed. “You were our first customer.”

  “I can't believe you fell asleep though. It was kinda like working on a cadaver. I think I know how it feels to work in a funeral home now.”

  “Well, thank you for that op-ed, Addison.” Seffy got up from the ancient recliner they'd dragged in from who knew where. “I guess I was tired. Sorry about that.”

  “You should go back to your room and take a nap,” Lani said in a soothing voice. “I used lavender lotion on your hands and arms. It will help you relax.”

  She smelled her hand and smiled. “Okay. Thank you. I think this will be a hit, guys.”

  “And there was no blood,” Addison said. “We were very careful not to cut you and die.”

  “Also good.” Seffy smiled. “Thanks again, and for the flip flops.”

  “No problem,” Lani said. “You can't put shoes on over a fresh pedicure!”

  Seffy flip-flopped her way back to her room, unable to believe she'd fallen asleep. The nightmares had taken their toll over the last week since her return. She spent half the nights struggling with insomnia, and when she finally did drop off to sleep, some horrific dream left her wide awake and gasping for air. At least Popov and Clay hadn't made themselves visible and for that she was thankful.

  As soon as she entered her room, the couch beckoned. But first, medically necessary sustenance according to the Norse Nurse. Olga had sent up another pitcher of water and cup, and a high protein shake. Seffy downed the shake and drank a glass of water, then plopped into the corner of the couch, pulling her knees up and wrapping her arms around her legs. She felt almost content.

  She noticed her legs smelled lavendery too. Lani must've gone whole hog. Luckily, she'd shaved this morning. Seffy stared at her hairless kneecaps. Would she have to turn into a sasquatch now to avoid razor nicks? With her dumb luck, could she really avoid bloodshed? She laid her head against the couch and closed her eyes. Sleep should be safe enough for now.

  “Knock knock.”

  Seffy opened one eye and saw Trent coming through her closet door. She didn't have enough energy to rebuke him, so she settled in for sleep as a hint that she didn't want to talk.

  He plopped onto the couch next to her. “Hey.”

  “I'm asleep, Trent.”

  “I don't doubt you're tired.”

  She gazed at him from under heavy lids. “Why?”

  “Because I hear you at night.”

  “How can you hear anything between two closed doors and a passageway?”

  “I keep my door open.”

  She just had to ask. “Why?”

  “Because I keep hoping one day you'll walk through it.”

  Seffy rolled her eyes.

  “Seriously, your lack of sleep is starting to affect me.” He lowered his voice. “You wake me up yelling, talking, and crying. Mostly crying.”

  She felt her face heat. “Sorry. You should close your door.”

  Trent looked down at her feet. “Very cute.”

  Seffy's face got even hotter. “Lani and Addison were just trying to relieve some boredom.” She cleared her throat. “Is there something you wanted?” When she saw his wicked expression, she shook her head. “Let me rephrase that. What do you want to talk about?”

  He smiled. “Well, I think we need to figure out why Verity didn't seem to realize you were dead, along with the problem of that killer following you here.”

  “Maybe the killer dude came on my vapor trail thingie like you did.”

  “That's possible.”

  “By the way, where were you at two o'clock that day? You didn't follow me to the tanning salon, did you?”

  “No, Eugene told me to go to the sushi bar where I was the first time it happened.”

  “Damn! I forgot to have sushi while we were in L.A.”

  “I think you got distracted with the whole trying to survive part.”

  “Probably.” She scooted her legs out a little, then stopped because of Trent.

  He saw the motion and patted his lap. “C'mon, you can stretch out.”

  “That's okay. I'm fine.”

  “No you're not.” He wrapped his hand around her right ankle and tugged.

  Seffy acquiesced since she knew he'd make an issue out of it. Still, it felt weird—though admittedly more comfortable—to have her legs lying across his lap.

  Trent ran his fingers along the arch of her foot, watching her expression.

  She hoped he didn't notice the goosebumps climbing up her legs. “Don't.”

  “Don't what?” He smoothed his hand up her shin. “Your skin is so soft.”

  “Please stop. We don't have that kind of relationship.”

  Trent halted his movements but didn't remove his hand. His gray eyes regarded her with suppressed amusement. “Speaking of relationships, we also need to talk about what you said in the desert.”

  “The part about large arachnids?”

