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Light The Fire: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (Her Elemental Dragons Book 0)

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by Elizabeth Briggs

  And why me? My mother was much more devout than I was. There were many days when I hadn’t believed the Gods existed at all, or if I did, I’d cursed them. I had no idea what being his High Priestess even meant. Not to mention, he wanted me to bring four men with me and take them as my mates. I certainly knew the four I’d want, but I couldn’t ask them to give up their entire lives for me.

  Yet as the shock wore off, a sense of purpose and wonder filled me, like nothing I’d ever known before. I would serve one of the Gods—there was no higher calling than that, especially if they were awakening after all this time. But how would I ever convince the others to go with me? Derel would never leave behind his family’s business, Blane was definitely not priest material, and Roth could barely spend a moment alone with me anymore. The only one who might do it out of loyalty was Falon, but I had a hard time seeing him going anywhere without Derel.

  “Why four men?” I managed to ask.

  “The Spirit Goddess has four mates. The Black Dragon has four mates. My High Priestess must also have four.”

  I supposed that made sense and, if I was honest, the idea of being with all four men excited me, assuming they would ever agree to it. But they would never consider leaving as long as Sparkport was in danger, and neither would I. “What of the volcano? I can’t leave my family behind if there is a risk of it erupting—and I wouldn’t be able to reach the Fire Temple if it does.”

  “Once you arrive at the temple the volcano will become calm again.”

  I glanced back in the direction of the village, though the rocks blocked it from view, and then sighed. This was my destiny, like it or not. “Yes, I will become your High Priestess.”

  “Then rise.”

  I pushed myself up on shaking knees and faced the God in front of me. He moved close, singeing my dress and my hair, and my skin felt like it was going to peel off me. Before I could pull away he reached for me, and then all I knew was fire and heat. It raced along my skin, tore at my flesh, and melted my bones. I was taken apart and reformed. I died and was born again. I was ash and flame, smoke and lava, sparks and coal, and then I was whole again.

  As the fire faded away and vanished, I stumbled back—but the Fire God was gone.

  Chapter Five

  Somehow I found my way back through the empty town, past the abandoned stalls, discarded dragon kites, and the new crack in the road. I felt so odd, like I was watching myself from a distance, unable to comprehend what had just happened. The Fire God had done something to me—but what?

  I was in shock, still in disbelief that I’d said yes to his offer, and now I had a journey ahead of me that I was both excited and nervous about. But first I had to talk to the four men in my life, along with my family. How was I going to explain what had happened on the beach? Would anyone even believe me? I certainly wouldn’t.

  When I made it back to our home, the door flew open and Loka dashed out. “There you are!” she said as she wrapped her arms around me. “Gods, your dress! What did you do to it?”

  I glanced down at myself and saw my crimson gown, which I’d worked so hard on for months, had been torn, covered in sand, and singed in numerous places. I could only shake my head as she led me inside, where the rest of our family waited.

  “Thank the Gods you’re safe,” Mom said, as she swept me into her embrace.

  “I’m just glad Loka made it back,” I managed to say.

  “Yes, she arrived not long after you left to find her. You must have just missed each other.” She wiped soot off my face. “Goodness, you look like you had a fight with a hearth and lost. Is the ash from the volcano truly that bad already?”

  “No, I…” I sank down into a chair, still shaken. “I have to tell you something.”

  They sat at the wooden dining table and listened intently while I went over everything that had happened at the beach, which sounded even more unbelievable when I said it all out loud. When I was finished, my sisters glanced at each other skeptically.

  "Are you sure you weren't dreaming?" Krea asked.

  "Yes, maybe you slipped and hit your head on the rocks," Loka added. "Are you feeling all right?"

  I shook my head. "I know it sounds impossible, but it was real. I wish there was a way to prove it to you."

  My mother had remained silent the entire time, her mouth frozen in a permanent tight line. But now she said, "There is a way."

  "How?" I asked.

