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The Boy Spies of Philadelphia

Page 4

by Joanna H. Mathews



  The boys were so thoroughly surprised by Lord Gordon's making anappointment with them as hardly to be conscious of what they didimmediately after he left the room.

  They sat motionless as if in bewilderment, each fancying he had aninkling of his lordship's intentions, and not daring to believe thatwhich was in his mind.

  Both must have remained in this condition of stupefaction manymoments, for finally one of the attendants came up, tapped Jacob moreenergetically than politely on the shoulder, and intimated that if hedid not wish to be served with anything he could spend his time quiteas profitably, so far as the management of the tavern was concerned, insome other place.

  Master Ludwick, understanding that he had the right to be in thehostelry, because of having been introduced by one of the landlord'sbest patrons, and angry at being treated as if he was not a desirableguest, said sharply:

  "We are here because Lord Gordon invited us to enter with him, and weshall stay until it seems best to go."

  The servant muttered something which was probably intended as anapology, and made no further attempt to drive the boys from thecoffee-room; but Enoch did not feel altogether at ease after thisincident.

  "Let us go, Jacob," he whispered. "As the servant said, this is noplace for us, and, besides, we cannot be as private here as I wouldlike while speaking of Lord Gordon's intentions."

  "I should have gone before but for that impudent fellow, and now wehave stayed so long that it cannot be said we ran away because of hiswords, I am ready. Where shall we go?"

  "Anywhere, so we can be alone."

  "To your house?"

  "No. If I do not mistake Lord Gordon, there is serious work before usthis night, and I would rather not be where mother could question me."


  "Because I should betray that which is in my mind when she first beganto talk, and if I am correct in putting a meaning on his lordship'swords, it is better that no one save ourselves knows what is to bedone, lest by the knowing they could be considered as in some wayguilty of our acts."

  By this time the boys were on the sidewalk in the midst of a group ofidle officers and civilians who were commenting upon the news of theday, and the major of the Forty-second Highlanders, who was well knownto both Jacob and Enoch because of the fact that he boarded at Seth'shome, was speaking sufficiently loud for them to hear his remark asthey passed.

  "According to the report of the lieutenant of the Rangers, there can beno question but that the little rascal has been in communication withthe American forces for a long while, and it is not difficult now tounderstand how information of our movements reached the rebel officers.Among ourselves at the boarding-house we have talked freely, littlethinking a boy, hardly more than fifteen years of age, was playing thespy; but his career will shortly be ended."

  "When will he be court-martialed?" the major's companion asked.

  "To-morrow afternoon, and probably hanged on the following morning."

  "Then you have no doubt as to the result?"

  "There can be no doubt, my dear sir. The evidence is so conclusiveagainst him that I see no loophole of escape. All I regret isthat he has been allowed to ply his trade as spy so long and soadvantageously."

  "Come away, Jacob," Enoch whispered, clutching his comrade nervously bythe coat-sleeve. "It is fortunate for poor Seth that all the Britishersare not as hard-hearted as the major."

  "We should stay long enough to convince him he is telling that which isnot true," Master Ludwick replied stoutly; but at the same time obeyingthe pressure of his friend's hand by moving away from the group.

  "It would be difficult to persuade him he was speaking that which isfalse. You remember Lord Gordon told us he was probably the only personin the British army who would believe our statement in face of theproof against poor Seth."

  "Lord Gordon is a man, even though he is a Britisher."

  "And I hope the time will come when I can do him as great a service ashe is willing to do Seth."

  Enoch gave words to this desire simply as a mode of expressing hisadmiration for the kindly-hearted officer who would forget a quarrelof nations to aid a widow and the fatherless. He little dreamed thatbefore many weeks had passed he would be in a position to do LordGordon quite as great a service as that gentleman was evidently aboutto do for Seth.

  The two boys continued on up High Street to Sixth, and then throughWalnut to the long shed adjoining the State-house yard, where theIndians who came into town on business were accustomed to take shelter,and there they halted for a consultation, or, rather, to settle intheir own minds what his lordship meant when he appointed an interviewat midnight near the pillory.

  "He despairs of trying to aid Seth through General Howe," Enoch said asif thinking aloud.

  "And intends that we shall help him break jail," Jacob added.

  "In that case the poor fellow will still be in danger of being hanged,in case the British ever catch him again."

