SAVAGE: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 3)

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SAVAGE: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 3) Page 24

by Tracy Lorraine


  When I walked into the kitchen on Tuesday morning, I soon learned of Ethan’s whereabouts because Eric announced that he was with his mother. Eric was pissed—rightly so. He was missing classes that he needed and practice that he should be making the most of, but according to him, Ethan was refusing to come home for some unknown reason.

  I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to get involved in what was obviously a tense relationship between father and son. Mom kept watching me, making me wonder if she suspected that I knew more than I was letting on, but she never said anything.

  I thought my time was up this morning when she knocked on my bedroom door and slipped inside before I left for school.

  “Are you glad it’s nearly the weekend?”

  “I guess,” I mutter, dropping some books into my bag. It’s been a long-ass week, what with the continuous questions about Ethan and the entire school’s building tension over whether he’s going to reappear for the all-important game next weekend.

  Amalie and Camila have kept up their promise to me and followed me around while trying to strengthen our friendship. I won’t be admitting it aloud any time soon, but, not only am I starting to get used to their presence in my life, I’m also actually looking forward to it. When they weren’t here after I came home from Aces last night, I actually missed their company. It was a fucking weird feeling after being alone for so long, that’s for fucking sure.

  “Eric and I are heading out of town this afternoon,” she drops this in as if it’s our normal.

  “Again? I feel like you only just got back.”

  “I know. There’s been some emergency. I don’t know. We’ll be gone by the time you get home, but I’ve organized a surprise for you for tomorrow.”


  “I can’t tell you now, but I think you’re going to really enjoy it.”

  “Okaaaay,” I say curiously as she pulls me in for a quick hug.

  “Rachel’s been shopping. Everything you could want to eat and drink is in the kitchen but if you need anything else then you’ve got your credit card.”

  I nod, already knowing that I won’t be using it. I’ve got a little of my own money left before my first payday from Aces at the end of the month. Hopefully it’ll see me through. “Any news on Ethan?” I ask, wondering if I should expect him to reappear the second his dad disappears.

  “No idea. Eric hasn’t spoken to him and only had a few messages from Kelly.”

  “Okay, well… I’d better head out if I don’t want to miss the bus.”

  “I could take you, if you like.” Guilt twists her features. Whatever Eric’s emergency is, I’m one hundred percent sure that she doesn’t need to follow to help out, but it seems she’s doing just that anyway.

  “It’s fine. I’m sure you need to pack or something. Have a good trip.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a few days then. Be good.”

  “When aren’t I?” I ask as I pull my door open and leave her standing in the middle of my room, looking lost.

  My heart drops the second I step out of the front door. The last thing I want is to spend the weekend alone in the huge house. I might like my own company, but it’s a little different being alone in the tiny apartments Mom and I shared compared to this mansion.

  Shaking my head, I make my way down the long driveway on my way to the bus stop.

  School is just deja vu of the rest of the week with everyone asking me if there’s any news. So much for starting here and blending in; everyone now seems to know my name and my connection to the Savages.

  By the time I climb out of Cody’s car, I’m exhausted and the sight of both Amalie and Camila’s cars sitting in the driveway doesn’t fill me with any kind of excitement. All I want to do is crawl into bed in the hope that sleep claims me, unlike the rest of the week. My eyes sting and my muscles burn as I walk to the front door, reminding me of the few hours I’ve managed each night since this time last week.

  It’s all Ethan’s fault. My lips purse as I think of him. If he didn’t storm into my room last Friday night then none of this would have happened. He’d still be here, and I might still have some control over my insomnia and the nightmares that are continuing to come thick and fast.

  “What the hell is this?” I ask, walking into my bedroom and finding not only my bed like I was expecting but two temporary ones on the floor.

  “Your mom invited us to keep you company while she was gone.” My chin drops as the cogs in my brain start working. I think back to her words Monday night after she discovered my ‘friends.’ Something about sleepovers and being normal.

  “If you tell me we’re having a pillow fight and playing truth or dare then I’m walking straight back out that door.”

  “No, you’re safe,” Amalie says.

  “Although, we do still need gossip about you and Ethan.”

  “I told you we fucked.”

  “Yes, but there are a million and one ways that could have gone down—”

  “Oh, he went down,” I mutter much to their amusement—and excitement, if the seal clapping is anything to go by.

  “Rumor has it he’s got mad skills.”

  “Says who, the entire cheer squad?”

  Amalie snorts a laugh, although her face looks anything but amused. “Sadly, those sluts have intimate knowledge of all our guys. Here’s hoping they’ve sucked so many they don’t remember which belongs to whom.”

  “Jesus, they’ve got some issues.” I kick my shoes off and rummage in my drawer for something more comfortable to change into.

  “You’re telling us. And believe it or not, you haven’t met the worst one.”


  “No. Chelsea is the captain and she’s—”

  “A raging fucking bitch?” Amalie interrupts.

  “That works,” Camila agrees with a laugh.

  “Where’s she then?”

  “Fuck knows. With Ethan, for all we know. She vanished almost as quickly as he did.”

