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Fraud (Antihero Inferno Book 2)

Page 29

by Lily White

  “I can’t finish the meeting because I’m too busy wondering why this asshole thinks he gets to have discussions while we’re all standing around waiting for him.”

  “Gabriel,” Luca says, “come here.”

  Flashing Tanner a mischievous grin, I push away from the wall and drop down to sit on the floor. Leaning against the couch between Luca and Ivy’s legs, I let my head fall back, and my eyes lock with Luca’s. She grins and reaches out to ruffle my hair.

  “Is Tanner being mean to you?”

  “Yes. I think you should refuse all discussions with him for the next thirty days until he learns to be nice.”

  She laughs just as a hand wraps around my wrist to jerk me up from the floor and shove me down again between Ivy’s legs.

  “Shut the fuck up, asshole. Leave my girl alone and worry about yours.”

  No worries on that.

  I run my hands up her legs and laugh when she grabs them before they can climb too high.

  “Fucking hell,” Tanner barks as he stabs a hand through his hair and paces away.

  He eyes both Ivy and me. “Back to the actual discussion and not whatever the hell it was you two were doing.”

  I grin. “If you’re not sure, then there are plenty of videos online that provide adequate instruction.”

  “Oh! I have suggestions for some good ones,” Sawyer calls out.

  Damon speaks up next. “Speaking of, have you seen the newest video uploaded by-“

  “All of you, shut up!” Tanner snaps.

  The room goes silent except for a few snorting laughs, everybody but Tanner fighting like hell to hide our grins.

  He glares at all of us slowly, one after the other, and it only makes Shane and Mason laugh harder.

  “Back to what we were talking about.” His dark stare shoots to me. “Is that better, or do you have something else you want to say?”

  My smile fades, and I squeeze Ivy’s hands. “I’ve got nothing. You didn’t leave yourself open with that one.”

  “Good to know.” He stares at me a moment longer. “I think I liked you better when you were in a bad mood.”

  Tanner should have left it alone. “What can I say? It was a good discussion. I’m sorry if you know nothing about that.”

  I elbow Luca’s leg and glance up at her. “I’m more sorry for you, though.”

  She laughs so hard her face turns red, the rest of the room cracking up again.

  Tanner scowls and points at me. “I’ll deal with you later. Back to the game plan.” Pausing, his brows pull together. “Fuck, where were we?”

  Releasing a breath, I remind him, “Ivy and I are dealing with her dad tomorrow. Taylor is looking into Everly. Shane is trying to cozy up to Brinley, and -“

  Brinley’s name reminds me of something. I turn to glance up at Ivy.

  “You really did look like you had something to say about that earlier. What was it?”

  Her eyes round, “Oh. Nothing, except I think I know Brinley.”

  “Wait, what?” Tanner asks. “And you weren’t going to say anything?”

  “Sorry, I was behaving.” She gives him the same saccharine grin that makes me want to bend her over a damn table every time I see it.

  Squeezing her hand, I drag her attention to me and tease, “Behave.”

  Ivy winks at me and looks up at Tanner.

  “I didn’t put two and two together with her and Jerry, but she has an uncommon first name so it reminded me. Brinley used to come over to my dad’s house when she was younger with her family. It’s been years since I’ve talked to her, but if someone has a picture of her, I can probably recognize her.”

  “How much younger?” Tanner asks.

  “Before I left for college.”

  His stare drops down to mine, and he doesn’t need to point out the obvious. Something has been going on for a long time. Apparently, since before we were out of high school.

  Once again, another question is answered which breeds a hundred more.

  After a few seconds, Tanner’s gaze dances between Ivy and me. “Try to get more on that when you two talk to Governor Callahan tomorrow. I’m not sure where to go with this until we have more information.”

  Taylor stands up from his seat and walks across the room to show Ivy his phone.