  "Very true; but he will be much better off, according to my way ofthinking, with a price set upon his head by General Howe, providinghe is with the American army, than if he remains here until day afterto-morrow, when, as the major says, he will most likely be hanged."

  "Of course that is true. I was only thinking that if we succeeded ineffecting his release we should not remove the danger from him, so faras the British are concerned."

  "I am well satisfied if so much can be done. I wish Lord Gordon hadthought it best to give us more of an idea regarding his plans, so wemight make our preparations."

  "But what could you do if we knew positively that he intends to helpSeth escape from jail?"

  "Nothing, although it seems as if we would be better able to performthe work if we made some preparations."

  "Do you think it will be necessary for us to run away with him?"

  "That must be as Lord Gordon says. Your mother knows exactly thecondition of affairs, and will understand that we are working inSeth's behalf, in case you should not come home to-night. If you andI accompany him in his flight, I will trust to it that his lordshipfinds a way to send word to our people without making any trouble forhimself. And in case we go we shall be no worse off than a great manyothers in this country. Remember Judge McKean, who last year was huntedlike a fox through the State, forced to move his family five times, andhide them at last in a little log hut in the woods. Knowing what he andhis suffered for the cause, we should not complain however hard our lotmay be."

  "I am not complaining, Jacob. I stand ready to bear anything whichfalls to my share, if by so doing I can be of service to the cause; butit isn't possible we could ever do as much as Judge McKean, who signedthe Declaration of Independence."

  "We can at least do our share toward making good the statement whichhe signed, and as to the future, so that we get Seth out of theBritishers' clutches we won't trouble our heads. It seems to me themost important question now is, what we are to do between this andmidnight. We ought not to be seen loitering around the streets."

  "Suppose you go down to my home and ask mother to give us as muchfood as will last us twenty-four hours. We will then go out near theCarpenter mansion, where we can remain hidden in the grove until night.Such of the provisions as we do not eat during the day will suffice forSeth to take with him in his flight."

  "That is a good idea, Enoch, and it will be doing something towardpreparing for the night's work. Now, where think you will Seth easiestfind the American forces? Where he saw them yesterday? Or in thedirection of Valley Forge?"

  "I think that is a question Lord Gordon himself can best decide, for hewill most probably know in which direction it would be safest for Sethto travel. Shall I wait here, or walk part of the way home with you?"

  "Stay where you are. I will be back in half an hour."

  Mrs. Ball must have suspected that the boys were engaged in someimportant work, for, like the wise woman she was, she complied withher son's request, asking not so muc
h as a single question, and scantythough her store of provisions was, collected such an amount as wouldhave sufficed to feed two hungry boys at least three days.

  Wrapping the collection neatly in a cloth, she placed it in a smallbag, saying as she did so:

  "It will be easier to carry in this, with not so much chance of wastingit. Tell Enoch that his mother's prayers will follow him until he comesback to her, and say that he is to remember how eagerly she watches forhis return."

  "I think he'll be back before to-morrow, Mrs. Ball; but if he isn't,don't you worry. There's a certain Britisher in this city who's gota heart under his red coat, and if it happens Enoch is to remain awayvery long, that same Britisher will send you word."

  "God bless you, boys! God bless all of you, and prosper you in yourundertaking!"

  There was a suspicious moisture in Jacob's eyes as he hurried throughLetitia Street to where his comrade was awaiting him; but by the aidof one corner of the bag he succeeded so far in effacing the telltalesign of weakness that no one would have suspected how very near he wasto breaking down entirely, simply because of the kindly words spoken bythe mistress of the dancing school.

  The hours passed slowly and wearily to the two boys who had nothingmore to do than spend the time in waiting; but finally the momentcame when, in order to keep the appointment, they must leave theirretreat in the grove, and it was with a sense of decided relief thatthey hurried forward, although knowing that they were hastening on aperilous venture.

  On arriving at that side of the town-house where stood the pillory, nota person was to be seen.

  Fortunately they had met with no one, not even the patrol, during theirwalk down from Sixth Street, and as they stood behind the instrument oftorture whereon Grimshaw had passed so many painful hours it was safeto assume that no person unfriendly to their design was aware of theirwhereabouts.

  Five, ten minutes passed, and yet no sign of life upon the desertedstreet.

  "Something has happened; he cannot come," Enoch whispered nervously.

  "I will answer for him," Jacob replied confidently. "He isn't the kindof a man who would back out after promising, and he knows we will waitfor him even though he is two hours late."