  Something stirs in my stomach, and when I turn to look at them both it’s clearly written all over my face.

  “She didn’t actually mean that they’re together,” Amalie says softly, making Camila wince.

  “I don’t care if they are.”

  “Really? So you can honestly say, hand on heart, that you’re not missing the asshole from across the hall?”

  “No, it’s such a relief not to be constantly looking over my shoulder.” Liar.

  “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a terrible liar, Rae?”

  “No one’s ever looked closely enough to notice.” Fuck, why do I keep saying shit like this to these two and making myself look like a pathetic loser?

  “Well lucky for you, you’ve got us now to point out all the things you don’t want to know.”

  “Like just how badly you want Ethan back.”

  “I don’t. I—”

  “It’s probably easier just to concede,” Amalie says, elbowing Camila in the ribs. “This one is nothing if not persistent.”

  “Good to know. I’m just going to…” I hold up the clothes in my hand and move toward the en suite.

  “Take your time.”

  “I hope you’re hungry,” Camila shouts just as I close the door behind me. “We’ve ordered enough Chinese to feed the entire football team.”

  Not needing another reminder of the one person I’m trying not to think about, I lean back against the door and press the heels of my hands into my eyes in an attempt to force him out.

  My stomach’s still twisting unpleasantly at Camila’s suggestion that he might be with the bitchiest of the cheer bitches. I never thought of myself as a jealous person, but I hate to admit that I fear that’s what I’m feeling right now. I don’t want him, yet why can’t I even consider the idea of anyone else having him?

  Needing some time to get my head together before I go out and field more questions from my new besties, I turn the shower on and strip down. The water from the p
ower shower above my head soothes my tense muscles, but it’s not enough to keep it away because the second I step from the water I’m as uptight as I was before.

  “Whoa, your hair is so long,” Amalie says when I finally rejoin them and find them both surrounded by a million takeout containers. They weren’t joking when they said they’d ordered enough to feed the five thousand.

  I shrug before swiping a band from my sideboard and going to pull it back.

  “No, don’t do that. It’s so beautiful.”

  “It gets in the way,” I say. It’s my go-to excuse. Has been ever since… no, not going there tonight.

  “Trust me, I know.” She whips her long blonde mane over her shoulder as evidence. “It just really softens your face. It suits you.”

  Telling myself it’s just me and the girls—something I never thought I’d hear myself say—I put the band back down and continue toward the food.

  Although totally out of my comfort zone, we have a good night. And I’m not sure if it’s because of their company or not, but when we eventually turn the lights out long after midnight, I fall asleep a hell of a lot quicker than I have the rest of the week, and when I wake, I immediately realize I had a peaceful night and actually feel refreshed for the first time in days.

  It’s still early when I swing my legs from the bed and quietly make my way to the en suite. Both Amalie and Camila are passed out, so after grabbing a hoodie, I slip from my bedroom.

  I make myself a coffee and head out into the morning sun. It’s colder than I was expecting as I settle myself on one of the loungers looking out over the infinity pool and beach beyond. I tuck my knees up into my giant hoodie and wrap my palms around the steaming mug, allowing its warmth to seep into me.

  I think back over last night and the girl chat. I’ve never had anyone to discuss things like that with before, and the first time they started talking sex, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t really sure I should stay in the room. I know their boyfriends; it was a little odd. But it soon became obvious that their conversation was a normal one for them, so I endured listening. It was a whole other ball game when they turned the questions on me and my time with Ethan. They wanted the ins and outs—quite literally—and my cheeks flamed red hot the second they turned their eyes on me.

  I gave them the basics, enough that might get them off my back, but even just skimming the surface of what’s gone down between us, I could see them both getting ideas in their heads that there might be more to us than I’m letting on. Plans for triple dates with their boys were literally playing out in their minds like a little movie.

  I’ve no idea how long I sit out there, but my coffee has been long drunk and the sun’s much higher in the sky when I hear the doorbell ring.

  Regretfully untangling myself from my little cocoon, I walk through the house to the front door. I have no idea who it could be, but I can honestly say that I never would have guessed in a million years when I pull the front door open.

  “Hi, are you Rae?” asks one of the ladies before me. They’re all dressed in black tunics with flawless hair and makeup, and sitting beside them are silver pull-along trollies.


  “We’ve been booked for the day.”

  Footsteps sound out behind me before they come to a stop on each side of me.

  “Come in,” Amalie says politely before wrapping her fingers around my upper arm and gently pulling me out of the way.

  “Uh… what the hell is going on?”

  “Think of it as a welcome to town present.”

  “This really isn’t necessary,” I whisper, watching as the three women grab the handles of their trolleys and march in.

  “Where would you like us to set up?”

  “I’ll show you,” Camila says, pointing down the hallway.

  “Would any of you like a drink before we start?” Amalie asks. I watch it all play out like I’m not really here.

  “Coffees would be great. Thank you so much.”

  I watch the four of them disappear around the corner, my stomach in knots. “What… um… is this really necessary?”

  “Looking at how tense you are, yes. It’s totally necessary.”

