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Hearts of Darkness: A Valentine's Day Bully Romance Collection

Page 10

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  But maybe I’m just a fool.

  When Bron begins to thrust in and out of her, she moans between us, and I slowly begin to fuck her too. For a minute I’m lost, overwhelmed by sensations. This is what I’ve needed. Not just sex with Esmeray, but this closeness. This feeling that we belong together.

  It’s like for one moment, I don’t feel like I’m waiting to live. Like my life has been put on hold until she was back in it. I just feel...right.

  And then she begins to thrust hard onto my dick, and my thoughts stutter and vanish. I grip her hips and meet each of her thrusts with my own.

  We’re all gasping in air, working together, moving faster and faster.

  “God damn it,” Bron mutters, his eyes squeezed shut.

  “That’s right,” she moans. “Harder, harder.”

  So we give it to her harder. And she only seems to grow wetter and more excited as she squirms between us.

  Which my dick loves.

  Swelling inside of her, my nerves come alive. I realize that I’m seconds from coming.

  Gritting my teeth, I will myself to last longer. If I don’t, will Esmeray ever see me as the man for her? Will she think of someone else when she touches herself?

  And then she orgasms, shouting and bucking like a wild thing. The muscles in her ass go ballistic, squeezing me as if their only purpose in this world is to make me come.

  I can’t fight my release any longer. I come, shooting my hot seed into her ass, pumping and pumping. As if in the distance, I hear Bron come too, making a strangled noise. We move together in a frenzy, riding the waves of our pleasure.

  And finally calm.

  Sliding to the side of Esmeray, I fall onto the bed, breathing hard. I stare at her flushed face, wanting like mad to kiss her, to show her in some way just how important she is to me. I want her to know that this was more than the best fucking of my life.

  But the words cling to my mouth.

  I don’t expect it when Dwade rises from his chair and plucks her off of Bron, but I watch in fascination as he turns her around and pulls her legs around his waist.

  “Ready to be fucked again, my Esmeray?” he asks her, his voice harsh.

  Her eyes are closed, but she nods, and her nails dig into his back.

  Unable to help myself, I lie content, and watch. If she thought we were done, she should understand this is only the beginning of our night together. We’ve waited years to touch her, and we have a million things we still plan to do to her.

  But first, I’ll watch.

  Chapter Six


  When Dwade eases that thick cock of his inside of me, I gasp. My nerves are still sensitive from my orgasm, and I’m hugging that line between pleasure and pain. But something inside of me won’t ask him to wait. I still need more. I need something from them that I haven’t gotten yet, and I’m hoping that feeling will ease when Dwade is finished.

  But he doesn’t move, not until my gaze meets his. Then, and only then, does he lean forward and kiss me, his mouth hard and filled with desire.

  I gasp against him when he slides out, then cry out when he slams back into me. My inner muscles twist around him, singing with need. And even though I’m soaking wet, the bastard’s big dick is still big inside of me, filling up my tight channel in a way that’s overwhelming.

  When he begins to fuck me slowly, I bounce against him, biting down on my cries of pleasure. I can feel the gazes of Bron and Lucius clinging to me. And it makes me feel oddly on display, at the same time that it turns me on.

  It’s like we’re playing a see who will show their cards first.

  Dwade groans my name, then his mouth moves to my neck, and he starts to suck as he fucks me. I’ve never liked men kissing me, but I love every way these men touch me. There’s something...possessive about it. And it surprises me that I enjoy that.

  My ankles lock behind Dwade’s back, and my nails dig into his shoulders deeper. I will myself to meet his thrusts with my own, even when my vision goes white and my body screams that a new kind of pleasure is building, one we might not be able to handle.

  It’s hard to think. The way he sucks my’s like he’s found a new pleasure point on my body I never imagined. My eyes close and I bounce against him, feeling my control slipping and slipping.

  Dwade makes a sound like a roar, and suddenly goes wild.

  I don’t expect it when my orgasm shatters and I fall over the edge, screaming his name. Nor do I expect how turned on I am when Dwade comes inside of me. The sensation, hot and sticky, makes me feel alive. My nipples are hard against his chest, hard and sensitive. My inner muscles hold Dwade’s big cock tightly as I slowly calm from my orgasm.

  And then we’re left standing at the edge of the bed, breathing hard. Entwined together in a way that feels...significant.

  He moves us to the bed and lies down on top of me. I’m suddenly surrounded by the men. Bron and Lucian have turned to face me, and I feel oddly more vulnerable than I’ve ever felt before.

  Even more vulnerable than when they were fucking me.

  “Esmeray.” Dwade says my name softly, as if he’s worshipping the sound of it.

  I stare up at him, not knowing what he expects me to say.

  Lucian brushes my hair back from my face, and I meet those stunning blues eyes of his. “So, how were we?”

  How were they? They were amazing. Better than anyone I’ve ever been with.

  But I can’t say that, can I? So what should I say?

  Chapter Seven


  The air seems to be sucked from the room as we wait for Esmeray’s response. It’s not that we’re insecure, or that we normally need to hear a woman tell us we’re good. It’s that we need to know that she enjoyed us. That she felt anything of the bond that exists between us, invisible to her eye.

