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Hearts of Darkness: A Valentine's Day Bully Romance Collection

Page 33

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  The moment I walked into the bar, I noticed him a few tables away from me, sitting alone. It was Valentine's night, and Vegas was full of love—genuine and paid for.

  I definitely fell into the latter, unfortunately.

  A waiter offered me a glass of something sparkly. I knocked it back quickly, needing some Dutch courage. Pity I hadn't drunk more in the suite when I was getting ready.

  "That was a very expensive champagne, and I don't think it touched the sides."

  I hadn't realised he'd seen me and had moved within touching distance.

  The nerves I'd had walking into the bar were already starting to vanish, thanks to my third drink. I really should stop before I went any further.

  "Don't you know? I'm a pretty cheap date. Just buy my family home from under me, and strike a deal for me to live there in return for fucking me, and I'm all yours."

  Irritation passed across his face, and goddamn me, I wanted to push it more. That was definitely the sparkly water talking, and the hurt inside me was goading it on.

  "Maybe we should eat now." He guided me to a restaurant, in the back and out of the way of the normal casino dwellers. It looked expensive and posh.

  As soon as the manager saw Ty, we were ushered into private seating at the back.

  I looked around. It was definitely made for rich people and discretion. I instantly hated it.

  "Shall I order for you?" Ty said, picking up the menu after we were settled.

  "Sure." Normally, I would have baulked at that suggestion, but right now, I really didn't care. All I could think about was at the end of the night, we would have taken our relationship to the next level. And that meant that I was selling myself.

  The dinner swept by in a blur, as great food that I could barely taste and charming conversation I barely hear pushed me along. Everything leading up to the point of no return.

  We left the restaurant and headed outside. I looked around, the alcohol was diminishing rapidly out of my system, but I still didn't understand what was happening. We weren't going back to the rooms? "Where are we going?"

  Ty ignored me for a few more moments as he ushered me into a waiting limo. "We're going to be tourists for an hour or so."

  It took me by surprise, but I nodded, enjoying that I'd had a little temporary reprieve from my self-inflicted sentence.

  He surprised me again when we were dropped outside the Eiffel Tower at the Paris resort.

  "Okay," I said as he took my hand and lead me to the lifts.

  "It's cheesy, but it's a great view of the fountains. And since you've never been here before, I thought you might like it." I turned to watch him, and I could see a weird excitement. It was strange to see.

  "You're a man of the world, and you still love to go to Vegas to see the fountains?" He chuckled, then. And I felt my heart quiver. I quickly pushed it away.

  "What can I say? Not many people realise my heart belongs to Sin City." He smiled wide at me, and I smiled back.

  "No, that makes perfect sense, actually. You and Sin City are a perfect match." I realised he still had my hand in his larger one. I didn't pull away, enjoying the warmth.

  "My parents always wanted me to go to the land of opportunity, and they loved the thought of Las Vegas." He was speaking softly, and so I leaned in closer to hear him fully. "They never saw me make something of myself. So when I became rich enough, I came here. Now, the city has a strange association to them for me, since they're long gone."

  Wow. I never thought he'd share anything in the least bit personal with me. I was stunned into silence as we walked into the viewing area.

  The timing was excellent. We'd just made it to the top of the tower and found a place when the music and fountains started. Ty tucked me in front of him, enclosing me in his arms as we watched the display.

  I tried not to think too much on the snippets of personal stuff he was sharing.

  I was very aware of his warmth as he settled against me, and smiled at the spectacle before us.

  I had to admit, it was beautiful and tacky and everything in between. I loved it, and understood—even just a little—why Ty was buying a resort along the strip.

  Vegas was magical.

  Afterwards, we grabbed some decadent desserts and ate them watching a football game on the big screen at the sports book of a casino.

  People knew Ty everywhere we went, and he was always polite and courteous, even if he frowned his dissatisfaction to me after they'd left.

  It became natural for my hand to fit into his, and I didn't complain when he automatically took it.

