SAVAGE: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 3)

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SAVAGE: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 3) Page 34

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Good.” I press a kiss to his chest before dropping to my knees.

  “Rae, what are you…” His words trail off as I pull the tie of his sweats.

  “What?” I ask innocently, tilting my head to the side and looking up at him. “I thought you only wanted me on my knees.”

  He tips his head back and barks out a laugh. To anyone else, this wouldn’t be funny, but I can’t help but join him as we both take a trip down memory lane. Thinking about how he treated me should hurt, but I can accept that it’s just a part of our past and what helped us get to this moment.

  “So, Ethan. You got me down here at last. What should I do?” I trail my fingertip over the bulge of his growing erection beneath the fabric and delight when a low growl rumbles up his throat at my touch.

  “Rae, you don’t have—”

  “Shhh…” I interrupt, pushing the fabric of his shirt up and pressing kisses along the waistband of his boxers. His muscles bunch with each connection before I run my tongue up the definition of his V.

  “Fuck, Rae.” His fingers gently hold on to my head, ever cautious of my healing wound. They flex and I smile, knowing just how desperate for more he is right now. I could feel the length of him when I was on top of him earlier; I can only imagine how painful it was for him to walk away and go to practice with balls that blue.

  I pull back, wrap my fingers around the fabric of both his sweats and boxers, and pull. His cock springs free, now totally hard and begging for my touch.

  I glance up at him through my lashes. His eyes are locked on me, but they’re darker than I’ve ever seen them, and the muscles in his neck are pulled tight with restraint. It’s one seriously impressive sight, and the fact that I hold all the power right now is a serious turn-on. I’ve never had a man totally at my mercy like this before, and fuck if I don’t love it.

  His fingers flex again, and I give in. Reaching out, I wrap my hand around his wide length. His entire body shudders at my contact, and the groan that leaves him practically has my panties melting off me.

  Leaning forward, I lick the tip of him. His body flinches, and, encouraged by his hand that’s still holding my head, I part my lips and take him inside my mouth.

  I have no idea what I was expecting, but he’s hot, sweet, and silky smooth.

  “Fucking hell, baby,” he moans, and hearing his enjoyment gives me the confidence I need to continue.

  I suck him as far back as I dare before pulling off and starting all over again. His breathing gets erratic above me, and it’s not long before his cock gets even harder.

  “Rae, I’m gonna come, baby,” he warns, giving me time to make a decision, but really, there’s not one to make. I’m fully on board with the idea of us now, and I fully intend on giving him everything.

  I suck him again, taking him deeper than before, and the second he hits the back of my throat he lets out the most feral moan before his cock twitches violently between my lips and he comes in my mouth.

  Sitting back, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand before risking a look up at him. But the second our eyes connect, I feel stupid for allowing a few nerves to hit me. His eyes are still full of desire, and he’s got the laziest smile on his face.

  I’m up on my feet in seconds and lifted until I have no choice but to wrap my legs around his still naked waist.

  His lips crash down on mine and our tongues duel as our teeth clash.

  “So, it was okay?” I ask with a cheeky smile when he releases me.

  “Fucking right.”

  He drops my feet to the ground so he can cover himself up, but his arms soon wrap around my waist once again.

  “Good to know. It was my first.”

  His chin drops. “It was… fuck,” he barks. “Could you be any more perfect?”

  I laugh. “I’m far from that.”

  “I don’t know. I think you’re pretty perfect for me.”

  I melt at his words, but I don’t get the chance to return the sentiment.

  “Now, as long as it’s not burnt to a crisp, it’s time for dinner.”

  “Sorry,” I say with a wince, thinking I’ve ruined what he’s been so lovingly cooking.

  I take a step away, but he soon catches my hand and pulls me back into his chest. “Never apologize for that.” He kisses my forehead and allows me to take a seat while he plates up.

  The food is great and only slightly singed from its few extra minutes in the grill.