  "The High Priestess can summon her God's element." She reached for a candle and set it on the table in front of me. "Try it."

  Now I was the one giving skeptical looks. "How do you know?"

  A faint smile touched her lips. "My grandmother was also High Priestess, as was her mother, and her mother before that. They could control fire too."

  "It's hereditary?" I asked.

  "It was, at least in the old days."

  "You never told us any of this," Loka said, her eyes huge.

  "What happened?” Krea asked. “The Fire Temple has been abandoned for years."

  "My grandmother Ara left the temple and married a man here in Sparkport. I don’t know why exactly, but my mother believed perhaps Ara grew tired of serving an absent God that no one believed in anymore. Maybe all of the world did stop believing, but now the Fire God is stirring, which means something is changing. And he's chosen you to be part of it. You can't refuse."

  "But I don't have any magic,” I said.

  "Maybe you do now. You said the flames covered you, but you appear unharmed." She rested her hand over mine and gave it a squeeze. "Have faith. He came to you for a reason."

  "I'll try," I said, but I didn't have any confidence it would work. My body felt no different than it had before meeting the Fire God. It was my mind that had been shaken.

  I reached for the candle and thought of fire, but nothing happened, although I sensed...something. I closed my eyes and remembered how it had felt when the Fire God had touched me and infused me with flames, how they'd become part of my body. Maybe I could channel that out of me now.

  The candle wick suddenly burst into a huge flame, so large it made me gasp. My sisters stared at me like they'd never met me before, while my mother had never looked more proud.

  She clasped her hands to her chest. "I knew it. Praise the Fire God."

  "It's true," Loka whispered. "You really are the High Priestess."

  I waved my hand at the fire, and to my surprise, it went out. "Not yet. I still need to travel to the temple. Only then will the Fire God tell me my purpose—and stop the volcano." I swallowed. "And I need to bring four men with me to be my priests."

  "Lucky you," Krea said, with a knowing smile.

  "That shouldn’t be a problem," Mom said. "I'm sure Derel will agree, and those other friends of his probably will too. They all seem to be smitten with you."

  "For some strange reason," Loka added as she nudged me with her elbow, making me smile.

  “This is such a large thing to ask of them though. They'd be giving up their lives here for one at the temple, and they'd have to all agree to be with me." I glanced at my mother. "Are you sure you're all right with that?"

  "As I said, our family is descended from the High Priestesses of the past. My grandmother had four fathers. It's not common in the Fire Realm, but if the Gods demand four husbands for their High Priestess, who are we to argue with them?"

  I nodded and ran my hand along the table, feeling the ridges and grooves that I’d known my entire life. "If I do this, I'll be leaving Sparkport forever."

  "You can still come visit, I'm sure," Krea said. "The Fire God won't demand you stay in the temple every single moment of your life."

  Loka squeezed my hand with a smile. "We can come visit you too. We’ll make sure you have enough supplies. It's not far, after all."

  I nodded. As she said, Valefire wasn't far—only about a two day walk or so—but the journey up the volcano wouldn't be easy, especially when it was active. I'd have to trust that the Fire God was not sending
me to my death and that he would protect me and my men.

  Emotion made my throat tight as I glanced between my sisters and my mother. "I'm going to miss you all so much though. And the bakery—will you be okay without me?"

  "Of course we will." Mom wiped at her eyes and then gathered me in a hug. "We'll miss you too, but this is your calling. I'm so proud of you, dear."

  I hugged my mother back, my eyes filling with tears. I'd wanted guidance, but I hadn't expected my entire life to change this night—or that I’d have to say goodbye to the people I loved.

  "We'll take care of Mom," Krea said, as she and Loka hugged me next.

  "Don't worry about us. When are you leaving?" Loka asked.

  Another small quake rippled under our feet, reminding us of my duty. "Tomorrow. Assuming I can convince the four men to come with me."

  Mom jumped to her feet. "I'll start preparing some food for you to take.”