  “I’ve… um… never…” I trail off. I’ve never really thought about what was lacking in my life. I had Mom, I’ve always been healthy, things and money have never really bothered me, but suddenly I can’t help thinking about how much I’ve missed out on. Something as simple as a girly sleepover like last night is one thing, but a full-on spa day with friends is well out of the norm for me. The closest I’ve come is a discount face mask I’ve picked up from the store on occasion.

  “Lucky for you, I’m a pro. Come on. It’s time to put your feet up, forget all about the world, and relax for a few hours.” She links her arm through mine, and together we head for the kitchen for coffee before joining Camila in the family room while the therapists set up in the sun room.

  “I’m assuming my mom had something to do with his,” I whisper to Amalie and Camila when the three of us are laid out with gunk on our faces and cucumbers over our eyes.

  “She might have mentioned a few things that sparked off the idea.”

  “T-thank you,” I whisper, not really wanting to acknowledge that I’m enjoying this but needing to let them know how much I appreciate it.

  “Trust us, it’s our pleasure. And bonus, you’ll be looking extra hot for when Ethan reappears.”

  I immediately sit up. “Do you know something? Is he coming back?” The rush in which the questions fall from my mouth make it clear to everyone in the room just how desperate I am for him to be here.

  “Whoa, calm down. No, still no news. But he’s got to be back sooner rather than later. He can’t miss too much more school or practice.”

  I lie back down, a knot tightening my stomach as I think about what our first meeting is going to be like.

  I never thought I’d say it, but I actually really enjoy my day of pampering, not that I’m going to tell anyone that.

  “So what now?” I ask when the therapists have left and the three of us are lounging around on the couches, thoroughly relaxed.

  “Now? Now, we order food, find some drinks, and watch some shit on TV.”

  “You’re both staying again? Don’t you have anything better to be doing than babysitting me?”

  “One, we’re not babysitting you. We’re getting to know you. And second, not really. The boys are spending the whole weekend working on plays and shit for Friday, and as hot as it is to watch them, a whole weekend of it is a bit much.”

  “Okay but—”

  “No buts. All you need to worry about is what food you want delivered.”

  And that’s how the rest of our day goes. We order a mountain of food and drink way too much vodka before once again crashing out in my room.



  I know the guys are spending the weekend putting in extra practice sessions ready for Friday. I see all the messages come through to the group chat that Jake set up, and I feel guilty as I think about all the work they’re doing while I’m here wallowing in self-pity after my deplorable actions.

  I know Mom’s right. I need to go back and face the music, but more than that, I really need to get back for school and the team. They’ll never forgive me if I miss any more practices before Friday night’s game, and I’ll never forgive myself if I get myself benched and miss the final games of my high school football career.

  Blowing out a long breath, I push myself from the bed, knowing that if I’m not with them then I should still make some kind of effort to keep myself in shape for Friday. I drag on a pair of sweats, a hoodie, and my sneakers. I swipe my cell from the nightstand and push my earbuds into place.

  Mom is in the kitchen with Gran when I pass. They both look up and smile as I head for the front door.

  I take off without a destination in mind, just knowing that I need to run until my lungs hurt and my muscles burn. Running away feels too damn goo
d, but I know what I’m doing right now is taking the pussy’s way out. I need to get a grip and head back. A feisty, short ass brunette should not hold the power to make me second guess going home, but somewhere along the line, it seems I either handed her my balls or I grew my very own vagina, because just the thought of seeing her again has my heart rate increasing.

  By the time I turn back down my grandparents’ street, my hoodie is soaked with sweat and I can barely catch my breath. It’s exactly what I need.

  Mom and Gran are exactly where I left them, both hugging their mugs and shooting the shit.

  “Would you like some breakfast?” Mom calls as I come to a stop in the doorway.

  “Yeah. Let me shower first.”

  “Damn right,” Gran says, fighting her smile. “I’m not having you dripping sweat in my kitchen. Scram.”

  I salute her and disappear to my room.

  I just shut the door behind me when my cell starts ringing. Assuming it’s going to be Mason again trying to find out when I’m coming back—the fucker’s been relentless all week—I pull it out and almost answer without looking, but at the last minute my eyes land on the screen.


  What the fuck is he calling me for?

  I almost ignore it and throw it onto my bed, but my need to know why he’s reaching out gets the better of me.

  “Yeah?” I ask, putting my phone to my ear.

  “Uh… hey.” Silence surrounds me, and just as I’m about to ask what the fuck he wants, he starts talking. “So… I was just wondering when you were planning on coming back.”

  “Why the fuck do you care?”

  “I don’t, but… fuck, she’s going to fucking kill me for this,” he says quietly, sounding like a crazy man.

  “Spit it out or get off my cell,” I bark. I’m hot, sweaty, exhausted, and hungry. I don’t have the energy for this bullshit.

  “Rae. You need to come back for Rae.” His words make my breath catch.

  “Why? What’s wrong with her?” My question comes out in a rush, and any hope I had of sounding unaffected by her goes straight out the window.


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