  "If any of the Britishers should see us, we would be put under arrest."

  "But there is no danger of that, not while we stay here, and thenight is so dark that the redcoats would be obliged to hunt arounda good while before finding us. I don't think it is safe to talk,because--here comes some one! Now the question is whether it's the manwe are waiting for."

  In the gloom the boys could faintly see a dark form coming up thestreet, and with loudly beating hearts they waited until the figure wasnearly opposite, when a low whistle broke the silence, and Enoch saidwith a long-drawn sigh of relief:

  "It is him. No one else would make a signal here."

  Then, without waiting for an opinion from his comrade, he stepped outin view, and the newcomer directed his steps toward the pillory.

  It was Lord Gordon, and he said, as he approached:

  "You have a good hiding-place here, and we'll take advantage of it,because I have a few words to say before we proceed to business." Then,stepping back behind the scaffold, he continued in a low, grave tone:"Unless I was firmly convinced that the story you told me regardingSeth's movements was true, and unless I believed you when you say thisis the first time he has ever carried information to the Americans,I should not attempt to aid you. That which I am doing may seemdishonorable to those who do not know all the facts in the case. My ownconscience approves, however, and I shall do what, as an officer in theBritish army, I ought not to do, in order to save from a disgracefuldeath a boy who has been indiscreet--not guilty as a spy. But althoughI can thus satisfy my conscience, I could not have my actions known tothe commander of the forces without laying myself open--and justly--toa charge of treason. Therefore I ask that from this moment you boysforget that I ever gave advice or assistance in the matter."

  "No one shall ever hear your name from us," Jacob said when Lord Gordonpaused as if for a reply.

  "I shall trust you, my boy, for although I am doing no dishonorableact, as we view the matter, my honor would be at stake if you shouldincautiously betray my share in this affair. I think now you understandthe position which I occupy, and we will say no more about it. Thisis the only way by which we can aid your friend. If he is here, hewill be brought before the court to-morrow; conviction is absolutelycertain to follow, and then comes the execution. To plead with GeneralHowe would be not only a waste of words, but cause suspicion in casethe boy should escape later. I have here an old pass, signed by thegeneral to visit the prison, issued in blank so that it may be usedby any one. I have filled in your names. You will present it boldlyat the door. There will be no question raised. You will be conductedto the prisoner's cell, and there you are to remain until a soldieropens the door, and repeats these three words: 'It is time!' Then walkout unconcernedly, all of you. If the plan which I have arranged issuccessful, you will see no one save the man who gives the signal. Itcan only fail through some officer or soldier going advertently intothe corridor, in which case the prisoner will be in no worse positionthan before; but you will share his cell because of having attempted toeffect his escape. Should this last unfortunately occur, both of youwill probably be severely punished--flogged, I should say--and thatis the risk which you must take if you would aid Seth. Barring theinopportune coming of some person, the scheme will go through withouttrouble, for the man on duty is an old follower of mine, upon whom Ican depend to the death."

  "Will he not be punished for allowing Seth to escape?" Enoch asked.

  "That part of it I can manage. All which concerns you is to getyourself and your comrade out of prison once you have entered."

  "Where shall we go in case we succeed?" Jacob asked.

  "That you must decide for yourselves. My advice would be for Seth topush on toward the headquarters of the American army at full speed, andyou boys return to your homes."

  "But it will be known that we visited Seth, because you say our namesare on this paper."

  "That pass will not be seen by any one, unless it chances you arediscovered, and then the soldier on duty will use it as his warrant foradmitting you at such an hour."

  "Why shouldn't we go with Seth?" Jacob asked, detaining Lord Gordon ashe would have moved away.

  "Because one boy has better chance of making his way across the countryunobserved than three would have. And again, perhaps I am not willingto assist in increasing the number of the rebel forces to such anextent. However, you are at liberty to do as you choose about it. Ihave simply advised that he go while you remain here. Now my portionof the work is done; it remains for you to execute the plan; and Ihope most sincerely you will succeed. No, we won't have any thanks, orformalities of that kind, my lad," the officer added when Enoch tookhim by the hand as if he would have kissed it. "I have done only thatwhich seems right; but which to the world will seem wrong. Perhaps sometime in the future, when we are no longer supposed to be enemies, youcan give free words to your gratitude. Be stout-hearted; move as if youhad a right to go and come as you please, and do not lose your couragein event of failure."