  Surprisingly, I'd had a good time. He'd shown me some touristy places, he'd made me laugh and forget everything for a short time, and ended up being the perfect date.

  And, I admit, I was unbelievably turned on. It was ridiculous—he was the enemy. Yet, here I was, breathless at the tender touch of his fingers on my wrist. Or the way he pushed a stray escaped curl behind my ear and lingered for a moment too long.

  What was between us was inevitable. It felt right for all the wrong reasons. And I was dying to kiss him again and feel him against me.

  And that's when I found myself waiting for the private lift, going back up to the suite. My thoughts were in so much disarray, I didn't know what to think. At the start of their evening together, I knew exactly what I wanted and what I didn't. Now, everything had changed.

  We stepped inside together, and stood at opposite walls. He watched me, and I, in turn, watched him.

  We were on one of the high floors—only the best for Ty Falco—and I was very aware that my opportunity to back out was fast diminishing.

  "This is going to happen, isn't it?" I said quietly.


  Even though it was only one word, it said so much. "Okay, then."

  We were nearing our floor, when I stepped over to him and touched my fingers to his lips. "Then it's on my terms."

  He nodded, gently kissing my fingers.

  My hand lifted to his head and into his dark, silky hair, and I pulled his face down to my own.

  The fire in his eyes ignited a passion that had been growing in me ever since the first kiss in the chapel, a little over a day or so ago.

  And when our lips met again, it was fucking perfection. I didn't hold back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and allowed him to take control.

  And he certainly did.

  He turned me around so I was against the mirrored walls and he was pressing himself against me. His dick was hard, and it made me gasp as I reached down to feel his length in my hand.

  All those rumours I'd heard from his ex-girlfriends were absolutely true.

  As the kiss continued, and I fell more and more under this devil's spell, the lift stopped. Ty went to move us both, but I held on tight.

  "No," I whispered right next to his ear as his mouth trailed down my neck, planting kisses. "I want to be fucked right here."

  I didn't know where that came from, but my pussy purred in agreement as Ty hesitated for only a moment.

  "Are you sure?"

  I nodded my head whilst reaching down to pull my knickers down over my hips. In a moment, we both looked down to see the black lace sitting on the carpeted floor. Ty hit the button to stop the lift from moving.

  "You're going to kill me with your sexiness," Ty said at my lips again.

  "I had thought about it." His chuckle tickled my senses.

  He lifted my thighs as I held on tight around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist while he undid his trousers. When I felt his cock against my pussy, I shuddered.

  I kissed him again, pushing my fingers through his hair and tugging gently to move his lips from mine. "Protection?" I whispered.

  "Got it." I almost did a happy shuffle right there, I was so relieved he had it covered.

  I heard the rip of the foil, and he shifted me to put the rubber on his dick.

  "Fuck me like you promised, Mr Falco." I said, looking straight at him.

  He didn
't wait for a second invitation. He positioned himself and pushed in, hard.

  "Ahhh." My eyes never left his as he penetrated me fully. A ripple of pleasure had me shuddering as he pulled out slowly and thrust again.

  "Oh, Jesus." I buried my head into his neck and licked his racing pulse.

  Pushing me back harder against the wall, his thrusts became faster and more desperate as I writhed and pushed back, travelling my own journey.

  Our sex noises were all I could hear, and it turned me on so much to know I was fucking Ty Falco in a lift in Vegas.

  My fingers pulled at his shirt, ripping buttons so I could feel his hot skin. I wasn't sure I could last much longer. He pulled down my dress and exposed my breast.

  "You're beautiful."

  Ty thinks I'm beautiful. It was the last coherent thought I had before I fell over the edge of desire and tightened my pussy around his dick. Ripples and sensations filled my body, and I was barely aware of Ty reaching his own orgasm, until I heard a gutteral sound at my ear.

  I sucked in oxygen, attempting to fill my lungs again as I struggled to breathe.

  It was perfection.

  As soon as my heart rate began to normalise, though, the reality of what I'd done hit me. I'd fucked him to save my house.

