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SAVAGE: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 3)

Page 20

by Tracy Lorraine

  “I kissed Shelly earlier,” I argue, weakly.

  “Oh yeah, because one kiss in a few weeks is totally normal for Ethan Savage when his house is full of pussy.” Jake waves his hand around my back yard. There are bikini-clad girls around the pool and others wearing not much more everywhere else. “The Ethan we know wouldn’t be sitting here sulking, he’d be in that pool with his hand in some girl’s panties and his tongue down her throat.”

  He’s got a fucking point. It only makes all of this worse. The picture he’s just painted is exactly what should be happening right now, but as I look at the girls before me, none of them spark even an ounce of interest. I glance up at the house just as a light comes on in her bedroom. Now that, that one small sign of life from her, and I’m drowning in fucking desire.

  I bite down on my cheeks as I wait to see if she’s going to appear. Unfortunately, the only girls who show their faces are Amalie and Camila as they join the boys. “Oh goodie, two more to join in the lecture.”

  “Nope, this is your funeral, Ethan. We’re not getting involved,” Camila says, cuddling into Mason’s side and pressing her lips to his neck.

  “Although you should probably know,” Amalie adds. “She’s just gone upstairs with him.”

  Something unpleasant stirs in my belly before it tracks its way through my veins. My temperature soars and my fists clench.

  “So…” Jake taunts. “What are you going to do about it?”

  “Fuck you,” I bark, pushing from the lounger and storming inside to the sound of his laughter.

  Once again, the crowds part as I make my way to the stairs. Taking two at a time, I run up until I’m standing on the other side of her door, praying for his fucking benefit that I’m not about to find him with his hands on her in any way, let alone anything worse.

  I grasp the handle and push the door with such force it crashes back against the wall with a loud bang. A startled cry sounds out, but I’m so amped up that it takes me a few seconds to register that she’s sitting on her bed. Alone.

  Thank fuck for that. I really didn’t want tonight to be the night I kill someone.

  “Where is he?”



  “Why do you care? You didn’t seem to like him all that much.”

  His chest swells at my response before he reaches out and slams the door so hard my bed actually rattles.

  “I don’t like him.”

  “Why? Because he’s actually nice to me and that can’t possibly be allowed?” I sass, scooting over until my legs are hanging off the bed.

  “No. Because he wants you.”

  I laugh at the serious expression on his face. “Cody? Jesus, Ethan. You really are delusional. Fucking hell,” I mutter, pushing to my feet and walking to the other side of the room, needing to put as much space between us as possible. He doesn’t move, but I feel his eyes follow every one of my footsteps.

  “From the way he was touching you, I’d say he was very much interested.”

  “We were dancing. Just like everyone else in the room. What’s the big fucking deal? You hate me. Why do you care who I dance with? I thought you’d just be glad it wasn’t a member of your team who took my interest.”

  “So you do like him?”

  “What? No. Stop twisting my words.”

  He takes a step toward me, and I immediately take one back. It’s clear in his eyes that he’s been drinking, and so have I. That combined with the electricity that’s crackling between us can’t be a good thing.

  “Y-you need to leave.”

  He takes another step, and another, but unless I want to have this exchange on the balcony for everyone to see, then I have nowhere else to escape to.

  “Why? So when your little boyfriend comes back from wherever he’s gone you can let him fuck you?”

  My hand reaches out, and by some miracle, he doesn’t see it coming. My palm connects with his cheek with a loud slap. His eyes widen in shock and he bares his teeth at me.

  “You’re going to fucking regret that, trash.” His teeth grind, the muscle in his neck pulses, and he takes a final step toward me. I’ve no choice but to step back if I don’t want to collide with him.

  “What are you going to do?” I ask, holding my arms out from my sides. “You going to demand I strip naked again? Humiliate me in front of the kids I sit in class with? Maybe put on another little show out here? Only this time you really will have an audience.” I glance over my shoulder at the students below all having a good time, totally oblivious to what’s going on up here.

  I lift my hands to the hem of my hoodie. “Shall I start with my top? Give them all a good eyeful of my tits. Would you like that? Them all knowing you have this kind of power over me?” I lift the fabric and pull it from my body.

  “Sweet cheeks.” I barely hear it, his voice is so low.

  I hang my arm over the balcony and let it drop, knowing that it’ll catch the attention of the people below.

  “You think they’re looking now?”

  “Don’t,” he warns as I lift my arms to undo my bra.

  “But this is what you want, isn’t it? You want to show me up. Make me feel small. Worthless.” I pop the clasp, feeling weirdly empowered in this moment as he’s watching me like he’s about to lose control at any moment.

  The music is so loud from below that I’ve no idea if anyone is actually looking, and to be honest, I’d rather not know. I need to prove to Ethan for good that I’m not afraid of him or his little games. If he wants me stripped bare, then that’s what he’s going to get.

  I allow the straps to fall down my arms and take the weight of my breast in my palms. “What is it you want tonight? Are you going to eat me out again with them watching? Or maybe you want to just fuck me while they all appreciate what a fucking king you are for breaking me down.”