  “I can’t believe you did all this,” I say as he pours me a new drink.

  “I had some help.”

  “You’re telling me that you didn’t make this yourself?” I ask, holding up my glass, gesturing to everything as we make our way over to the sofa.

  “No, Rachel helped with the food. The guys helped with the lights and shit.”

  “Aw, lights and shit, so romantic.”

  “What you see is what you get, baby.”

  He takes my drink and places it on the table with his before lying down beside me.

  “I’m not sure that’s entirely true.”


  “Nope. I’m pretty sure I’m looking at a different Ethan than the one everyone at school sees.”

  “You might actually be right there.”

  “Yeah, it seems you do have a heart buried in there somewhere.” I place my hand on his chest and he covers it with his own.

  “Yeah, and it seems it only beats for you.”

  I gasp, the honesty in his words taking any I might have to reply with. But instead of waiting for me to say something, he leans over and takes my lips in a sweet kiss. He pulls a blanket over both of us and his hand leisurely trails around my body beneath, slowly driving me crazy with my need for him.

  We make out on that sofa for the longest time with our tongues, lips, and hands exploring every inch of each other’s bodies, but at no point do either of us take it further. That is, until Ethan’s lips brush the shell of my ear.

  “Want to continue this upstairs?”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

  He chuckles before untangling us from the blanket and standing with his hand out for me to take. His cock tents his sweats, and my core clenches at knowing what’s to come. He’s right about one thing: we’re going to do this properly this time, and there’s going to be no doubt in his mind that I’m fully on board with what’s about to happen.

  He leads me up to my room before shutting the door behind us. Then he turns to me, his eyes dark and hungry, and a wave of nerves sweeps through me. It’s crazy, this isn’t our first time, but it’s so different. Last time it was just sex, with a truckload of anger and desire. This time it’s so much more. It’s the beginning of something. Something that could be epic if neither of us fuck it up somewhere along the way.

  Taking a step toward me, he reaches out and grasps the bottom of my shirt. In the blink of an eye he has it off and on the floor. Reaching behind his head, he pulls his jersey from his body and closes the space between us. His arm wraps around my back, and his fingers unhook my bra before pushing the straps from my arms, allowing it to fall to the floor. His bare chest presses against mine, and I can’t help the sigh that falls from my lips. Even when we hated each other, there’s no denying that together we were electric.

  His fingers grip my chin, and he stares down at me, his eyes searching mine for something, although I have no idea what.

  “Eth—” I don’t get a chance to finish, because his lips find mine and cut off my question.

  He walks us back to the bed, only stopping when my legs hit the mattress and prevent us from going any farther.

  “You sure about this?” he asks, his lips brushing against mine.

  “Yes. Ethan. A hundred times, yes.”

  He nods, that lazy smirk that I love spreading across his lips once more before he claims mine again. His fingers brush my stomach as they drop to the waistband of my skirt before he pushes it down. He lowers, kissing every bit of skin he can find as he goes, and pu
lling my nipples into his mouth one after the other until he’s kissing down my stomach and pulling my remaining clothing down my legs and off, quickly followed by his.

  Once I’m bare, he stands to full height once again before lowering me to the bed. He’s so gentle despite the inferno of need I can see in his eyes. He kisses me once again before repeating his previous journey down my body, only this time, when he gets to my center, he parts my legs and drops to his knees. Wrapping his hands around my thighs, he pulls me right to the edge of the bed before lowering his head and licking up the length of my pussy and making me cry out, the sensation overtaking my body. My hips lift from the bed before his large hands wrap around my hips to keep me in place.

  “Now it’s my turn to have some fun.” He flashes me a wicked smile that’s full of dirty promises before dropping back down and doing some seriously crazy shit with his tongue that has me begging for more.

  His name is a garbled cry on my lips when he eventually tucks two fingers inside me and allows me to fall over the edge. My heart is racing, my skin flushed, and every muscle in my body pulsates as he crawls over and lifts my weightless body up higher on the bed so he can sit between my thighs.