  "I'll help you pack,” Krea said.

  I rose in a daze to begin preparations, but then a knock sounded on the door. Mom rushed over to answer it and smiled when she saw it was Derel. "What a lovely surprise.”

  "Mother wanted me to check on all of you." His dark eyes found me behind the rest of my family, almost like he was seeking me out, but then he turned back to my mother. "Are you well?"

  "Yes, thank you. But Calla has something she must speak to you about."

  "Is that so?" Derel asked, raising an eyebrow.

  I took Derel's arm, leading him outside, away from my nosy family. I closed the door behind me and spoke in hushed tones. "Can you get the others and meet me on the beach in a few minutes? It's important."

  His face changed from intrigued to worried. "Is something wrong?"

  "No, but I need to ask all of you something. Tonight."

  He nodded. "I'll get them."

  Chapter Six

  I sat on the rock where Blane had hid the fireworks earlier and adjusted my ruined dress, wishing I’d spared a moment to change into a new one. I’d been too busy packing my things and debating how to explain all of this to the four men I hoped would come with me to the temple. If I couldn’t convince them, what then?

  The volcano had calmed now, perhaps because I’d accepted the Fire God’s offer and was doing what he wanted. The four men stood in front of me on the sand, the moonlight illuminating their handsome features. I’d agonized for so long over which man I would marry and how I would ever choose, but now I wouldn’t have to—assuming they said yes.

  “Is everything all right?” Falon asked.

  “When I said we should meet later, I didn’t mean with these other guys,” Blane muttered.

  Roth crossed his arms, looking surly. “Why have you brought us out here in the middle of the night?”

  I drew in a deep breath. "There’s something I need to tell you. And more importantly, something I need to ask you. All of you.”

  “What is it?” Derel asked.

  There was no easy way to say this, so I got right to it. “After the volcano awakened I went looking for my sister on the beach to the north. There I met the Fire God.”

  Falon’s brow furrowed. “I don’t understand.”

  “What do you mean, you met the Fire God?” Blane asked.

  “He came to me looking like a giant flaming man. He said he’s chosen me to be his High Priestess and that I need to go to the Fire Temple to serve him.” I glanced at the volcano, which still had a plume of smoke rising from it. “Only then will Valefire return to sleep.”

  The four men gave each other confused and skeptical looks, probably wondering if they should be worried for my sanity or if I was trying to play some kind of prank on them, like we did when we were kids. I sighed and held out my hand, hoping the magic would come to me again this time. A spark flashed and then flickered into a small flame dancing in my palm. Oddly enough, it didn’t burn me at all.

  “I know this is hard to believe,” I said, as they all gasped and stared at the fire. “But it’s the truth. I’m leaving tomorrow for the Fire Temple, and I’m here to ask if you will go with me and become my priests.” I swallowed and lowered my eyes. “And my mates.”

  Blane raised an eyebrow. “Your mates?”

  “You want us to become priests?” Falon asked, looking more baffled than ever. “And…share you?”

  “How would that even work?” Derel asked.

  “And how did you summon fire?” Roth added.

  “I don’t know,” I admitted. “I’m still figuring all of this out myself.”

  “Did he tell you anything else?” Falon asked.

  “No, but he said we would learn more once we arrived at the temple. All I know is that the Fire God chose me and he told me to bring four men with me.” I closed my palm over the fire, snuffing it out. “I know this is a lot to ask of you, but I can’t imagine choosing any other men as my mates.”

  “And if we say no?” Roth asked.

  “I…suppose I’ll have to find others. The Fire God demanded four.” I shuddered at the thought of taking strangers as my mates.

  Roth ran a hand over his scarred face. “Are you sure you truly want each of us?”

  The hint of vulnerability in his voice made my chest ache. “Yes, I am.” I met their eyes in turn as I spoke slowly, hesitant to admit the feelings I’d kept inside so long. “I care about all of you so much. For years I’ve wondered if one of you might become my husband, but I wasn’t sure I could ever choose between you. Now I don’t have to choose, as long as you all say yes.”

