Until We Fall (Trust Duet Book 2)

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Until We Fall (Trust Duet Book 2) Page 10

by Edyn Michaels

  I squirmed a little under her direct interrogation. I looked over to my supposed friend to see if she was going to back me up a little bit, but no. Kay was just looking at her woman with a little bit of adoration.


  “Yeah, three date rule. Minimum.”

  “Let me ask you, when you picture yourself having sex with him, how do you think it will be?”

  Hmmmm, I hadn’t thought of that before.

  “Well, I guess it will be ni…”


  “It will be hot.”

  Both she and Kaylie exchanged a look.

  “Uh-huh. Mari, listen, I get that you are trying to do the opposite of what happened with Jamison and Dane, but Jesus Christ, woman, do you ever pay attention to yourself? Like, it wouldn’t kill you to be with someone you have sexual attraction to, you just aren’t required to ride them raw in the middle of the street and then go crazy psycho bitch when a single flaw shows up.”


  I glared at Kaylie, assuming that the crazy psycho bitch comment was her contribution to how Mariana interpreted the situation. She just shrugged.


  “I mean it, guys. I am positive he will be great, I mean, it will be great. He seems very, um… studious? Like, nerdy? Probably really great with details. If it takes him that long to pick out a shitty salad at a café, imagine how much time he’ll spend with the details down below.”

  “But did he look like he was packing a sausage or a cocktail weinie? I mean, in the end, isn’t that the important part?”

  Kay leaned forward, resting her chin in her hand, interested in my answer.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be a lesbian? Like, what the hell do you know about men’s dick sizes?”

  She threw a pillow at my head.

  “I watch movies and I do read the same smutty lady porn shit that you do. And besides, when I’m choosing my preferred toy for the evening, I’m not likely to pick the silver bullet when a thick and meaty ten-inch strap-on is going to get the job done more satisfactory.”

  Mariana started muttering under her breath in Portuguese while she turned beet red. She’d kind of gotten used to our way of talking to each other, but every once in a while, Kaylie crossed a line in her mind. I’m sure there would be a heated argument after I left, followed by some acrobatic make-up sex.

  I started laughing so hard that I snorted. Seriously, the two of them were a riot, although sometimes I felt as if I needed hazard pay to hang around them when they got like this.

  “Well, I’ll be sure to give you blow by blow details, complete with flow charts, graphs and projections in a report to follow the proverbial third date, okay?”

  “Ewww, dude, you did not use the word ‘flow’ while talking about sex. Nasty hoe.”

  I hadn’t really thought about it when I said, ‘flow chart’, but I was committed, so I went with it.

  “Well, now that you mention that, I bet it would ensure things were all very well lubricated.”

  “Too far, Mari. This time you went too far.”

  Kaylie made some ghastly fake retching sounds while Mariana just stood back, once again taking in our exchange with a look of bemusement.

  Mãe de Deus, com o que eu me meti com esses dois?

  I had no idea what it was she was saying, but I was pretty sure it had to do with us, and judging by her inflection, it probably wasn’t the most flattering thing possible, like, ‘wow, your ass looks amazing in those jeans.’

  “On that note, ladies, I’m going to bail, meeting my mom for dinner.”

  Mariana walked over to Kaylie, gave her a stern look, and then kissed her so passionately, they almost ended up sideways on the couch. If they had gone any further, I’d need extra therapy to get over the visual. Hell, I almost needed therapy to get over the mental image my mind created just from that little side show.

  She winked at me as she sashayed out the door, and I just made a gagging face.

  Juvenile? Yes.

  Would I take it back? Fuck, no.

  Once the door closed I turned on Kaylie, who was gnawing at her lower lip, and refusing to make any eye contact whatsoever.

  “What’s wrong?’

  “Why does anything have to be wrong?”

  “I know you better than I know myself half of the time, and I’m into all this self-aware bullshit right now, so what the hell is wrong. Has the tuna truck stopped making deliveries, because based on what I just saw, it’s fresh and fast.”

  She smirked at me, a smile finally reaching her eyes.

  “Well, part is Mariana, part is something else.”

  “Do I have to beat it out of you? Because I will if I have to, except you’d probably like it, you freak.”

  She looked indecisive, and I couldn’t figure out on what part. Was it filling me in on what was going on or admitting that a firm spanking was exactly what she wanted.

  “I’ve met someone.”


  “You’re cheating on Mariana? What the fuck, Kaylie? Have you lost your goddamned mind?”

  I was pissed, I mean, yeah, Mariana was kind of the best friend’s equivalent of a cock block, but I’d grown to like her. What was a female equivalent of a cock block? Thwarted clam? Cut off kitty?

  Either way, this was bullshit and I was pissed.

  “No, no, you misunderstood. I would never cheat on her. Fuck, quite the opposite in fact. No, um. I made another friend. And I really like her, and I think you’ll like her, too. Like, I think we could all be friends together, the three of us.”

  She looked at me, hopeful and fearful at the same time.


  “Wow, Kaylie, I mean, I feel kind of blindsided. Am I not a good enough friend for you?”