  “Good?” he asks, a cocky grin on his face.

  “Your ego doesn’t need inflating any more than it already is,” I mutter.

  “Too late for that. Everyone in the area probably knows just how good I am after that.” My cheeks heat even more. It even burns down onto my chest. “Fucking love it when you blush.”

  He settles himself and wraps his hand around his solid length. I take a moment to appreciate the sight of him sitting there, waiting for what’s to come, and although he’s only just rocked my world, I can already feel the tingles of another from the sight of him alone.

  “Shit,” he mutters as he teases my clit with the head of his cock before leaning over the bed and pulling a condom from his pocket.

  “Sure thing, was I?”

  “A guy can only hope.”

  I’m enthralled as he rips the packet open and quickly rolls it down his shaft. I gasp when he goes back to teasing my sensitive clit that’s still swollen from everything his mouth just did to me.

  “You need to get on birth control, baby. I refuse to put up with having a barrier between us for too long.” My chin drops. I want to chastise him for his alpha caveman act, but I find it hard to when I totally agree. I don’t want anything between us either.

  “Okay,” I whisper before he lowers his cock and pushes inside me just slightly. My muscles tense at the unusual invasion, despite the fact that I’m more than ready after his talented tongue made me all kinds of relaxed.

  “Rae?” he asks, all his movements grinding to a halt.


  Something crackles between us as our eyes hold, our ultimate connection seemingly on hold for a moment.

  “Are you sure you want to do—”

  “Yes, I said—” I wrap my legs around his waist in the hope of getting him moving. He laughs lightly before placing two fingers over my lips to stop me saying any more.

  “Let me finish. Are you sure you want to do this, because once I’m inside you, that’s it. You’re it for me. End of. Is that what you want?”

  I tilt my head to the side and look at him, really look at him. He chews on his bottom lip as he waits for my response, the softer side of him that I love on full display as he openly tells me what he wants. Me.

  “Yes. Yes, that’s what I want.” I barely get the last word out before he surges forward, filling me to the hilt and forcing me to move up the bed.

  “Fuck, yes,” he groans, dropping forward so he can claim my mouth as well as my body.

  My hands run down his back as he starts to move. And as he does so, he kisses me so sweetly, mutters promises that I never thought I’d hear from him, and loves my body in the way he told me he would.

  His slow thrusts build me higher and higher until my nails are raking down his back in my desperate need for release. He knows exactly what I need, but he doesn’t up the tempo until we’re both right on the edge. Then and only then does he pick up the pace until we’re both crying out in pleasure as he brings us both to the edge so we can crash over together.

  “Fucking hell,” he pants, falling down on top of me, his weight pushing me into the mattress in the most delicious way. “I really needed that,” he says, mimicking me from earlier in the day and making me laugh.

  Rolling over onto his side, he removes the condom then pulls me into his body. “Are you okay? Is your head okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I say, brushing my fingertips over his rough jaw.

  “It’s my job to look after you now, so I need to know the truth.” He stares at me like he doesn’t believe a word of it.

  “Okay, so I’m due some more painkillers. But really, I’m okay.”

  “Okay enough for another round?” he asks, thrusting his once again hard cock against my stomach.

  “I’ll consider it.”

  He laughs before a thought seems to hit him out of nowhere. “What now?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do we just walk into school hand in hand tomorrow and announce it to the world?” The thought has my heart rate increasing. I can already picture the horror on all the cheer sluts’ faces.

  “Um… maybe we should tell our parents first. Give us a little time to get used to it before everyone else has to.”

  “I couldn’t really give a fuck about anyone else’s feelings about it. I’m kinda surprised you do.”

  “Oh, I don’t. I’m just not sure I’m ready for the scrutiny I’ll get. I’m not exactly who anyone expected you to end up with.”

