SAVAGE: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 3)

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SAVAGE: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 3) Page 35

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Morning, baby. Are you feeling okay?”

  “You know, at some point, you’re going to have to stop asking me that.”

  “Maybe. I’ll never stop wanting to know though.”

  “I’m fine. I promise.”

  “No headache?”

  “A little, but it’s better with every day.”

  I smile, knowing that she’s probably covering up the truth, but I let her believe she’s being brave and pretending like what she went through was nothing. I guess, to her, after what she went through at the hands of that monster years ago, it was nothing.

  “Are you okay? Your entire body just locked up.”

  “Yeah, just thinking.”


  “How best to start our day.”

  She squeals as I flip us over and settle between her legs.

  “This is a definite benefit to living in the same house,” she says as I drop down to kiss her. “Ew, morning breath.”

  “Don’t give a fuck, give me your lips.”

  By the time we get to school we’re both fully sated and had a very brief conversation with our parents which mostly consisted of Ash making sure that Rae was okay. It seems a little late if you ask me, seeing as it happened Friday night and it’s now Tuesday, but hey, what do I know about parenting? They keep saying they couldn’t get a flight, but they weren’t all that far away. Seems like a great excuse just not to come back. Although it meant I got Rae all to myself, so I can’t really complain.

  As Rae requested, once we step foot from my car we act like nothing’s changed. I fucking hate it from the second I close the car door and am unable to reach for her. I hate it even more when I glance at her and find her walls built up so high I worry that she might not drop them again. I understand her reasons for wanting to keep this between us for a while, but that doesn’t mean I agree. I want to be able to touch her and kiss her whenever the fuck I like, not having to sneak it like I’m her dirty little secret that she’s ashamed for others to know. It’s a sobering thought, but one I hope is far from the truth. I have to trust her just like I’ve asked her to do me. She thinks she’s doing what’s best for us, so I just need to give her the time she needs to get her head around everything and then I can prove just how serious I am about this.

  She walks off ahead of me toward her locker to get her books for her first few classes as I head toward the benches where the football team and cheer squad hang out.

  Jake and Mason’s eyes are flicking from me to where Rae just disappeared with confused expressions on their faces.

  “Jesus, Savage. You fucked up already? I thought you were onto a sure thing with all that romantic shit last night,” Jake says, thankfully quiet enough so that the rest of the team don’t hear.

  My lips twitch up into a smile, one that Mason doesn’t miss.

  “Wait, look at that smug as fuck grin he’s trying to fight. He might have fucked it up, but not before he got what he wanted last night. Was stringing up all those motherfucking lights worth it?”

  “Fuck you,” I say, but I lose the fight with my grin.

  “You fucking get your girl, bro?” Jake asks quietly.

  “Yeah, I might just have got myself the girl.”

  “All fucking right. Good one, bro.”

  “Keep it on the down-low though, yeah?”

  “Sure. But why?”

  “Rae,” I say with a sigh. “She thinks it’s for the best if we keep it between us for a while.”


  I flick my eyes over to the cheer squad.

  “Ah, the pack of hyenas that will no doubt be after her blood for taking the legend that is Ethan Savage off the market.”

  “Something like that,” I mutter.

  “What? What aren’t you telling us?”

  “Nothing,” I lie.

  “Out with it before we beat it out of you.”

  “Do you…” I hesitate, not wanting to sound like a pussy. “Do you think it’s because she’s ashamed?”

  Both of their jaws drop in shock at my words. I instantly regret letting my fears pass my lips, but once they recover, Mason slaps my shoulder and smiles.

  “What are you talking about, bro? Never. She just doesn’t want them on her case. I get it, they’re like piranhas.”

  “Just give her some time. She’ll come around.”

  I nod at their enthusiasm and hope that they’re right.

  Jake starts talking about training this afternoon before we head off for our first classes.

  I don’t see Rae again all morning, seeing as we’re in different classes, so by the time lunch rolls around I’m damn near desperate. Jake and Mason can sense my separation anxiety and lap it up. After all the shit I’ve given them about their girls, I know I deserve it, but it doesn’t make it any less annoying.

  The cheer squad are already at our usual tables, and the second Shelly spots me heading her way, she’s up on her feet waiting for me. The noise in the cafeteria is enough to cover my groan.

  “Shelly, what do you want?” I snap once I’m close enough she can hear me clearly.

  Apparently she misses the warning in my tone because she steps toward me, and the next thing I know she’s running her hand over my chest. My body locks up at her unwanted touch.

  “Ethan?” she questions when she notices that I don’t react to her like I normally would. It’s not like she’s expecting me to lean down to kiss her or anything, but I’m not usually so averse to her touch.

  “Shelly, I’m not—” Something tells me to look up, and when I do, I immediately lock eyes with a pair of very familiar, very angry dark ones.

  She flicks her death glare between the two of us. I’m unsure who she wants to hurt more, me for allowing Shelly to touch me, or for Shelly for even attempting to in the first place.

  Giving up on trying to explain to Shelly, I push her hand away and step back.

  “What the hell, Ethan?”