  Her fingers tangle through mine at the same time she says, “Yeah, that’s Brinley. I would recognize that face anywhere. Although-“

  She leans forward to take a closer look at whatever Taylor is showing her. Tapping the screen with her finger, voices filter through the speaker, a mix of laughter and music. “Is she at Myth?”

  My brow shoots up at that.

  Myth is an underground club that very few people know about. Only those in the right social circles know how to find it. It got its name for that exact reason. If you’re not part of the right crowds, it doesn’t actually exist.

  “Yeah,” Tanner answers, “which is why I assigned Shane to her. He has a reputation for going there.”

  Casting a quick glance at Shane, I see the corner of his lip quirk. “You could have mentioned that before.”

  “Glad to hear you’re happier to help us out now.”

  Shane flips Tanner off and nudges Jase with a shoulder. “I’ll take this asshole with me. Maybe we can find someone to get him over Everly.”

  “Fuck off,” Jase snaps. “But yeah, I’ll go.”

  “Then we’re done here,” Tanner says on an exhaled breath. “Thank fuck because I want to go home.”

  He glares at Ivy. “Anything you want to tell me before I walk outside?”

  She bats her lashes, that damn halo in place again. “What would I have to say?”

  Smirking down at her, Tanner’s arrogance is on full display. “I’m just making sure my tires are still inflated and my car won’t fall apart as soon as I open the door. Things have a tendency to get damaged around you.”

  A few of the guys chuckle, and I shoot them a look to shut them up.

  “I don’t know, Tanner. Have you been an unreasonable dick to anybody in the last few hours?”


  “Then you should be fine.”

  I lift a hand to hide my grin.

  “Good to hear,” he grumbles. Reaching over to offer Luca a hand and help her up from her seat, Tanner says, “Let’s go.”

  Allowing him to pull her to her feet, Luca glances around. “Crap. I left my purse in the kitchen. You go ahead, and I’ll meet you at the car.”

  “Fine.” His eyes shoot down to me. “I can’t wait to get home anyway because we have some things to discuss.”

  It takes effort to keep from laughing.

  “I’ll see everybody later,” Tanner says with a wave as he heads to the front door.

  Shoving up to my feet, I glare at everyone when they start to crack up.

  Ivy looks at me with suspicion. “What’s going on?”

  “Remember how you were pissed off about Lacey?”

  “Yeah,” she answers, her eyes glimmering.

  “So was I.”

  The front door opens at that second, the sound of ice water splashing down from the bucket I set up earlier followed by What the fuck? Who the fuck? Somebody is going to die!

  The guys bust out laughing, and Luca taps my shoulder. “You better run, Gabe.”

  I take off at a dead run toward the back staircase, Tanner rounding the corner into the living room to see me hauling ass.

  He’s fast on my heels all the way up the stairs, his fingers fisting in the back of my shirt. One hard tug brings me to my knees, my body sliding down three stairs before I manage to wriggle out of the shirt to escape.

  I make it upstairs before he can grab my legs, and I lock myself in a bathroom just as he crashes against the door. My body slides down the door as I laugh my ass off at the expression I saw on his face.

  The door shakes as he bangs a fist against it. “You will die for this, Gabe! I’ll get even.”

  It only makes me laugh

  “Son of a bitch. What the fuck is wrong with people?” he mutters as his footsteps storm off, the heavy thud audible all the way down the stairs.

  Wiping tears from my eyes, I try to think of the last time I laughed so hard.

  It’s sad to think that it’s been well over thirteen years.


  Pulling up to the gate of my parents’ house, I flash a smile at the security guard, my fingers gripping the wheel as he hits a button to let me drive through.

  My eyes stay locked to the iron gate that slides open, a smooth voice rolling through the car speakers from a man with a tongue dipped in silver.

  “I’m surprised to see you actually went straight there. And here I thought you’d try to ditch the car and run again.”

  Laughing at the thought, I pull along the winding driveway, past the manicured lawns and colorful flower gardens. This place is nowhere near as peaceful as the land that surrounds Gabriel’s house.