  “You were...fine,” she says.

  “Fucking hell.” Bron’s entire face seems to tense. “Is that all?”

  She doesn’t look at us. “What do you want me to say?”

  “More than that.” Dwade’s voice is low.

  Suddenly, her chin rises. “Well, how was I?”

  “You know how you were,” Bron snaps back at her.

  “No, I don’t,” she grits out.

  His hands go behind his head, and anger radiates from him. “It sounds like you’ve had a whole basketball team to practice on, who have probably told you exactly how you are.”

  Esmeray’s jaw drops, but she quickly recovers, shoving at Dwade. “Get off of me.”

  The big man looks reluctant, but does as she says.

  She sits up between us. “You guys are pathetic.”

  “Watch it,” Bron growls.

  She turns to face him. “I mean it. You’re more than willing to fuck me, but you still can’t accept what I am.”

  What she is?

  I frown. What does that have to do with anything?

  She climbs off the bed and stands before us, looking proud, even naked. “Well, I’ll tell you what. I don’t care what you think of me. How about that?”

  I sit up slowly, heart racing. No, this isn’t going the way we planned at all. This was supposed to show her that we care about her. That she’s important to us. But things are going wrong, fast.

  “Esmeray—“ I try again.

  She cuts off. “I don’t care what bullshit you want to spout at me now.”

  “Good,” Bron says, staring at the ceiling as if his heart isn’t breaking. “Because we have no doubt we’re just another notch on your bedpost.”

  She stomps to the door, but stops with her hand on the knob. “You know what? That’s exactly what this was. You three scratched an itch, and that was all.”

  When she opens the door, Dwade surprises all of us by speaking. “Say that if you want, but you didn’t feed on us. That says something.”

  She speaks over her shoulder. “No, it doesn’t.”

  The slamming of the door vibrates through
the room, and I stare after her, feeling miserable. This woman has got to be the cruelest female every born. She knows exactly how to hurt us. Exactly how to break our hearts.

  “She’s a fucking bully,” Bron mutters.

  I rub my face, feeling lost. “Couldn’t you have handled it differently?”

  Bron shakes his head. “If we let her know too soon... we will lose her forever.”

  “And what if by being jackasses we lost her anyway?”

  Silence descends between us.

  I collapse back on the bed and close my eyes. These moments with her always start out like a dream and then turn into a nightmare. If only I could wake up from it.

  Chapter Seven


  I wake up panting and frustrated. Looking around myself, I see my familiar dorm room. Not my bedroom at Esmeray’s house. Not my friends, naked beside me, pining over a woman who could never feel the way we do about her.

  “Hell!” I shout, then rub my face, knowing my hard dick is covered in cum.

  These dreams have got to stop.

  Esmeray is beyond our reach, safely at her manor, probably still playing with her ghosts and monsters. But she’s also grown into a beautiful woman, judging by the photos she sends to her brother.

  And she’s also out banging assholes, according to her texts to her brother.

  Ever since Rayne told us that his sister has been out having “fun” at the clubs, using her powers and seducing men, I swear I’ve been in hell. Tortured by the thought of her with other men.

  Over and over again I’ve told myself that I won’t be able to see her again until I’ve graduated from Royal Fae Academy, but it doesn’t matter. I can practically sense her hours away.

  But then, I’m connected to her.

  And she isn’t to me.

  I go and take a shower, but it isn’t enough to wash away the dream of us together. My entire chest aches every time I imagine her with someone else, while I’m here, ready and willing to love her for eternity. But I’m also dreading the day I finally tell her the truth, because it would destroy me if she turned away from us.

  Dressing and drying I leave my dorm room and find Dwade and Lucian sitting on the couch in almost darkness. So we’re all dreaming of our woman.

  “Her again?” I ask, even though I know the answer.

  Lucian nods, lifts a beer to his lips, and drinks deeply before answering. “I swear I’m never going to sleep again.”

  Going to the little kitchen that’s connected to the living room that our four rooms share, I grab a beer too and snap it open. Slumping onto the couch between them, I drink, wishing there was enough alcohol in this dorm to wash away the thought of her.

  “Do you think,” Dwade hesitates, his dark eyes locked onto his own beer, “she could ever love us the way we love her?”

  Neither of us answers for a long time.

  Until Lucian sighs. “Maybe not. But if she could love us at all, I think that would be enough for me.”

  I curse softly, hating that I feel the same way. “When do you guys think we should tell Rayne?”

  Dwade shakes his head and takes a long sip of his drink.

  Lucian’s gaze connects with mine. “He’s starting to wonder why we don’t like anyone. Why we aren’t sleeping with women or even caring enough to talk to them. Eventually, he’s going to figure out that something’s wrong.”

  “Agreed,” Dwade mutters.

  “But we could lose him as a friend forever...”