  Ignoring her, I keep my eyes on Rae. She’s bristling with anger, but what does she expect when no one knows I’m off the market?

  An idea hits me, and before I can talk myself out of it, I’m pushing Zayn out of the way and climbing up on top of our table, kicking a tray of food aside as I garner the attention of more and more students sitting around, eating their lunch.

  When I find Rae again, she’s taken a couple of steps forward, but her shoulders are still tense and anger and confusion practically vibrate from her.

  Her brows draw together as she watches me, but it’s not enough to stop me. I’ve made a decision and I’m throwing caution to the wind and going balls to the wall. True Ethan Savage style. I don’t do hiding in the shadows; I live my life in the light and don’t give two fucks as to what people think. And right now, I need them all knowing exactly who I belong to.

  “I’ve got an announcement to make,” I call out over the cafeteria. The volume in the huge room soon begins to reduce as more and more students turn to see what the hell I’m up to. All the while Rae’s eyes get wider and her head starts shaking from side to side. “This is probably going to come as a shock to many of you, but I need everyone to know that that girl over there. Yeah, the cute little feisty one.” A few laughs sound out, along with complaints and sniggers from the cheer squad. I just about manage not to kick the tray from the table around me onto their laps. “She’s taken me off the market. Ethan Savage is off the fucking market and has officially handed his balls over in the hope that she looks after them.”

  Rae laughs, but she’s still mortified at what I’m doing. She continues shaking her head as I jump down from the table and head her way. Ignoring everyone around me and the catcalls, I walk straight up to her, thread one hand into the non-shaved side of her hair, and pull her lips to mine to seal the deal on the announcement I’ve just made.

  Everything around us fades as she parts her lips and accepts my kiss without second thought. Her tongue strokes mine and I lose myself in her taste, her scent, and her t
ouch as she finds the bottom of my shirt and pushes her hands under until she finds the skin on my back.

  A groan rumbles up my throat, and I really fucking wish we weren’t currently in the middle of a room surrounded by hundreds of students.

  I have no idea how much time passes, but eventually someone slaps me on the back and the world starts to make itself known once again.

  “I hate to break up this little love fest, but Coach is expecting us for our afternoon session.”

  I rip my lips from Rae’s and pull back a little. Her eyes are dark and full of the same need that I feel.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, knowing that she’s going to rip me a new one later for that little stunt I just pulled.

  “You’re a fucking nightmare.”

  “Your nightmare, baby.”

  “Let’s go, lover boy.” Jake and Mason flank my sides and all but drag me from the cafeteria. I might have been delighted this morning when I woke with Rae in my arms knowing that we didn’t have morning practice, but fuck if I want to get changed and embark on an afternoon-long session with Coach instead.

  I never thought I’d put anything above football—okay, well maybe partying—but fuck if that little brunette hasn’t flipped my priorities on their head.

  “So much for keeping it quiet, eh?”

  “What? I gave her three hours. How much more time did she need?”

  “Rae needs a fucking medal for agreeing to put up with you,” Jake mutters as we make our way toward the lockers.

  Practice is endless, or so it seems. It’s not so bad while I know that Rae is stuck in class, but once school is out and I know she’s home alone, hopefully waiting for me, it’s fucking torture.

  “A little impatient, are we?” Mason laughs when we make our way toward the showers once Coach lets us go.

  “Like you’re not desperate to get out of here,” I mutter in the hope it covers just how impatient I am. “How are the ribs holding up?” I ask when he looks like he’s in agony just pulling his shirt over his head.

  “I’m not going to lie, they’ve been better.”

  “You going to be okay for next week?”

  Coach has been taking it easy on him, but I can still see how much of a toll it’s taking on him. He’s desperate to be part of the final, but the last thing any of us want is him causing himself more damage by pushing too hard.

  “Only time will tell.”

  We make quick work of washing off an afternoon’s worth of mud and sweat before heading out for the parking lot. A few of the guys agree to head to Aces, but the three of us have more important things, or girls, to see. I laugh at myself as I take a step toward my car. I’ve become one of them, one of the guys I’ve always laughed at when he’d choose spending time with a girl rather than hanging with the guys.

  The drive home is fast even with my growing anticipation for what I’m going to find when I get there. I’m pretty sure she’ll still be pissed about what I did earlier, but I couldn’t help it. The look on her face when she saw Shelly acting like she had a chance with me, like she owned me. I never want to see it again. Everyone at Rosewood now knows I’m taken and hopefully it’ll keep the vultures away.

  Jumping from my car, my muscles scream after the hours of practice Coach put us through, but my need for her is bigger than my need to rest. I grab a bottle of water from the kitchen as I pass before heading up the stairs and hoping she’s waiting for me.

  Her room is empty, but when I step out onto her balcony, I spot her mom sitting outside around the pool.

  “Hey, is Rae home?” I ask, stepping up beside her.

  Ash pushes her sunglasses to the top of her head and looks up at me from her magazine.

  “No, she’s not back yet. Your dad’s at the office too.”

  I blow out a sigh and take a step to leave.

  “Come and sit down. I think it’s probably time we got to know each other a little better.”

