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Destiny's Dream

Page 16

by Jen Talty

  A level she wanted nothing to do with but couldn’t deny it if she tried.

  “I need you to stop.” He tugged at her hair. “It’s my turn.”

  “I’m not going to argue.” She shifted on the bed, propping up a couple of pillows behind her head. She was playing with fire, and she didn’t care. This was better than placing a bet against the best player at the table, knowing you were going to win, and just waiting to see their face when you did. She wanted to watch him give her pleasure. She wanted to take every ounce of delight and cherish it. Hold on to it until she exploded uncontrollably.

  His fingers dug into her flesh, kneading her like dough. His velvet tongue glided across her skin. Fisting the sheets, she dug her heels into the mattress and hungrily raised her hips. “Stop teasing me.”

  He lifted his gaze. “I’ve barely started.” With his index finger, he traced a path from her belly button to the inside of her thigh.

  “Are you going to make me beg?”

  He chuckled before lowering his head. The second he kissed her intimately, her body caught fire. Every nerve ending exploded with excitement. The anticipation was more than worth the wait. The way he toyed with her body created one huge wave that crashed inside before retreating, only to roll over her with more force than the last.

  Each stroke of his fingers and tongue left her breathless and on the verge of delight.

  The first ripple of satisfaction gripped her gut. She jolted forward, digging her hands into his scalp.

  The second swell started at her nipples and tingled to the pit of her stomach. She flopped back on the bed, closing her legs around his face.

  She went from a slight breeze to rough seas faster and harder than she’d ever experienced before.

  And then he just stopped.

  “Hang on,” he said, slipping from the bed.

  “What are you doing?” she panted out between mini orgasms. Her body demanded more and more. She wasn’t sure she’d ever get enough of this man.

  “Condom,” he said.

  “Good call.” Her eyes grew wide. She’d made that mistake once, and it resulted in a tragedy so monumental, she still wasn’t sure if she was over it.

  Or if she’d ever get over it.

  She watched in awe as he covered himself with the protection. The pit of her stomach rumbled in anticipation of what was about to come. “Now, I’m begging.” She shamelessly spread her legs.

  He growled, slowly entering her while his fingers toyed with her hard nub, bringing her right back to the edge of no return.

  She wrapped her arms and legs around his body, holding him as close as she could. His motions created one wave of satisfaction after another that poured out of her like a fire hydrant on full blast.

  “Oh, my, God.” She moaned, tossing her head to the side.

  His thrusts came in quicker, short bursts as he sucked on her earlobe, grunting until his body went rigid and an encore of fireworks filled her body.

  He lay on top of her while they both caught their breath. He kissed her neck and cheek. She massaged his back and shoulders.

  Minutes ticked by, and neither one said a word; the silence made her uneasy, snapping her back to reality.

  She shouldn’t have gone to bed with him.

  “We should probably go,” she whispered.

  He raised up on his elbow, shifting his weight to the side. “I didn’t intend for this to happen.”

  “But you had a condom in your back pocket.”

  “I’m a single man. I have one with me at all times.”

  She opened her mouth, but he hushed her with his fingers.

  “Do you regret being with me?” he asked.

  “It’s not that.” She rested her head on his chest.

  His callused hands ran up and down her arm. It felt natural to be naked in his arms, and that scared her. It reminded her of the first few times she’d been with Lucas. When he’d been sweet, kind, and caring. When he’d made her fall in love with him.

  She could easily fall in love with Mason. He even made her wish she enjoyed small-town life.

  “Why don’t we get dressed and head to the party. We can talk about this later,” she said, postponing the conversation. She wasn’t normally the queen of avoidance, but in this case, she was hoping they could just go back to being neighbors, forgetting this ever happened.

  He arched a brow. “No time like the present.”

  “We’re going to be late, and that wouldn’t look good for the party planner.” She curled the sheet around her body and bent over to snag her dress. Without glancing over her shoulder, she pulled the article of clothing over her body. “Can you zip me up, please?” Turning her back, she stood at the edge of the bed. She held her breath, waiting to feel the fabric tug tight against her body.

  The box spring creaked as his fingers gently drifted across her skin.

  “If you are having any second thoughts, I’d prefer to know about them now,” he said.

  She didn’t dare turn around until she knew without a doubt that he had put at least his jeans on. Besides, she needed a few minutes to come up with an appropriate response. One that wouldn’t hurt his feelings too much but make her position clear.

  “No second thoughts,” she said, holding up her finger. “But I refer back to not wanting to be in a relationship.”

  “I can do casual.” He took her by the hand and led her to the front of the house. Coop greeted them with an excited wag of his tail and a couple of yelps before he took his leash in his mouth, dropping it at Mason’s feet. “We can back up and take things slow, like me taking you on a proper date. We’ve yet to do that.”

  She bit down on her lower lip. “You’re a really great man. You deserve someone who wants the same things as you.”