  Panic and lust and self-loathing filled me. What must Ty think of me? Obviously, I had a price. Mortification ran hot and heavy through me.

  "I need to go." He was still inside me as my legs held me steady around his hips. He didn't attempt to move.


  "No, this is—"

  "Stop it." His voice commanded my thoughts, and I looked up at him, reluctantly. "We're going into the suite, I'm going to take you to bed, and I'm going to make love to you over and over again, until you forget there ever was a Ravensmead. Do you understand me?"

  Annoyance flitted across his face, and I nodded, unsure of how to feel. Also, there was going to be an encore?

  I shuffled against him and immediately felt the twitch from his hard-on.

  "Stop moving," he said as he pulled me closer around him. He went to step out into the lobby of the suite.

  "My knickers!"

  "I'll buy you a dozen more."

  "But they're comfortable."

  Ty sighed, and I watched as he toed the material with his shoe and kicked, sending them shooting out of the lift.

  "Satisfied?" He sounded irritated, but one look into his eyes, and I saw the dance of mischief there.

  This was wrong, wasn't it? I tried to get my rogue thoughts in order as he strode across the main living area and towards his bedroom. Yes, I'd fucked him for the house. I pushed those feelings away as they tried to choke me. But there was something else. A connection. Was I mad to feel that? Regardless of how much I hated him, I wanted this. I wanted him.

  He unceremoniously threw me onto the bed, and it jolted me from my treacherous mind. He discarded the condom and turned to look at me again. He already had another hard-on, and I watched him step out of his trousers and underwear.

  "Quit overthinking this and let me take my time exploring you and pleasuring you until you can't think anymore." He ripped the rest of his shirt off.

  I licked my suddenly dry lips. "Yes, boss."

  He smiled wickedly, and I think I orgasmed there and then.

  Chapter Eight

  AFTER THAT FIRST NIGHT together, we had a tentative peace. I tried not to think of our sex deal, and he touched me at every opportunity.

  There was the fingering in the limo to the airport. The blowjob in the vast bathroom of the plane. The quickie in the airport VIP lounge.

  It was...perfectly imperfect.

  And I felt guilty as fuck for enjoying it.

  "My driver will see you home," he told me when we got back to London. I kissed him, not trusting myself to say words. "I want to see you for dinner."

  "Come to mine." The offer was out before I could stop it. He instantly shut down. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Of course, he wouldn't want to be around me. I had a son, and that meant commitment. The fucking wedding was barely a memory.

  I didn't know how to backtrack as the silence stretched, and his eyes turned icy. I'm such an idiot.

  "Come to mine. My driver can—"

  "No, no. I can drive myself." It would give me time enough after seeing my son to work out how to end this silly deal. And end it I would.

  My heart was way too involved already not to commit completely if I was his regular sex buddy.

  Jerry was right. She was always right about my stupid feet first attitude to men. Fuck.

  Shortly after the awkwardness, I left with barely a chaste kiss and a nod.

  I rolled my eyes. I was so busy calling myself out for fucking him for the house, I didn't realise I was fucking him for me. I wanted him, regardless of his asshole tendencies. Where did that leave me?

  I shook my head. Nowhere good.

  "I HAVE NO CHOICE, JER," I said as I put Leo to bed. He'd been so excited to hear about my trip. And of course, Ty's plane. That was gonna be another disappointment due to his fuck-up mother's choices.

  Yes, I was harsh on myself, but who else was going be? It was just me, myself, and cake at any given time.

  "Of course you do." She was sitting cross-legged on my bed as I emptied my small case unceremoniously on the carpet. "He knew about Leo before he made the deal. He won't re-neg on it now."

  "I know, and that's part of the problem. Despite his reputation, he isn't that bad."

  Jerry's eyebrow lifted, and I ignored it. "Well, he is. But he's also got a considerate side, and he wouldn't discard us and sell the house from under us. I know it. He'll feel obligated to see it through. Commitment will be mentioned. He'll run away. And by then, my heart will be broken. And I don't want to be another one of his women, begging to be a part of his life and bed."

  And there it was. All laid out simply in front of me.