  Guilt hits me as her words flow through my ears. I’ve not exactly been nice to her since I discovered she existed. I guess I owe her this, especially as I’m now dating her daughter. My stomach twists. What the hell are our parents going to think about this?

  After a beat, I sit down on the lounger beside her and rest back, staring out over the pool.

  “So you and Rae then?”

  “Uh… yeah.” I lift my hand to scratch at the back of my neck, already feeling totally out of my depth. It’s one thing to meet your girlfriend’s mother, but when she already lives in your house, it’s only weirder.

  “I’ve got to say, I didn’t see that coming. Eric’s told me so many wonderful things about you, but I didn’t in a million years expect for you to break down Rae’s walls. I’m not sure I ever expected anyone to, to be honest.”

  “Yeah, she’s a little… guarded,” I say with a wince.

  “She’s not had it easy. I’m not sure how much you know but—”

  “I know everything,” I interrupt. I turn toward Ash when I sense her stare burning into me.

  “She’s… she’s told you?”

  “Yeah, well. Kind of,” I admit, thinking of the morning I found her diaries. “What’s important is that I know.”

  Ash nods. “My daughter’s complicated and beautiful. She doesn't let anyone get close, so the fact that she’s allowed you in tells me all I need to know. I would tell you to look after her, but I know I don’t need to. Rae is more than capable of looking after herself, she doesn’t need me warning you. She’s been stubbornly independent from the day she was born. It’s frustrating as hell, but I can’t imagine her any other way.”

  I laugh, thinking just how true that is from just the short time I’ve known her.

  “I should head inside. Your dad’s due back any moment. Would you like another?” Ash asks, nodding to my now empty bottle of water.

  “I’m fine, thank you.”

  She nods and pushes from the lounger before collecting up her things and walking into the house.

  Resting back, I run our short conversation through my mind, assuming that was her way of telling me she was fine with us being a couple. I drop my head back and close my eyes, enjoying the peace and the sound of trickling water from the pool.

  I must drift off, because the next thing I know, there’s a shadow looming over me.

  “Well, that was fucking embarrassing.” Rae falls down on the lounger her mother vacated however long ago and turns to me.

  “Sorry,” I say, but it’s anything but sincere.

  “Really?” She laughs. “You didn’t seem all that sorry when you molested me in front of the entire school.”

  “You didn’t seem all that bothered either.”

  “I was just glad to see that hussy’s hands off of what’s mine.”

  “What’s yours, eh?” Getting up from my lounger, I lift her and settle us so she’s lying on top of me, stomach to stomach.

  “Yep. I don’t take too kindly to cheer sluts touching my property.”

  “I’m not an object for you to own.”

  “No? So I can’t do whatever I want to you?” She trails her fingertip around the neck of my shirt and my skin prickles.

  “Oh, you can most definitely do that.” She leans forward and presses her lips to the underside of my jaw. “I should probably warn you though that your mom’s inside and possibly watching us.”

  “I know. I spoke to her. She'll be busy making herself look pretty for your dad. They’re going out for a meal, which means.” Another kiss. “We’ve got.” Kiss. “The house.” Kiss. “To.” Kiss. “Ourselves.” Kiss. “Whatever shall we do?”

  I run my hands down her back until I can squeeze her ass, pressing her hard into me so she has no choice but to feel exactly what she does to me. “Hmmm… I’ve got a few ideas. What time are they going out?”

  “In about an hour.”

  “Perfect. How do you fancy a dip in the pool? I’ve wanted to fuck you in there since I first saw you emerge in your wet, see-through

  “Now that sounds like a perfect way to spend the evening.”



  Knock, knock, knock. “Rae, Ethan, you guys awake yet?” Mom calls hesitantly through my bedroom door. I have no idea if she knows for sure that Ethan’s in here with me or if it’s her way of finding out. I don’t really care either way, mind you. Ethan seems to have moved himself in and I’m not arguing about being able to fall asleep in his arms each night and wake each morning the same way.

  “No, we’re really not,” I call back groggily, wishing she’d leave and allow us a few more hours of peace but I already know it’s not going to happen. She laid out all her Thanksgiving plans when I got back from hanging out with Amalie and Camila Tuesday night. That may have been over twenty-four hours ago but I’m still unsure I’m at all prepared for it.

  “Well, get your asses out of bed. We’ve got plans, kiddos.”

  “Please tell me she’s fucking joking,” Ethan says, pulling me tighter into my body. “There are things I need way more right now than to spend some one-on-one time with my dad.” His erection presses against me and heat floods my core.

  “You’ve got ten minutes to be dressed and downstairs. No excuses.”

  Ethan groans again and I can’t help but laugh. “It’s only a few hours, and then we can spend the evening together.”

  “But I want to be together now,” he sulks.

  Flipping over in his arms, we lie with our noses touching, our eyes locked on each other’s. “Just a couple of hours, then we can have our first Thanksgiving together.”

  “First of many?” he asks optimistically.

  “I hope so.” A little zing of excitement races through me at what the future could hold for us. “But right now, we need to go and be good kids for our parents so they don’t suddenly start complaining about what we’re up to under your dad’s roof.”


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