  “No, that’s not what it is, not at all. I swear, it happened completely by accident. I mean, she’s not going to be my best best friend or anything, but I think she definitely has the potential for a more elevated friendship. But never as good as you.”

  “I never saw this coming. I just, wow. We’ve been friends for how long? I’ve known you since before your first shark week. I held your hand and cried with you and ate shitty takeout and drank cheap wine when your parents partially disowned you, and this is what happens? You see something new and pretty and you want her more than me?”

  “Mari, please, understand… it’s not that you aren’t my very bestest biffle. It’s just this chick is someone we will both like. I need you to trust me. I think that the three of us could be amazing. Plus, think about when Mariana and I get married, you might need another person to lean on a bit more because I’ll be tied up with my wife.”


  “You said ‘when’. Is there something you haven’t told me?”

  I grabbed her left hand, inspecting for any indication that there had been a sparkly piece of jewelry there, but there was nothing.

  “I bought the ring.”

  As soon as she blurted it out, she slapped both hands over her mouth and looked at me wide-eyed in shock, as if she’d not planned on sharing that just yet.

  I must have mirrored her facial expression because we just stood there staring at each other. Until we both started screaming and jumping up and down hugging.

  “Oh my god, you sneaky little bitch. You did this huge as hell life changing grown up type thing and you kept it from me? And you met another friend that you’re trying to force on me like a threesome, except we wouldn’t be MMF which is hot as fuck, we’d be WWW like a pack of wrestlers or some shit. It’s like I don’t even know you anymore.”

  “I know, I know. It was like, a really weird crazy impulsy thing that I hadn’t planned on, but I saw it and knew I had to have it. It is so perfect, and it made me think of forever, and babies, and picket fences and shit.”

  “Lemme see.”

  She ran to her bedroom and came out seconds later with a cobalt blue velvet covered box.

  When she opened it dramatically, my breath caught in my throat. In f
ront of me lay the most absolutely perfect diamond ring. It was either platinum or white gold, I could never tell the difference, and had a decent sized round cut diamond, but instead of being just a solitaire style ring, there was this gorgeous scrolling design on either side, like an intricate filigree, that just made you feel as if you had been transported to a Victorian romance novel and the duke had just taken a knee.

  “Holy shit.”

  I breathed the words reverently, not willing to touch the beautiful ring for fear of tarnishing its beauty or significance.

  “I know.”

  I looked into her eyes, seeing them filled with unshed tears.


  “I know.”

  We started screaming and jumping up and down again in a death grip of a hug, until we heard pounding from the wall next door.


  “You’re still not off the hook about the new friend.”

  “Ugh. Just give her a chance, okay? Promise? We’ll go out sometime soon, and you two can gang up on me and start creating your own history and inside jokes. I’m sure you’re going to love her.”

  I nodded, agreeing silently to her request. Scratch that, it was begging. She was definitely begging.

  “So, does this mystery homewrecker have a name?”

  “Her name is Jennifer.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Wow, fancy meeting you here.”

  I felt a slight twinge in what I assumed was my stomach when I heard her throaty voice behind me. I knew it wasn’t my heart, because I’d somehow managed to avoid being given one of those. So, it could only be nausea.

  I turned around to see her standing closer than I would have expected, arms crossed and leveling a look at me that would have dropped a weaker man to his knees.

  But the closer I looked into her mossy eyes, the more I realized that there was a ring of humor that somehow made itself visible, intertwined with mirth and loathing. Fuck my dick, I wanted to possess her.


  I used the lower growl that seemed to make all undergarments vanish in thin air. Not to act like a conceited ass or anything, but I had some shit that worked wonders with women.

  She raised an eyebrow at me as I took a few slow steps towards her. She was somewhat backed into a corner, which I liked, because it gave her less options for running away.

  Let me back up a few seconds, because I totally get how that could sound a little too intense. I would never force a woman. The thought of doing so made my dick limp, and I don’t particularly enjoy having a limp dick. Truth be told, I prefer to walk around with a semi, let them get an idea of the merchandise before they decide to ‘buy’. But, I have a dominant personality, and chicks seem to dig that shit. So, I use it to my benefit. Corner them, not so much that they can’t escape, but to give the impression of it being harder to. Fuck, that usually has their damn panties soaked in seconds.


  She crossed her eyes and raised an eyebrow at me, not stepping backwards as I approached her. Instead, she stood her ground with a ‘who the fuck do you think you are’ look on her face.

  Strategy one was clearly a fail. I was never one to back down from a challenge, so I stopped my forward movement and just slipped my hands in my back pocket and gave her a very well-practiced half smirk.

  “What time does your shift end, Jennifer?”

  “Seven thirty.”

  I was half surprised that she answered, given the way things had been going. I wasn’t going to say my confidence had taken a hit or anything, but damn.

  “Great. See you then.”

  I turned to walk away, laughing at the sound of her sputtering behind me.

  “I didn’t say I’d do anything with you.”

  Her claim sounded weak, even to her ears. You could tell by the facial expression she wore briefly.