  "I get that." Jerry got off the bed and moved across the room towards me. "But leaving all ties to Ravensmead? Are you crazy?"

  Maybe. I'd wondered the same as the idea had festered on my way home from his house. But I couldn't be here and not think of what I'd done to keep it. And of Ty.

  "I fucked up good, this time." I stood with my hands on my hips, staring out the window.

  "Yeah, you did." Jerry's arms came round me and hugged me close. I didn't want to cry. It felt too final. "But you know what? It's not the worst screw up you've ever made, and it won't be the last. Trust me."

  I laughed into her dark hair. "I'm gonna miss you when you leave town again." I felt it every time she stayed with us. She was my family. I wanted to beg her to stay, but I had no right.

  "Well kiddo, I have five more days with you guys before my flight, so I'm gonna suck up all this British-ness because I bloody miss it."

  I smiled, knowing she wasn't telling me about half of the crap she was dealing with at the company she worked for in the states, but I let it go. For now. There was plenty of time.

  My phone buzzed, and I looked at it. I read it once, and the sadness crept under my skin again. "Is there any more of that cake left? I need some sugar to cheer me up."

  Jerry looked at me questioningly.

  "Dinner is cancelled," I said.

  "Well, there's not a lot. Your son and I were demolishing it over football yesterday. But there is leftover pizza. That's always a win in my book."

  I tucked my arm through Jerry's and walked out of my bedroom towards the kitchen. My phone rang then, and I looked down. Ty.

  "I need to—"

  "Yeah, yeah, I'll be in the kitchen." Jerry left immediately to give me privacy.


  "It's me."

  "Yes," I said. "I know."

  "You got my message?"

  I nodded first, then realised he couldn't see that. Numbnut. "Yes, I did. Prior engagement?" No, don't do that, Honey.

  "No." Well, that told me. "We needed a break."

  "Already? Gee, I mus
t have been too rough on you."

  "I have no interest in a commitment other than sex from you. I need you to understand that."

  I was silent for long moments as I tried to swallow what he said. When I didn't immediately respond, he carried on.

  "What we had in Vegas was... nice."

  Nice? Ice-cream was nice. Visiting a zoo was nice. Fucking your employee in a lift shouldn't be nice.

  "I'm going to be away for a while. I'd like to see you when I get back, and we can go over the arrangements for me to purchase your land."

  "Hold on for one second." The rage was sitting at my throat, and I was ready to explode. "First of all, what we did wasn't nice." Yeah, that insult had really chafed. "It was hot and sexy, and you were begging me for more, right up until we arrived home. Nice it wasn't.

  "Second, if you think I'll be selling to anyone right now, you're sadly mistaken. We had a deal. You said I'd keep the land until I wanted to sell it. Now we've had sex, it's like you expect me to give you free hand at it. No way.

  "And thirdly..." I didn't have a third thing. My mind was a mass of hysterical bullshit, and I wanted to punch him on the nose. "Screw you." Well, this was going well.

  "Are you finished?" His voice was calm, weirdly so, and my temper stilled as my breath slowed.

  "You should have signed a contract with what we discussed. You didn't. So that means I make the rules on this. And I fucking want Ravensmead gone. I don't even want to think about the damn place anymore. Is that clear?"

  All fight disappeared. "A contract?" I whispered. "I had sex with you to save a house I no longer want, and you're telling me you're going to screw me over to teach me a lesson over contracts? What's wrong with you?"

  Ty was silent, and I felt the tears burning at the back of my eyes. What had I done?

  "I thought I could trust you," I croaked out. I closed my eyes. This had all gone wrong.

  "Honey? Honey—"

  I hung up and turned off my phone. Everyone I cared for was right here anyway. In the damn house that on one hand, meant everything, but had also ruined my hope for happiness.

  Somehow, it felt like an end of an era. Everything was changing, and I had to move with it all or get left behind. It seemed Ty was already leaving me behind. I couldn't blame him. I was naive and stupid and trusting. Not a good thing when you have a kid to be responsible for.


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