  “You don’t have a clue as to what I want long term.” He laced his fingers through hers, rubbing his thumb against her palm. “I only know I want to get to know you, and I’m willing to take the risk, which is funny, because I swore after the last girlfriend, I wouldn’t risk my heart ever again.”

  Boy, was her heart on the line.

  Mason opened the truck door, helping her into the passenger seat while Coop jumped into the back.

  “So, what would you do if I kissed you at the party?” Mason asked as he pulled the truck out of the driveway.

  “I’d have to slap you because I’ll be there in a professional capacity, not as a guest.”

  He rubbed the side of his face. “I’ll do my best to keep my lips to myself.”

  “Probably a good idea.” She chomped down on her thumbnail. “Can I ask you a personal question?”

  “That’s kind of funny considering what we just did. But yeah, shoot.”

  Yet she knew her life was about as complicated as it got, and poking around in his life would only make it harder for her to leave.

  “I’ve told you about my ex, which was the only serious relationship I’ve ever had. Tell me about your past girlfriends.”

  “I’ve had a couple of serious girlfriends in my life and then a few women here and there that I cared about, but none of them were going anywhere.”

  “Why’d you and these women break up?”

  He laughed. “My high school sweetheart married my best friend.”

  “That really sucks,” she said, instinctively reaching out and wrapping her fingers around his biceps.

  He glanced in her direction with a big smile. “Well, we were just kids, and while I spent nearly four years with her, we weren’t meant to be together, but she was my first love.”

  Destiny suspected his first bed partner as well. She cringed, remembering her first time having sex. It hadn’t been pleasant, and she certainly didn’t want to be with that guy a second time. It sucked that the old saying you never forget your first was true.

  “She and her husband still live around here?”

  “He’s a firefighter, and she works with my sister at the high school. She’s also pregnant with their second kid, a
nd I think every time my mom sees that, she starts pushing me again.”

  Destiny got the impression that he pushed himself. He seemed like the kind of guy that wanted a wife, a couple of kids.

  And of course, the dog.

  “What about other girlfriends?” She sucked in a breath, wondering why on earth she would ask for more information about his failed love life. Not only was it rude, but it showed interest, and they seemed to be establishing that neither of them wanted to get involved. That their time in bed was a one-time thing.

  And that was for the best.

  “I was with a girl by the name of Renee for about a year, but she hated small-town life and is now married to someone else.”

  “How long ago was that?” Really, Destiny, shut the fuck up.

  “A while ago and I’m over it.”

  And here comes a truth that she could live with. “You’re a nice guy, and I enjoy you and your damned mutt, but I’m a lot fresher off a bad relationship and—”

  “Can we just enjoy each other and see where it takes us?” he asked.

  “Do you want to get married and have kids?” she asked.

  “Someday, yeah.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, and that is exactly what will happen if we continue down this path.”

  “Maybe, but I want you to understand I’m not trying to change you. I just want to get to know you better,” he said. “Can you reach inside my glove box and grab my present?”

  “Sure.” During the party, she’d be so busy that she wouldn’t have a chance to finish this conversation, and that was probably a good thing.

  She pushed aside a plastic bag with a label… “What the fuck?” She yanked the bag out of the glove box and stared at a Ho Ho wrapper. “Where did you get this?”

  “Shit,” Mason said as he took the bag from her fingers before she could read the words. “I didn’t want you to know about this one.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I didn’t want to worry you,” he said.

  “When did you find it? Where? And what’s the writing?” Her heart squeezed so tight it took the air from her lungs.

  “This morning. By my back door.” He held up the bag.

  All she saw was her old name.


  Heidi Ho Ho?

  She reached out with a shaky hand but recoiled before she touched the plastic.

  “Do you know a Heidi?”

  She shook her head like a wild woman. “You should have told me about that.”

  “I would have, after I had it dusted for prints.”

  “That might have been too late.” She slipped from the truck and slammed the door shut.

  In the distance, she saw Lilly waving as she practically raced in their direction.

  “What the hell is your future wife doing here two hours before the party?” Destiny muttered as she flung her purse over her shoulder and headed for the backyard. She needed some distance between her and Mason.

  And she needed to contact Sterling.


  “She’s never going to forgive me,” Mason said as he leaned against his truck, staring across his boss’ massive yard. The party had been a huge success, and everyone had been talking about how fantastic Destiny had done, pulling it together in a few days.

  Mason had to admit he was quite impressed as well.

  “I’m sure she’s just freaked out.” Blaine held up his phone. “We’ve got a hit on some prints.”

  “On both the box and wrappers?”

  “Yup. And on the wrapper you brought today. I had them put a rush on it,” Blaine said.

  “Well?” Mason folded his arms across his chest and closed his eyes, keeping his breathing controlled.

  “Trip’s fingerprints are on all three.”

  That was good news and bad news. But at least now he knew without a doubt Trip was behind the threat. Only question is why, and would he keep it up now that everyone knew Jake was dead.

  “Any other prints?” Mason asked.

  “That we can identify? Just yours.”