  “True,” he says with a wince, knowing exactly what I’m talking about. “But if anyone gives you grief, they’ll have me to answer to.”

  “Is that right?” I laugh.

  “Yeah, although I’m pretty sure the cheer sluts are more scared of you than they are me.”

  I can’t help but smile. “I should hope so. I’m scary as fuck.”

  Ethan barks out a laugh as I sit myself up. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I need painkillers.”

  “I can get them,” he offers, moving to get up.

  “It’s okay. I… uh… need the bathroom too.”

  I can see he’s torn about letting me go, but really, what’s he going to do? Pee for me? I drop a quick kiss to his lips before getting out and walking to the bathroom.

  “A man could get used to this,” he says as he watches me walk naked across the room. “You’re so sexy, baby.”

  I shake my booty a little as I move, lapping up his praise and unable to keep the smile from my lips at how things have turned out.

  I do my thing and take my pills before rejoining him. When I step from the bathroom, I find him lying on his front waiting for me. I run my eyes up the length of his body, taking in his toned muscles and bronzed skin.

  “Seems I’m not the only one who appreciates the view around here.”

  “Damn straight. But what I’m more interested in is…” I walk over and drag my fingertip up his leg before I get to his ass, “ how you ended up with this on your ass cheek, teddy.”

  He laughs, the sound making me smile once again.

  “Ugh, that. I lost a bet and for it, I had to have whatever Jake and Mason decided permanently stamped on my ass.”

  “And they chose a teddy bear, why?”

  “We’re the Bears.” He shrugs. “Although I like to think we’re a tad more fearsome than that pansy-ass thing I’m now stuck with.”

  “It’s cute.”

  “Is it though?”

  Shaking my head at the look on his face, I climb back onto the bed with him. “So, lose a lot of bets, do you?” I ask, thinking back to Shelly’s bitchy comment about the reason Ethan went after me the night of the party.

  “No, I don’t make a habit out of it. I don’t want any more stupid shit on me.”

sp; “So that night we first slept together, was—”

  “Stop. Stop right there,” he says, moving over me so I have no choice but to roll onto my back and look up at him. “We have a stupid game we play where we name girls for the night. But it’s not a bet. There are no prizes to be won. Just a bit of fun. Yes, I was given your name that night.” I open my mouth to say something, but he just continues anyway. “But, that bullshit had nothing to do with us or anything that happened. That only happened because I couldn’t stay away from you and you were driving me crazy.”

  “Crazy, huh? Exactly how crazy.”

  “Fucking insane. Allow me to show you.” His lips find mine once again and his fingers plunge inside my more than willing entrance.

  And that’s how we spend the remainder of the night. I’ve no idea what time we eventually fall asleep, and I’ve no idea what happened to our parents, but quite frankly, I really don’t give a shit. All I know is that I fall asleep with a wide smile on my lips and have the most peaceful night’s sleep ever with him by my side.



  When I wake up, I think I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. I’ve got my girl tucked into my side sleeping soundly, and we’re on the cusp of winning the title we’ve coveted for as long as we’ve known how to throw a fucking ball. Despite everything with my parents and all the bullshit that came with that shock announcement, things are good. No, things are fucking incredible.


  Her quiet, sleepy voice makes my heart tumble in my chest, but it’s nothing compared to when I look down into her wide, dark eyes. They’ve always amazed me. From the very first moment she appeared in my life, she’s totally taken over my world. And right now, it’s in a way I never could have imagined. This woman fucking owns me, but I don’t think she has any idea. My balls are in her hands. Suddenly everything I’ve witnessed with Amalie and Jake and Camila and Mason makes total sense. The lengths they went to, the bullshit they endured. All of it. One hundred percent fucking worth it. Just like everything the two of us have experienced in our short time together. They say everything happens for a reason—well, I guess I should be thanking my parents for their failed marriage because fuck, if it weren’t for them then she wouldn’t be in my arms right now and I already know for a fact that she’s the best thing about my life.


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