  Lord Gordon disappeared from view immediately after he ceased speaking,and during fully a moment the two boys stood facing each other, silentand motionless.

  "This won't do," Jacob said with an effort. "If the plan proves asuccess, the earlier Seth is on his way the more chances he will haveof reaching our forces. If it is to be a failure, why, the quicker weknow it the sooner we'll be out of our suspense. Are you ready?"

  "Yes," Enoch whispered; "but I am terribly frightened, Jacob."

  "So long as you don't show it there's no harm done; but I am beginningto believe that you are braver when you are frightened. Will you takethe pass, or shall I?"

  "You keep it. I will follow; but do not think I could conduct theaffair as well as you."

  "Then come. Try to think of nothing but the f
act that unless we succeedSeth will be hanged, and I allow that's enough to keep us well up toour work."

  Swiftly, and in silence, the boys walked to the prison where theircomrade was confined, and there Jacob knocked vigorously on the irondoor, as if about to demand what was his right, rather than to ask fora favor.

  A soldier answered the summons, and as he looked at the pass whichMaster Ludwick held out Enoch fancied a peculiar expression came overhis face, as if he had been expecting to see that particular piece ofpaper.

  Jacob stepped over the threshold without waiting for an invitation, andhis comrade followed.

  The soldier, who had not spoken, led the way in silence down thecorridor, unlocked a heavily barred door cautiously, as if it was hisdesire to avoid making a noise, and motioned for the boys to enter.

  It was so dark in the small cell that the visitors could notdistinguish any object.

  "Seth!" Jacob whispered. "Where are you, Seth?"

  A glad cry of surprise came from out the darkness; a clanking of chainswas heard, and the despairing prisoner cried hysterically:

  "Oh, Jacob! Jacob! Is it you?"

  "It is indeed, Seth, and Enoch is with me," Master Ludwick said in awhisper. "You had best not talk loud, for there is no reason why anyone save the soldier on duty should know we are here."

  "But how did you get in?"

  "Never mind that part of it, Seth. At least not until we are outside."

  "Outside! What do you mean?"

  "Through a friend, whose name must not be spoken, there is a chanceyou may escape, and it is necessary we are ready to act instantly thesignal is given."

  "But I don't understand----"

  "Don't try. Simply know that perhaps you will walk out of here thisnight free, and keep your mind steadily on the fact that if we succeedyou must be precious near the American forces by daylight."

  "But how is he to walk with those chains on him?" Enoch whispered."That is something we never thought of, and it will be impossible forhim to go on to the street fettered as he is."

  "Now I begin to understand!" Seth exclaimed. "A soldier came in herehalf an hour ago, and after looking over these irons as if to make surethey were fastened, left the key in the lock of the fetters which arearound my wrists. Do you suppose he intended to do so?"

  "That is exactly the idea, and we can thank--our friend for havingthought of it. Let me see if we can get them off in the darkness."

  Aided by Seth's directions Jacob had little difficulty in removing thefetters, and he whispered as he handed the leg-irons to Enoch:

  "Put these under your coat."


  "It may be of service to him who has assisted us, in case the fettersdisappear as if Seth wore them out of the prison. We will throw themaway once we are free, if indeed we ever are."

  At this instant the cell-door was opened softly, and the boys heard ahoarse whisper:

  "It is time!"

  "That is the signal!" Jacob said nervously. "Now, Seth, follow close atmy heels. Don't speak to any one, nor show signs of fear. This is themoment when we shall succeed, or find ourselves in a worse plight thanbefore. Are you ready, Enoch?"

  "Go on! I'll keep close behind Seth."

  The three boys, trembling with suppressed excitement, hardly daring tobreathe, stepped out into the corridor with as much boldness as it waspossible to assume.

  No one could be seen save the sentry at the outer door, and he stood,musket in hand, more like a statue than a living being.

  The thought came to Jacob that this guard could not have been the onewho gave them the signal, otherwise he would have made some gesture fortheir guidance, and as they walked straight toward him the boy believedthe bold scheme was already a failure.

  The soldier remained motionless until Jacob was so near that he couldtouch him, and then he swung open the heavy door.

  Jacob stepped out on the sidewalk almost fearing to turn lest he shouldsee that Seth had been detained.

  The prisoner followed without molestation, and as Enoch emerged thedoor closed, the creaking of the heavy bolt as it was shot into itssocket telling that the prison was barred once more; but the prisonerwas on the outside.


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