  “What about Destiny’s?”

  “She’s not in the system.” Blaine tucked his phone in his back pocket. “Do you know anyone by the name of Heidi?”

  Mason nodded. “I had a fling with a chick by that name. It lasted all of a couple of weeks. She didn’t like dogs.”

  “When was this?”

  “Right after Julia. It was a rebound thing. I was kind of a dick to her,” Mason admitted.

  “And where is she now?”

  Mason shrugged. “I haven’t seen her or talked to her in months. She lives over in Sicklerville. I can get you her contact information.”

  “I appreciate that.” Blaine pointed across the yard. “Try to be in the office early. I want to go over strategy. I’m asking Sally to join us.”

  Mason watched Destiny gave Kaylee a hug and now was headed in his direction.

  “That doesn’t sound like fun since we both know she’s not going to let us bring Trip in,” Mason said.

  “Nope. But she’ll be able to give us resources to have someone watch your girlfriend when you can’t.”

  “She’s not my—well, not yet anyway.”

  “That’s my boy talking.” Blaine patted Mason on the back. “See you tomorrow.”

  Mason opened the passenger side door. “You threw a fantastic party.”

  “Thank you. I surprised myself, although Lilly thinks she could have done better.”

  “I don’t like how you referred to her earlier.” He didn’t want to get into a fight, but he did want to clear the air. “She and I will never be an item, and after this afternoon, to say that, well, it hurt.” He tapped his chest.

  “I was mad. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that, especially loud enough for her to hear.”

  “Yeah. But I think I was finally able to man up.” Mason hadn’t liked hurting Lilly’s feelings but when all was said and done, he figured she’d be over it in days. “For the record, you’re right. I should have told you what I found. And since we’re on that subject, we found Trip’s prints on them.”

  She held his hand as she stepped onto the running board. Her mouth dropped open. “Only his?”

  “There were three prints we couldn’t identify. We want to print you so we can match one set. And the other two, it just means they aren’t in the system.” He climbed into the cab of his truck and turned the key.

  For the next ten minutes they rode in silence. The tension still filled the air. He focused on the sound of her breathing. With every breath she took, it soothed his pounding heart. There was still so much he didn’t know about her, but he at least felt confident, based on what he’d learned about her ex, that she was being honest with him about things. He’d learn the rest as he went along. She wasn’t a liar like Julia.

  “What are you going to do about Trip?” Destiny broke the silence, snapping his thoughts to the present.

  “We have a meeting in the morning with the Feds.”

  “So, until then, I’m still a sitting duck,” she said with an exasperated sigh.

  He understood her frustration. He didn’t like sitting on his hands in any situation, regardless of the perceived danger. “If he tries to come anywhere near you, or me, I won’t hesitate to cuff him.”

  “You can’t be with me twenty-four seven.”

  He rolled to a stop in his driveway. “That’s part of the reason for the meeting with the Feds. They have more money and resources than the Thief Lake Police Department. They already have someone watching Trip, and they can put a protection detail on you if they are going to tie my hands.”

  “And you think they will do that?”

  He knew Coop would do better if they stayed at his place for the night, but he wanted her to be comfortable, and he didn’t care one way or the other as long as she didn’t make him sleep on the sofa.

  Which he guessed was what she’d suggest since she’d backpedaled so much this afternoon. Not to menti
on she still seemed pissed. He didn’t blame her, but he wanted an opportunity to plead his case. Of course, that meant he needed to come up with the right words, and everyone knew he didn’t have much swagger when it came to women. And the older he got, the worse it became.

  He decided on her place. If she kicked him to the sofa, then so be it. Either they were on their way to something, or they weren’t. Either way, he didn’t think pushing her would serve his case.

  Slow and steady won the race.

  “Our local FBI agent is married to a good buddy of mine. Add in the fact that Blaine’s wife was protected by the FBI for a few months before she testified against the Chicago mob, I’m sure they will help us out.” Mason helped Destiny from the truck and laced his fingers through hers and thankfully, she didn’t shove him away. They stood by the back door of the cottage while Coop went and did his business. “What we are hoping is that they will allow us to bring Trip in and give him a bit of a shakedown.”

  “What’s the likelihood they will let you do that?”

  Mason shrugged. “It all depends how they plan on using it to squeeze him for intel on George Charleston.”

  “I’ve been racking my brain on why he seems vaguely familiar, but I’ve got nothing.”

  Mason appreciated her saying that. She might have left off pertinent information in the beginning, but she wasn’t anything like Julia.

  “What about Rivers?” He held his breath, waiting for her to answer. The last thing he wanted to do was anger her again. Especially when she leaned seductively against the door with her hand in his and her thumb rubbing a gentle circle over his skin.

  “They both have very specific eyes. But I can’t imagine where I would have crossed paths with them.”

  Mason wanted to kick himself for studying her facial expressions because he wasn’t admiring her but looking for tells that she might be keeping information from him. That made him a number one asshole.


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