  “No,” he shouts at exactly the same time I let go of my bra and allow it to drop to the tiles at my feet. He darts forward, his hand wrapping tightly around my wrist, and I’m pulled into my bedroom before he turns back around and shuts the door behind us, cutting off the outside world from whatever is going to happen next.

  His chest heaves as his eyes bounce between my eyes and my exposed chest.

  “You’re fucking right. I want you to strip, but I’ll be fucked if anyone else gets to look at you.”

  My breath catches at his honesty. Something flashes in his eyes, something I’ve seen before but not been able to latch onto.

  “Now. What the fuck are you waiting for?”

  “I don’t follow your orders, asshole.”

  He’s on me in seconds. His fingers find their way into my hair and he pulls so I have no choice but to look up at him moments before his lips crash to mine. I stumble back with the force and hit the wall. His large body engulfs mine but not in an intimidating way like I might imagine. His hard planes press against my soft curves, and I can’t help the moan that rumbles up my throat when the length of his cock presses into my stomach.

  “Jesus. Fuck,” he mutters against the sensitive skin of my neck when he eventually releases my lips, allowing me to drag some air into my lungs.

  My nipples tighten as his Bears jersey brushes against them, and a bolt of lust heads straight for my clit.

  “You going to make me beg again?” I moan, breathlessly.

  “No. This is happening with or without you begging. My restraint has its limits, sweet cheeks.”

  My breath catches at what he’s implying. I should stop this now. This shouldn’t be how it goes. But then he lifts his hand, cups my breast and pinches my nipple and all my rational thoughts vanish as I turn into a ball of need.

  “Ethan, fuck.”

  He lowers down, pulling one and then the other nipple into his mouth. My fingers thread into his hair in an attempt to hold him there, but I’m no match for his strength, and when he decides to move and continue his trail down my body, I have no choice but to let him.

  He pulls the zipper of my s
kirt down, allowing it to drop to the floor before dragging my fishnets and panties down my legs.

  “No one else ever gets to look at this,” he says, staring right at my core. “You got that?” He glances up from under his lashes. His blue eyes are dark, darker than I’ve ever seen. I nod in agreement because there’s not much else I can do in that moment other than follow orders. I’m so lost to him it’s embarrassing after the way he’s treated me, but what he has to offer is too tempting. The escape from reality he can give me is too much to deny.

  He reaches around me and lifts as he stands, as if I’m as light as a feather.

  “Where shall I fuck you, sweet cheeks? Against the wall? Bed? Over the balcony?” We both know that final one isn’t an option, seeing as he’s already dragged me inside, but fuck if the idea doesn’t turn me on a little.

  “Bed,” I breathe in his ear.

  He does as I suggest and stops when his knees hit the mattress and lowers me down his body. The second his hands leave me, he pulls his jersey over his head, quickly followed by removing his pants and boxers until he’s standing before me bare.

  He takes his hard length in his hand and strokes slowly as he stares down at me.

  Worrying that he’s about to insist I come good on our bet, I scoot back on the bed. I’m not against doing it, but not in the mood he’s in right now. He wants to punish me, that much is clear in his eyes, let alone his words, and I don’t need him taking it out on my throat.

  He doesn’t seem to care that I back away, because he quickly lies on his front between my legs. He hooks his hands around my thighs and tugs until my center is right in front of his face. He blows a stream of air across my swollen skin, and I buck in his hold.

  “I knew you were fucking desperate for me again.”

  Before I can even consider coming up with a response, his tongue is on me and I lose all ability to function. All I can do is feel.

  His tongue teases as his fingers find my entrance. His movements are fast but measured, as if he’s done this to me a million times and knows exactly what I like.

  “Oh fuck. Ethan. Ethan,” I chant.

  “That’s it. Let everyone know who’s doing this to you, baby.”

  He ups the ante, licking, sucking, and biting until I scream out, my body thrashing about on the bed as I ride out my release.

  My chest is still heaving, my breathing erratic, and I’m coming down from my high when the mattress compresses as he crawls over me much like a lion would its prey. If I haven’t just been eaten by the king then I’d certainly think he was about to consume me.

  His hand slips around the back of my neck and tilts my head so he can crash his lips to mine. The second his tongue parts my lips, my own taste immediately explodes on my in my mouth and my core clenches for more.

  His tongue sweeps in, teasing and dancing with mine. Our teeth clash as it gets more and more frantic with our need. My nails scratch down his back, eliciting a growl of approval from him and making me want to do it more, anything to make this man come undone and hand himself over when he craves being in control at all times.

  I reach down between our bodies and wrap my fingers around his length, getting my first feel of him. He’s hard as a rock but soft and velvety to touch. I run my fingertips over his head and he barks a curse as his arms threaten to give out.

  Ripping his lips from mine, he sits up and pushes my knees toward my chest. He stares down at my heated skin as he runs the head of his cock over me.

  I fight the fear that wants to take over, that makes my body want to tremble and scamper, but the second I look to where we’re about to be connected, I forget all about that. All about the past, all about the nightmares that keep me awake at night.