  None of the four men jumped on my offer, but each one seemed as though they were considering it. I didn’t blame them—it was a huge decision that would impact the rest of our lives. Yet with each passing minute, my path became clearer and I began to accept that this was my true calling. I only hoped they agreed to be part of my destiny.

  I rose to my feet. “Think on it tonight. I plan to leave at dawn.”

  “So soon?” Derel asked.

  “The sooner I get to the temple the sooner the town will be safe from the volcano.”

  “What of your family?” Falon asked.

  “I’m going to miss them terribly, but this is something I have to do. My mother agreed—she said our family is descended from the last High Priestess. Besides, we’ll be able to visit now and then, and our families can come to the temple anytime too. I’ll still see my family when I can.”

  Blane ran a hand through his dark hair. “This is a lot to take in.”

  “I know, and I’m so sorry. If you’re outside my house in the morning, then I’ll be honored to have you at my side on this journey. If you decide to stay, I completely understand and won’t hold it against you.” I gave them all a weak smile. “We’ll always remain friends, no matter what you choose.”

  I stepped off the rocks and began the trek back toward my house to finish packing and try to get some sleep before my long walk to the volcano, though I knew sleep would elude me tonight. I’d be too worried over what the men would decide and what would face me in the days to come.

  As I passed the men, Blane’s hand shot out and caught my arm. “Wait.” He pulled me back toward him, taking me in his arms so suddenly I lost my breath. “I’m going with you.”

  His mouth descended on mine and he stole a demanding, possessive kiss right in front of the other men. As always, my body melted at his touch and begged for more, even if I worried what the others would think.

  When I managed to pull back, I asked, “You are?”

  He ran his rough thumb along my sensitive lips. “I don’t have anything tying me down here except you. If you leave, I’m going with you.”

  “I’m going too,” Derel said, surprising me even more than Blane.

  I spun around to face him. “What about your family? Everyone expects you to take over as the town butcher one day.”

  He shrugged. “They’ll have to find someone else. Besides, my mother would never let me hear the end of it if I didn’t go with you.”

sp; “Thank you,” I said, sliding my arms around him. After a moment’s hesitation, he embraced me back, his smoldering eyes staring down at me as if he wanted to kiss me. His hands skimmed down my back, getting distractingly close to my behind. Other than the dance earlier, it was the most intimate we’d ever been together. Most of the time we hated each other…but maybe we didn’t. Not really.

  “I’m in too,” Falon said. “The temple is probably falling apart anyway. You’ll need a good carpenter.”

  I moved into Falon’s open arms with a smile. “Yes, we will.”

  His hug was friendly, though he held me tight against him. I found myself pressing my face to his neck, breathing him in, wishing I was bold enough to press my lips there. Would he kiss me back if I pulled him down to my mouth? Was he going with me because he cared for me too—or only as my friend?

  I turned to Roth, the only one who hadn’t spoken up, hoping he’d say he was coming too. It had to be the four of them, my closest friends, the men I’d always loved, but he shook his head. “I’m sorry, Calla. Like I said, you’re better off without me.”

  He walked away as sadness dragged me down. I bowed my head, unable to watch him leave, knowing it meant the end for the two of us. For the past few years I’d held on to the hope that he would come around and we’d have a chance at happiness again, but now I knew that had been futile.

  “Roth!” Blane called out, as Roth’s form vanished in the darkness.

  “Let him go,” Derel said.

  “Are you okay, Calla?” Falon asked, running his hands along my bare arms as if to warm them.

  I forced a smile and blinked back tears. “Yes, I’m all right. I didn’t really expect any of you to say yes. Especially so quickly. Thank you so much for going on this journey with me and everything that entails.” I glanced between the three of them, thinking how lucky I was that they’d agreed to come with me. “Now we should get some rest—we leave at first light.”


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