  “No, what you said about Gareth knowing about us.”

  Seffy's heart thumped hard. “Uh...he just mentioned it.”

  “Out of the blue?”

  “No.” She looked at her hands before returning his look. “But let's just say he didn't like you any better in the tangent world.”

  “But he knew we'd been dating.”


  “He had Verity. What was his problem?”

  She shrugged, her expression limpid.

  Trent snorted. “What is it with that guy?”

  “I guess he's protective of me.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “And why is that? What's he supposedly protecting you from, Sef?”

  “There are some things I will never tell you, Trent. Things that are none of your business.”

  “You act like you two were intimate then found out you were related or something.”

  She felt her face flush. “You don't know anything.”

  “Then enlighten me.”

  His palm felt hot on her leg. She shifted to get away from him.

  “Okay, I'm sorry. Just relax.”

  Seffy swung her legs from his lap and sat up, swallowing hard against a new lump of tears. Trent had no idea how badly she wanted to unburden herself about Gareth, but she never could. Not to him.

  He scooted to the other end of the couch and patted the cushion next to him. “Please sit down. I won't bug you anymore.”

  “Trent? Why are you here?”

  He held out his hand. “Because I got used to having you near me and I miss you. Just sit with me for a while.”

  Seffy knew she was a fool, but she'd missed his touch more than she wanted to admit. She perched stiffly next to him. Trent adjusted the couch pillows to provide support for his head, then leaned back.

  “Lay next to me.”

  She smiled at his manipulation. “I thought you wanted me to sit.”

  “That was Phase One. Now, Phase Two is you snuggling up to me.”

  “Is there a Phase Three?” she asked in a dry voice.

  He pulled her down next to him, cradling her head onto his chest. “Phase Three is a nap.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Seffy woke up, smashed between the back of the couch and Trent's body. The room was dim and she was warm and cozy. Laying motionless, she listened to Trent's breathing and the sound of his heart beneath her ear.

  What the hell were they doing?

  They weren't exactly friends and they definitely weren't lovers, but were exhibiting behaviors of both. Maybe they were frovers. Or friends with benefits. Thankfully, no actual transfer of benefits had occurred. But if she kept ending up with him in delicate positions, he would eventually assume.

  And yet she couldn't bear to tear herself away. Her arm was stretched across his waist, his hand was in her hair, and their legs were tangled together. He smelled warm and soapy and she felt safe and utterly content. Would he consider just being a cuddle monkey and nothing more? Now that she had one, she didn't want to give it up.

  Seffy thought of the years she'd quietly pined for Gareth. He'd always been affectionate and touchy-feely, but they'd never been like this until after the blast. Even then, there was an undercurrent of affection. With Trent, the undercurrent had more of a lustful vibe. That complicated things.

  Plus, she and Gareth had a history of trust and commitment. Who was this Trent Ellison? What did she really know of him? He was just some guy who happened to slide into the same wormy hole she did and land at the bottom with her. Seffy thought of what he said about seeing her for the first time in Malone's safe house—thinking she was a beautiful vision to behold or something or other. While she was flattered on some level, she didn't think she could believe him. Every one of his words had to be parsed and examined, taking into account his expression, mood and agenda. Even if what he said was true, did she want to believe him? Seffy peered up at his sleeping face, wishing she could discern his secrets.

  As if he sensed he was being watched, his eyes fluttered open. His sleepy gaze focused on her and he looked at her without saying a word. Her heart stared to pound so hard she was sure he could feel it. She resisted the urge to avert her eyes, instead she tried to see into his soul and figure out who this man really was.

  His eyes dropped to her lips and she knew he was going to kiss her. Seffy caught her breath as he leaned close, her thoughts suddenly muddled.

  A sharp knock on her door made her gasp. Seffy frantically struggled to a sitting position. “Just a minute!” She pushed on Trent. “Go!” she hissed. “My door's not locked!”

  With a bitter expression, he hoisted himself from the couch and went to the closet. She was caught in his gaze until he shut the door. Seffy shook her head to clear it and hurried to her main door. When she opened it, Fiona was on the other side.

  “We have a problem.”


  Seffy stared at Fiona from the couch, feeling she was sinking deeper and deeper into a place she couldn't get out of. To have endured so much and then be...punished for it.


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