  He builds me high again just with the teasing of his cock. After a few minutes, he dips the tip inside me, and I will myself not to tense at his intrusion. The last thing I need right now is him knowing the truth. I’m sure that’ll only feed his need to punish me, to claim something that’s not his to have.

  He looks up at me and licks his lips. His eyes take in every inch of my face before dropping down my body once again. What I wouldn’t give to know what he’s thinking right now.

  “Birth control?” he asks after a long silence between us.

  I shake my head.

  He looks down at my pussy again for a few seconds, making me wonder if he’s going to do it anyway, but eventually, he leans over the side of the bed and grabs a condom from his pocket.

  I watch intently as he rolls it down his shaft and lines himself up again.

  His eyes flick up again at the last minute, something dark playing in them, and I swallow down the lump that crawls up my throat.

  Just let it happen, Raelynn. It’s not a big fucking deal.

  “Don’t come. This is for me after all the fucking teasing you’ve been doing, for all the times you’ve defied me. You got that?” His eyes widen as he says it, making me wonder if he’s already regretting it, but I’m not sure if this asshole ever regrets any of the shit that falls from his mouth.

  He sucks in two breaths before his grip on my hips tightens and he pushes inside me. In one quick move, I’m so full of him that I can hardly breathe. It stings, burns, exactly like I was expecting, and I slam my eyes shut to hide the tears that are welling within them.

  “Fuuuuuuck,” he grates out. I expect him to move, to pull out and slam back in, but it’s almost like it takes him a few seconds to remember what he’s supposed to be doing.

  “Ethan.” My voice is no more than a whimper, but it’s enough to bring him back from whatever daze he’d lost himself in.

  “Christ, you’re tight.” His voice is so deep, so rough that it has desire pulling at my insides, making me desperate for him to move and show me what he’s really got. He seems to think he’s something special in the bedroom—well, now is the perfect time to prove his skills. To drag me out of my own head, away from my fears and to show me heaven. I could really use a fucking slice of that right now.

  He pulls out slowly before pushing back inside. He groans as if it’s physically painful, and my need to see the effect this is having on him is too much to bear. I open my eyes. They’re still brimming with tears, but I can’t not look.

  My breath catches when I find him staring down at me. His eyes are dark, but gone is the anger. It’s pure desire that’s staring back at me.

  His full lips are parted to allow his fast breaths to pass. The muscles of his neck are pulled tight, as are his abs. A fine sheen of sweat covers his body. I find where his fingers are digging into the skin of my hips and the sight of him holding onto me so tightly unnerves me. No one’s ever held on tight.

  A ball of emotion crawls up my throat as his movements continue. His length strokes at places inside me that I didn’t know existed, and in only the way that Ethan can, he starts to push away the pain and discomfort that I remember all too well and replace it with something else entirely. Pleasure.

  I focus on that, needing it to be the thing I remember about this fucked-up situation. I might forever regret this, but at least I’ll always have the lesson it taught me.

  “Fuck, baby,” he grunts, dragging my eyes back up to his. “So fucking good. You shouldn’t feel this good.”

  He drops down over me, his lips finding mine in a wet and dirty kiss as his hips continue to piston in and out of me.

  When both of us are desperate for air, he pulls away, drops his face into the crook of my neck and skirts his hand down my body. He squeezes my breast, pinches my nipple before making his way descending to my core. His fingertips find my clit and he presses down. That, along with the things he’s doing inside my body, has me racing toward an orgasm I was already told I wasn’t allowed to have.

  “Jesus, fuck,” he moans as my muscles start to clamp down around him.

  “Ethan.” His name, a plea for more, falls from my lips without any instruction from my brain. My nails dig into his back with my need for more of him. I need e
verything he can give me to push the last remaining nightmare from my mind.

  Twisting my head so my lips brush his ear, I whisper, “Fuck me, Ethan. Give me everything you have.”

  He roars into my neck, his body tensing at my demand before he sits, slides his hands under my ass and lifts me to just the right angle before slamming into me. I fly up the bed, my head hitting the wood, but his grip tightens even more, keeping me in place so he can keep up his punishing rhythm.

  He pounds into me time and time again as I watch, enthralled, as he comes apart before me.

  “Fuck, fuck,” he chants, his cock swelling even more inside me, telling me that the end is in sight.

  The second he reaches the point of no return, every single muscle in his body tenses before he lets out the most incredible groan and his cock pulsates, buried deep inside me.

  I can’t drag my eyes away despite the fact that my tears are about to drop at any moment. I refuse to allow this motherfucker to see me cry, but I’m not sure I have a choice right now.

  The wave of emotions that engulf my body in that moment are too strong to contend with. The hate I feel for him, and the relief I have that he’s just given me that, even though I’m equally ashamed I allowed it to happen. Fuck, my head’s a fucking mess.

  When he’s finished, he releases his hold on me, pulls out, and climbs off the bed. He doesn’t look at me, not once. I keep my eyes on him as he turns away from me, drops the condom into the trash and bends to pull on his pants. His teddy bear tattoo catches my eye, but even the sight of such a ridiculous bit of ink on his body doesn’t stir anything inside. Now he’s released me, I feel numb.


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