  “You may not have said you would, but your eyes did. You are trying to act like you would cut me down in a heartbeat, but the truth is you want to see if I can make you forget your name. You want to see if you will actually be able to stop breathing from the intensity of the orgasms I will give you. Yes, orgasms, as in more than one. I bet it’s been a long time since a man was strong enough to give you what you need, and I’m fucking determined to be that guy.”

  I heard the sharp intake of air that let me know I’d hit my mark. Looking in her eyes, the storm that swirled in the green sea was made up of desire, anger, hate and lust. She looked like she wanted to scratch my eyes out, but at the same time ride me so hard I might need to be admitted to the emergency room afterwards because she broke my shit.

  “Are you going to deny it, Princess?”

  With lightning speed, she was on me, her hand fisted in my shirt as she pulled me down to her height. The element of surprise was in her favor, because she was able to pull me with little effort.

  She just glared at me, a breath away from my lips. I wanted to capture her, to claim her as mine, even if only for a few moments.

  “Call me your fucking princess one more time, asshole, and you’ll be mourning the loss of your left nut.”

  Rather than push me away, as I expected and deserved, she roughly grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me forward for a punishing kiss. My mouth opened, slightly in shock, and her tongue swept in, as if she had planned an attack and was carrying out an invasion.

  No woman had ever taken from me. They had always received, and eagerly so. Never had anyone laid their claim and just taken what they wanted.

  Holy hell, I wanted to fuck her so hard that it would leave bruises that would remind her who was the man in this relationship.

  Just as quickly as it started, her ‘punishment’ ended, and she shoved me away with force that was unexpected. Damn, this bitch had some strength. My balls clenched thinking of ways that I could use that strength. I’d always gone for the softer chicks, but it seemed I had developed a taste from some backbone.

  She walked away, leaving me standing there. A position I’d left countless women in for years. It was as if she had somehow grabbed hold of my playbook, because this was my record she was spinning.

  She looked over her shoulder and damn near sneered at me.

  “Twenty-One Bay Ave, Hyde Park. Pick me up at eight thirty tonight.”

  She disappeared back into the building, and I stood there shaking my head at the fact that I had been told where and when.

  Never before had this happened to me, having a chick call the shots.

  Never before had I been left without having the last word.

  Never before had my cock been so hard.

  At eight thirty-five, I pulled up to the most run-down building in the worst part of town. I double checked the number and sure enough, it was number twenty-one. I won’t lie, I’d inwardly cringed when she told me she lived in Hyde Park. I mean, I was sure that there were probably some nice parts of town, but it didn’t exactly have the best reputation as the safest place to live in Boston.

  When I looked at the building where she lived, I was surprised that it hadn’t fallen down in the last rainstorm we had. The concrete foundation was visibly crumbled in several places, and I could see the wood rot in the siding of the building. I could only imagine that there was probably black mold scattered throughout, and my heart sank thinking that not only did the latest object of my lust live here, but also countless children, if the number of toys scattered on the walkway and front lawn area were any indication.


  It was like staring my childhood in the face and wanting to run the hell away.

  I walked up and found Jennifer’s name on the intercom pad. Not exactly great as far as safety is concerned, when the first and last names are clearly listed. Then again, this isn’t exactly the part of town you would come to in order to mug someone. That’s what Beacon Hill was for.

  I jammed my finger on the button, probably holding it down longer than was necessary, but I’d lived in a place like this
more than once in my life. There was a good chance the system didn’t work that great.

  The intercom crackled to life, barely, and although I wasn’t sure what was said, I had been to this rodeo enough to know the plan. Stand. Wait. She’d come to me.

  So, I stood.

  And waited.

  I should have checked my watch, because in hind sight I would love to know how long she’d made me wait out there.

  If you want to experience a melting pot of society, don’t stand on its most affluent streets. Find an area that could legitimately be considered the ‘hood’. Fortunately, I could be intimidating if I wanted to be, so no one fucked with me. I hadn’t brought any weapons with me, so it wasn’t like I could exactly defend myself except in a fist fight. I knew full well and good that around here, a fist fight wasn’t exactly fought with gentleman’s terms. No, they were fought to be won, even if that meant pulling out a switchblade and doing some permanent damage.

  It was better that I just stand here and look like a mother fucker you didn’t want to mess with.

  I realized that this was some sort of a test or power struggle with Jennifer. I wasn’t sure she was worth it, but I’d already put in too much time and effort with her to walk away now. I was going to feel her walls milk me dry as she clawed my back if it killed me.

  She finally emerged, and I damn near groaned at the sight of her.

  Her legs were thin, but extremely toned, and she was showing them off in a pair of cut-off jeans that were so short the pockets stuck out past the bottom. The hint of ass was teasing me, and I wanted nothing more than to reach under and see if she had anything on under those shorts.

  She jutted one hip out, looking bored while I completed my slow appraisal of her. I didn’t give a fuck that I’d been caught ogling her. She knew that wearing a pair of shorts like that would be like waiving a red flag in front of this bull, so I was going to give her exactly what she expected.


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