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Naked Letter

Page 8

by Lucus Anthony Ren

We are waiting for your return. The boys are thrilled knowing you are near the end there. Your new life starts here dear, with us. How I have wanted you close. The years gone, wasted. But now dear we are soon lying together. As we lay before your soft touch and lips upon me. How I become lost thinking of your wanting me. How I wanted your love deep in me. How the orgasms pulled us into that deeper sea. Oh how our first love on the beach that night…it was cold but we both knew it could harm only the naked skin. We both took great care and time as the water rose and took us. I was only with one other man before. With you I had forgotten all that of before. I hadn’t loved, lived till you….oh dear think of those times again I will certainly die. A wanted death…and you will be here soon…saving us all. You won’t leave us will you dear? As you left me before? You won’t leave the children too? Oh dear after you I only wanted it to end. The mind wanted you and the body had to have you. But you were gone. And you never contacted me after. Can you understand what this means? You left and that was all. I had no idea what had happened. What was it I had done wrong? And you never gave me the address of where you are. You promised before you left but when I woke you were gone. And what you took in your leaving…I became damned. Then learning I was pregnant I couldn’t stand it anymore. They would always remind me of you. I learned to hate what was in me. In time I found a way. To love our children. I sold and moved from the house to the large city, renting a small apartment, there giving birth. There they grew. There gossip wouldn’t harm them as it would in the house. Family with no husband, nor father. Scandal. There they are at school, and there I teach. Living as best we could. Some neighbors have well intentions, other not. I have a very good friend who knows the story well of us. She can’t have children and her husband left her. She is often here helping with the boys, in the early days I bless her for without that care she gave, I would not be writing this letter. But you are soon here, back with us…my love, so dear, my strength is in you. We wait…..

  Waiting for me. How does she know all of this? Before the answer came Nok opened the cell door, in two steps he was beside the bed with one hand on my neck spoke softly, ‘Any word and I break it. Walk.’ The letter fell onto the floor, and into the halls we moved quickly as morning arrived with men walked about. Nok firmly guided me. At a moment we suddenly turned into a hall I hadn’t been before with three guards standing next to a door. It was opened and we walked through and met the man who arrested me, with two other men also not in uniforms. He sat there smiling. Waving his hand, an inner door opened, and we walked down a dimly light hall that twisted then stopped. There was no point asking Nok what this meant. I stood there with him, waiting. A loud click heard through the wall where we were standing, Nok pushed which swing open the hidden door into a room with a chair, table, and the Host standing in the corner.

  There was one light directly over the table and chair, Nok moved me into the chair, closed the door, and waited. The Host only looked at the ground, while speaking. ‘I have the last letter for you. I know you want it. Before I and Nok leave this place, because you have been so helpful I give you the letter now.’

  Yes dear how could I know? Where you are, when you will be here with us. I had to search. But what does it matter. You are safe and you both will be together that’s what I live for, rather lived for. You see I am the neighbor and author of all these letters. My dear friend whom you abandoned died last year. Not wanting to live without you and not wanting them to suffer either she took your children too. She spoke of you often, then seldom, till nothing. The pain of it was more than could be born. As they came to collect their bodies I knew you had to be found. Mr Host has been kind enough in forwarding these letters, and I must thank him in taking such good care of you. The arresting officer, Nok and several others will benefit from the wealth you have no longer access to, or need of. Some time ago your holdings were transferred, and the account closed. My only wish, I was there to watch and participate. I understand Mr Nok is very good. Do enjoy these moment dear. Just as you did before you left them in near starvation of broken minds. Yes dear I so want to be there, but Mr Host inform me it will take considerable time, extremely slow I believe he mentioned. It seems dear your plan for him you carefully made would have lead him into great trouble. It appears he is not very happy with this. Well dear, they are waiting for you. She will have much to say too I am sure. As Ms Nok needs to relax, he’ll take great care with you.

  The paper drifted to the floor. After tightening the leather straps around the wrist and ankles Nok stood in front of me pushing cotton deeply into his ears. The Host raised his head looking at me as Nok pulled out his patented rope.

  His End


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