  “What makes you think I’m not ditching the car here? Just gives me a few more hours to run while you think I’m behaving.”

  “I’ll chase you.”

  “Good luck catching me.”

  Gabriel laughs. “I think I’ve already proven how adept I am at running you down.”

  He has. But still, I won’t admit it.

  “I’ll just stay in public. That way I can scream when you catch up.”

  More soft laughter, the sound dark and heated. “It’ll be hard to scream with my cock in your mouth, but if you enjoy lying to yourself, I’ll allow it.”

  I shiver at the promise. “Fine. I’m not running.”

  “That’s a shame. Hunting you down was always so much fun.”

  Turning a corner, my parents’ mansion appears at the end of the driveway, the three-story windows reflecting the blue skies above my head.

  “I’m pulling up to the house now. I’m sure once I tell my dad that I’ve seen the errors of my ways and decided to marry the most annoying man on the planet, he’ll kick me out immediately. I should be heading back in fifteen minutes or less.”

  There’s humor in Gabe’s voice. “Express delivery is always preferable. Especially when we have so much to discuss.”

  I roll my eyes. “You’re at work. We can’t discuss anything there now that Tanner has officially banned me.”

  “You’re banned from his office only. My door is still very much open. Come here when you leave your dad’s place.”

  “Will do.”

  Gabriel hangs up as I pull up to park behind another car in front, a breath leaking out of my lungs filled with the dread I feel.

  The last thing I want to do is upset my dad, and I also don’t want to find out that he’s been just as horrible as Gabriel’s father. But after learning he’d practically married me off when I was a kid, after discovering how he was once tied the Inferno families, I don’t know what to expect when I walk in there today to talk.

  I open my door and silently wish that Gabriel was with me. We decided last night that it would be better if I was alone, that my father would be more likely to admit the truth if Gabe wasn’t standing in the room.

  Sunlight glints off the engagement ring on my finger as I shut the car door. I laugh thinking that only Gabriel would buy an actual two-carat diamond to use as a prop to abduct me back in Miami. The man never cuts corners and is willing to go all out if it means he gets what he wants.

  I’m approaching the front door when it’s pulled open. Glancing up, I expect to see Harrison in his pressed butler uniform. Instead, I lock eyes with my old driver.


  His gaze cuts to mine, something unsaid rolling behind it. He doesn’t acknowledge me as he runs past, but I spin and grab his arm to stop him.

  “I thought you quit. Why are you here?”

  His head is shaved close, a military style cut that makes sense for him considering he’s ex-military.

  “Just grabbing my last paycheck,” he answers, easily pulling his arm from my grasp.

  Except, that’s funny because my family only pays their employees in direct deposit. My brows crash together at the lie, but I say nothing.

  When Scott reaches his car and is climbing in to the driver’s seat, a familiar voice says my name.

  “Miss Callahan. It’s a pleasure to see you again.”

  I turn to Harrison and smile. “I hope my father is home. He’s not expecting me.”

  Kind brown eyes glimmer down at me, his gaze dropping to my hand. “You have a habit of being unexpected.”

  It’s obvious Harrison’s already excited to witness whatever chaos I leave in my wake this time. But then, I’ve always been his favorite entertainment.

  He opens the door wider to let me through. “Your father is in his office.”

  “What’s his mood today? Green zone or red?”

  “Let’s go with yellow. He was happy to see you’d broken off your engagement to Mr. Dane, however I’m sure his happiness won’t last.”

  Harrison pointedly glances at the ring and smiles.

  Turning to him, I poke a finger against his chest. “You take far too much joy in me being a fuck-up.”

  “It keeps things entertaining.”

  Sighing, I turn to the stairs and mumble, “Might as well get this over with.”

  My skirt flutters around my legs as I run up the stairs to the second floor. Marching towards Dad’s office, my heels are a steady click against the marble floors, my heart dropping into my stomach when his double doors come into view.

  I press my ear to the door to see if he’s on the phone. Hearing nothing, I knock and wait for his deep voice.