  My words linger between us. If anyone learns of our connection to Esmeray, they may also learn that she isn’t a light fae like we are. People will be able to see that she isn’t bound to us the way we’re bound to her. It could reveal the truth about Rayne’s sister, something we would never want, but we also can’t live our lives without her. The risk would be worth it. And yet, Rayne would prefer we suffer than endanger his sister in any way.

  “He’ll hate us for this,” Lucian says, and his expression is shaken.

  We all know it’s true. We’ve all been best friends all our lives, the heirs to some of the most powerful fae houses in the United States. Linked by a bond that can never be broken.

  And yet, Rayne will always love his sister more than us.

  His wrath will be uncontainable.

  “So we continue suffering?”

  Both men look at me, but Lucian is the one to answer my question. “We don’t have another choice. Not when she doesn’t feel the connection we do.”

  Esmeray is beautiful, smart, brave, and exceptional in every way. She’s also a bully. Reckless with our hearts in a way she could never understand.

  It’s tragic.

  And yet, Lucian is right. We don’t have another choice.

  That’s just how unrequited love is.

  “Tonight I dreamed I fucked her in the ass,” Lucian surprises all of us by saying.

  I laugh, glad to feel some of the tension loosening from my chest. “I had her pussy...and it was gloriously tight.”

  Dwade is quiet for a long second. “It was.”

  I almost asked them what exactly happened in their dream, but I think I’ve suffered enough for one night. No need to return to my room and have to stroke myself off again.

  It’s just enough to know I’m not moaning over her alone.

  And then I tense. It’s a Friday night. Is Esmeray out with another man even now?

  I drink more of my beer, but it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

  Chapter Eight


  I sit on the porch swing outside of my darkened home, a cup of tea in my hands. Out in the woods, my monsters beckon to me, but I wave them away. Normally, I’d be ready and willing to play.

  But not after the dream I’ve had.

  Just thinking about it makes my heart race. The way Bron, Dwade, and Lucian had touched was truly a fantasy created by my lonely mind. A light fae could never be so alpha in bed. They could never be rough with their lover.

  It was impossible.

  And yet, I yearned to be touched that way. To be controlled by the three men I’d cared for even as boys. I wanted it to be them who could bring me to my knees like that.

  If only my desires weren’t a cruel fantasy. What I light fae could love.

  Being linked to me would destroy them. I would stand at their sides, never respected by those around us, a shadow like my father. Our children would be despised. And the men would long for a soul mate that would complete them, as all light fae desire most.

  Suddenly I see the wispy, white shape of a ghost drifting across the lawn, heading toward me. It takes me a minute to recognize Clara, the old maid who died here long ago.

  “You’re up late,” she says when she comes close enough.

  I almost lie, but then decide to hell with it. “I was thinking of them again.”

  She sighs and floats closer, almost as if she’s sitting on the porch swing beside me. “I know you care for them, but you also must know they could never love someone like us.”

  I know it’s true, but it hurts to hear her speak the words. “If only I could just let them go...”

  Clara nods, staring out into the night.

  Neither of us needs to say more. If she could let go of her anger at falling down the stairs and accidentally killing herself, she wouldn’t be bound to this place. So she’s not exactly in a position to tell me to just get over it.

  “Thanks,” I tell her, not needing to say more. Not needing to tell her I just didn’t want to be alone right now.

  “I didn’t just come for a visit,” she says, surprising me. “I came to give you a warning.”

  “What kind of warning?” I ask, my pulse picking up.

  “The ghosts are all unsettled tonight.”

  “Why?” My mug feels oddly cold in my hands.

  “Because,” she draws the word out, “we can smell death on the air.”

  I try to fight the strange feeling that crawls up my spine. It
means nothing.

  “People die every day.” My words come out soft.

  “Yes, so why do we smell death tonight?”

  Looking away from her, I try to push the unsettling conversation away. Ghosts loved to be dramatic, especially Clara. It got boring haunting these grounds, so they sometimes made up stories to make things more interesting. That’s all her words were. Right?

  Still, the night felt colder.

  My thoughts stretch out, as if by doing so I could sense my brother and his friends and know they’re safe. As if even from far away they can bring me comfort. But I’m surprised when I’m only left feeling...confused.

  Maybe angry.

  I take another sip of my drink, trying to wash away the bitter feelings that rise up inside of me. For some reason after my intimate dream, the idea that the men all left makes me even more upset. And I hate feeling upset when they’re off enjoying their lives.

  So I refuse to miss them. I refuse to think of them. I’m meant to be alone, like all my kind. I’m meant to be chained to our vast properties, a useless daughter.

  My life will never be anything more than that.

  Still, I close my eyes and think of the dream of us together. In it, I can almost forget the warning about the scent of death on the air and the deep sense of betrayal I’ve felt since the men left. Because in the dream, they were all with me.

  It was perfect.

  Too perfect, the darkness inside of me whispers.

  I shiver and take a deep breath.

  And I must be lonelier than I thought, because even I smell something on the air. Something that has the acidic taste that only comes from a warning.

  Chapter Nine


  I’m going to die. The thought echoes through my mind.

  The more I dig into the secrets that have long been kept by the fae, the more I realize that there was a reason for it. If the fae community knew the truth, everything would change.


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