  “Come in.”

  Slowly turning the knob, I expect the hinges to creak in the usual haunted house way, but they’re silent. My father glances up as soon as I peek my head inside, the smile I flash him not returned.

  I’ve always loved my father’s office. Despite being large, it’s the perfect reading nook that carries the scent of old books.

  Dark oak bookshelves line every wall except for where the floor to ceiling window looks out over the gardens, and another wall with a gas-burning fireplace that is always lit.

  Dad’s large desk takes up most of the space, situated in the center of the room with two comfortable wingback chairs facing it.

  Unfortunately, the relaxing vibe is lost when my father’s dark stare locks to mine, his mouth already tight with disapproval.

  He leans back in his chair and assesses me like an attorney about to cross-examine a key witness.

  “Have a seat, Ivy.”

  Holding my hand against my skirt, I do my best to hide the ring. This conversation will be easier if I don’t start with the news that I’m marrying Gabriel. Then again, it’s the perfect opening to ask why the fuck I was promised to him when I was nine.

  We’re not seventeenth century royalty. The days of marrying off your daughter as a bid to blend power and money is long past, and I’m not too happy to hear my father had even considered such a thing.

  Dad runs a hand through his dark hair, his stare pinning me in place.

  “I saw that you made the news again. I found it telling that my own daughter couldn’t at least call to give me the warning. Especially considering this is the second time it’s happened.”

  Folding my hands in my lap, I keep the ring covered and borrow the same excuse Gabriel used with his father.

  “I’ve been busy. A girl has to find a job when she’s suddenly cut off from her bank accounts and kicked out of her home.”

  Okay, so maybe I added to the excuse, but it’s warranted. Dad must have believed I’d come crawling back on my belly, begging for him to take care of me again.

  It’s too bad for him it won’t happen.

  He ignores the comment. “Why are you here?”

  To lie my ass off...

  Settling in my seat, I give him my best smile. “To let you know I found a roommate. Thankfully, she’s letting me stay with her fo
r free until I can find a job.”

  Clearly not impressed, he lifts a stack of papers to tap the edges on the desk, the leather of his chair squeaking. Most would think my father is just tidying up, but I know he’s occupying his hands while formulating his next question.

  “Who’s the roommate?”

  “You wouldn’t know her.”

  “Who?” he demands, his hands stilling.

  “Luca Hughes.”

  Setting the papers down a little too carefully, he sits back in his seat. I take that to mean he does know her. But why wouldn’t he? His hand was involved in sinking her father’s business.

  “Senator Hughes’s daughter-in-law?”

  Smiling again, I meet his stare. “Former. She divorced her husband. In fact, I believe she reverted back to her maiden name, Luca Bailey.”

  Emphasizing her last name, I study my dad’s face for any small twitch that indicates distress. I’m not surprised to find nothing. He is a politician after all, and before that he was a shady attorney. If anybody can hide his thoughts, it’s him.

  In a way, he reminds me of Gabriel. That damn mask always on full display.

  Dad folds his fingers together, his thumbs tapping together. “You need to go back to your own house, Ivy. I’ll arrange for you to have a driver again, and I’ll reinstate your finances.”

  Damn it. Something about Luca’s father must be bad because my father is not the type to fold so easily.

  I might think my dad is a complete hard-nosed ass. And we may have gone head to head more times than I can count for the stupid shit I did when I was younger. And it might also be true that he’s attempted to keep me under control and subdued. But he always protected me. Loved me. Looked out for me.

  That made him a hero in my eyes.

  My heart is shattering to think he might be a hero to me, but when the mask is pulled away, he’s somebody else’s villain.

  I refuse to show what I feel. The lie must go on, and that includes the refusal to bow before him.

  “Actually, I’m really happy where I am. I think this is good for me, Dad. It’s about time I learn to stand on my own two feet. It’s been really nice. I’m getting back out there, and-

  I snap my fingers like I just remembered something.


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